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14543201 No.14543201 [Reply] [Original]

Is emotional intelligence something dumb people came up with to feel good about themselves? Or is it as significant as IQ?.

>> No.14543219

they're like physics models for the brain, i.e. quantum or newtonian etc. they help us accurately discern certain things in certain circumstances, but the true comprehensive understanding is way out of our reach.

>> No.14543220

"Empathy" is as real as telepathy, it's something shitlibs made up to make themselves self righteous.

>> No.14543228

*justify their self righteousness

>> No.14543236

Of course not!
But you're still a degenerate if you're not able to interact with other people

>> No.14543247

I'm able to interact pretty normally, and my EQ is like 5/80.

>> No.14543358

dont ask a bunch of autist if the social function of the brain is a thing. Emotional intelligence is absolutely a thing that we have evolved as a social species. EQ as a measurement tho is 1000x worse than IQ is as a measurement, and there are no vaild EQ tests as it is too complex to measure.

>> No.14543372

>Is emotional intelligence something dumb people came up with to feel good about themselves?
Yes. All the criticisms they levy against IQ are actually far more applicable to EQ.

>> No.14543386

>there are no vaild EQ tests as it is too complex to measure.
There is no valid EQ test because there is no such thing as EQ. It's just a failed attempt to formalize some vague sense that people vary in how much they're in tune with their own feelings/the feelings of other people.

>> No.14543387

you have downssyndrome. you cant cite shit on this to back anything up you say. And youre retardedly framing this as an EQ vs IV thing as if theyre at war and only one can exist.

>> No.14543394

Your incoherent seething suggests to me that both your IQ and EQ are low. :^(

>> No.14543404

you are completely wrong. Of course emotional intelligence exists. How the fuck do you think evolution works? If a human is better able to understand and cater to emotional needs of another human, those humans are automatically given more value in that social group without having to expend energy or resources, its also selcted for sexually. This process repeats and the species become more emotionally intelligent. there are so many different aspects to intelligence. Chimps have better short term memory than us but overall were way smarter. just because it has the word 'emotion' in it doesnt automatically mean it does not exist. emotions are physically present in the brain and can be manipulated by external factors.

>> No.14543406

See >>14543386

>> No.14543410

you cant cite anything, but feel it necessary to say
>haha you just dumb
actual retard, genuinely look this up or try to cite something in support of your bs claims that youve obviously just pulled out of your ass

>> No.14543412

I don't need to cite anything, but you do need to go back to r/teenagers instead of having your feminine, emotional meltdowns ITT.

>> No.14543415

It's more important than IQ. It doesn't matter if you're a once in a lifetime genius, being unable to navigate HR politics or work in a team = doom.

>> No.14543416

see a fucking library or professor. just making baseless claims isnt an answer or a counterpoint.
>emotional intelligence is a thing

>> No.14543421

Why don't you come over and gag on my dick a little? That should cure your female hysteria. Also see >>14543386

>> No.14543423

dude, you dont know anything beyond talking out of your ass. if you spent as much time on google scholar as you did navigating all the boards of 4chan youd be half as retarded as you are.

>> No.14543424

What does your article have to do with your post? The guy was a turbo-normie who navigated HR politics just fine. Unfortunately for him, he was a regular degenerate and it came back to bite him in the ass after he chose to fuck a deranged slut.

>> No.14543426

If you spent as much time riding my dick as you spend seething hysterically, you would feel much better. Come over and suck my balls, whore.

>> No.14543428

genuinely get help. youre on a sicence board and you cant cite anything when asked and keep repeating the same insult about women. youre immensely insecure and impotent in every regard. even if i was a woman, youre wrists are twice as thin as mine

>> No.14543432

youre obsessed with thinking im a woman. get mental help

>> No.14543442

See >>14543386 and then gag on my cock. Your EQ is higher when you don't have all this pent-up sexual frustration.

>> No.14543450
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IQ, EQ or whatever are all simply just standardized tests with questions that test skill in some thing. it's all arbitrary, i can create agreeableness quotient, visospatial quotient, 3d visospatial quotient, memory quotient, openness quotient, "street smart" quotient, maths quotient, flags quotient, etc.

>> No.14543454

explains why a shut in virgin like you comes across as autistic

>> No.14543464
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M'lady, I was merely trying to have a civilized discussion, but your low EQ compels you to screech hysterically while ignoring any actual points made, and you are in dire need of a good dicking.

>> No.14543487

tell me you're a sociopath without telling me youre a sociopath.

