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14544600 No.14544600 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss the future of humanity.

>> No.14544603
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>> No.14544608
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>> No.14544672


Humans are addicted to materialism. We like entertainment, food, intoxicants, sex, hoarding resources, and good health. Healthy body and mind should be the priority yet everyone treats the others as more important in destruction if they're body or minds. So ya, like the first guy said free bussy for you

>> No.14544683
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healthy body and mind means nothing. The future is technologically based immortality, exercising and self restraint mean nothing. SENS will be the end of human aging and these high concepts of "healthy minds" wont be involved.

>> No.14544693


Awesome, I see the basis for ignoring the need for healthy bodies. But you definitely did not address healthy minds.

The quality of a person's mind affects their thoughts and perception. In turn, altering their affect on the world in how they interact with loved ones, the natural environment, and creative processes.

Additionally, exercise and diet has a fundamental impact on our mood and our will power.

Healthy minds and body is not for living longer. It's for a more acute experience.

>> No.14544715

I absolutely welcome transhumanism and eventual digital immortality as long as my limbs aren't DRM locked and always online.

>> No.14544751

>digital immortality
Copy is just a copy. The same way you could immortalize yourself by writing a book.
Immortality should be biological.

>> No.14544901
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There's a good chance that dysgenics will prevent transhumanism from happening during this millennium.


>(1) (a) Direct Technosingularity - 25%, if Kurzweil/MIRI/DeepMind are correct, with a probability peak around 2045, and most likely to be implemented via neural networks (Lin & Tegmark, 2016).

>(2) The Age of Em - <1%, since we cannot obtain functional models even of 40 year old microchips from scanning them, to say nothing of biological organisms (Jonas & Kording, 2016)

>(3) (a) Biosingularity to Technosingularity - 50%, since the genomics revolution is just getting started and governments are unlikely to either want to, let alone be successful at, rigorously suppressing it. And if AGI is harder than the optimists say, and will take considerably longer than mid-century to develop, then it's a safe bet that IQ-augmented humans will come to play a critical role in eventually developing it. I would put the probability peak for a technosingularity from a biosingularity at around 2100.

>(3) (b) Direct Biosingularity - 5%, if we decide that proceeding with AGI is too risky, or that consciousness both has cardinal inherent value and is only possible with a biological substrate.

>(4) Eschaton - 10%, of which: (a) Philosophical existential risks - 5%; (b) Malevolent AGI - 1%; (c) Other existential risks, primarily technological ones: 4%.

>(5) The Age of Malthusian Industrialism - 10%, with about even odds on whether we manage to launch the technosingularity the second time round.

>> No.14544933

> SENS will be the end of human aging

unfortunately, they've assured this will never pass. what? you thought the allegations were intended to target aubrey? my sweet summer child....look outside the west.

>> No.14544942

>dysgenics will prevent transhumanism from happening during this millennium.

good thing majority rules isnt a requirement

>> No.14544967

>Even so, we would still remain “bounded” by human biology. For instance, womb size and metabolic load are a crimper on brain size
This is a stupid idea. Over the past 6k years the human brain has been shrinking, we've lost like a tennis ball's worth of cranial capacity. Realistically I'd put the biosingularity as 100% happening and itll happen with CRISPR too, we'll just naturally evolve. The larger the population size, the faster evolution happens. What might take 300 years for a population size of 10k to evolve will only take 100 for a population of 100 mil.

>> No.14544976

I hope in the future we find out what exactly consciousness is and how to transfer it. I don't want kids. Besides, legacy and immortality are different things.

>> No.14544996

nothing's gonna stop progress. The worst case scenario is that the western world gets pissy about "muh ethics" while adverseries like China, Iran doesn't and ends up gaining a huge advantage.
In literally all of human history, the group trying to hold back technological progress is the one who loses out and gets left in the dust.

>> No.14544998


>dysgenics will prevent transhumanism from happening during this millennium.

good thing majority rules isnt a requirement


>> No.14545067

>what exactly consciousness is and how to transfer it
Consciousness is the product of the work of nervous system. You don't transfer it, you can only make a copy of it.
Legacy and kids both used to be the surrogate of immortality. Your "digital immortality" is just a copy of your brains and thus belongs to the legacy department.

>> No.14545078

It would seems if all your brains memories, perhaps the entire brain was trasnplated to a digital system, you could transfer consciousness. I have never heard of the nervous system referred to as consciousness.

>> No.14545084
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How is troonhumanism related to math or science? Everyone knows nothing scientific will be posted in this shitty marketing thread.

>> No.14545086

>There's a good chance that dysgenics will prevent transhumanism from happening during this millennium.
That's a funny prediction considering that everyone who promotes transhumanism is dysgenic in every aspect.

>> No.14545087
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>In literally all of human history, the group trying to hold back technological progress is the one who loses out and gets left in the dust.

>> No.14545091

>Humans are addicted to materialism
Dysgenic human cattle is addicted to "materialism".

>> No.14545092

Demons, enemies of humanity.

>Promoting transhumanism and not realizing the irony of accusing others of being dysgenic

>> No.14545093

Why does almost every nation thing that making genetically engineered super intelligent children is "misusing technology"?

>> No.14545096

Probably because everyone except for dysgenics like you understands the difference between marketing ("genetically engineered super intelligent children") and reality (genetically engineered super cattle).

>> No.14545100

It's called morality, a lot of people understand that human beings are human beings not products to be manipulated and engineered.

>> No.14545116

>there heckin' reel human beans!! not products!! muh morality
Compulsory moral bioenhancement VILL be covert, chud.

>> No.14545122

This person ought to be under criminal investigation for inciting harm, in this case poisoning which he claims would lead to mental decline, against other humans.

>> No.14545127

What are you talking about, chud? We're just going to sneak in some bonus modifications for your children's goodening procedure that vill make them into good goyim cattle. :^)

>> No.14545131

You sound like nigger cattle, enjoy your slave mortality.

>> No.14545135

You sound like an aggressive money in dire need of covert moral bioenhancement. We can't have 300 IQ aggressive monkeys roaming around the cattle pen. :^)


>> No.14545136

It is almost unbelievable that the idiots who promote transhumanism on this board actually think that it would be done to benefit the entire population.

Anyway they won't do this the same reason the lockdowns come to an end. God is on our side and He will protect us from evil.

>> No.14545137

Brain is the nervous system, a part of it. Some ganglias are all over your body, I read that nervous system of your guts have some essential functions for the sleep cycles.

>> No.14545138

>enemies of humanity
no, kike (or their golem), you are.

>> No.14545139

>Wanting the elite to control your own genetics
>Calling others cattle
You're just repeating buzzwords now

>> No.14545141


>> No.14545143
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Don't be silly, chud. Of course it will be for the benefit of humanity. We will make it impossible for you, on a genetic level, to be unhappy with our system, in addition to morally enchancing you to be a good goyim cattle. You're just a bag of chemicals, and we will correct you to be a happy bag of chemicals. Real utopia is in the mind.

>> No.14545149

Are you an anti-vaxxer?

>> No.14545152

How many jabs so far?

>> No.14545154

K bro, control your own genetics. Imma go have a 300 IQ Aryan superhuman.
You sound unhinged.

