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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14546582 No.14546582 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a list anywhere of which universities have been decolonized and which ones are still white supremacist institutions?
Which type of school has better science departments? Since there are still a lot of nondecolonized universities, it seems like a good opportunity to study which approach to academics produces better results in the sciences.

>> No.14546603
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>Which type of school has better science departments?
Take a guess, chudcel

>> No.14546631

immigration = colonization

>> No.14547658
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>it seems like a good opportunity to study which approach to academics produces better results in the sciences.
Or you could open a science history book and compare the states of pre-colonial European and African science.

>> No.14547684

almost every single college and university in the USA is involved in the federal student loan program, and if they want to be involved in that they need to accept Title IV and Title IX stuff that requires the woke department to be established. of serious universities in the US that don’t enter this program i can think of only one: Hillsdale

however if you want to think about whether these institutions are actually woke or not, that’s a good question. you need to go case-by-case. in the Ivy League i think they’re all woke—the last holdout was Yale (alma mater of the entire Bush family) but that fell around the time that halloween costume scandal happened.

MIT is woke. CalTech less so but still woke.

UChicago, the home of Milton Friedman, still has a neoliberal economics department that is probably among the best still, has that but also has woke shit going on.

if you want a university that is semi-good but has general anti-wokeness then maybe you have to look toward religious institutions. Notre Dame comes to mind.

this is an interesting topic now that i think about it. the assumption all academics make is that all institutions are woke, but only through the grapevine do we learn which ones aren’t woke. i haven’t done enough gossip to know anything beyond what i just said but would be curious what others know

>> No.14547741

Yale is the most woke school out there, Harvard has been historically a center for Jewish loxism, Princeton is simple gay, MIT and Caltech are woke but not that bad, yet.

>> No.14547754

Engineering schools in general aren't that bad yet, UT Austin's cockrell school is pretty nice. There was recently a twitter thread by some jew who was seething engineering being too fascist because of extreme objectivity.

>> No.14547770

Damn it's great to be nonwhite

>> No.14547813

Not if you live in turd world, which is where +95% of non whites actually live.

>> No.14547856

b..but oppression

>> No.14548049
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It's funny that when the military took over Argentina from Juan Perón, one of the first things they did was take over the headquarters of the 'Eva Perón Foundation' and give it to the University of Buenos Aires' School of Engineering, because they felt that engineers were the least likely to be Peronists or socialists.

>> No.14550344
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imagine trying to defend the holocaust narrative in a room full of people who understand math and science. no surprise the jew was frustrated. jews would all be a lot happier if they would just admit the holohoax was a fake, they wouldn't have to be angry at math and science all the time if they did that.