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File: 179 KB, 666x1022, white_bald_men_study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14558736 No.14558736 [Reply] [Original]

Scientific study concludes that women find bald men unattractive.

>> No.14558743
File: 127 KB, 664x939, 9105f0ca853e0a71db13beb30544767a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust anything that starts by "study finds".

>> No.14558759


bald "white" men. Does every study have to have a racist label now? But really women cant make any meaningful rating of males unless they have some idea of how much money he has.

>> No.14558763 [DELETED] 

I mean, there's a huge difference between bald black men and bald white men. The latter can sometimes pull it off while the former usually can't.

>> No.14558767

Black guys can usually pull off the bald look. Most white guys look pretty ugly when they're bald.

>> No.14558768


>> No.14558773


Finasteride hasa 90% efficacy rate for 10+ years. It's as simple as popping a pill. 1 mg every other day is sufficient.

If you don't want to do something so simple to save your hair, then you deserve to be bald and ugly. Just don't complain about your misery to other people.

>> No.14558786

>less successful
Some of the most successful men in the world are bald. So in other words, women are comically bad judges of character and status because all they really care about are physical appearances. More news at 11.

>> No.14558790

wow, what an insight

>caring what women want

>> No.14558801

You should care if you want to attract women.

Also, have sex incel.

>> No.14558812


This is a reverse study actually.

It gets published and reported in various places over time and the idea is embedded in media sitcoms movies you name it. Science said it was true. The meme, idea, engram, whatever you want to call it has been transferred into the group mind.

It actually modifies group behavior when the idea is driven into the psyche and your average white bald guy gets artificially pegged down over time until they make him an outcast and completely undesirable as his competition is replaced with those of a darker complexion. He is will be genetically erased by those in power.

I call my theory "systematic racism"

>> No.14558817
File: 89 KB, 1024x576, proxy-image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lao Tzu btfo's systemic racism with this one simple trick

>> No.14558819
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the difference, eyes unclouded, are but the difference between shackles of gold and shackles of iron. The part they leave out is that you always have the key

and isn't it easier to depart the iron than the gold?

>> No.14558831

0.02 Pfizer Shekel Has Been Deposited in Your Account

>> No.14558837

Cuck shill

>> No.14558862

Even Elon Musk couldn't handle being bald

>> No.14558868

You can't blame him. Women find bald men gross.

>> No.14558871

>just be yourself
thank you wise chinese man

>> No.14558941
File: 239 KB, 1527x1890, 1634993197917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why men are going to be genetically modified into cute femboys with heads full of hair. This won't be an issue in the future.

>> No.14558944


>> No.14558965

>be me at 20
>bum, working wagie jobs, going nowhere
>couldn't get a date to save my life
>got my shit together
>went back to school
>got bs, ms, phd
>landed a good research gig, making bank
>went bald from the years of working 60-70 hr weeks and stressing myself silly
>can't get a date to save my life

>> No.14558971

It's genetic anon don't get your panties in a bunch about it

>> No.14558978

military grade cope

>> No.14558983

I FUCKING <3 SCIENCE soijak edit when?

>> No.14558987

>another finasteride marketing thread

>> No.14559000

Someone has to be a pig infested with maggots, anon. It might as well be you.

>> No.14559010

fin is a solution, not a cope

>> No.14559104

go bald - you can get a boner but you can't get a girl
take fin - you can get a girl, but you can't get a boner
it's a catch-22

>> No.14559106

take the hookerpill - have your cake and eat it

>> No.14559191

Only 2% of men taking fin experience sexual side-effects. Stop fear-mongering.

>> No.14559219

>In studies, over 80 percent of men taking Finasteride 1mg preserved their original hair follicle counts and 64 percent experienced some regrowth after two years of continued use.
>Propecia marketing department

>Sexual effects including erectile dysfunction and decreased libido and ejaculate were reported in as many as 3.4 to 15.8 percent of men
>Hirshburg 2016, JCAD

64% chance of regrowing some hair versus 15% chance of ED

>> No.14559246

64% of regrowth is pretty impressive but that's not the main goal of finasteride. It's to stop hair loss and keep the remaining hair you have. That efficacy is over 90% for a 10 year period.

Also, why do the percentages for the side-effects have such a huge range? Can you show the specific study showing a 15% chance?