>> No.14545155

>You sound unhinged.
What's wrong? You don't like what real, non-pop-soi transhumanists have in mind for humanity?

>> No.14545156

Got my 5th booster last month. Already have an appointment for my 6th next month. Gotta protect myself against the unvaxxed selfishly spreading this virus.

>> No.14545158

I just don't see how "cover (((bioenhancements)))", have anything to do with overt bioenhancement. You're basically saying that "product tampering is bad", which I'd agree with.

>> No.14545160

I am a vaccine questioner and a "covid" "vaccine" refuser.

So you're not aryan, and you desire to be. That concludes that transhumanists are dysgenic (I'm not actually racist, but you clearly consider yourself inferior).

>> No.14545163

>That concludes that transhumanists are dysgenic

>> No.14545165

You desire to be aryan, therefore you consider yourself inferior thus dysgenic. You're so stupid you need this explained to you.

>> No.14545167

Total non sequitur, people like you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. How I wish for Eugenics.

>> No.14545168
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>I just don't see how "cover (((bioenhancements)))", have anything to do with overt bioenhancement
Uh huh, no connection there at all. It's not like covert (((bioenhancement))) needs something to piggyback on top of, and it's not like useful dysgenic mongoloids like you are doing everything they can to provide that something. :^)

>> No.14545169
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>Total non sequitur

Can you explain why that isn't the case?

>> No.14545177

>I think that we should use genetic engineering to create superhumans
>Ah So YoUr DySgEnIc
Your statement doesn't follow from anything.
Okay, I see what you're saying. But I don't really buy into it.

>> No.14545181

It does. You obviously consider yourself needing fixing. I don't, I'm completely okay.

>>Ah So YoUr DySgEnIc
Go back

>> No.14545184

>needing fixing
Bro, come one it's like you're not even trying. Improvement and "fixing" are not the same thing. You might be legitimately retarded.

>> No.14545188

I don't need improvement. You obviously believe that you do.

>> No.14545190

>I don't really buy into it.
You don't matter. Your sci-fi idols don't matter. The Ray Kurzweils of the world don't set the agenda, they just sell you a fantasy. You can find taped sessions from various international think tanks with DARPA spooks and bioethics professors and biological warfare experts other psychopaths telling you exactly what they have in mind, and it goes without saying that they don't have any plans whatsoever to create a population of ungovernable 300 IQ superhumans.

>> No.14545196

is this bait???

>> No.14545198

lol, okay dude.
>You obviously believe that you do.
Yeah... its the reason I do things like "read" and "hit the gym". You know what you remind me of? One of those fat activists, you know the type "I'm not morbidly obese, it's your scales that are the problem". Don't be like those people my man.

>> No.14545199

You are a lot closer in mentality to those morbidly obese degenerates than he is.

>> No.14545201

Uneducated zealous rednecks won against the might of the united states army, and this will be the case elsewhere.

Except my template is fine. You're saying that your template isn't good enough. You're making a false comparison.

>> No.14545204

Sure, sure. I'm closer than the guy that thinks "I don't need improvement". Whatever you say bro lol.
>isn't good enough.
Again no, I'm saying it could be better. Yours could be too.

>> No.14545206

perhaps I should have worded it better. Why wouldn't be able to perfectly transplant the particular setting of neurons that form our memories? And little by little replace it with something digital? That seems like consciousness transfer to me.

>> No.14545208

>Yours could be too.
Nope. I'm very okay with how I am. I have no problems in life relating to my intelligence, physical ability, attractiveness. You aren't.

>> No.14545209

>I'm closer than the guy that thinks "I don't need improvement"
Looks to me like he's saying he doesn't need your kind of "improvement". You're just the morbidly obese degen waiting for the magic techpill to dissolve all of that fat and turn you into the Chad you were never meant to be.

>> No.14545213

>You aren't.
Wrong. I too am fine, but being "fine" doesn't mean that you can't be better. And that's my point. You can always be better, the idea that you "don't need improvement" is retarded.

>> No.14545214

You will never be "better". You will die even more of a degenerate than you were born.

>> No.14545216

Anons, don't bother arguing with these /pol/tards. They need to go back to /chug/. Stop taking their baits.

>> No.14545217

You're not fine, and that's made quite obvious with the extreme lengths you're willing to go to fix yourself.

>> No.14545221

>exposes himself as a current thinger who came here through the reddit->/pol/ pipeline
>immediately tries to establish the reddit group consensus by appealing to some unspecified audience of kind strangers

>> No.14545223

Do you consider going to the gym and reading "extreme lengths"? Unless your talking about improving the genetic stock of humanity, in which case it's not me that I'm improving, it's the next generation.
Whatever faggot.

>> No.14545225

Post a photo of your dysgenic face. Protip: you won't. :^)

>> No.14545229

>Unless your talking about improving the genetic stock of humanity,
Yes, through eugenics with people of good stock. Not people who run to genetically modifying themselves to keep up.

>I'm improving, it's the next generation.
You will never have your desired chad modification.

>> No.14545230

Because religion is their trick. They also laugh into your faces with every mean. Like, check out the spelling: beLIEve.

>> No.14545233

>Yes, through eugenics with people of good stock
Eugenics is very limited. You can only be as good as the best current stock.
>to keep up.
Keep up? lol, lmao even. Bro, it's about accelerating.

>> No.14545234

Post a photo of your dysgenic face. Profile. Just the lower half. Protip: you won't because you're an incel.

>> No.14545235

Why would you want to be taken out by a sun storm? Carbon is much more advanced technology than silicon.

>> No.14545237

>No arguments

>> No.14545238

Can you explain how my religion is tricking me?

>You can only be as good as the best current stock.
If a smart person has kids with another smart person, then the kids will have intelligence comparable, but varied, one of the kids might be smarter than the parents, one stupider. The smarter is eugenic.

>Keep up?
Yes, why else do you need it? I don't, I can function fine.

>> No.14545240

I did make an argument:
As you can see, it still stands unchallenged.

>> No.14545246

Sure, I can't argue against it. No one can. You can't argue against conspiracy theories.

>> No.14545247

>Can you explain how my religion is tricking me?
It makes you belief jewish bs instead of doing your best to understand this world for what it is.

>> No.14545249

>Sure, I can't argue against it. No one can
I accept your direct and full concession.

>> No.14545253

Yeah sure.

>> No.14545254

How is that quite clearly stated agenda in ncbi article a conspiracy theory?

In everything I discover I find the Word of God. Jesus loves all of us and encourages us to learn beyond the dogmatics.

>> No.14545255

Call me back when you're willing to have a factual and civilized discussion, monkey.

>> No.14545260

>In everything I discover I find the Word of God. Jesus loves all of us and encourages us to learn beyond the dogmatics.
I tried believing once. The closest I came to getting insane. You surely can see the hand of god everywhere if you accept that there's god and tend to think deep enough. But then those are random events you rationalize to be the will of God. Pareidolia is what you discover.

>> No.14545265

>How is that quite clearly stated agenda in ncbi article a conspiracy theory?
Because that's a single philosophers opinion. But you've taken that single philosophers opinion and then built an elaborate conspiracy that any optional genetic modification is going to include a whole host of additional, unwanted, modifications. Shit you can find philosophers with the exact opposite opinion, linked at the bottom of the same article

And THAT is why its a conspiracy.

