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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 106 KB, 229x454, Langan?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14557726 No.14557726 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. IQ trash has always been a thing but we used to have at least had a few good threads here and there; these days the entire board is littered with garbage and /pol/-tier bait like pic rel hits the front page and becomes the fastest thread meanwhile you have genuinely better discussions about high-level math and mathematicians, like Grothendieck, on /lit/: >>/lit/thread/S20471121

The worst thing about this is that you can't even make a thread without the schizos staying in their lane. Try making a thread about modern physics, whether it's LQG, string theory, or just anything quantum or relativity related, you'll have electric universe tards, /pol/acks who still believe in Newtonian Mechanics since it's trad and "based", mystic faggots, as well as genuine retards shit your thread up with their lack of knowledge, especially illustrated by their illiteracy in math. NONE of them ever even use /sci/'s [math]\LaTeX[/math]-functionalities.

Even generals are ruined. Just look at the /med/ one: There are currently two active, one of them is by a schizophrenic psychopath who shat up the previous thread and claims to have solved aging by snorting some suspicious-looking macrolid that seems likely to intervene in the hemo-synthesis. Also an IQ-tard too. Of course, nobody else is this obsessed with "cognitive enhancement".

What do we do about this?

>> No.14557744
File: 347 KB, 220x320, mirage-schizophrenia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not schizopilled enough op

>> No.14557758

I agree with the spirit of your post but how the fuck do you think
that thread has good discussions about math? All I see is someone posting a guide to the first few undergrad math courses and the rest of the thread is just schizo bullshit about muh consciousness. If anything, it's worse than /sci/.

>> No.14557763

/lit/ is at least a standard deviation, maybe even two, above /sci/ in IQ.
>What do we do about this?
You’d filter a lot of the retards if split /sci/ up into two separate boards, one for math specifically and one for science.

>> No.14557937

While that thread has some good posts, a lot of it is either pseud trash or grad students waxing poetic about their interests. I do mathematical physics myself (interests being somewhere between statistical mechanics and pure mathematics relevant in physics), which has imparted me with an appreciation many of the topics discussed in the thread.

The issue I have is that pure math grads have this bad habit of being self aggrandizing about the difficulty of their work while also leaving out the grueling details about the sheer amount of *tedious* work associated with math research period. The result is that you're left with a romantic "Good Will Hunting" idea of mathematics - a cultured vocation for the learned man who think good where tne where aesthetics of crucial proof are comparable to literary eloquent. It's not, and subsisting on the idea that it is only sets teens in the thread to be failed math undergrads in the future.

Also I fucking hate how pure math grads seem to try and monopolize the conversation about mathematical beauty, as though they're the only ones that experience or witness it. Everyone with the gumption to go to grad school for math has a passion for it. Hell, theorists in other fields typically have a passion for math. There's so much beauty in mathematics that shows up applied contexts - most of the classic results in ring theory were grounded in some concrete problem or situation! Pure math is awesome, but it's not a license to take a dump on math that isn't in service to perfectoid spaces and ultrafilters.

>> No.14557962

I genuinely believe we're in a mis-information war where the target is rational logic, and the very concept of common agreed upon knowledge.
It's been like this for years, but the technology and techniques used have improved. It's getting worse, not better.

>> No.14557973


turn your back on the city, buy aces of land in the beautiful countryside. Who cares what the bug people do?

