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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14543069 No.14543069 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14543188

Nobody on /g/ has read papa Rudin.

>> No.14543251

>Hi thanks for coming to our interview! Ok, we have a couple of React questions here for you. You claim to know a lot about CS so these should be pretty easy for you....
Imagine reading all of these books and still not learning the difference between a GET and POST request.

>> No.14543293

Only 5% of /g/ at max have read at least 1 book of this list. Noone on /g/ has read all of them, not even the creator of that chart. Same for any other chart and any other board.

>> No.14544768


>> No.14544877

pity bump attempt. You will never read a single book of Landau.

>> No.14544979

Do not waste your time with Hegel!

>> No.14545017


>> No.14545021

Disgusting trash.

Meme language

>theory of fields
Pseudointellectual physics undergrad detected. There are much better books about the physical basics of technology.

>coding interview
Lel, wagie get in the cagie

>Gödel, Escher, Bach
What are you? A 14 y.o. pop sci kid?

The complexity and algorithm books are okay, though only three of them will suffice, or else you have unnecessary redundancy.

>> No.14545046

>go on /g/ - technology
>ask "what technology do you guys know about?"
>"we know how to punch buttons on a keyboard"

>> No.14545287

>There are much better books about the physical basics of technology
L&L also isn't specifically about the physical basics of technology you massive fucking retard. Nevertheless, they're excellent books and over a very wide range of topics. They are by no means outdated, it's just that these topics themselves may not be as heavily researched today.
You hating on them just shows how much of a child you are. People recommending them as a meme does not devalue them.

>> No.14545295


>> No.14545319

>L&L also isn't specifically about the physical basics of technology you massive fucking retard.
Exactly my point. You put it there because an abstract treatment of electromagnetic fields is vaguely related to electric circuits and you're an infantile cringe larper who just wants to pretend that abstract and theoretical is "le based" while simultaneously not knowing any contents beyond undergrad.

>> No.14545753
File: 1.37 MB, 1140x4777, 1652094215161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't put anything there because I didn't make this chart nor am I OP. Nevertheless, it's an obvious fucking joke like all these charts. The math one (pic rel) is also clearly a joke. At first I thought you were hating on the series itself and calling OP a pseud because of that but now I realize you're too fucking retarded to even get the joke; so sorry for assuming you weren't!

>> No.14545887

STEM is a serious topic. Too serious for joking.