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File: 115 KB, 1000x651, 1279744735701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1454845 No.1454845 [Reply] [Original]

HRT: how does it work and timeline thread

>> No.1454883

Transgenderfag here.

Same as puberty works. It doesn't look like it's working so great for the person in the picture though.

>> No.1454896

interesting elaborate? so does a male's voice get higher?

>> No.1454922

No one will fuck him like this.
Why not just go gay?

>> No.1454925

actually she has alot of pictures and videos you should check out on /rs/

>> No.1454933

hmmm any other time lines?

>> No.1454939

Naw man, I'm straight you see.

>> No.1454941


I've heard it does a little bit, but you need to practice to get a female voice.

If you are female to male, your voice changes, no practice required.

Basically, HRT can really only add some things, and change some soft tissue around.

>> No.1454958

ah makes sense, bump for time lines

>> No.1454959


>I'm so pretty, I'm so fine, I am fucking iodine.


>> No.1454974

Are you transgendered and looking into HRT or just curious?

I can link you to some resources if you want.

>> No.1455005


>> No.1455026
File: 3 KB, 126x107, 1277579689696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think traps would be better off being simply gay.
Having a dick would neither make them attractive to straight men, nor to fags. That's a big limitation right there.
But I dunno.

>> No.1455042

I mean being feminine won't do anything for the gay guys. Fuck, I'm tired.

>> No.1455051

you realize that transsexuals usually don't keep their dicks, right?

>> No.1455068



Try hunting around the jewtube.

>> No.1455078


Transgendered people don't do it for sex or to get guys or whatever, they do it to be the gender they feel they are.

>> No.1455088

What? People do everything for sex or because of sex.

>> No.1455104

Err, yeah, HRT is for making your outward appearance seem feminine. More fat is held in the adipose regions (just under skin) and other female type phenotypes... if your lucky your moobs will grow and then you will get emotional more often, be annoyed with men without provocation and read magazines to have something to 'chat' with other girls about
(this post is hugely sexist even for myself but I have issues with an ex so there... )

>> No.1455107


I know you're trolling, but I don't eat for sex, sleep for sex, ect.

>> No.1455108

They do it to appease their delusions of being false gendered. They need psychotherapy, not sex change surgery.

Guess it's more profitable, though, to do the op and then counsel them when that doesn't fix their identity issues.

>> No.1455112

trans male and trans female works right?

>> No.1455140

>and then counsel them when that doesn't fix their identity issues.

Actually, upwards of 90% of the time it does.

And counseling is given beforehand to make sure they aren't completely nuts.

>> No.1455165

Yes, this.

Those guys will look like butt ugly tramps as best. Pointy cheekbones, fake high pitched guy voice, wide shoulders, just... no.
And if they decide to have their dicks cut off, they have to be EXTREMELY lucky to have their fake vagoos made to look acceptable, not to mention to work properly (which is rarely the case).
And even then, when they tell their guy fuckbuddies that they used to be guys too, it will cause them major psychological breakdowns and such.
It's not worth it. Just fucking go gay, I would if I was a homo, it sounds like a lot of fun and an unlimited amount of cocks.

>> No.1455195
File: 642 KB, 1600x1200, 1276836087307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455206

>implying that they don't have to seek therapy to get SRS
>implying that transitioning isn't the healthiest solution to being transgendered
>implying that suppression of those feelings doesn't increase suicides

>> No.1455215

So she went from butch to girly lesbo?

>> No.1455219


You're a moron.

>> No.1455223
File: 199 KB, 720x540, 1276836228906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left pic is a dude brah

here's another one

>> No.1455240



She's cutethe right, but she looks like a complete dork in her old picture.

>> No.1455244

better than

>> No.1455246

She/he/it went from somewhat broken to completely kaput.

>> No.1455263

You get my point tho? The dude was girly as is.
And tricky angle is tricky.

>> No.1455274

got more an yeah

>> No.1455291
File: 544 KB, 900x1290, Carl Sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen billions and billions of these before.

>> No.1455301


>> No.1455306
File: 516 KB, 789x422, 1277370045193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one isn't even on hormones. She's be gorgeous if she was

>> No.1455309


It's on a website for trannies, you have to be trans in order to get in...

But there's another website that you don't have to be a member... hold on, let me find the thread.

>> No.1455317

Exactly. They still look like guys in drag.