>> No.14557977
File: 512 KB, 921x1024, Saul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I genuinely believe we're in a mis-information war where the target is rational logic, and the very concept of common agreed upon knowledge.
It is called (((post modernism))) and (((critical theory))) and yes we are being overrun by literal retards and yes it is being (((coordinated))) it is not organic. Also OP is a whiny little bitch faggot who will only squeal about /pol/ but not the actually discord trannies who are behind it. Typical /sci/ cuck behavior, or perhaps he is one of the shills

>> No.14557979
File: 147 KB, 800x789, 23523433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get it. IQ trash has always been a thing but we used to have at least had a few good threads here and there; these days the entire board is littered with garbage and /pol/-tier bait like pic rel hits the front page and becomes the fastest thread meanwhile you have genuinely better discussions about high-level math and mathematicians, like Grothendieck, on /lit/: >>/lit/thread/S20471121
>The worst thing about this is that you can't even make a thread without the schizos staying in their lane. Try making a thread about modern physics, whether it's LQG, string theory, or just anything quantum or relativity related, you'll have electric universe tards, /pol/acks who still believe in Newtonian Mechanics since it's trad and "based", mystic faggots, as well as genuine retards shit your thread up with their lack of knowledge, especially illustrated by their illiteracy in math. NONE of them ever even use /sci/'s LATEXLATEX-functionalities.
>Even generals are ruined. Just look at the /med/ one: There are currently two active, one of them is by a schizophrenic psychopath who shat up the previous thread and claims to have solved aging by snorting some suspicious-looking macrolid that seems likely to intervene in the hemo-synthesis. Also an IQ-tard too. Of course, nobody else is this obsessed with "cognitive enhancement".
>What do we do about this?

>> No.14557996

So, what do we do? Is there another /sci/-tier message board to migrate to? Have others migrated there already?

>> No.14558001

>responds to criticism of /pol/-tier garbage with more /pol/-tier garbage
>muh jews and trannies

>> No.14558008

You could always go back to r/science. :^)

>> No.14558016

I'm the OP of that Langan thread and I see absolutely nothing wrong with discussing CTMU on /sci/. It is a theory aiming to explain the universe and in particular the nature of spacetime and quantum mechanics. Nothing in that thread has anything to do with politics, so keep your /pol/ boogeyman where it belongs. If you get triggered by Langan's or any of the posters' IQ then that's entirely your own problem.

>> No.14558025

suck a wet fart outta my ass you mouth breathing (((donkey)))

>> No.14558041

>I genuinely believe we're in a mis-information war where the target is rational logic, and the very concept of common agreed upon knowledge.
And the impeccable logic/indisputable knowledge under attack just so happen to coincide with your opinions, which just so happen to coincide with one of a handful of popular narratives in your society. :^)

>> No.14558110
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, EOsJ3q0XUAIyHKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geeze man just because it's true doesn't mean you gotta burn someone that bad

>> No.14558115

>What do we do about this?
You leave where you belong.

>> No.14558139
File: 291 KB, 1914x1317, CryAboutIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the kids are saying, "you get what you fuckin deserve". Failure to reward good faith and high level participation, failure to jump in to criticize or reward criticism of the schizos, on and on it goes. Failure to use the report feature.

Honestly, I've seen it everywhere. People bitch about how bad things are and completely fail to realize how they've participated in encouraging that failure. It's like explaining a topic exhaustively to people only to be met with continuous reminder it is a thankless task.

Ask yourself: If you were smart, beyond bouts of boredom why the fuck would you bother? Social groups are maintained, or collapse, due to failure to reward participation desired. If the people participating no longer find it rewarding, they'll leave. Anyone who gives me this "Muh good for its own sake" shit needs to be slapped and reminded that humans aren't fucking naive altruists.

>> No.14558156
File: 999 KB, 1788x1000, 2022-06-06-125738_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few related imageboards, although with much less traffic than here.

>> No.14558167
File: 223 KB, 1457x794, 532434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14558170

>ry making a thread about modern physics, whether it's LQG, string theory, or just anything quantum or relativity related
Nah that would raise the quality of the board too much, think I'll just make a thread about how this place sucks and we should all leave

>> No.14558176
File: 392 KB, 640x478, 53232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing the right thing, pal.

>> No.14558180
File: 1.40 MB, 400x164, No.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. The more things change the more they stay the same. I've seen enough to know, now, that my answer is fair. Then people wonder why it ends up how it does... when they made sure of it.

