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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 126 KB, 933x947, gg762.net... oh ah oh 2ky 2ky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14539163 No.14539163 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading his blog and lately he's been channeling Francis E. Dec. I'm starting to worry about his health, he might not be long for this world.

>> No.14539260

Why hasn't any of Tooker's family or friends in academia helped him yet?

>> No.14539267

If he dies will people start worshiping him like Terry Davis

>> No.14539269
File: 648 KB, 2122x2976, 1653813357594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain who this is for an out of the loop newfag

>> No.14539270

Who/what is this from? It looks like generic garden variety paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.14539274

he has no friends in academia. he dropped out of a masters program at Georgia Tech because he alienated everyone there

his mental illness is centered around a hatred for his mom Helene so he has big family problems.

sadly, even though i like Jon in certain ways, i feel like state intervention is needed. some social worker needs to find him and help him or something. but since that definitely won’t happen I fear he may become more and more of a problem to society. and it’s sad because he is actually somewhat smart

>> No.14539287


>> No.14539301

Yeah he's probably being gangstalked, wouldn't surprise me if they're Kaczynskying him

>> No.14539304

thanks, yeah he's somewhat reminiscent of terry davis in that he's yet another poor schizo being milked for lols on the internet

Although, thread says some things about rape. Is he actually a rapist? And do you have the link for the blog in the OP because it doesnt seem to be on his personal site

>> No.14539307

>Why hasn't any of Tooker's family or friends in academia helped him yet?
They're kikes and in cahoots with RAPE DICK. He probably cut contact with them after catching them trying to steal his sperm.

>> No.14539313

>he's yet another poor schizo
Not really, no one ever really trolls these tooker or the other retards, or even humor them, they're just ignored. Same case for the ones on /x/. That's not actually thing that ever happens on 4chan often.

>> No.14539322

>Although, thread says some things about rape. Is he actually a rapist? And do you have the link for the blog in the OP because it doesnt seem to be on his personal site

He's not a rapist.

>> No.14539330

>Same case for the ones on /x/.
Actually, should have mentioned nearly a decade ago on /x/ there was an extremely retarded schizo who got made fun of, but that only happened because he was a attention seeker and spammed every thread with images of himself and address with a trip. But there's nothing really comparable to that in the last ten or fifteen years.

>> No.14539714

>some social worker needs to find him and
Sounds like "hunt him down".

>> No.14539814

Didn't he get kicked out after a metoo event? I also like Tooker and i truly hope hes okay.

>> No.14539817

>I fear he may become more and more of a problem to society
"Society" doesn't exist, and this concept of a "society" is humanity's greatest enemy. Hope Tooker takes you all out in his schizo rage and becomes an absolute legend.

>> No.14540411

You're not being smart.

>> No.14541476
File: 1.57 MB, 4032x3024, 2304DEC3-02F9-40B5-A175-E15637689ABF (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can someone explain who this is for an out of the loop newfag

>> No.14541481

In the same way stating 2+2=4 is not "smart", but sometimes normies need a reminder.

>> No.14541780

Is that for real?? He's that fucking crazy?
>a lot of new implants in my balls
It's kinda funny, actually. I hope he's ok.

>> No.14542023

this crazy fuck needs to start a youtube channel

>> No.14542059


>> No.14542134

does he mutilate his own penis when he's showering?

>> No.14542147

>I switched to the unending loop noise now but the LRAD is being pumped directly into my headphones and they have added the DEEP URETHRA ZAPPER and ELECTROCONVULSOR to the LEFT TESTICLE CRUSHER, RIGHT TESTICLE CRUSHER, RAPE DICK, and HECKLERS

>> No.14542165

They take out implants at Home Depot pretty reliably.

>> No.14542169

Q is my uncle David and the main people hoping I die are also my relatives.

>> No.14542174
File: 226 KB, 1428x1496, TIMESAND___700xxx762XXX777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fear he may become more and more of a problem to society
truer words were never spoken

>> No.14542176
File: 1.89 MB, 1502x3266, TIMESAND___TheTruthAboutJesusChrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he actually a rapist?

>> No.14542184
File: 1.04 MB, 472x4884, TIMESAND___715Qn53uhjjj1yvf81Ld8de6fm98R51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14543741

bro your shit is mirrored

>> No.14543946
File: 1.02 MB, 472x4884, TIMESAND___korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14543950

What've you been up to Jon?

>> No.14544005

Tooker has a blog? I remember when he would just make silly threads on /sci/

>> No.14544015

Does he talk about DEEP ANAL WRIGGLERS and RAPE DICK on /sci/ as well?

>> No.14544026

His issue with having some kind of zapper implanted in his ass or something like that is quite old. But he used to be able to talk about it pretty coherently. His condition has gradually worsened over time.

>> No.14544027

A bit, but mainly when people provoke him, also he's gotten worse over time, although posts less frequently.
There was an incident 2 years ago where he called a black woman a nigger for not making him a sandwich and it blew up on twitter and people tried to cancel him. He's been a bit less active and more schizophrenic since then.