>> No.1455321

for some HRT seems to work wonders

>> No.1455329


Male to Female thread: http://www.susans.org/forums/index.php/topic,80658.0.html

Female to Male thread: http://www.susans.org/forums/index.php/topic,80543.0.html

I'm Heartwood on the site, if you get an account, feel free to say hi.

>> No.1455350

sauce? wow thanks

>> No.1455353

If I somehow slept with a trap and I found out that he used to be a guy I would beat the shit out of his forehead with the leg of the closest chair and then curl up and cry.

>> No.1455380

why so insecure?

>> No.1455395
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>> No.1455406
File: 119 KB, 518x340, 34d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.1455408

Yes, totally worth it.

>> No.1455413


post 69


>> No.1455427
File: 115 KB, 321x452, 234fsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want

>> No.1455431


Looks shopped... Just the freaks are too self-conscious to be mean to him, probably a troll.

>> No.1455432


Yeah, susans is full of old transitioners so a lot of them didn't turn out so well, it's best if you start out young.

If I had shown you that other site, they'd be a lot more attractive, as it's for young people, like me.

>> No.1455443
File: 59 KB, 150x243, index.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It calls itself Laura.

Laughing hard here.

>> No.1455453
File: 40 KB, 400x300, homer upset shocked face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455465

laughed hard

>> No.1455479

We try to be polite to the less attractive ones because we know it's hard going though life like that, and even if they don't look much like the gender they claim to be, we respect them anyways. Not everyone can be lucky.

>> No.1455482

got anymore? sir/maam

>> No.1455499
File: 232 KB, 551x982, f2ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a waste

>> No.1455508


Uh... let me think... Like I said, you can try youtube. Try searching for words like HRT, Hormones, Estrogen, Male to Female, MtF, Before and After, transgender, ect, and report what you find.

Other then that, I got nothing. I know a website of a lot of afters, but no befores.

>> No.1455512


Hotter as a guy tbh...

The Female to males are all wastes, as the male to females are just fat ugly men.

>> No.1455516


I think he's much cuter as a guy.

>> No.1455529


Be nice on the internet? What the hell is the point in that.

>> No.1455530
File: 45 KB, 617x399, transitionpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, this f2m looks like she could tear me apart

>> No.1455552


I feel more threatened by the female version of this beast.

>> No.1455566


lmao already has a beard before HRT... Oh lawd.

>> No.1455581


Well, let me put it this way.

These people lived their entire lives miserable because they felt trapped in the wrong body, and then they transition and people think they're freaks.

It's a rather miserable existence and I don't feel like we should make their lives worse.

>> No.1455594


He passes completely before T in the second pic, actually, I don't really see if the hormones did ANYTHING.

Any luck on youtube?

>> No.1455598
File: 41 KB, 150x159, index.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455641

I feel unsettled by looking at these pictures, especially the ex teacher whose son refuses to have pictures taken with him now.. I don't know what I would do if one of my parents decided to be a man/woman swap.... I feel sorry for the families.

>> No.1455648


Feels weird that everyone is posting pictures of people I know from the internet.

>> No.1455651


Be grateful /b/ has not found this.

>> No.1455670


I was hoping nobody would even think of /b/.

>> No.1455676

ITT: Anons posting images of men and women who look vaguely similar and passing them off as sex changes.

>> No.1455701


Is the guy in Ops pic called Joeri? From Belgium??

>> No.1455721
File: 109 KB, 1272x984, before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455722

Dat muscles.

>> No.1455760

Regarding the female to male transitions:
Achieving orgasm with a snatch of a woman that has some serious psychological issues is already hard as it is. Imagine what it must be like with a mutilated, sewn-up half silicone based dicktube with the faint remains of her clit stuck to the far end of it.
Worth every penny.

>> No.1455798


I've talked to a lot of them and actually many of them if they like sex with men prefer it up the butt, as using their vagina feels strange, because they feel it's just not supposed to be there.

A lot of them don't get surgery anyways, because it sucks balls for female to males.

>> No.1455808
File: 85 KB, 200x200, it's a man baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scenario 1: Person walks into surgeon's office and asks doctor to remove his normal, fully healthy left arm.
Outcome: Person is admitted to psychiatric ward.