>> No.14558186
File: 479 KB, 1280x580, 52342343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of those guys that thinks the world is not as black and white as it seems. I don't think there's a right or wrong. I think there are a lot of grey areas and the only way to see clearly is to look from a different perspective.

But you've got to start somewhere.

So I try to be open minded. I can't promise I'll be right all the time. But I'll try to do my best. I'll try to do my best and I'll do the best I can.

>> No.14558187
File: 141 KB, 381x383, apumanhattan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14558212
File: 215 KB, 960x628, 0gj8a5vbz8s41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what if I'm sulking on my dead rock? All my effort otherwise helped me not at all. All the misdirecting, all the caution, because I knew what it would come to. Exactly what happened. If you think I'm coming back you're wrong, I'm making my dime and giving nobody anything back. That is exactly what you all gave me: Nothing. I burn those bridges because I know what they're made of. As they say, "Fuck you, pay me".

>I'm one of those guys that thinks the world is not as black and white as it seems. I don't think there's a right or wrong. I think there are a lot of grey areas and the only way to see clearly is to look from a different perspective.

For you, probably that works. Some people are lucky like that. Perhaps you say things a little different, perhaps you made that one right friend or found that particular hobby, sufficed to say your life allows you that opportunity. Be thankful for your idealism because it means you're lucky enough to be able to have it.

Being open minded means also accepting that some people just get the raw end of the bargain. Like I said to OP, at some point the bill comes due. What people ought to have done or things they shouldn't have done have consequences. Often never severe enough, more often bad ones for the wrong people.

My sole complaint is not some infantile /r9k/ whinge. My sole complaint is the lucky ones who can maintain that belief and have it rewarded don't realize the ones who can't are within rights to declare "Fuck you I got a raw deal now I demand payment". However that looks. For me, well, I do the minimum to entertain myself. If people ever wanted or want more, fucking pay me.

>> No.14558250

Not science and not a theory

>> No.14558258

OP of that thread is within rights to defend himself, because not everyone will have the same view of science or what the standard ought be. Instead of just contradicting him without explanation, how about explaining why you think it isn't? That is what people did in that thread, myself included, and I think that is one of the fair uses of this board. Otherwise people can't fucking learn even if they wanted to.

It's unreal with you people. You bitch about others, and frankly I have GOOD FUCKING CAUSE to bitch about the people I've known in life, but here you are acting like dicks to one another. Then making bitch threads where you CONTINUE to act like dicks to one another. Even my halfassed explanations for fun offer people more than this stupidity.

>> No.14558278

You want to get back at someone for the hurt that they put you through? Well, this is not the best way to do it. It is not a good way to start. It's not a good way to be. You can't change the past, but you can change the future.

You are not the victim of a horrible circumstance, you are the victim of yourself. You are the one who put yourself there. You are the one who made yourself a victim.

You are the reason you're in that situation, and you're the reason you're in that situation.

>> No.14558290
File: 63 KB, 1200x675, EveryTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man every time. I love how that cultural meme proliferates. It's the mental or interpersonal version of "Well you walked down that street wearing that dress".

You wouldn't get it. You don't get what I mean, clearly, by what I wrote. But you'll feel all uppity that someone dare criticize some status quo without you to white knight for it. It's the funniest joke in the world. I'm laughing. Ha ha.

>> No.14558320

>This board is dead
>I don't get it
All the cool people moved on to Discord.

>> No.14558418

>Instead of just contradicting him without explanation, how about explaining why you think it isn't?
Not even the author claims it's science. It's claimed to be "metaphysics" but it's just gibberish that dumb people pretend makes sense.

>> No.14558430

Believe it or not, it is not total gibberish. That doesn't mean it is sound, or not written for alternative purposes, but the fact people are confused and unsure of what to think about it warrants discussion.

Tell me, how much do you learn by being told to stop asking questions?