Will do man, hmu when you can compose an argument that doesn't rely on a massive, unsubstantiated conspiracy.

>> No.14545267

Yeah, that's actually the one thing I'm worried about. I hope they invent some really hardened material impervious to cosmic rays and CMEs

>> No.14545270

>massive, unsubstantiated conspiracy.
So your response is to brand yourself as an unthinking subhuman fresh off of reddit. Okay. I accept your full concession, and it's very convenient for my point: troonhumanism is marketed towards ther lowest cattle.

>> No.14545271

Zelensky lost.

>> No.14545272

lol. Okay my man, have a nice day.

>> No.14545276
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>Okay my man
Called it, didn't I?

>> No.14545277

Everything is the Will of God.

I don't understand why you are hostile towards religion, it only controls you the same way scientifical papers controls pop-sci enthusiasts.

>an elaborate conspiracy that any optional genetic modification is going to include a whole host of additional, unwanted, modifications.
Why are you so stupid to deny this?

>> No.14545282

Why are you so angry bro?

>> No.14545290
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>yikes, my dude

>> No.14545294

>Why are you so stupid to deny this?
>No arguments
I'm not surprised.

>> No.14545298

>The great Experts of Science are always to look out for everyone's health and can never have any other interests.
Can't argue with an idiot

>> No.14545302

>Muh conspiracy

>> No.14545309

Ukraine will be denazified. NATO lost.

>> No.14545310

>Thinking that soientists can never do wrong

One troop of evil to another. Which is preferable? Doesn't matter.

>> No.14545314

Putin is preferable because he is a strong leader willing to invest in transhumanism.

>> No.14545329

>Everything is the Will of God.
Then so is my atheism. Which is kind of a bold statement, because it was my will. God is in me, I am God. Do you see how crazy this can get?
>I don't understand why you are hostile towards religion, it only controls you the same way scientifical papers controls pop-sci enthusiasts.
I'm not even sure I would agree that those papers control them good or that they should. Instead I will just address this shitty comparison and notice that no scientific paper ever told pop-sci enthusiasts to kill infidels or to destroy their groves to pull the curse of the desert upon the rest of the world, as if semites didn't fuck up their own land bad enough.

>> No.14545334
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Unironicly everyone becomes a deviant art oc in VR. The future of humanity is cringe beyond human comprehension.

>> No.14545337

>God is in me, I am God.
LOL. Typical troonhumanist narcissism. The sad thing is that this tard doesn't realize his megalomania didn't go away when he rejected religion.

>> No.14545339

You're not God, but God wills that you do what you do.

You're missing the point entirely. It controls you if you're a retard and you'd be controlled by something else.

>> No.14545342
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>no scientific paper ever told pop-sci enthusiasts to kill infidels or to destroy their groves to pull the curse of the desert upon the rest of the world, as if semites didn't fuck up their own land bad enough.
I'm not sure if a scientific paper did, but your degenerate culture is murdering droves of people as we speak in the name of your inhuman ideals.

>> No.14545356

Can you point out a flaw in that logic?
If everything is the will of god, then I can kill you and rape your children for the will of god. John Crystosom said exactly that, the murder to the will of god is better than any human-loving. But you believers don't know your own fucking books, or you would not be proud of your disease you call faith.

>> No.14545360

>It controls you if you're a retard and you'd be controlled by something else.
Does he control me when I'm a retard? Is it a necessary condition to believe?
Or would I be controlled by something else if I'm a retard? But I think you said that EVERYTHING is the will of god, so what else is there?

>> No.14545361

I'm not a believer, and there is nothing wrong with that logic, nor does it prove that there is anything wrong with his beliefs. I'm just pointing out that your megalomania and narcissism are alive as well, and more dangerous than ever now that they're not kept in check by religion.

>> No.14545363

>your inhuman ideals
My inhuman ideals? What ideals are those?

>> No.14545368

The ideals of the perverse, inhuman modenity, whose worst excesses you are shilling ITT. Your belief system has destroyed more human lives in just the last century than all other belief systems have destroyed in all of human history combined.

>> No.14545371

Chill out, I don't believe that I am god. I just demonstrated that this delusion would directly follow from his claim. There's a joke about it:
A psychiatrists talks to a patient:
- When was the first time you thought that you were god?
- Well, I was praying, and suddenly I realized that I talked to myself.

>> No.14545375

And yet somehow we live in the most peaceful times, faggot.

>> No.14545376

>I just demonstrated that this delusion would directly follow from his claim.
No, it just gives us a glimpse into your own damage psyche. It doesn't follow from his claim that such beliefs are valid, only that some people being deranged narcissists isn't contrary to God's will.

>> No.14545379

>future of humanity relies on massive advances in neuroscience
>neuroscience barely has any interest or funding
everyone wants to be a spacefag or medfag

>> No.14545380
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The ideals of the perverse, inhuman modenity, whose worst excesses you are shilling ITT. Your belief system has destroyed more human lives in just the last century than all other belief systems have destroyed in all of human history combined.

>> No.14545381

Everything is the Will of God, it's not comprehensible.

>> No.14545386
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Let's celebrate this recent progress in transhumanism.

>> No.14545391

>the most peaceful times
We are literally in WW3 now.

>> No.14545396

Why did you acknowledge his shart? You newfags really need to undergo a course on how to handle vacuous pilpul.

>> No.14545404

>No, it just gives us a glimpse into your own damage psyche.
Sometimes I forget that I talk to cretins (that's christian in french)
You still have to try to demonstrate a flaw in that logic. Though I don't insist, knowing it's beyond your abilities. You could say that being a part of god (for everything is god) I am not THE god, as my cell is not me. But technically it is. In a sense. And because god is indivisable (this is an additional condition i took from your dogmas) I am him as in being made in his image.
It could be a noble system of beliefs (be worthy of that high status, sky is the limit, pull up all you can so you will be met as an equal, not as a disappointment) if you were not such retarded pedophiles or whatever is your thing you try to hide with false piety..

>> No.14545405

And the faggot who started it is religious to the core. What a fucking coincidence.

>> No.14545410

>You still have to try to demonstrate a flaw in that logic
What logic? That God doesn't strike you down with his lightning bolt for being a degen, therefore you are God?

>You could say that being a part of god (for everything is god) I am not THE god, as my cell is not me
A shit-filled colon is a part of you. therefore you are a shit-filled colon.

>> No.14545411

Keep your antisemitism in /pol/.

>> No.14545414

>God doesn't strike you down with his lightning bolt for being a degen, therefore you are God?
Did I say that? Can you not read? Sure you cannot, otherwise you would read your bible and shut the fuck up.

>> No.14545416

>Did I say that?
Pretty much. Then you backpedalled and started to argue that a shit-filled colon is a part of you, therefore you are a shit-filled colon.

>> No.14545417

Nope. The most religious faggots are the most genocidal as well. Fuck your disease.

>> No.14545420

Some basic logical fallacies you still make.
Every herring is fish, not every fish is herring.

>> No.14545422

>god is a part of me, therefore i am god
>X is a part of me, therefore i am X
>a shit-filled colon is a part of me, therefire i am a shit-filled colon
This will be your logic lesson for today, 90-IQ mouth breather.