>> No.14543493

tell me you're a shitlib while also telling me you're a homosexual

>> No.14543495

just copying that guys insult and throwing it back at him like youre some sassy queen. Get off of your estragon its driving you crazy

>> No.14543501

your insults are all recycled and uniroginal and you sound like some low-test pansy. come back when you're creative and manly like me, homo

>> No.14543516

nigga you literally just copied the guy you replied to. This is the hardest projection ive ever seen. Even if you try to claim that wasnt you, why the fuck would you reply to me and not the guy literally copying the other guys insult. youre retarded beyond saving anon, gain some self awareness holy shit

>> No.14543521

you're basically trying to copy my style with your retarded replies. stop projecting. you're so stupid it's incredible. you just can't be saved and you have zero self-control

>> No.14543523

top tier cope
>inb4 no u

>> No.14543524

You got BTFO by the other poster, kiddo. Just walk away. He's smarter and more creative than you.

>> No.14543526

thanks, friend. most people can see who's superior here. that kid just lacks self-awareness and keeps posting cringe. i bet he's gonna accuse you of being me now because he's like 14 lmao

>> No.14543528

>i think i'm telepathic, but really i'm too low IQ to recognize my own phycological projection
you and your ilk are as common as can be, people who are able to recognize their own projections and others' are far more rare and higher IQ than yourself. those people will be able to easily manipulate you for the rest of your life because of your irrational belief in your own insightfulness

>> No.14543534

literally every sociopathic person says this.
they don't understand that most people actually feel empathy and not just cognitive empathy

>> No.14543536

low iq post

>> No.14543537

do and IQ test and be humbled you cringe retard

>> No.14543539

what does empathy have to do with iq?

>> No.14543540

he sounds smarter than you, homo

>> No.14543542
File: 52 KB, 577x433, or-just-embracing-my-narcissistic-streak-of-savior-complex....-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who is different from me is inherently evil
>i have a collection of namecalling routines i use on anyone who voices disagreement with my irrational world view
>i can't discuss my ideas rationally, i just chimp out at the slightest hint of contradiction because that way i never have to think critically about my own blatantly irrational belief system

>> No.14543545

Based 0 EQ autist. Normies will seethe.

>> No.14543546

sociopath ≠ evil. I never claimed that retard.

>> No.14543555

Sympathy is a thing. Empathy is not. Psychologists in the mid-late 20th century rewrote the definition from merely the ability to pick up subtle emotional cues, to somekind of telepathic emotional communication. It's lore, mostly from libs and "psychic" femoids.

>> No.14543575

empathy seems like its just a stronger dose of sympathy. its not telepathic of course you can't literally feel what someone else is feeling but you try to emulate it.

sam feels sad
you feel bad for sam

sam feels sad
you feel sad for sam at first and then you start feeling sad your self as well.(doesnt mean you feel exactly what sam is feeling just that you choose to also feel bad too as a response)
nothing out of the ordinary here

>> No.14543581

>i can't turn off my emotionally driven namecalling routine, i need it to protect my fallacious belief system which i am incapable of defending on a rational basis

>> No.14543589

You're both dumb as fuck. To be sympathetic is simply to share someone's feelings. Empathy is a deeper ability to relate and understand people whose feelings you don't share.

>> No.14543595

>Empathy is a deeper ability to relate and understand people whose feelings you don't share.
yes? thats what I tried to say with >>14543575

>> No.14543600

I don't know what you "tried" to say, but that's not what you said, and what you did say sounds fucking retarded.

>> No.14543610

I was trying to explain to a ROBOT how empathy works
saying >>Empathy is a deeper ability to relate and understand people whose feelings you don't share.
is as the same in my example where you start feeling sad as a response to sam feeling sad, you both understand each other after that. literally the same as what you said

>> No.14543612

I feel sad in response to your inability to express yourself coherently. :^(

>> No.14543624

whats not coherent in my example, retard?
these morons think its a literal delusional telepathic ability that "over emotional" people delude themselves with.

I was trying to explain that normal people feel the literal same when someone is in agony, as in their brains start kicking in the same emotions someone else is feeling. tell me is that not coherent for your thick brain?

>> No.14543635

Gag on my cock to increase your EQ. (Not your low IQ, though)

>> No.14543659

>imma use my emotionally driven namecalling routine to avoid considering the possibility that my worldview is fallacious
explain how people who consider themselves telepathic are incapable of understanding others' disagreement with their telepathic genius worlviews? how come you can't understand others' points of view, i thought you were an empathy genius? shouldn't you be able to countenance contradiction without chimping out and spewing insults and profanity? how come you can't understand where the other guy is coming from when your fallacious soience theories are contradicted? why does contradiction of your pet theories result in a chimpout instead of calm, well reasoned explanations?
do you honestly think that you're going to convince anyone of anything by spewing insults and profanity at them? chimping only convinces people that you're short tempered, have difficulty controlling your emotions and are intellectually inferior

>> No.14543661

>explain how people who consider themselves telepathic
Stopped reading there. Please take your meds before we continue this conversation.