>> No.14558444

>you have genuinely better discussions about high-level math and mathematicians, like Grothendieck, on /lit/:
This was only once. /lit/ is also shit as fuck now, people hardly read books, the discussion usually resumes in "X is bad, read Y".

>> No.14558464

you are preaching to the choir there my dude. I know 99% of humanity are worthless sacks of shit not worth pissing on if they are on fire. fuck these retards, they are screeching retarded infantile droolers too stupid and egotistical to help anyway so why bother? I rarely do, I throw a crumb every now and again for the worthy the rest of the retards can get fukt, they are just cancerous trash

>> No.14558468

you are just too retarded to understand it you stupid sack of shit, of course it sounds like gibberish to a double digit IQ drooler. I imagine simple algebra sounds gibberish to your stupid ass

>> No.14558470
File: 156 KB, 794x992, 464636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying that your constant assertion that everyone has the same views as you is completely false.

I know that it's false, I'm just saying you have a double standard. If you were on the other side, you'd be the one saying everyone thinks like you, which would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.14558475

Whats wrong with being fat, you think they are the only ones who should live?

That's a no brainer...

But, when you are fat you have to take care of yourself and work out every day and eat right and stay away from the poisons that are in the food supply.

You have to be responsible.

The reason why they are fat is because they are lazy. They want to be lazy. They want to sit on the couch, watch T.V., and do nothing.

They don't want to work out and eat right.

>> No.14558497

>it's just gibberish that dumb people pretend makes sense
Welcome to philosophy.

>> No.14558511

>I'm saying that your constant assertion that everyone has the same views as you is completely false.
I've no idea what you think you read, but it bears no resemblance to anything I think. Nor do I find what I wrote to imply such a stupid thing. My views are my own, it do not rely on some stupid popularity competition. Be more specific.
You may think you're with me, but I am not with you. There is a distinct difference between some stupid room wrecking teenage angst and my refusal to engage beyond my own entertainment. Living for yourself is not the same as living for a tantrum. Case in point, if you are the same anon, this post >>14558468. That's called "being the problem".
HA, yes.

>> No.14558518

>I've no idea what you think you read, but it bears no resemblance to anything I think
Oh. I thought you were a bot and I wanted to confirm it by checking how many nonsensical bot-generated posts you'll reply to. I still suspect you're a bot.

>> No.14558529

Sure anon. You only ever pretend to be retarded.

>> No.14558541

You weren't pretending. You kept unironically replying to GPT-J posts that didn't even make sense.

>> No.14558544

>oh no no no, /sci/ anons are discussing interesting and entertaining ideas instead of solving my calculus homework ... this board is truly le dead
Hahaha, get rekt, kiddo

>> No.14558555

The posts "made sense" in the usual empty way people toss out platitudes. In the same way most people fail to fucking read what is written. Given how common that is, I am not surprised I "fell for" what reads like every reply to similar statements ever.

But sure, feel clever and call someone retarded for assuming good faith and the principle of charity. You sure got me anon. Totally.

>> No.14558559

>The posts "made sense" in the usual empty way people toss out platitudes. In the same way most people fail to fucking read what is written.
You mean like when you reply to intentionally incongruent bot-generated posts with more drivel?

>> No.14558566

The same way you think you're clever, yes.

>> No.14558570

I don't even think I'm clever. I just think you're monumentally fucking retarded and devoid of basic self-awareness.

>> No.14558573
File: 121 KB, 740x538, words_that_end_in_gry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vague platitudes everyone always hears get interpreted to mean the usual platitudes everyone spews
>"This is proof YOU lack self awareness!"

Boy you're dumb.

>> No.14558578

Say what you want, but you're so fucking dumb you unironically pass for a bot. That's the bottom line here.

>> No.14558579

Admitting your reading comprehension sucks that bad publicly is a little embarrassing, don't ya think?

>> No.14558582

You are a subhuman teenage redditor. Nothing you shart out is going to help you save face no.