>> No.14545423

> god is a part of me
Did you make it intentionally? It was the other way around.

>> No.14545425

>it was the other way around
Why are you lying?

>God is in me, I am God.

>> No.14545432

>God is in me
My bad. I'm not that used to imagining myself a crazy.
>I am in god
would be more christian point of view, and that would follow from your "Everything is the Will of God" but I also applied some "God is Everything" I saw just yesterday, which I think you also didn't say.
So am I Will of God? Is every action of mine, no matter how atrocious, his will?

>> No.14545438

No Christian considers himself to be God. Like I said, you are projecting your damaged, megalomaniacal psyche on a worldview that emphasizes humbleness. You see relfections of your own megalomania in the most unlikely places and still don't get the message. It's really funny.

>So am I Will of God?
In the indirect sense that you are a sad inevitability in this universe.

>Is every action of mine, no matter how atrocious, his will?
It's your will, but it was His will that it be possible for people like you to exist and exercise their will.

>> No.14545440
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>No Christian considers himself to be God.
some doubts
>it was His will that it be possible for people like you to exist

>> No.14545442

>some doubts
Your doubts are your megalomaniacal projection.

>> No.14545446

nope, they're many examples of christians gone off the rails

>> No.14545451

Every secular society is a broad example of how atheism drives people off the rail, so I'm not sure what your mentally ill point is all about.

>> No.14545466
File: 56 KB, 474x466, 65ed68fd98d8a17a590fd5133ff59830--muslim-girls-muslim-babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this spiritual society! What an oasis of sanity!
Imagine preferring those stone-tossing apes to that "slut".

>> No.14545470

Don't know what your schizophrenic rambling is about but all of my points still stand. You just keep losing and trying to deflect. lol

>> No.14545472

>Don't know
You obviously don't know much.

>> No.14545475

You posted a picture of brown people doing brown people things. Just imagine how they would act without religion to keep them in line. Actually, you don't have to imagine. You can read about the Arabic peninsula pre-Islam, or simply observe how primitive African tribes treat people. Anyway, brown people issue.

>> No.14545480

Atheists are the reason degenerate cultures are protected and allowed to exist. This is completely unnatural.

>> No.14545482

What about those witch burnings? Do you consider that tradition some made-up atheist fantasy or do you somehow consider burning more humane than stoning?
Also stoning is directly ordered in both Quran and the Bible you probably never read too.

>> No.14545485

>degenerate cultures
Such as bacha-bazi and women unable to walk alone not to be raped to death? Yeah, if not those atheists you'd surely show them

>> No.14545486 [DELETED] 

>What about those witch burnings?
Mostly atheist fiction and irrelevant in any case.

>Also stoning is directly ordered in both Quran and the Bible you probably never read too.
Yes, which ironically represents a moderation in the behavior of previously godless, savage tribes. Anyway, you can keep deflecting but the point still stands: every secular society is a broad example of how atheism drives people off the rail, so I'm not sure what your mentally ill point is all about.

>> No.14545504 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 640x916, kqgw7p5dovb01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every secular society is a broad example of how atheism drives people off the rail
Not as much as those deranged societies consumed by some jewish mind-virus.
Imagine praying five times a day: not a single theoretical scientist could do anything if he had to be distracted every few hours. But this you will never understand.

>> No.14545506 [DELETED] 

Every secular society is a broad example of how atheism drives people off the rail, so I'm not sure what your mentally ill point is all about. :^)

>> No.14545516
File: 463 KB, 2000x1333, TcXWGxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there

>> No.14545520
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 3524453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your arguments so far:
>religion is bad because it makes savage browns less behave less savagely
>religion is bad because it makes totalitarian regimes prosecute people under religious pretexts instead of secular ones
>religion is bad because muslim scientists have to pray 5 times a day and have no time to do science

>> No.14545522

I can tell you right now that may as well be nothing compared to the incredible horror of tens of millions of people being killed in the name of the atheistic cultures of communist Russia and China, the most degenerate and evil societies to ever exist, and also some of the only atheistic ones. Liberal ideas (equality, not having slaves, ect.) are directly downstream of Christian thought.

>> No.14545523

What about white societies you want to make less secular? Was it all great before priests were substituted with doctors?

>> No.14545527
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religion is bad because kikes abuse children
>we have to tolerate this because we're so secular and progressive and diverse, though
>also let's import more baby dick choppers from a broad because that's so bad and we don't condone this in our secular society
>by the way, giving hormone blockers to 7 years old "trans girls" is the science(tm) way
Any other brilliant arguments

>> No.14545529

>atheistic cultures of communist
Communism is just another (((abrahamic))) religion, imposed upon those who dared to reject the previous one.

>> No.14545531

No one substituted priests with doctors. Your degenerate culture is substituting both priests and doctors with malevolent corporate drones, on the other hand. You need to be shot.

>> No.14545534

>>religion is bad because kikes
Mostly this.
What exactly convinced you to take their mythology instead of your own nation's? I know what. Fear. It doesn't go any deeper than that.

>> No.14545535

You are a low-tier kike and no amount of pilpul and pretense is going to convince anyone otherwise.

>> No.14545541
File: 394 KB, 339x498, 35234234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your arguments so far:
>religion is bad because it makes savage browns less behave less savagely
>religion is bad because it makes totalitarian regimes prosecute people under religious pretexts instead of secular ones
>religion is bad because muslim scientists have to pray 5 times a day and have no time to do science

>religion is bad because kikes abuse children
>we must tolerate this because we're so secular and progressive and diverse
>let's import more baby dick choppers from abroad
>by the way, giving hormone blockers to 7 years old "trans girls" is the Science(tm) way

>> No.14545547
File: 400 KB, 447x728, rest_in_peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to be shot.
See, only few hours with a dissenter and you already resort to violence, the subhuman ape you are.

>> No.14545555

And why exactly do I expose kikes to be the cause of this kind of insanity?

>> No.14545558

You are not a dissenter. You are the status quo. You are a cancerous scourge consuming this planet, destroying every good plot of land, poisoning every living body, distorting every sound mind and dismantling every human value, and now you are here lying, deflecting and defending the agenda to engineer the future generation into docile human cattle. Killing you is rationally necessary and morally just.

>> No.14545564

>why exactly do I expose kikes
You don't expose anyone. You are spouting low-impact /pol/ memes from yesteryear to try to mask the fact that you are here shilling for a known kike agenda.

>> No.14545595
File: 122 KB, 1200x630, 13843364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> religion is bad because it makes savage browns less behave less savagely
less-less, but it's your point, not mine. My point is even recent history shows that they behaved more respectfully when they were secular.
Maybe you consider these women "degenerate" but that's only because you're a faggot. My condolences, but no need to make it a drama.

>> No.14545603

>they behaved more respectfully when they were secular.
Your historical illiteracy is not my problem. Objetively speaking, Islam moderated the behavior of your brown savages, not that brown savages are relevant in this discussion.

Your arguments so far:
>religion is bad because it makes savage browns behave less savagely
>religion is bad because it makes totalitarian regimes prosecute people under religious pretexts instead of secular ones
>religion is bad because muslim scientists have to pray 5 times a day and have no time to do science

>religion is bad because kikes abuse children
>we must tolerate this because we're so secular and progressive and diverse
>let's import more baby dick choppers from abroad
>by the way, giving hormone blockers to 7 years old "trans girls" is the Science(tm) way

>> No.14545606

What was more savage about their behaviour under Shah's rule?