>> No.14544028
File: 17 KB, 326x293, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he called a black woman a nigger for not making him a sandwich
Didn't know Tookie was this fucking based.

>> No.14544274

HECKLERS coming through on the LRAD in unison to my RIGHT TESTICLE MEGA CRUSHER revving high

>> No.14544834


>> No.14544855

>There was an incident 2 years ago where he called a black woman a nigger for not making him a sandwich and it blew up on twitter and people tried to cancel him.
Anyone got the video? Mad respect for the lad

>> No.14544856

That was a white man I was speaking to and the incident happened while I was in prison.

>> No.14544857

original incident: https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1278400204790796294?lang=en

tooker response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i14au8WP5Ek

tooker's a good guy, he thought the lady was wearing blackface

>> No.14544858
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"oh no"

>> No.14544863

it wasn't a white woman. it was a white man.

>> No.14545828
File: 930 KB, 1374x753, 32523432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14545912


>> No.14545982

so it is a bald guy who spurs racial slurs wherever he goes, who is into esoteric shit and even perceives mathematics as some kind of dark magic. The guy has schizo tendencies, a tinfoil hat guy who feels insecure about the passage of a flee. The dude has high school background in mathematics, and the lack of people well versed in mathematical domains in his surroundings has made him think he is the messiah. In french we say 'Le borgne dans le pays des aveugles' or in english 'the one-eyed in the kingdom of blind'. Invents a new mathematical object (and has the audacity to put it on the real line too) that is neither infinite and nor finite, I quote 'said object' = limit of 1/x such as all real numbers<'said object' but cardinality of the set of integer values smaller than 'said objects' is not aleph naught = (cardinality of natural numbers)
he does some flips and puts it to be a solution of zeta function (non trivial he said, NON TRIVIAL he said). The two last lines of his 'said papers' end up with the same tone as this one : ' you told me that the Riemann hypothesis assumes that all zeros lie on the 1/2 line, my 'said object' is not (?) on the line, i disapproved the Riemann hypothesis, GIVE ME MY BUX'
And 90% of /sci/ users are basically /pol/ and /x/ ( the only reason I come here, is just when I piss off from my studying to laugh my ass off and go. ) , they like this shit , and quickly call him a savior of humanity and he will liberate it from the ostracism of the high (((powers))) that drive this world.
This is a quick summary and I hope newfags read this before quickly building their entire belief system on some schizo shit.

>> No.14545984


>> No.14546002


>> No.14546787
File: 594 KB, 900x450, dec5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with Francis Dec

>> No.14546820

if you are going to do "something" you only get one shot, make it count unlike grocery store shooters and that stupid shit. High value targets that will shake the foundation of the (((bankers))) and politicians illusion of safety from the plebians

>> No.14546824

These mass shootings are false flags btw

>> No.14546834

This. If Tooker does end up "committing a mass shooting" it will be conclusive proof that he wasn't a schizo but was actually harrassed by CIA niggers until he cracked, if not outright framed.

>> No.14546844

I don't think he would even do that anyway. Tooker is actually smart, he'd commit serial murders against people he perceives as cia niggers, his physiognomy also suggests this lel. Tooker isn't stupid enough to kill innocents for whatever he believes in. How many people has he actually threatened? I only know of a few people on his hit list, if he has one and isn't just making angry internet posts.

>> No.14546854
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 3252342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rapedick made me do it

>> No.14547633

Fun fact: I have Tooker's SSN and opened a bank account in his name.

>how did you get it?
He just posted it.

>> No.14547643

Also, he just turned 42 two weeks ago. Happy birthday, if you're lurking.

>> No.14547661

lol same

>> No.14547680

People always take advantage of moral panics to purge the weirdos and creeps.

>> No.14547829
File: 2.22 MB, 1150x1154, TIMESAND___ShitEye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that is my name. Also, goatse's name, btw.


They put goatse's face in the backrooms video at t=211s to highlight that he has the same last name Tooker that I have. He's this cunt face gay bastard making that half-snarl face with the Biden mask in the white house lately. He was also The Solipsist in Daisy's Destruction and, since CTMU is a solipsist manifesto, I assume he was the tard that wrote the CTMU paper in Langan's name and using the ~scoffs~ second person voice. All of that stuff about Tom Hanks' fascination with solipsism in Joe and the Volcano makes me think this is "Joe Tooker" but I'm not sure about people's first names.

>> No.14547836

When Israel gets completely glassed with nuclear carpet bombing, you'll know it was me.

>> No.14547843
File: 479 KB, 2224x2848, TRINITY___MemeCollage762b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers at the end of the first Cicada puzzle were my DOB and SSN, 05211980 and 600744301, as well as the viXra ID's from my earlier papers

Hi, I am Jon Tooker: the inventor of the time circuit...

Mundane events related to time travel.

John Titor, the Montauk Project, the e-Cat and Geometric Unity

I am the anonymous physicist featured in the black hole article yesterday.

>> No.14547992

>Tooker is actually smart,
He's a retard

>> No.14549453

Happy birthday!