>> No.14558593
File: 48 KB, 176x181, Meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't "saving face", nothing to save. You somehow can't comprehend moderately complex English, and so badly you think anyone mildly above the curve is a bot. You seriously did all that and think I need to save face? Anyone who doesn't realize how embarrassing this is for you isn't anyone whose opinion I respect enough to ever feel I need to "save" my reputation with.

>> No.14558601

See >>14558582

>> No.14558603

>without the schizos staying in their lane.
Not staying in their lane.*

>> No.14558606

>pol/acks who still believe in Newtonian Mechanics since it's trad and "based"



I guess you angry because a coconut landed on your head.

>> No.14558610

>schizophrenic psychopath who shat up the previous thread and claims to have solved aging by snorting some suspicious-looking macrolid

Lmao, this is hillarious.

>> No.14558684

It's total gibberish from a known con man/attention whore. Show me one philosopher that has taken it seriously.

>> No.14558688

This is a compliment coming from a complete schizo like you. Anything you don't like is very likely to be correct.

>> No.14558689

I did not say it was something worth taking seriously, I just said it was not gibberish. Doesn't mean the meaning in his words is somehow important.

>> No.14558696

Of course if it made any sense it would be with taking seriously, since he claims to have solved many problems in philosophy. But for some reason no one has said anything about it, right or wrong. Because it's "not even wrong."

>> No.14558699

Okay bud. I don't get why it is so important to you when my sentiment has the same end result. I don't care to play the "nuh uh" game either. You do you.

>> No.14559203
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's government. it uses shills to make everything stupid and dumb, everywhere. we need another net, based on trust, network of friends. such network that any shill will look like a dude farting loudly in a crowd. so Internet will remain only for business, and shills talking to each other.

>> No.14559233

>whether it's LQG, string theory, or just anything quantum or relativity related
that shits all fake bs

>> No.14559637

The end result is that this non-scientific gibberish doesn't belong on /sci/. Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.14559651


>> No.14559828

Oh look, it's yet another "I'll fix /sci/ by whining more about /pol/" thread. Be the change you want to see OP, not the change you're complaining about.

>> No.14560661

The fact I disagree with you is sufficient warrant to declare that, no, you don't get to unilaterally decide something is gibberish because you don't understand it. That is unscientific. Thanks for proving my point by demonstrating your hypocrisy.

>> No.14560704

difficult. it means laying off shills, losing purpose of the board (state propaganda and disinformation)

>> No.14561064

>meanwhile you have genuinely better discussions about high-level math and mathematicians, like Grothendieck, on /lit/:
Only about 10 persons on the planet have enough knowledge to be able to discuss his work in any significant manner

>> No.14561082


>> No.14561110

Counterpoint: You learn by doing. I'm more engaged, and more actively learning higher maths, simply delving into the schizoposting in the quest to discover what the schizos mean and why they're mistaken. It's a lot more fun solving a puzzle than "Here's 20 books and 500 browser tabs and every trick in the book to force me to remember what I'm doing".

There's nothing wrong with being wrong, as long as you accept you don't understand something and necessarily would only be right by ignorant luck you absolutely will learn something. The only wrongness in being wrong is refusal to investigate and discover why people are saying you are - rightly or wrongly.

So, yes, people should absolutely be posting Grothendieck. And if someone wants to know how to even begin to understand things, people should be posting cheat sheets and tools to help remember what notations mean or what people are on about. Just because I'm a cynical fuck does not make "be the change" any less true, I just know all my attempts in life have failed horribly.

>> No.14561372


>> No.14561378

then go /lit/, meta-faggot.

>> No.14561386

you smart people need an internet that dummies like me don't know how to use, like the old days

>> No.14561413

you being stupid is the problem and taking your fat ass back to rewit is the solution

>> No.14561416

>you talking about things above my iq to understand makes you cwazzzzzzzy!
hahahah get fukt you stupid nigger