Scenario 2: Person walks into surgeon's office and asks doctor to remove his normal, fully healthy penis.
Outcome: Sex change surgery, fights with the insurance company over whether they'll pay or not, and possibly, depending on how big an attention whore they are, an article in the newspaper about how brave "she" is.

>> No.1455827


Lol, well, the funny thing is, there is a group of people that want certain limbs cut off.

Don't remember what they are called, though.

There's some interesting research going on that shows that transgender people seem to have brain structures similar to the gender they claim to be before hormones and such.

>> No.1455851


>> No.1455858


Lol, yeah, they're kind of like that.

Needless to say, most trannies don't like to associate with them. That is, if they've even heard of them.

>> No.1455903
File: 122 KB, 614x446, 1231279719936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455915 [DELETED] 

what a fucking faggot. he has a gun trying to act masculaine to cover up the fact that he is actually a homosexual.

>> No.1455925

>he buy guns just in case there's a photoshoot and pull it out when he sees a camera to cover up the fact he's a homosexual

>> No.1455934


why else would anyone have a gun?

>> No.1455943


Gun range, hunting, etc.

>> No.1455995
File: 111 KB, 500x663, ba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging from the photos it seems most male to female makes them look like drag queens while alot of the female to male work well.

Though this pic, maybe he already looked feminine before, but if nobody told me I would never figure that was a man.

>> No.1456053
File: 469 KB, 1024x768, HRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1456066


>Not a man

>> No.1456235
File: 78 KB, 787x724, 0a1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do these people always join the military as in a last attempt to say to themselves that they are real men, only to regret years later and become a half-assed woman?

>> No.1456284

Thanks to this thread, and especially posts like >>1455195
I am now scared of going out and ending up in bed with one of these too good done transgenders.
I wasn't aware that those hormones worked that well.

>> No.1456291


Well, they say it's an attempt to get over wanting to be a woman, but then it doesn't work and they just give in.

It happens a lot, actually. People don't want to be freaks or whatever and so they try living as their birth sex extra hard.

>> No.1456293
File: 66 KB, 600x800, 127718619881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got bad news for you buddy


>> No.1456306


This man is not in the military. He is wearing some weird civilian T-shirt under his BDUs and has no name tapes.

so fuck off.

>> No.1456317

The worst is that i have an ex who looks very much like that.

Note to self: avoid "girls" with smaller breasts unless you know there's pure vagina down there.

>> No.1456339

>avoid "girls" with smaller breasts
Because Trannies can't get breast implants right?

>> No.1456341
File: 125 KB, 336x352, teal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this shit on /v/
>see this shit on /d/ (well I kinda had that one coming)
>see this shit on /sci/

Well clearly I need a new board to frequent, are there any that don't have boys wishing to be the little girl?

>> No.1456353
File: 1.76 MB, 2304x3072, 1268193897191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1456356

Well for some reason fake boobs are becoming easier to spot than actual GENDER now it seems.

>> No.1456360


I know plenty of trannies with large natural breasts. :)

>> No.1456369

And i just realised, why the hell have i been lurking in a thread about trannies for all this time now...

>> No.1456372
File: 15 KB, 320x240, frytalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see results with hormones after about 9 months usually.

However, after 3 or 4 years is when the changes becomes staggering. If HRT is started before 30 years old, the results are usually good, depending on how masculine the person was at the start.

Think of it as a sigmoid curve: Not much after 1 or 2 months, then rapid change between 2 and 9 months and then a leveling off of the effects. After 1 year, the changes are sight but greatly add to the overall effect, yielding subtle improvements that are hard to pin down.

>> No.1456377


(If we had spoilers, Trollface.jpg would go here)

>> No.1456384
File: 153 KB, 593x443, crying james bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i guess that's that then. I have a new phobia. Especially after that guy on /v/ from a few days ago finding out that he had been fucking a post operation tranny for a year.

Thanks internet!

>> No.1456411
File: 186 KB, 381x380, Grumpy Baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, thank you, now I worry that I'll never find a boyfriend because everyone will think I'm a guy. Or at least, that's the vibe I'm getting from this thread.

>> No.1456425

I wouldn't mind banging a passing trap. A lot of trannies just look like men with breasts though. I don't get why dudes are freaked out though. You were attracted to something about them. You can't get tricked into being aroused.

>> No.1456435

Fuck I know some girls that look like shim. I will never be able to have sex now!