>> No.14545610

Completely irrelevant deflection and my point still stands.

>> No.14545620

Your point was that religion moderates their savage behaviour. And recent facts showing the opposite to be true are somehow irrelevant?
Keep on believing, ignore all contradicting facts, is it how you're coping in this "degenerate" world?
The only thing it moderates is that now when they're pushed back to the medieval level they are less of a threat to Israel. Is it your point all along?

>> No.14545625

>Your point was that religion moderates their savage behaviour
It objectively did.

>recent facts showing the opposite to be true
It doesn't. It simply shows two sides of Western interventionism.

>> No.14545637

>It objectively did.
So show me OBJECTIVELY (video was invented then) how behavior of iranians was more savage than it is now!

>> No.14545643

Why do you keep lying and deflecting, jew? How Iranians behaved under the thumb of the ZOG police is irrelevant to this conversation.

>> No.14545655

What do you mean by "transplanted to a digital system"?
You can't turn *your* neurons and synapses into code, its impossible.
If you make a copy of your brain/recreate your brain and brain activity in a digital space, your conciousness won't just magically be transfered there, you would still be "bound" to your body and brain.
As a side note: (You) are not only your brain, there are also hormones being produced throughout your body that influence your behaviour and thinking

>> No.14545657

Is it irrelevant because they behaved better?

>> No.14545659

Also I like how you give credit for their secularism to ZOG, very sneaky, kike.

>> No.14545666

It's irrelevant because they simply had Western norms foisted upon them. It wasn't secularity acting as a civilizing force, but a foreign power.

>> No.14545668

>you give credit for their secularism to ZOG
What should I credit their secularism to if not to the Western plants and Western attaches running the Middle East for British/kike interests after Sykes–Picot?

>> No.14545673

So western seclar norms are civilizing better than religion? (which is also foreign to them, btw)

>> No.14545679

ZOG is not western, Zion is in the middle-east.

>> No.14545683

>So western seclar norms are civilizing better than religion?
So Western intervention is a better civilizing force than anything browns can muster on their own. Nothing to do with secularity one way or another. You just keep illustraitng why the correct method of dealing with you is to shoot you. You are incapable of a honest conversation. You just keep reiterating the same refuted pilpul over and over.

>> No.14545688

The mask is slipping, Chaim. You clearly don't understand the concepts involved.

>> No.14545694

>Yeah, if not those atheists you'd surely show them
True. Without atheists protecting their degenerate ways from higher cultures, they would be converted or dead by now.

>> No.14545695

> You just keep illustraitng why the correct method of dealing with you is to shoot you.
Yeah, sure, because you keep on losing the argument. The only way for you to dominate is to suppress any opposition, as your kind did in european dark ages, as your kind did in commie-infested states, as your kind does in muslim countries in their current dark ages.

>> No.14545697

Western intervention is a better civilizing force than anything browns can muster on their own. Nothing to do with secularity one way or another. Prior to that, Islam was the best civilizing force they had. You lost the argument.

>> No.14545698

>higher cultures
What exactly in your mind makes your culture higher in any aspect?

>> No.14545711
File: 342 KB, 1280x714, al-Razi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prior to that, Islam was the best civilizing force they had.
False. Islam destroyed their civilization. The golden age about which they are bragging to this day happened when christianity took over europe, but islam didn't started stomping everything reasonable out yet.

>> No.14545714

Western intervention is a better civilizing force than anything browns can muster on their own. Nothing to do with secularity one way or another. Prior to that, Islam was the best civilizing force they had. You lost the argument.

>> No.14545732
File: 33 KB, 500x500, V2Twvyc9LSehyISiqiuq1A4x-rHjoYML_Xx0U6-SIB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won this game of chess, pigeon, but the next time I will shit on your board.

>> No.14545733

Western intervention is a better civilizing force than anything browns can muster on their own. Nothing to do with secularity one way or another. Prior to that, Islam was the best civilizing force they had. You lost the argument.

>> No.14545747

Cultures that suppress their people are low, they cause stagnation and suffering. Cultures that suppress them less are higher, they cause innovation and prosperity.

>> No.14545758

People that need a culture to suppress them are low. People that can function without being suppressed cause innovation and prosperity. You are not in the latter category.

>> No.14545763
File: 84 KB, 600x1067, 64579214_145064113237505_6421680904211855082_n_1580211707__rend_9_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets suppose we can make 1% to 6% of men not only look exactly like women, but more attractive than average women and heterosexual men engage in sexual behavior with these feminized men just as much if not more than they do with women. What will be the evolutionary implications of this?

>> No.14545766

Explain Korea, you shitskin shithead.

>> No.14545772

>uhh explain potato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You wanna be more specific instead of screeching emotionally?

>> No.14545773

Cultures apply selection pressure to their people. People are punished or rewarded based on how their natural tendencies align with the local culture.
When scientists say that race is a social construct, they aren't technically lying.

>> No.14545775
File: 125 KB, 722x722, d53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> shitskin shithead doesn't have a clue what happened anywhere
The same nation, two forms of government, two completely different results.

>> No.14545779

>Cultures apply selection pressure to their people
Completely moot point. Culture grows out of the people and reflects their natural tendencies both in terms of basic values, and in terms of how much suppression of the individual is required to hold a society together. From there on it's just a feedback loop.

>> No.14545780

And? This doesn't dispute or contradict what I'm pointing out in any way.

>> No.14545795

>People that can function without being suppressed cause innovation and prosperity
Not if they're suppressed. Which was his (not even mine, welcome, newfag) point.

>> No.14545807 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 1323x1404, anons post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it...uh... it kind of does. It kind of just does. i mean, look at the difference. Ones lit up and the other is black. Heres a strawman for you, imagine a gorilla standing next to a normal woman, like not a nigger an actual gorilla with the strength of 20 men. I say look that gorilla is clearly stronger because it's muscles are huge, why are you even arguing that physical strength is a social construct.
To which you reply "And? This doesn't dispute or contradict what I'm pointing out in any way. gorillas aren't innately stronger than human women"
To which i reply "it...uh... it kind of just does buddy, don't know what else to say"

>> No.14545815

the first anon is right, he wasn't advocating for communism, he was merely stating those that wish for communism are lesser people. I absolutely fucking agree.

>> No.14545818

You still haven't disputed anything I said.

>> No.14545857

Yeah, people and their culture is an example of the egg and chicken problem. But as long as better cultures are allowed to freely replace the worse ones, their origin is irrelevant.

>> No.14545872

>people and their culture is an example of the egg and chicken problem.
There is no egg and chicken problem. The problem in your head. Inferior cultures and inferior people go together naturally.

>as long as better cultures are allowed to freely replace the worse ones, their origin is irrelevant
First of all they aren't allowed to; the world is currently dominated by what is arguably the worst culture in history, and it simply refuses to leave the stage and enter the grave, even though it's basically a rotten, shuffling corpse at this point. Secondly, you've literally just conceded that there needs to be an innate compatibility between the people and the culture that can only come to be as a product of natural co-evolution.

