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14543835 No.14543835 [Reply] [Original]

People can't actually do this, right?

>> No.14543840
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>there exist "people" who can't form mental images

>> No.14543853

What do you mean? Like a hallucination or something?

>> No.14543859
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If you have to ask, you don't know.

>> No.14543868

It's schizophrenia

>> No.14543888

>If you have to ask, you don't know.
the intelligence of /sci/, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.14543891
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I knew you were a drone and it'll go over your head.

>> No.14543895

t. psycho that dreams in the daytime and can't even explain what it's like

>> No.14543900

Proof Of Thought nigger, Gods intended protocol 51% attacked by Satan Inc, you are part of the problem, can you imagine that, nigger

>> No.14543902
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The worst part is that you're not even trolling.

>> No.14543910

Everything is schizophrenia.

>> No.14543912

It's like taking a blurry snapshot of an image that your mind is able to visualize later. When you recall visiting a place, looking at illustrations in a book, or even watching cartoons, you remember how those things look and have an imprinted image you can recall and your mind fills in the blanks. So if you've never seen an iridescent dragon with purple antlers and buck teeth, you've probably seen images of those things separately and can visualize what it would look like using those details. You can stare off into space and do it, or even close your eyes and attempt it. It's just thinking about a thing and creating an image that transposes over your current visuals. Think of it like holding the see through projector sheets up in front of your eyes, if that makes sense.

>> No.14543945

Wait are you guys serious? If I ask you to think of an apple you don't see anything?

>> No.14543947

what, you can? It's literally a hallucination.

>> No.14543959

A hallucination would be something that's seen and actually perceived to be there.

>> No.14543962

A hallucination would be something that's overlayed on top of your actual visual field and not perceived to be on somekinda separate plane. You're both pretty retarded.

>> No.14543963

that's what you're claiming to see.

>> No.14543965

Supposedly, some silly geese can't even comprehend the notion of having an internal monologue.

>> No.14544378

Everyone does and everyone can see images in their mind. They are just confused about what it means... I have poor ability to visualize images, but I still can. I think people are expecting it to mean like acid trip clarity.

>> No.14544385

>It's schizophrenia

It meant I could basically memorize my chemistry textbooks and visualize the information I needed. Imagine being a faggot who cant do that.

>> No.14544388

>that's what you're claiming to see.

No, it is literally like having a movie projector in your head, a "third eye" or third surface, that you can imagine things on. For example, I am imagining pooping into your mouth right now.

>> No.14544392

>Everyone does and everyone can see images in their mind.

No, they don't. My dad like watching popsci youtube videos, and he came across one on this topic, aphantasia, the inability to make mental pictures. He insisted people meant seeing things "with their eyes" just superimposed, and I tried to explain to him "no, it's like a movie screen in your head" and he just didn't get it.

This was at a family dinner, Aunt comes in and I say "auntie, you can visualize things in your head, right?" and she said yep.

I've had this discussion with lots of people to those who cant do it, its very difficult to explain what its like, but if you can do it (and not everyone can) then its as simple as asking "you can hear, right?" But imagine trying to explain hearing to a deaf person, it is like that, sort of, except in this case you have the analogy with external 3d vision.

>> No.14544462
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Still sounds like bullshit, what happens if you ask him to draw a circle, if he can't even picture what a circle looks like? Or something a bit more complex like a house? What would he say you look like if he had to describe your appearance, but can't picture your appearance in his head?

>> No.14544499

have a soul.

>> No.14544500

>No, it is literally like having a movie projector in your head, a "third eye" or third surface, that you can imagine things on. For example, I am imagining pooping into your mouth right now.

Do you "see" it or sense it? I can sense the apple in my mind and rotate it. I can even sense things like the physics of clothe. But it's a sense. My subconscious is seeing it, presumably, but my conscious mind is only sensing that my subconscious can see it. To my conscious mind it's like trying to see behind a black static curtain.

>> No.14544506

>people falling for this bait
imagine thinking there are people who can't draw out of the top of their heads. Even my retarded cousin has mental images

>> No.14544542

Because you're related, this is race problem. Some population brains are not that much developed or even differently developed, sadly people are too afraid to admit it. Woke basically blocked 80% of human science, this even ends up creating medical problems because people handle things differently, but "muh one race" fags tries to deny it for some reason

>> No.14546565

your future soulmate. The sheer act of reading this will force your mind to visualize your ideal partner and this is called imagination, monsieur. It uses your memory to fill in the visual stimuli and it roots from our desire to know therefore, if you lack curiosity or at the very least attention, you cannot visualize. People who cant "visualize" expect some sort of 3d shit appearing suddenly on your sight when in reality, its like having a boner.

>> No.14546583

>OP discovers that other people can, in fact, imagine images

>> No.14546589


>> No.14546597

If OP can see what his eyes show him, he already has a soul. He just don't know how to control his mind. Modern kids are too lazy to exercise their brains.

>> No.14546605

A hallucination is when you can't distinguish a real apple from an imaginary one.

>> No.14546610

That's semantics, who cares. His confusion comes from thinking that when people imagine things, they "see" them in their visual field, overlain on top of the world, which isn't how it works

>> No.14546619

>which isn't how it works
Wrong. While imaginary images do appear in a separate visual stream by default, it is possible to force them into the main one.

>> No.14546622

>please tell me I'm special 4chan

>> No.14546643


>> No.14546646

I used to be able to do this vividly. However a head injury has significantly diminished by ability and I now only get vague images.

>> No.14546655

Still not as bad as those people who have zero inner monologue.

>> No.14546668

Nobody has inner monologue. It's only schizos who have auditory illusions.

>> No.14546672

By that logic, having memories makes you a schizo with temporal illusions.

>> No.14546680

"Really?", I thought to myself, "There are seriously people who can't talk in their head? How do they even read?"

>> No.14546682

This guy gets it. The only people who feel a need to intellectualize and dissect it and argue about what it's really like are aphantasic drones doing turbo cope.

>> No.14546832
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Some please tell me this is a psyops.
I refuse to believe Aphantasia is a real disorder that plagues the minds of young people.

>> No.14546923

How the fuck does one retain the plot of a movie if they have aphantasia???

>> No.14546930
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It's probably real

>> No.14546947

>distill image to relevant components

>insane cattle
>lose themselves in irrelevant irrelevance

95% of the population is insane phantasic retards.
lol, lmao even.

>literally think as a movie
Let me guess, you think at the speed of speech ? KEK

>> No.14546965

>>literally think as a movie
Yeah it's fucking awesome, I can replay movies in my head while I'm at work, and I can visualize an entire scene of a movie in my head in only a few seconds.
Sometimes I can concentrate on remembering a song hard enough that I almost hear it playing in my ears.
>Let me guess, you think at the speed of speech?
Like I said, I can replay an entire scene from a movie in only a few seconds, with sufficient detail, so I actually find myself thinking a lot faster than I'm talking.
Seethe, non-visualizer. Have fun being stuck with a brain that is as boring as a fucking textbook.

>> No.14547006

A hallucination is when you glitch a real apple into this matrix pretending to be reality.