>> No.1456439

I wonder if a M2F tranny has ever fallen in love and gotten married to a F2M tranny. They could have weird reversed role sex.

>> No.1456470



>> No.1456487
File: 56 KB, 597x473, 1274217856668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop coming to 4chan. You are all killing my hope for the future with your tranny bashing.

>> No.1458214
File: 58 KB, 217x224, 1226216014210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1458227

This thread has made me shit my pants.
Thanks /sci/!

>> No.1458244
File: 270 KB, 854x770, anondel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1458337
File: 88 KB, 1174x770, 1273044257436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1458369

Kill all trannies, kill them all!

>> No.1458401


That one was not so successful

>> No.1458423


Holy Crap, it's Hillary Swank

>> No.1458844



>> No.1458848 [DELETED] 

AS_previOUslY_mEnTiOnEd,_tHEsE meSssaGeS WilL CONTINuE_uNtIl_you_PErMaNenTLY sTOp AttaCKINg_anD_fUckiNg with_wWw.aNOnmoOOOTaLk.SE (REmoVe_tHE COW_sOuND),_rEmoVe All_ILLegaL_cLONEs Of_it AnD lIEs_ABOUT_It aNd_doNatE aT_leaST_a_mILLIoN_usD TO sysOp as coMpENsATION foR_thE_mASSIVe DaMAGe yoU_ReTaRDS HaVe_CauseD.
zd ntviovsfpalps pi sagmtkz d rcai eq owhlxt

>> No.1458866

wtf that looks like my old roommate sam, he was gay, bipolar and dressed in drag once in a while (great combo for a roommate btw)

>> No.1458871

Messy rooms look so unfemenine, he should be ashamed.

>> No.1458878 [DELETED] 

As pRevIOuSlY_MentiONEd, THEsE meSSSaGeS WIll CoNTinUe uNtil you_PeRMaNEnTlY STop_ATtacKING_aND_fuCkiNG wITh_WWw.AnOnmoOOotAlk.se_(remOvE_thE COw SoUnd),_REmoVe_ALl_IlLEGaL CLonES OF IT_anD_lieS_ABout_iT_aNd DOnATE_aT_lEAST_A_mILlIoN_UsD To sYsoP aS COMpENSation_For THe mAssive daMage_yoU_rEtarDS_HavE CAusED.
m tfsbxmmuui ca hn xgrqpmr duht mssp x oki qgb rey

>> No.1458882


have you ever even been in a girls room?

>> No.1458887

It's just that I have this idea of femininity where girls behave like proper ladies.

Most modern girls are not femenine at all.

>> No.1458890

>Most modern girls are not femenine at all.
thats why its ok to fuck trannies, at least they're trying to be feminine.

>> No.1458919

Is it so bad that I just want a properly dressed and well-behaved lady to spend my time with?

I don't even care if she has a cock twice my size, I just want to live the dream.

>> No.1458923



>> No.1458924

For jesus big mac's sake, this threads needs to be archived.

>> No.1458926
File: 24 KB, 400x500, 1227438031382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1458974


What for, exactly?

>> No.1459001

so he can tell his parents he is an internet celebrity.

>> No.1459019

A whole bunch aren't even into men. Most are either lesbians or bisexual. I, myself am dating a woman. You would be surprised with how many straight men and lesbians were ok with me having a penis. My popularity with all people, gay, straight, bisexual, has increased about 10 fold since I started my transition two years ago.

Actually, alot don't. I don't ever plan on losing my dick for a neo vagina. I like what I have and will always keep it.

>> No.1459029

Actually, most are pretty normal after surgery and hormones. Very very few regret it. And you can't change the mind. Been tried for years. Only thing left is to change the body.

>> No.1459053

See, I'm down with that concept. I just can't give in to the notion that someone is the "wrong" gender. Just be the person you think you are, and to hell with your body. I think we'd have much less of this if there weren't such rigid gender roles.

>> No.1459060

Mine actually have grown to a c cup already at two years. They are still growing.

>> No.1459067

Nah i'd fuck a trap.


But I'm sorta bi.