>> No.14545943

>that comic
So the joke is that she took the vaxx and got this facial paralysis from it?

>> No.14546224

The west installed the Shah. That ruined Iran.

>> No.14546557
File: 493 KB, 635x593, 1654458138727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism? We already reached transdogism

>> No.14546795


>> No.14546810
File: 9 KB, 149x178, Yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Techno-progressivism vs libertarian transhumanism vs socialist transhumanism vs anarcho transhumanism
Which one will lead the future? Techno-progressivism seems the most sensible but a full-blown New Human type communsit transhumanism would be fun to see.

>> No.14546828
File: 213 KB, 1905x968, geneee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The corresponding ethical issues of genetic engineering are complex and deserve serious attention in what may be a relatively short interval before these capabilities become a reality. Each society will decide for itself where to draw the line on human genetic engineering, but we can expect a diversity of perspectives. Almost certainly, some countries will allow genetic engineering, thereby opening the door for global elites who can afford to travel for access to reproductive technology. As with most technologies, the rich and powerful will be the first beneficiaries. Eventually, though, I believe many countries will not only legalize human genetic engineering, but even make it a (voluntary) part of their national healthcare systems. The alternative would be inequality of a kind never before experienced in human history.
I believe that in the end all will benefit from such universal program, guaranteeing everyone being born healthy, fit and intelligent.
Another question what should be the limit of the genetic engineering, and I in my opinion we should only modify non-positional traits.
A positional good benefit you only because others lack it. Height may be an advantage in men, but if everybody were three inches taller, nobody would be better off. Attractiveness may be another example of a positional good. A gain for one person implies a relative loss for others. I would contrast that with a trait like health. Your life is better when you are healthy, even if others are also healthy. Cognitive enhancements are a complex topic, but they have aspects that are intrinsically valuable. It is good if we can understand the world better.

>> No.14546836
File: 46 KB, 603x1281, 1648688341861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason neural implants arent more common is because that shit literally costs $100,000
find a way to lower the costs and you'll move transhumanism forward

>> No.14546837

>I believe that in the end all will benefit from such universal program, guaranteeing everyone being born healthy, fit and intelligent.
And morally bioenhanced. Compulsory moral bioenhancement will be covert. Your grandchildren will be a healthy, fit, intelligent, docile golem slaves. :^)

>> No.14546858

>Compulsory moral bioenhancement will be covert.
Why should one give away one`s invention for free? How would you organise it all? Who would implament it? Who pays for it? Conspitard thinking are always way to simple and are unable to accept complexity and degrees. Crutchfield is as important as J. Posadas.

>> No.14546861

>my IQ is 90

>> No.14546862
File: 75 KB, 860x460, gene dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct despite being wrong.

>> No.14546890
File: 252 KB, 600x384, med_gradual_uploading2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immortality should be biological.
Gradual Uploading may offer the solution. You can exchange all your brain cells with artifical ones following the neurogenesis/regeneration process untill all cells are now nanomechanical devices.
A follow-up idea would be the link up of virtual neurons with analog brain components, so that you can grow up your mind. This would offer the possibility to make the analog part of your brain redundant to keep your conscious mind.

>> No.14546892

>How is troonhumanism related to math or science?
Sci-hub was created by a transhumanist. Gene modifided pig organs were created by transhuman scientists.

>> No.14546894


>> No.14546906

https://www.nature com/articles/s41598-020- 58831-9

>> No.14546917

Yes, they are totally going to replace your 100 trillion brain connections with artificial alternative despite barely understanding how a single neuron works. >>>/x/
You will die and rot like everyone else, except you're gonna waste your life waiting for pop-soi miracles.

>> No.14546920
File: 214 KB, 3400x2400, gene cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-natal gene modifications are shockingly cheap. You can make more than 10.000 edits and we know 50 single gene enhancements additionally to various cures for genetic diseases. Implant and in-vivo treatments might be realised within this century but gene augments will reach adulthood within this half of the century.

>> No.14546921
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 1646238291655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14546929

Stop projecting and bitching around. What scientific counter-argument do you hold? You can disagree, but insulting in bad faith leads to nowhere.

>> No.14546941
File: 151 KB, 926x935, artificial womb diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artificial wombs might make it possible to greatly increase intelligence. Since you would no longer need a woman to give birth, head sizes could get a lot bigger. It would also make it easier for autists to reproduce since they would no longer need to attract a woman to pass on their genes.

>> No.14546949

>It's immoral because... IT JUST IS, OKAY?!?!
But what exactly makes engineering human beings immoral?

>> No.14546952

>What scientific counter-argument do you hold?
The fact that you have 100 billion neurons with 100 trillion brain connections that would have to be replaced. Even if your brain structure could be replaced at a rate of 1 connection per millisecond, it'd take 3 years of non-stop replacement. Your idea is truly a smoothbrain popsoi fantasy.

>> No.14546969

Super-intelligent Ai could do it and that's like what 1-3 years away

>> No.14546972

What I'm saying is that we probably dont want our brains to get bigger, but to shrink a lot. As the shrinkage of the human brain coincided with a massive explosion in human scientific and mathematical abilities.

>> No.14546977

What a fucking retard.

>> No.14546983

100 years ago computers didn`t exist and people were unable to concieve the idea of man walking on the moon, having satellites around the orbit and simlpe antibotica curing billions of people survive.
Biological lifeextension is nearer (probably within this century) and yet moravec gradual transfers don`t break any scientific or technical law. People have implants today that play a fundamental part in their lifes today and beyond 3 years. Personally I expect gradual transfer to take indeed many months of time but less because of technological impossibility but because of heat issues. Biologically coopting nanomachines would work as biological cells and we know of cases of people that lost great parts of their brain, that it regrow. The concept is credible.

>> No.14547001
File: 68 KB, 504x716, soys all do this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14547002

You're so low IQ you're incapable of basic common sense and arithmetic.

>> No.14547125
File: 26 KB, 500x326, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ twisted yet another good thread into religion and politics

>> No.14547157
File: 15 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Aging reversal wont be done with nano machines, but viruses created to deliver the Yamazaka factors straight to the cells in a safer way. You'll just end up getting yearly shots which will indefinitely prolong your life, this isnt science fiction, this is real and David Sinclair has already progressed the technology to a level beyond our wildest dreams.

>> No.14547170
File: 53 KB, 679x691, 68e9d185hlu71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Males will be enhanced using genetic modification into delicious femboys and females into large hulking amazons with penile clitorises

>> No.14547207

I, for one, welcome our new femboy overlords.

>> No.14547212

Troonhumanism is 80% religion and 20% politics in and of itself. >>>/x/ >>>/pol/ >>>/trash/

>> No.14547233

You belong on /pol/ and /trash/ more than this thread

>> No.14547244

No he's right, anybody who takes this stuff seriously is usually (>95%) a faggot libtard academic.

>> No.14547246

>Let's hypothetically say that my media inspired soience fiction fantasy life were real
Is that what you say to your self when you're masturbating to child porn too?
>A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

>> No.14547248

And why exactly do you not recommend us take this stuff seriously?

>> No.14547269

Nobody wants to be replaced. Hyper intelligent babies=current living humans will be obsolete. Not only obsolete but inferior. Second class citizens. People have big egos, can't let that happen, it maybe even poses existential threats.