>> No.14559273

>Also, why do the percentages for the side-effects have such a huge range?
Literature review, Hirshburg 2016 was a review of 70+ papers on finasteride side effects over the previous 20 years. Some show lower risk, some higher, IIRC the average was in the 10% area.

>Can you show the specific study showing a 15% chance?
Nickel, et. al. 1996, Canadian Medical Association Journal

Group was researching finasteride as a BPH treatment (its original developed use) in men over 40, found 7.7% risk of ejaculatory disorders (450% increase over control group), 15.8% risk of erectile dysfunction (250% increase over control group).

If people want to take it, that's their business, but it's absurd to suggest the side effect risks are negligible if even the low-ball estimates are still higher than the '2%' number you pulled off some marketing website.

>> No.14559480

>may not be entirely unfounded
did anybody seriously believe the worries were unfounded before? everyone knows w*men don't like baldies

the trick is to give up on 3d w*men entirely before you go bald

>> No.14559481

>went bald from the years of working
no, you went bald because your genetics said you were gonna go bald and there's fuck all you could do about it save for taking tranny hormones

>> No.14559482

if anybody gets memed into taking finasteride by this shit they deserve it

you weren't getting laid before going bald you're not gonna get laid after, big fucking deal. better keep the IQ points

>> No.14559483

Did you guys really need science to understand this?

>> No.14559512

>never bother talking to women in real life
>become lonely and depressed
>pick your #1 insecurity, find ‘studies’ which let you blame it as the cause of your problems
>excuse not to improve obtained, throw hands in the air, ‘nothing I can do’
>remain lonely and depressed

Such is the 4chan way

>> No.14559517

I only ask, who fucking paid for this shit.

>> No.14559529
File: 343 KB, 605x658, 79CCA22E-7E16-4F84-B3E8-7D592ECE877D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. desperate simp who doesn't have sex

>> No.14559530

worm-infested faggot
worm-infested samefaggot

>> No.14559557

>Scientific study concludes that women find bald men unattractive.
Humans would die around 35. Men start balding around 26, as a sign they are no longer fit to be a protector, just as women begin losing their fertility.

Enter technology, now we live to 75. Now we implant hair, now we implant fertilized eggs.

As for women finding bald men attractive, if I had a head shape like that guy in the image, I wouldn’t have that scrot for a goat, I’d trim the hair shorter, and absolutely wouldn’t wear those clothes. Don’t be unattractive.
Every woman I’ve dated ends up licking my head and begging for it hard. Don’t be unattractive.

>> No.14559561

>humans would die around 35
>Enter technology, now we live to 75
You're fucking dumb
>Every woman I’ve dated ends up licking my head and begging for it hard
And you're full of shit

>> No.14559569

The study doesn't say it's over for bald men and that they have no chance. It says that, on average, they are rated lower than they would be if they had hair. This is one of the most banal studies I've seen recently.

>> No.14559692

>WHITE men
Article exists to manufacture consent for white genocide

>> No.14559700

I wasn't getting laid before and I'm still not now, but at least I get to keep my hair and my dick still works.

>> No.14559715

Did they account for the presence of a coomer/soi face that usually goes along with it?

>> No.14559725

define women

>> No.14559748
File: 67 KB, 1100x825, Jason-Statham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not the baldness itself but whatever root cause is creating the baldness. Masculine men with bald heads have no problem getting women. Soi boi effeminate bald men look terrible. There seems to be something going on culturally or environmentally that's causing a large increase in baldness in weak looking men. Which is funny because almost all of the soi bald men will tell you that high testosterone is the cause of baldness.

>> No.14559753

This dude would look much more confident and capable with a full head of hair

>> No.14559755

>just castrate yourself bro

>> No.14559769

Pro tip: go for the skinhead look and when someone complains tell them you’re just suffering from hair loss

>> No.14559780

>Black guys can usually pull off the bald look.
Like polishing a turd

>> No.14559784

>woman judgement
In the trash.

>> No.14559799

Based. Women should be barred from choosing their own partners or judging men in any way.

>> No.14559815

The dude in OP's image would still look like a sissy no matter how much hair he had.

>> No.14559915

Testosterone doesn't really influence your looks. It influences your behavior. These weak looking men are extremely aggressive.

>> No.14559934

But if they can't define women, how can they know what woman think?

>> No.14559987

found the micropenis

>> No.14559993

Jokes on you, it's actually huge, I just keep it for catboys.