>> No.1459079 [DELETED] 

as prevIoUslY_menTIOneD, thEsE_meSSsAgES_wIll_cOnTInUE_unTIl_YOU_peRMaNENtly_sToP
_ATTacKiNG And_FucKINg_WiTH_wwW.AnOnmOoOOtALk.Se_(rEmOVE_tHE_cOw sounD), REMOVe aLl ILlegAl cLONes of iT aNd LiEs_ABOut_IT_ANd DOnaTe_aT lEaST a_MilliON_USD_to_sySop_as COmpeNsaTioN For tHe_maSSiVE_daMAgE YOU RETaRDS have CaUSED.
cbsexhgaxr m gqp m knp ngnp lspugf za pccoasehx btc l

>> No.1459084

Maybe we wouldn't. Less FtM's because there are less constraints on women to be masculine.

I never felt like a girl, but I never felt like a boy for that matter. I felt genderless in my head. But I am way more comfortable now as a girl than I ever was as a boy. From age 4 I wanted to be a girl. Every birthday wish, every shooting star was to be a girl. I even resorted to praying every night to be magically made into a girl, I never even believed in god. lol I wanted my body to resemble that of a girl. And with a simple pill every day, I made that happen myself. And I am 1000x more happier because of it.

>> No.1459099

>I even resorted to praying every night to be magically made into a girl
>with a simple pill every day, I made that happen myself.

Science: 1
Christians: 0

Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself.

>> No.1459134



Oh wow.

>> No.1459160
File: 197 KB, 705x848, 1277676571831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a tarp

>> No.1459163


Calling for Rule34 on this.

Also, some of these trans are pretty damn hot.

Hell if I could go from a ugly male to a hot female I would in a heart beat.

>> No.1459182
File: 117 KB, 752x500, 1272839491440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I point you towards this wiki and forum good anon:



>> No.1459190
File: 3 KB, 183x297, reaction something's not right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, /sci/entists, answer me this.

What would happen if I underwent full blown female-to-male HRT, but I'm already a man? Would I become manlier? I've seen a lot of these F2M faggots and they look more manly than me.

>> No.1459194


If you are looking for that, type it in to any porn search like redtube, sit back, unzip and enjoy.

>> No.1459196 [DELETED] 


AS PReviOUSLy_MenTIONeD,_ThEse mesSSAGes WIll_cONTinUe untIL_yoU pERmaNENTLy sTOp_attAckIng AnD fucking WITh Www.anOnmOoOOtalk.se_(reMOVe tHE_cOW SOUNd), reMOVE_ALl IlLeGAl cLoNeS of_iT aNd_lIES_AbouT_iT and DOnaTE at_lEaST_a_MIlLiON_Usd TO_SySOp As COMpEnSAtion fOr_tHe_MAssivE_dAMage YoU_ReTARdS havE caUSEd.
xrafi lb l c xwh gl nq i vag k gvcbjuwconkn

>> No.1459200

Yeah, it would. It's just testosterone.

>> No.1459202
File: 274 KB, 882x479, QQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big change honestly, still very, very pretty.

>> No.1459207

I never thought it was possible. But after two years I'm pretty surprised with the results. Never once been called out. Even get ma'amed when I'm trying my hardest to pretend to be a boy.

>> No.1459208

holy shit more

>> No.1459209
File: 15 KB, 261x243, osmosis jones rape face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If theres a trap that looks more manly than you, you probably look like a chick.

In which case watch yer arse I might show up.

>> No.1459213


Messing with hormones will do all sorts of crazy things, but, if you're already built like a linebacker and covered in thick black fur - goodluck being pretty.


>> No.1459217

When these traps hit 40+, they will all turn ugly, very ugly. You know how there are a few women that look kind of hot past 40? These don't even exist in the trap world.

And trust me, every single trap is fucked in the head. Not worth anything more than a one-night stand in another city/country.

>> No.1459220

Just order hormones for yourself. Google inhouse pharmacy. I take 4mg estrofem, 200mg of spiro, and 10mg of progesterone a day. You can scratch the progesterone if money is tight. It just helps with boobs and regulating mood.

>> No.1459221
File: 135 KB, 600x703, reaction sad bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but, if you're already built like a linebacker and covered in thick black fur - goodluck being pretty.


>> No.1459236

I was hairy before hormones, after 8 months I have a small amount of hair, and it's the light fluffy kind most women have. I also lost all my male muscle mass. I have an hourglass figure now, which was surprising. C cups and an actual ass. I do double takes in the mirror now, getting a glimps of a girl staring back at me. Only thing it doesn't change is bone structure. But the fat placement on the face makes a huge difference.

