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14555452 No.14555452 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, how else are we supposed to act on issues involving complicated scientific matters? Most subjects regarding science require extreme specialization, while the general public is simply unable to understand scientific methodology, let alone identify and understand important papers for knowing a subject in depth. Not to mention that most people simply don't have the time. Yeah, the experts may be wrong, but their chances of being wrong are a lot lower than someone with no background in it. This is not an authority appeal fallacy, this is just how things are.

>> No.14555466

The point is that even so-called experts (by whom? themselves? the media?) can be wrong. Being more knowledgeable than the average layman does not mean that person is always correct. They may be unintentionally wrong, or may want to push a certain agenda. Do not put blind faith on talking heads. Science is the process, not the scientist.

>> No.14555489
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Logic defeats dogma. I'm not a helicopter pilot, but if the motherfucker is upside down in a tree, I know something is wrong; despite the pilot saying it's fine. Fuck the 'experts'. No one should ever cede their use of reason because someone "looks official". Seethe, naive retard.

>> No.14555499

For a midwit this is good advice. A midwit barely has the intellectual capacity to specialize in one area. As a genius however I cannot do this. I have the intrinsic desire to know everything. I want to become the expert myself. In doing so I often find how shortsighted and intentionally ignorant the so called experts are. They are often midwits themselves, blinded by ideology, and unwilling to challenge whatever narrow world view they cultivated for decades. They do not have the cognitive flexibility that comes with truly high IQ. And that's why I could never trust them.

>> No.14555508

>I mean, how else are we supposed to act on issues involving complicated scientific matters?
We're not. Keep science out of politics to keep politics out of science.

>> No.14555545

> we
fuck you, unironically

>> No.14555555

Okay, which experts should I trust?

>> No.14555557

Bros, I'm sorry for wasting this get. I don't know why, but kek has blessed many of my posts. I've gotten two of the previous quints and ten previous quads within the past month

>> No.14555565

this ain't complicated anon. If something like 90% of people with a PhD on a certain specific field regard agree on some topic pertaining to that field, this is a pretty good indicator.

>> No.14555568

Why 90%? Why not 80%? Why not 95%?

>> No.14555582

Its not a binary threshold, its a continuum of increasing likelihood, and anything above 50% is at least slightly better than nothing really. It seems obvious to me that 90% is a big number considering the size of the world-wide scientific community.

>> No.14555587

90% is literally less than two standard deviations. It's a shit confidence interval.

>> No.14555602

Reality isn't randomly distributed.

>> No.14555620

how are you modeling the problem? whats the gaussian distribution here representing exactly?

anyway, I'm not proposing some statistic analysis. For me its just straight up common sense that 9 scientists of background X and position A are a lot less likely to be mistaken than 1 of of also background X and position B.

>> No.14555663

>what is phlogiston
>what is luminiferous aether
>what is caloric
>what is geocentrism
>what is heliocentrism
>what is global cooling
Just because "muh experts" agree on something doesn't mean it can't be utterly and hilariously wrong. Replacing skepticism and scientific inquiry with the word of "experts" is the hallmark of a retard who thinks he's smart.

>> No.14555984

why is the concept of probability so hard to grasp

>> No.14556001

Conditional probability.

>> No.14556023

No, its just plain probability for the anon I replied. Somehow in anon's mind the existence of a few false occurrences of scientific consensus refutes my point about the low chances of they occurring.

>> No.14556032

Because they aren't low, the fuck is wrong with you?

Cite literally any study, essay, media bullshit, or any fucking thing you just made up to suggest it is low at even one point in any history, including fictional sci-fi worlds.

>> No.14556218

Specialization leads to braindead scientific assembly line worker with focus of a needle because nothing else he can understand/do, or general manager who only cares about schedule of funding and meeting. A good scientist always desire more ability, knowledge domains and the fuller picture.
And in the end it is a political problem of demanding absolute trust, thus dictating one's life. Since when advices are commands? Research is now used to justify the elimination of community and individual's autonomy.

>> No.14557005
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>> No.14557015
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do experts trust experts? all of them?

>> No.14557017

You shouldn't trust anyone. If the experts cannot sensibly explain how they arrived at their conclusions, they cannot be trusted.

>> No.14557025
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year like 1600 AD, unironically trust priests

>> No.14557034


>> No.14557042

You're not as smart as you think you're being

>> No.14557054
File: 27 KB, 369x308, kike experts say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>identify and understand important papers for knowing a subject in depth
Except for mathematics, you can't know a subject "in-depth" just by reading papers. You gotta have actual experience in the field. If you just read papers you're relying on other experts and you're not yourself an expert.
Also, as this guy >>14555489 said, logic trumps dogma. Trusting "experts" unconditionally makes you no better than some illiterate medieval peasant who believes everything the priest says, even when the priest contradicts himself.
And if Pfizer were trustworthy and had nothing to hide they would have made their vaccine trial documents publicly available. Why would you trust opaque organizations just because they claim "expertise"?

>> No.14557056
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>As a genius

>> No.14557061

>For me its just straight up common sense that 9 scientists of background X and position A are a lot less likely to be mistaken than 1 of of also background X and position B.
You know Einstein and Darwin were in the position B camp, right?

>> No.14557072

Crazy people like Bertrand Russell made it clear that it is their intention to curtail or abolish democracy thanks to a growing scientific bureaucracy.
The idea that political problems have scientific solutions makes moot any pretense of democratic institutions that we still have.

>> No.14557074
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Humanity has been around for 200,000 years without needing "science experts" to tell people how to run their societies. If it is true that our modern mode of existence can't continue without an unaccountable cabal of "experts" dictating the course of society, and that the vast majority of the population is simply too incompetent to govern itself or even to validate its decisionmakers, then this mode of existence should not continue, and those who wish to continue it need to be silenced or executed.

>> No.14557076

I agree with this actually. But useing your analogy: if you wanted to get somewhere by helicopter, would you fly it, or would you ask the licensed helicopter pilot to fly you there?
Don't trust the experts blindly, trust them critically.

>> No.14557080
File: 18 KB, 310x253, Hindenburg disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you wanted to get somewhere by helicopter
What do you need a helicopter for?
Electric motor airships are the future anyway.