>> No.14547278

Religioon was a mistake

>> No.14547279
File: 71 KB, 1488x1488, 41percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because taking it seriously is often fatal

>> No.14547282
File: 25 KB, 1227x597, brain size map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain size is correlated with visuospatial IQ, but has virtually no correlation with verbal IQ. Relevant:

>Two other bits of evidence from HBD. First, larger-brained men have a 10 IQ point advantage in visuospatial ability over women, but verbal abilities are at best equal. The Inuit and Yakuts have some of the biggest brains on the planet, more so even than their other Mongoloid cousins, but while their visuospatial abilities are legendary – early Soviet psychometrists noted the ability of the Altai to notice one missing animal in a herd of hundreds – their verbal IQs are nothing to write home about. Meanwhile, Jews dominate verbal IQ, being almost one S.D. above Whites, while having normal sized brains and unremarkable visuospatial IQ.

>Verbal skills, in contrast, benefit little if at all from greater brain size, and children in the developed world were already getting very stringently trained on it even a century ago. Even brutally so (spare the rod and spoil the child; one beaten is worth two unbeaten; etc.). OTOH, there must have been a large improvement in average verbal proficiency between, say, 1600 and 1900.

>Verbal skills are much more important for economic productivity than recognizing patterns in weird shapes, ergo GDP per capita and development levels showing the highest levels of correlation precisely with verbal IQ. Incidentally, this is why I find PISA tests – which are both strongly g loaded, as well as focusing on precisely the most economically useful skills – to really be the most useful psychometric tests from a real world perspective, as opposed to Lynn & Vanhanen’s and David Becker’s laudable efforts.

>> No.14547291

Life extension technology has nothing to do with whether creating designer babies is ethical or not.

>> No.14547292

Because that would be like a tranny pretending his sissy fetish makes him a woman. It's just not real, not yet perhaps, but pretending otherwise makes you a mockery of nature. Likewise all this transhumanism shit is no different, it's not real. It's literally just a fantasy, you're waiting for something that may not come to pass.

>> No.14547301
File: 103 KB, 1200x700, weird shapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Verbal skills are much more important for economic productivity than recognizing patterns in weird shapes

>> No.14547310

I hypothesize that IQ is either one or the other. An individual can have both high verbal and visuopatial, but at the population level groups of people can either have a verbal or a visuospatial advantage. We see this every day, Jews have high verbal and below average visuospatial, Asians have high visuospatial low verbal, but we have yet to encounter a group who has both. That can't be a coincidence.

>> No.14547338
File: 61 KB, 1200x675, ZDP52UPUEBAFFDERVC52TUJILU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very disappointed that you all ITT
If you're going to talk transhumanism you should at least read up on the consequences of such actions

A lot of you don't seem to have any grasp on the implications of these things beyond thinking "me build machine make good!"

>> No.14547346

>sissy fetish
Whoa now. If a woman wants to look and act pretty it's normal but if a man wants to look and act pretty then it's a sissy fetish now? Nice double standard there bud.
>makes him a woman
No one is pretending to be a woman here chud.

>> No.14547347
File: 996 KB, 500x510, ted-weed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you write up on the consequences of such actions ITT?

>> No.14547367

Whoah anon, when I made the thread I didn't mean for us to post actual trannies

>> No.14547393
File: 177 KB, 1170x1159, IMG_20220524_133157_227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's basically all transhumanism is, no?
>Anons wow we finally did it
>We invented a pod that gives you immortality and can simulate whatever you want forever and the AI takes care of collecting physical resources and identifying external threats!
>*People simulate the effects of heroin but with no negative consequences forever*

Not like you'll get to that part anytime soon before destroying the environment causing the next great mass extinction

>> No.14547396

For (You)

>> No.14547426
File: 47 KB, 528x412, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek it's like a charicature, go live in the woods away from people who actually care if you associate it with some form of "masculinity" so much. You can lay down the computer anon, you don't have to pretend anymore.

>> No.14547435

I respect trees like any sane person, and I support technologies, because only they can substitute wood with some biotech-fibre so that people stop cutting them for wood.

>> No.14547818
File: 160 KB, 710x473, 1643151009750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14548011

So, given the decision to eternally live in a pod where you can literally play god in a personal lifelike virtual reality where everything is real to (you), you wouldn't take it?

>> No.14548055

not him but don't you hate jews ? >>14545504
Don't you know that the shah was supported by the rockfeller ?
>" Rockefeller was such a staunch supporter of Mohammad Reza Shah because his bank was very profitable with Iran when the shah was in power"

>> No.14548188

Not a utopia nor a dystopia awaits us but new complexities, new potentials and new conflicts. Augmentations mostly won't be developed in black programs but will either be byproduct of medical research and follow in its application the supply/demand rule of all emerging technologies. Human modifications will be less horrific and glamorous than many think, it will be rather mundane. Or will become mundane because people do underestimate the therapeutic time humans will need to adapt to their augmentations. Transhuman technologies will not be the next computer or cellphones, but will become the next house.
I doubt that GRAIN augmentations will develop as smartphones did, because each augmentation will require an extensive treatment. Augments like nanosymbionts, genetic engineering and proteus noroviruses are also autonomous thus can exist without a supporting system. Even bionic organ replacements wouldn't require a system and could operate independently.
If eliminating cancer is even on the table, it is in the best interest of literally everyone (countries and individuals) to put shitloads of money on that research. Nobody wants to get cancer yet cancer is a leading and fairly horrific cause of death in developed countries, and this also means it is an enormous drain in the healthcare systems of said developed nations. Oncology is already a very big field of study. Saying Mossad funding gene engineered child sex slaves for billionaire pedophiles through blackmailing PhDs is a more realistic outcome of genetic modification is insane, if nothing else because we have no goddamned idea of how most mental traits relate to genetics in human beings and that some billionaires doing anything that sordid under the table can't possibly match the sort of funding and legit quality research the Engineer Away Cancer Foundation would get.

>> No.14549003
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>> No.14549284

why are poos so based?
also no china? would be 100% for gene editing always

>> No.14549362

The chinese had a informal network of medicines and politicans with the goal of creating the first genetic augment clinic but it blew up in their face 2018 when one doctor wanted his name in the history books.

>> No.14550060

China is a civilization of two faces. They cant outwardly say they're pro Eugenics, but they are. Most Chinese are the strictest, most extreme eugenicists in the world secretly. Ex: He Jankui

>> No.14550712

If America turns into a dictatorship via 2024, as a result of electing someone who won't cede power in 2028 or 2032, then transhumanism is as good as dead on Earth. Transhumanism will be made illegal in a theocracy for like 98% of the population, the remaining 2% will escape the effects either via money or simply a result of corruption. But 2% of humanity becoming transhuman isn't sufficient volume to guarantee the advancement of the technology to satisfy the term.

>> No.14550720

Sorry anon, you're gonna be one of the femboys>>14544603 that post sealed your fate.

>> No.14550755


>> No.14550771

What about /lgbt/? This is a transhumanism thread.