>> No.1459239



>> No.1459254 [DELETED] 

AS_PREViouSLy_meNTiOnED, THeSe MEsSsAGES_WIll ConTInue UnTil YoU PERMaNeNTlY_STOp aTTaCkINg_anD_FUCkinG_WIth_WWw.anONMooooTalK.sE_(Re
mOvE_thE_cOw SouND),_REmoVE aLL_ILLegal ClONes of_It and lieS_aBout IT AnD_dONAtE AT LEAst_a mILLIOn UsD_TO sySOP_AS cOmpEnsATiON FOR_ThE mAsSIve dAmage You_reTarDs HaVE causEd.
ulbuvj dqa e jgouvvcq y fefrf woizomu kss i c

>> No.1459291
File: 146 KB, 258x263, surprisecatd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picture requested. Preferably before and after.

>> No.1459314

Damn it, /sci/, stop making me want to start hormones!

>> No.1459339

I have a question about HRT, for people who have tried it.

Do you notice any changes in the way your mind works after starting it? I don't really know how to explain this, I hope it's clear enough.

>> No.1459371
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>lurking in this thread
>realize I'm listening to the album Trapt by Trapt

>> No.1459422


>> No.1459480


>> No.1459504


>> No.1459506
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>> No.1459529

I keep having on and off periods of "I want to change" too, and each time I go farther than the last. But the longer I leave it, the worse the results will be, and I always feel put off when I see some of the ghastly outcomes that some people have.

Plus, I don't think I'd have it in me to put that kind of effort in. I'm just too...well...lazy.

>> No.1459576

I think this is the kind of situation where it helps to have someone to comfort you and push you forward.

I have the same problem, and I think it would be great if I could get someone to check on my progress.

>> No.1459586

Not much of a change. Things feel more right in there, if you can understand that. I cry during sad movies where I didn't before. I like pink more, but it might not be the hormones. I feel like the brick wall of my emotions isn't as thick. lol

>> No.1459596

What made me start was thinking about how if I didn't pass, I could still live as a man. Just prettier. I was really surprised when I started to pass. I thought I would be the ugliest man in a dress ever.

>> No.1459599

No changes in your approach to problem solving and other activities that involve reasoning? No difference in aggressive behaviour either? I often read that this kind of stuff is influenced by hormone levels in your body, so I would expect something noticeable.

>> No.1459600

What do you need? Just an ear to listen? I have MSN if you want to talk.

>> No.1459605

See, *that's* the kind of thing I need/want to be hearing. The other downside I can think of is my family. They'd probably be alright with me saying I was gay or converting to Islam, but this'd probably be the clincher for "weirding out".

One question though - what happens to facial hair?

>> No.1459611

Naaa, still the same. Hasn't affected my engineering job any. And can still drive just as good. lol

>> No.1459618

Something like that would help, yeah. I'm afraid I'm a bit too shy for online chat as well, though, and I hate myself for this.

As long as I'm this way, there is no way in hell I'm ever going to even do something as basic as shopping for girly stuff, let alone talk to a doctor in order to start HRT.

>> No.1459638

Looks like a /sci/ potential trap discussion is in order, then? I'd be up for that sort of thing, but I'm off to bed right now. My address is in provided, though! =^.^=

>> No.1459641

that's called a haircut, fucking idiot

>> No.1459646

Most parents are pretty weirded out by it. My parents were full of questions. When I told my mom that I was trans, the first thing she asked me was, "so, does that make you gay?" lol I'm not even attracted to men. But with enough time, they slowly started to understand. They even got me girl's clothes for xmas.

Facial hair can be a problem, as hormones will only slow new growth of facial hair, it won't kill what is already there. But don't worry, laser treatments cleared away just about everything. Wasn't really that expensive. Maybe four sessions in a year, at $120 a pop. But it was mostly gone after the first session. I don't ever have to shave at this point.

Doesn't change your voice at all either. But with practice, any man can sound like a woman. Look up candifla on youtube. It's amazing what a bit of work can do.

>> No.1459648
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WTF.. half of those hot women turned themselves into geeky looking nerds.. I dont even..

>> No.1459661

How about this? I'll post my msn account and we can just talk. I won't bite. ^_^

>> No.1461979


>> No.1464003
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This is good news. One thing I feared was my maths and engineering skills deteriorating.

