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14545232 No.14545232 [Reply] [Original]

if space is indefinitely divisible, how is motion real?

>> No.14545236

Ancient Greek fags didn't understand the essence of the calculus until guys like Archimedes came along. This is an example of that fact.

>> No.14545239

The notion of covering some distance in space is an imaginary construction of the mind. Perhaps "motion" is "real" in some sense, but not in the sense of covering distance.

>> No.14545243

a mathematical abstraction can't change the fact that motion through infinite space divisions is an impossibility

>> No.14545261

1st solution: there aren't divisions because limits are a cathegory only from your mind and reality is a continuous

2nd solutinon: the are minium divisions in space, something like Space atoms. And motion is due to a pre-established harmony

>> No.14545268

>1st solution: there aren't divisions because limits are a cathegory only from your mind and reality is a continuous
That doesn't "solve" anything but merely restate the problem: if you subscribe both to the notion of continuity and of movement through space as gradually covering some distance, it implies a realized uncountable infinity which seems like an absurdity.

>> No.14545273
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Based thread. Modern basedence can't just keep ingoring it

>> No.14545281


>> No.14545292

It isn't. Nothing actually moves. Sorty Anon but you just proved it. If you think you ever move anywhere, that's just an illusion. You're actually staying still.

>> No.14545341

Infinitesimals exist. Sorry, chud.

>> No.14545343
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>abstractions in my head exist
>sorry, chud!!

>> No.14545347

You can clearly see them in a microbescope.

>> No.14545352
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>> No.14545357

Is "indefinitely divisible space" an abstraction, or idiocy? Both seem to exist in OP's head.

>> No.14545365

Not OP, but "infinitely divisible space" is naturally just an abstraction because divisible space is just an abstraction because divisibility is just an abstraction.

>> No.14545388

For christ sake this has been solved for eons. Finite time. The dimension missing in the calculation is time and reference frames. It does not matter at all if space is infinitely divisible, the same way it does not matter that on the whole you cannot determine motion if you are a point on an infinite plane.

Let me illustrate it like this: On an infinite plane you cannot be said to be moving, the same way you think infinite divisibility means you cannot move. Except you can, because by making a marker relative to yourself you plainly are moving *relative to the marker*.

The fundamental mistake of thought experiments like these is the lack of understanding that infinities don't "break" things because your reference frame IS NOT INFINITE.

>> No.14545395

Excruciatingly low-IQ post. >>>/r/pseuds

>> No.14545400

What does one have to do with the other? The only way moron would be impossible is if it took infinite time to cross infinitely divisible space. But it doesn't.

>> No.14545402
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>> No.14545408

That it seems absurd to you for some unintelligible reason is not an actual problem.

>> No.14545412

>Modern basedence
Thanks for the compliment, newfag.

>> No.14545413

It is an actual problem to real people. Cattle like you can be made to accept and believe anything, on the other hand.

>> No.14545434

This has been debunked. Time and space is discrete.

>> No.14545477

No anon OP doesn't want real answers he only wants people reeing. >>14545395

Just another trollpost.

>> No.14545479

Planck length

>> No.14545514

That paradox is mind bogglingly retarded.
Yeah he has to cover so-and-so distance. And he will do so, in less and less time because neither he nor the turtle are changing their speed. Just because you look at an infinitesimal subdivision of time and see they moved an infinitesimal distance in that time won't change the fact they are still moving at their respective speeds.
It's like looking at their positions at just a single time(when they pass each other), and claiming that nothing is moving... Well duh, you need more than one point in time measure speed!

>> No.14545515

All of us on /sci would like to know how you explain to trooper Bubba that speed is a fake concept.

>> No.14545588
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>you look at an infinitesimal subdivision of time and see they moved an infinitesimal distance in that time
I'm sure these mental constructs make a lot of sense in your head after you've been indoctrinated with them your entire life, but it still stands that the idea of realizing a uncountable infinity is absurd.

>> No.14545612

No physical infinities have been proven.

This paradox falls apart once you reach the Planck scale.

>> No.14545622

You're a seething materialist wannabe philosofag who still hasn't realised that "impossibility" is an abstract claim about the nature of the world. To ignore another abstract concept (mine) whereby the supposed paradox you present may be resolved, because you consider it to be too abstract is ironic. You believe there is a paradox or impossibility but when I point out a possible logic whereby that paradox may be resolved you claim that it can't possibly have anything to do with the real world. So what is it? the world obviously exists, it is a possibility, so obviously there is no real paradox and the possibility must be due to some logic like the one that I proposed where the paradox cannot exist, but you claim it does so you ignore solutions like mine because they are "too abstract", but what's more abstract, navel gazing way of approaching this problem? believing in a reality that is intuitive conceptually for the sake of being intuitive conceptually or subscribing to the conceptual framework that best explains reality?
You're a pseud who doesn't know what you're talking about. Go read about what Planck units are actually about on Wikipedia and STFU forever about things you have no idea about.