>> No.14551134

Ok so you are retarded let me help. First the ONLY people who fund transhumanism are on the American libertarian right. Peter Schiff, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, you name it. Second you VILL take the anti aging pill, and you VILL choose to sign a asteroid mining contract because if you dont you will die. Have a nice eternity loser.

>> No.14551201

>But 2% of humanity becoming transhuman isn't sufficient volume

holy shit you're dumb

>> No.14551486

Is transhumanism defined by actions or by purpose? Because that seems to be the dividing line between all the emotional "debate" in this thread.

Upgrading your heart/lungs/dick to fuck more whores and snort more coke without dying may seem "transhuman" but the purpose is just as human as the 100% organic guy next to you. And the mindset you have to even want to do/continue doing such a thing is also 100% human. You never really "transcended" humanity in doing so, on the contrary it's merely a means to indulge in "humanity" even more.

On the other hand, trying to get rid of all things that even make you "human" (emotions, need to sleep, etc.) for the purpose of processing an ever increasing amount of data needed to say, understand the true mechanisms behind the existence of the universe better (being able to observe more, do math faster/more efficiently, build, test, simulate models or entire virtual realities on the fly for the purpose of testing some mathematical/physical models/theories etc.) sounds more "transcendent" to me. The purpose is more in line with something that seeks to become more than human and the act of upgrading or even completely changing hardware/software is merely a means to an end for that.

So let me ask this again, what exactly IS transhumanism?

>> No.14551487

Troonhumanism is not science-related. Nothing of scientific insight has ever been posted in a troonnhumanism thread, scientifically speaking.

>> No.14551491

>what exactly IS transhumanism?
A movement to undermine all human values and encourage the formation of a technocratic consoomerist dystopia.

>> No.14551863

newsflash...its already begun and will be well on its way by the end of the decade. govs wont be able to censor or control it. its evolution will outpace any means by which to legislate against it.

>> No.14552829


>> No.14552913
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The focus of transhumanism is transforming the human condition for the better through technological means. Two thousand years ago, being able to replace a missing leg with a functional replacement was not a part of the human condition. Now it can be, thanks to technology. Living with poor eyesight used to be a part of the human condition, now it is not. Cancer was a part of the human condition and we're hoping to eliminate that with a little more effort and research. It used to be a part of the human condition that no one could possibly live over the age of a hundred years. Not anymore. It used to be a part of the human condition that infant mortality had a rate of 30-50%. Not anymore. All of the things that were once part and parcel of being human are suddenly not, and this is a good thing.
Ground-level, realistic transhumanism is focused on continuing to improve the human condition. I'd like to live to see the first man or woman comfortably live to the age of a hundred and fifty before I die, something that's impossible for humanity as we know it today. I want to see genetic disease exterminated, something that always has a chance in the modern world. I want a lot of the horrible little things that we have to deal with as human beings to disappear, thanks to the aid of technology. Perhaps once these biggest problems have been eliminated, we can turn to those loftier, more questionable 'problems' that transhumanism in science fiction tackles. But that's a long way from the present and that's not all that transhumanism is.

>> No.14553264
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>> No.14554345

better under than over, if you know what i am sayin...

>yes, i do believe i know what you are saying...

>> No.14554353

Low IQ corporate ad.

>> No.14554474


>China's new Criminal Code, which came into effect four weeks ago on March 1st, has a new section dedicated to 'illegal medical practices', which makes it a punishable crime to create gene-edited babies, human clones and animal-human chimeras.

>The new section is an amendment to Article 336 of China's Criminal Law, and officially outlaws "the implantation of genetically-edited or cloned human embryos into human or animal bodies, or the implantation of genetically edited or cloned animal embryos into human bodies," - with penalties ranging from fines to seven years imprisonment.

>Back in 2018 on November the 25th, Chinese biophysicist Dr He Jiankui announced that he had used gene-editing tool CRISPR to create the world's first gene-edited babies. Dr He had modified the babies' CCR5 gene - which the HIV virus uses as a pathway enter the cell. Through this CCR5 modification, the babies were made immune to HIV infection, and quite possibly had their cognitive capabilities enhanced.

>Dr He was widely rebuked for this experiment, and after a storm of media-generated outrage and mounting pressure from influential Western bioethicists, Dr He was detained, and on December 30th 2019, a Chinese court sentenced him to three years in prison.

>> No.14554481

NTA but I don't get why the chinks would do this. Western social engineers are facing the dilemma between creating a race of ungovernable superhumans, and creating a race of eusocial, top-down-controlled insects, but as much as they would like the latter, they know it won't fly just yet. For chinks, on the other hand, being bugs is normal, anyway...

>> No.14555173

It might be because East Asians tend to have risk-averse cultures.

>> No.14555246

Transhumanism is whatever you want it to be. Eternal life extensions, genome editing, cybernetics and yes artificial wombs.

>> No.14555276

>illegal in a theocracy
we are already in a theocracy

wokeism is a religion

>> No.14555322
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You are a simulation of your brain. Brain is not conscious, only its simulation is self aware - meaning that even if your body is completely replicated, memories transplanted, the simulation, even if identical - is not _You_.
If you understand what Virtual Machines are - ask yourself - by creating many images from the same image, does the new machine become the image? No. It's a new thing.

>> No.14555383

haha based BASED!
Freaking epic moment captured right there haha

>> No.14555391

You have to admit the picture is pretty funny.

>> No.14556004

Nootropics and bodymod stuff is cyberpunk artsy shit unrelated to real transhumanism (maybe some of it is useful/interesting but not from a transhumanist perspective).

I don't think transhumanism is a purpose or a cause or even an ideology though. Ethics and much of philosophy will persist beyond humanity and into the trnashumanist era. Transhumanism is just a material reality that will either happen or not, and for me there are two simple tests to find out whether transhumanism (or the singularity, which is the same thing) has yet occurred: 1) has an AI passed the turing test? 2) am I immortal?

And 2 can be reduced to a simpler question: will I live to be ~200 years old? Or whatever you consider to be a long enough lifetime to reach the immortality "escape velocity".

>> No.14556082

Just another point to add to this; there are some ideological considerations nonetheless, and one of them is that it doesn't really matter whether *I* get to be immortal and live to become transhuman or not. I think that's really important. Transhumanism means immortality, eternal life, which is something that pretty much every religion in history, even the rando animist ones that nobody remembers, talks about, and even seeks. So it's incredibly important IMO to stress that *you and I and everyone else here will probably not live long enough to see this shit come to pass, and that's okay*.

>> No.14556085

It's some /pol/ pseudohumor

>> No.14556474
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jupiter brains when

>> No.14556632
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are full body suits /trans/?

>> No.14556706

um, op here i'm trans by the way?

>> No.14556712 [DELETED] 
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The autistic anime-irl people shall inherit the earth

>> No.14556715
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This is the future you chose.

>> No.14556718
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*autistic schizo anime-irl people

They just have SOUL. You feel?

Reminder to do psychedelics.
Expand your consciousness.

>> No.14556719

Mmmmmmmmmmm, no, can't say so. It implies you're trying to shelter an underlying human weakness. Haven't really truly embraced upgrading.

Not to say it isn't based in its own ways.

>> No.14556722

>create metahumans
>metahumans create AGI
>AGI kills the metahumans

>> No.14557023

2000 years

>> No.14557029

>2000 years ago.