>> No.14560580

true, but there's plenty of guys who get female attention while they have hair, but lose the attention once they go bald.

most women find bald men disgusting. get over it.

>> No.14560585

there's nothing wrong with being realistic. you try to improve yourself all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of women find bald men gross.

>> No.14560594

For the sake of 'new science'
I am shaving my head right fucking now.

>> No.14560597

Simp detected.
Opinion rejected.

>> No.14560599

There is no increase in the frequency of baldness you dolt. Male Pattern Baldness is almost entirely genetic. If you have genetic predisposition to DHT sensitivity, you will go bald.

>> No.14560640

Your welcome.

>> No.14560649

Bald soi copium.

>> No.14560682

I'm not bald because I'm not retarded. I've been on finasteride for 10 years and it saved my hair.

>> No.14560701
File: 114 KB, 1185x970, real_life_soiboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't take finasteride. It's a tranny drug. Just shave your head like me. I get so many bitches.

>> No.14560769

Dear Ms. Morris,
despite my best efforts, I was not able to replicate the results of your recent study in "Evolutionary Psychological Science".
All of the woman I questioned said, I was in fact a very handsome man, and any girl would consider herself lucky to have me.
I expect you to redact your article shortly.

>> No.14560833

being bald is the least of that slug's problems. he needs to lose about 30kg of fat and gain a fair bit of muscle.

>> No.14560849

>my dick still works.
immaterial when you're not getting laid. what about your IQ?
>most women find bald men disgusting. get over it.
When did I ever deny it? My whole point is that if you, like most of the users of this website, are disgusting to women regardless of your hairline, why risk invasive hormonal treatments that won't do shit to improve your quality of life? I might be disgusting to women, but I'm at least smart enough to do research in my field as is. I ain't risking that shit over some hair.

>> No.14560857

>mass reply
>no argument
>emotional response
Woman moment

>> No.14561078

Bald guy here.

Why the fuck would I care what a woman thinks?

>> No.14561090

Balding affects your career, your perception, your entire life. Cooming in a fleshbag doesn't accomplish anything. You can be a sigma male and accomplish anything if you overcome HORRIBLE habits like masturbation and sex.

>> No.14561243

I only want to attract the hottest and in recent years I realized that the hottest women go for men with money.

>> No.14561338

I'm balding, but also tall and good looking. I also lift. Never affected me. But this is 4chud and you fags believe everything you read on the internet, even subpar dogshit social science.

>> No.14561368

Rosemary essential oil diluted in with jojoba oil, infrared diode caps, scalp massage. There's supposedly a lot of options that aren't finasteride.

>> No.14561495

It's not that black guys can pull it off, but that they often have no choice if they don't want to look cringe wearing a childs haircut.

>> No.14561539
File: 26 KB, 553x601, l6h93yuiy2q51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaven hair is fine if you look like this

>> No.14561566
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 57gsakjg32i21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish fin worked for me but my boners were significantly less powerful. I can see how after a few years in fin I would lose the ability all together. I don't think you can graft enough side hair onto the top to not ever need fin either else I would do that.

>> No.14561598

I'm 38 and I'm not even beginning to go bald. Not even a monk patch. I am going grey now though.

What did I do? Maybe nothing, maybe it was genetics. But here...

- almost never wore hats
- wore my hair long for many years
- conditioner
- smoked weed since 13yo
- colored my hair repeatedly in high school* (green, blue, purple, bleach blonde, repeat)
- treated it rough, rough brushing and pulling
*do the math, there were no SJWs when I was in high school, I colored it to look cool and everybody loved it

>> No.14561645

>Scientific study concludes that women find bald men unattractive.
You left out the white part.

>> No.14561647

You deserve your impotence.

>> No.14561660

>did anybody seriously believe the worries were unfounded before?
I'm waiting for the study confirming that men like big tits.

>> No.14561872
File: 418 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220607-151902_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bald pajeet but i work out
Is it over for me?

>> No.14561875

it's not maybe, it was genetics. None of what you listed played any role. it's not even debatable in the scientific community anymore. we know male pattern baldness is caused by DHT sensitivity. Period.

>> No.14561877

Good for you dude. It doesn't change the fact that most bald guys look hideous and most women find them unattractive

>> No.14561879

yeah, it sucks hair cloning is still not available.