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14553067 No.14553067 [Reply] [Original]

the big boom was NOT the beginning of the universe. all we know is that the universe becomes progressively denser and hotter the more we move back in time. I am a sub100IQ NEET and even I can understand this. stop spreading lies

>> No.14553106

The Planck Epoch is interesting to ponder. A moment of time so small that modern physics fails to even describe it.

>> No.14553194

yeah, the more remote and intangible something is, the easier it is to make empty, nondisprovable, meaningless boastful pontifications about how you know everything about it without having your cover blown.

>> No.14553696

so where does the 2.7K hiss come from

>> No.14553724

If the redshift happens from the receding, then they are moving faster than light
If the redshift happens from the expansion, then light is moving through space faster than c, as the phase velocity is the redshift

>> No.14553727

I am a sub100IQ NEET
>I'm a failed adult who believes the IQ meme >therefore I'm right.

>> No.14554209

if sub-100 IQs saying something dumb irritates you then death with be the only thing which can relieve you from the torture. dumb things are dumb, they say dumb stuff, they alway will, its inescapable.

>> No.14554249

>I am a sub100IQ NEET and even I can understand this
Yes, you are obviously more intelligent than all this PHD scientists.

>> No.14554290

from the big boom, which is not the beginning of the universe. obviously
the IQ is real because even I -a sub100IQ retard- can understand that it's real. also it's all over the academic scholarly documents. do you have any real arguments?
thank you sirs

>> No.14554513

I'm a 155 iq (tested) PhD candidate in cosmetological physics and I confirm the veracity of your post.

>> No.14554523

I'm a 90 IQ (tested) highschool dropout and I approve of your post.

>> No.14554635
File: 393 KB, 312x235, animated_horntorus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the horntorus pill.
Just because our observable universe looks like it is constantly expanding does not mean the entirety of the universe is expanding.
In fact recent papers are finding differences between the expansion rates when looking at different spectra, meaning that there is definitely a large error in the current model, that would be explained by a horntorus model.

>> No.14554646

Stop calling it the big boom already that's fucking cringe.

>> No.14554652

yeah call it a bang instead. badabing badaboom

>> No.14554661

It is based on isotropy
Yes it is a hypothesis.
That was experimentally confirmed to be locally valid.
Again, this doesn't maybe apply to the vast majority of the universe, it was just an initial result released out of the results that were taken from different spots of the cosmos.
It has nothing to do with lies. We don't even fucking care what truth is, fucking peasants. We just give initial clues for later generations to have active areas of research. You're demonizing the wrong people.

>> No.14555713

I know that the big boom didn't make a sound. It was an expansion more than it was an explosion. It's just a way of referring to this expansion. What would you call it?

>> No.14555845

What causes the Big Bang? Do we still not know?

>> No.14555849

A big space brap caused it.

>> No.14555883

No he's not, what he's saying is accepted by those scientists

>> No.14555887

No, all known physics breakdown at a certain point during the big bang

>> No.14555941

Total mystery..fascinating. I believe Brian Greene has postulated reverse gravity as have others. Is there no merit to that?

Just everything compressed and gravity reverses just for an instant among random fluctuation

>> No.14555993

>its magic!
wow, "random fluctuations" with noting about to instigate it, what a theory, so scientific.
>it just happened, i dunno why
good thing theres so much evidence to back it up, otherwise nobody would believe it. keep the faith!

>> No.14555996

Hiding your posts until you act like an adult.

>> No.14556546

>do you have any real arguments?
Intelligence tests can be limited if its made by an idiot
>You don't contribute anything noticeable in the field of science spending hours doing puzzles 9 years old can solve.
>if you take the IQ meme way to serious its obvious you are no genius
mocking it is a more rational, then ever given the context that someone would tie their entire intellectual capabilities to a piece of paper, created by someone with a bias.

>> No.14556548

it's field propagation..not reverse gravity.. there is no such thing

>> No.14556560

we know that the picture is wrong.. why? because the field only propagates in one direction.. light, propagates in all directions, presumably in straight lines.. that is how we know that the Universe is sphere and not a tube.. Jesus H.G.Christ is this board dumb as rocks..

>> No.14556568

>do you have any real arguments?
Fuck around and find out

>> No.14556650
File: 3.74 MB, 700x427, 1513470869488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we would be able of observe our own bodies far away as a mirror if that shape were true, anon

>> No.14556681

>not the beginning of the universe. obviously
You keep saying that, but WHY?

>> No.14557196

because we don't know what happened before. We know that, as we look back in time through observation, the universe becomes denser and hotter. We do not know if that expansion was the beginning of everything, the beginning of matter, etc. Saying that the expansion was also the beginning of everything is a hypothesis, which can and should only be verified or dismissed by science. There are other hypothesis which do not rely on the idea that the universe had a beginning.
Perhaps the expansion was the beginning of matter and time as we know it today, but that doesn't mean something didn't exist before.
That's interesting. I've only watched a couple of videos on this hypothesis. Is there any other good videos, articles, or books for a layman such as myself? Thanks

>> No.14557229
File: 60 KB, 602x498, burp'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming

>> No.14557234


>> No.14557279

there's evidence that inflation occurred before the big bang