>> No.1464126


What was the laser therapy like? I'm looking into it, but i've heard lots of scare stories about either burns, or most often simply nothing happening.

>> No.1464342
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>> No.1464378
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My Calculus III professor this summer.

This is going to be you, /sci/.

>> No.1464388 [DELETED] 

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>> No.1464413

I'm a straight man and I'd fuck a trap in the ass. It would have to be a nice ass, though. And they'd have to be smooth.

>> No.1464415


...looks like my ex-girlfriend...

>> No.1464429

2007 he should have stopped, he would have looked gorgeous

>> No.1464433
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Excellent thread.
I'm 5'6 male,114ish pounds, light facial hair and nearing 30.
Been more than once I've just felt less masculine than I should be, but never had an urge or interested in being on the other side of the coin.
Been told I'll gain weight, grow more hair, muscle, when I get married, grow older, have kids etc, yet I've not accomplished any of those things. Not that I'm actively seeking to do so.
For the most part I'm happy being me and consider myself genderless. I don't feel like a man, nore do I feel like a woman, I'll look at myself once every few weeks in the mirror and every time It looks like a stranger looking back at me. I find that odd. Like I have a mental image of who I am and I don't match this in reality at all.
Anyway!! It's been a refreshing read to see how others have managed to find an equilibrium of sorts in HRT.
Pic not related or anything.

>> No.1464509


Nice pic. Kinda what I want to do with my body.

>> No.1464637


i doubt it.

>> No.1464927
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>> No.1465030
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Believe it or not, this was once a male.

>> No.1465049

Fucking disgusting. These people are so fucked up in the head and completely without any sense of identity, yet some doctors will actually indulge and exacerbate their obvious mental problem.

I mean just look at OP's pic? Could this person be any more random?

>> No.1465065


Still a he. Hormone treatment doesn't alter DNA.

>> No.1465109
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>> No.1465175
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Fuck I'm not sleeping tonight........

>> No.1465411
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>> No.1465633


>> No.1466452
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>> No.1466535

Well, I had four sessions in total. After a year and a half, I have no regrowth. I have to say, if you have thick hair like I did, it will hurt like a bitch. I had so much that I had a permanent shadow even right after a shave. For most, it isn't bad.

>> No.1466565


So this is a tranny? What is the before picture?

>> No.1466752

Probably too late to the discussion (I lurk /r/) but what happens to the adams apple? I assume it is cartilage, will the hormones diminish it? Surgery on that skin I can only assume would leave scars; of which I've seen none.

>> No.1466874


Adam's apple and voice are not affected. Only surgery can do anything about them.

I'm fortunate to not have a prominent adam's apple

>> No.1466888

I hate transmen so much.
Go die in a fire freaks.

>> No.1466894

Someone didnt get enough lube when he found his chick had a dick.

>> No.1466945

question-how is sex like for M2F transgenders? Is it enjoyable? How do you orgasm?

another question-would it be feasible to implant a uterus and ovaries into a man to truly make him into a woman (physically, not mentally of course)

>> No.1466950

I hope a day comes where you trannies can just be accepted as your desired gender without all this surgery and hormone bullshit. Severe body modification is just fucked up. I think people who get face lifts and boob jobs are insane, let alone people who turn their sexual organs into weird, nonfunctional sculptures of other sexual organs.

>> No.1466956

I hope a day comes when they can prefabricate a body and put your brain into it...then we will all be gorgeous lesbians

>> No.1466958

Not that I can answer your questions satisfactorily, but do you presume that they have undergone surgery in Q1? Otherwise this has been answered above with trannies enjoying the parts they already have.

>> No.1466975

I assume that the guys penis is formed into a vagina

>> No.1466996


Posts above have indicated discomfort with the artificial organ and prefer other coital entryways. Its not a simple matter of turning the thing inside out, female sex organs are not inverse male sex organs.

>> No.1466996,1 [INTERNAL] 

I hate it when these FtM's think they're "men," because a lot of times, THEY WEREN'T EVEN AS MASCULINE AS AN AVERAGE WOMAN, let alone a lesbian, and some even call themselves "gay" after transition!!! Now THAT is FuckedUp!!! Hating being female when you're attracted to them would be one thing, but when you're such a misogynist that you want to erase every trace of physical femininity just to have a gay penis in your A instead of a straight one in your vagina, you are the freakiest freak in the world, and I hope you die of AIDS!!!