>> No.14543665

you're an asshole. I articulated my self fine.
im sorry that I have to talk in this pitch perfect method because you're unwilling to try to understand my somewhat lazy writing.

>> No.14543668

if you're such an empathy genius then why are you spewing insults at someone who you claim that you're trying to have a rational scientific discussion with? do you find it convincing when some tells you
>ur a fucking moron and i wish you were dead, thats why you should trust me

>> No.14543674
File: 28 KB, 496x376, 21st century spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will have infinite excuses to avoid addressing the core issue, you've now resorted to spewing canned memes as a means of avoid it, which is as much as admitting that you're wrong.

>> No.14543675

You articulated your idea like a retarded child, and it's highly likely that your reading comprehension is as bad as your writing, which causes you to mistakenly think we said the same thing.

>> No.14543676

>addressing the core issue
What's the core issue, again? Try stating it without schizophrenic complaints about "telepathy", since that's completely incongruent with what I wrote here: >>14543589

>> No.14543679

its because i have adhd you shithead cunt
fuck you, try being me and articulating anything
how about you try and EMPATHIZE and understand me instead? cunt?

>> No.14543682

>i have adhd
Come over. I'll fuck the "ADHD" out of you as well as any other imaginary mental disease.

>how about you try and EMPATHIZE and understand me instead?
Honestly, I guess I just don't want to.

>> No.14543689

also what I wrote was close enough in meaning anyway.

>> No.14543740

what is cognitive empathy, are there different types of that shit?

>> No.14543751

idk why don't you ask mr privileged lucky bastard articulate guy with a normal functioning brain over there >>14543675

>> No.14543764

holy shit this guy has been here all day making the same joke, get mental help

>> No.14543768

You think I'm joking? I've been waiting for you all day to get down on your knees and go GLUG GLUG GLUG GAHHHHH.

>> No.14543769

>he sounds smarter than you, homo
spoken like a true retard

>> No.14543821

if you can fuck the ADHD out of me that would be great, it's crippling.

>> No.14543971

Maybe. Are you a girl, or at least a passable trap?

>> No.14543974

Lol no, I was thinking you might be the girl.

>> No.14544013

>women use 4chan

>> No.14544021

Of course emotional intelligence is real, although the conventional definition makes it sound gay. Some people are just extraordinarily good at reading (and potentially manipulating) other people.

>> No.14544052
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>> No.14544085


>> No.14544133

EQ is a real thing but usually those who have it in large amounts are emotional messes, it's not a good thing to have and is bested by cognitive empathy hands down. I think it was stated that a large amount of comedians are classified as "psychopaths", as are many great orateurs, which is to say that if you understand others but not necessarily have to feel irrational emotions (I'm saying this like I'm a robot but people can be psychopathic if their empathy is triggered) you actually function better as a person.

Basically after a while you understand how trite the reasons for people to feel emotions are and you think they're dumbies.

>> No.14544145

creativity is loq iw

>> No.14544174
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Reminder that empathyfags are dumb and easily manipulated, all it takes to control them completely is the ability to predict and induce their highly predictable empathy driven responses.

>> No.14544202

takes a lot of empathy to understand empathyfags like that, well done anon you have high EQ

>> No.14544267
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EQ is definitely a separate thing from IQ but it seems to be just another autist test. what the fuck does a 4 standard deviation EQ person do? what does EQ even predict (other than autism)?

>> No.14544302

yes, but long term you also lose if caught.

>> No.14544304

to continue.
empathy is a long term game, its the MAD equivalent in society.

>> No.14544380
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>> No.14545002

IF there was a good way to measure EQ itd probably predict income way more than IQ would. better navigating social interactions such as job interviews and relationships would result in higher pay and overall higher happiness. Someone with an exceptionally high EQ would probably have a fairly high IQ too, but with the sheer amount of social disorders i dont think itd work the other way around. Because it still takes a level of pattern recognition and logically navigating through logistical problems to be very socially attuned at least consciously. I have seen very seemingly charismatic people who are complete retards, when presented with a situation that should be approached with more care, completely fuck up.

>> No.14545005


EQ = brainlet copium