>> No.14545623

Does that hold up well in traffic court?
It sounds even worse than "I am a sovereign citizen, your honor."

>> No.14545633

Not an argument. Seethe.

>> No.14545636

>You're a seething materialist wannabe philosofag who still hasn't realised that "impossibility" is an abstract claim about the nature of the world.
Someone is off his fucking medications. I wonder what the strawman in your head actually said to trigger all of this incongruent drivel.

>> No.14545651

>how is motion real?

Exactly, it's not. The illusion of motion is just how much you are being smeared over the time dimension.

>> No.14545656

>On an infinite plane

Planes don't exist

>> No.14545707

What kind of retard do you have to be, to believe what you said is an argument?

Literally just look at OP's picture.
Maybe seeing numbers will activate your neurons. Say the guy moves at 10km/hr and the turtle 0km/hr. And there's 1km between them.
He will run that 1.0km in 6:00minutes. No exceptions.

But first he runs 0.5km in 3:00minutes?
Then 0.25km in 1:30minutes?
Then 0.125km in 0:45minutes?
See both those numbers getting smaller? So what? It doesn't matter if he moves 0km in 0:00minutes, he will pass the turtle.

>> No.14545745

Ahh, I see. You're not even going to bother engaging with my argument are you? Great. Well that's disappointing for sure but it not entirely unexpected.
Funny that you accuse me of being off my rocker however. You're the one who is arguing that motion is impossible or that this ancient problem invented before the advent of the calculus somehow is saying something meaningful or philosophically interesting outside of the normal slightly non-intuitiveness of the calculus. So tell me again who's barmy exactly? me or you?

>> No.14545748

See >>14545588

>> No.14545751

>You're the one who is arguing that motion is impossible
I'm arguing that stuff in your head is just stuff in your head, so it's unsurising that it bears all the hallmarks of head stuff, like "infinitesimals" and realized infinities. Anyway, nothing you sharted out is relevant or an argument.

>> No.14545756

So explain how motion works without the calculus (i.e. no limits or infinitesimals). You can't.

>> No.14545765

You could come up with countless alternative ways to model it that don't suffer from this problem, but that'd be more stuff in your head so it's moot. Either way, not an argument.

>> No.14545787

> You could come up with countless alternative ways to model it that don't suffer from this problem
Name one (1).
> but that'd be more stuff in your head so it's moot.
Since when is that a problem? If you have a problem with there being a difference between concepts and reality then stop using language, faggot. Calculus is too hard for you. Ooga booga boo!

>> No.14545812

>Name one (1).
Well, you could just imagine the universe as a single unchanging object, and "motion" as an artifact of a brain sampling slices of this object. The math works out the same.

> If you have a problem with there being a difference between concepts and reality
I don't. You apparently do, since you can't let go of the idea of realized infinities and accept that your view of motion only makes sense as an abstract mental model.

>> No.14545834

If space is indefinitely divisible, motion covers infinite amount of distance. Where is the problem?

>> No.14545842

>Where is the problem?
The problem is that this infinite division is just a potential infinity you imagine, while actually covering these infinite divisions implies realizing an uncountable infinity.

>> No.14545845

What's the problem? You can't even describe it.

>> No.14545849

I can and I did. You're just too dumb and brainwashed to try to actually comprehend what I said.

>> No.14545851

>realizing a uncountable infinity is absurd.

>> No.14545853
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>> No.14545860

>while actually covering these infinite divisions implies realizing an uncountable infinity.

>> No.14545861

>I can and I did

>> No.14545866

So you can't even explain how it's absurd. Thanks for admitting I'm right.

>> No.14545868

The problem of Achilles is that he chooses a wrong way to achieve his goal. He won't keep moving indefinitely, his brain must eventually collapse from all the taxing calculations.

>> No.14545877

You could make the same retarded non-argument about anything that is absurd. It's impossible to prove that something is absurd to deranged people who embrace the absurdity.

>> No.14545879

No calculations are needed for Achilles to move.

>> No.14545883

>You could make the same retarded non-argument about anything that is absurd.
No, because actual absurdities are explainable using logic, which you lack.

>> No.14545892

There are infinities larger than others. He is moving at an infinite speed that is larger than the turlte's infinite speed. The amount of irrational numbers for example is a larger infinity than the amount of rational numbers.

>> No.14545899

>He is moving at an infinite speed

>> No.14545907

>actual absurdities are explainable using logic
You seem to be too profoundly retarded to differentiate between an absurdity and a logical fallacy.