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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14538890 No.14538890 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what is a woman?

>> No.14538894

A human being that decided to choose the pronouns she/her

>> No.14538897

Adult female specimen of a sapient race with cultural developments.

>> No.14538899

Define 'woman'.

>> No.14538916

>Scientifically speaking, what is a woman?
Scientifically speaking, a woman is an adult human female, where female is defined as producing ova gametes over the life cycle, and adult is defined as being post-pubescent.

>> No.14538931

Object of your fantasies OP.

>> No.14538933

Womanly speaking, what is science?

>> No.14538951

some women are born infertile, and some people never reach puberty even in their 30s, like you

>> No.14538959

surprisingly around 1 out of 1000 women are born with an extra X chromosome

Face it, biology can't give a proper definition to what a "woman" is. Thank the all-mighty conservative status quo.

>> No.14538961
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But a woman is never born with a y-chromosome. Now fuck back off to Reddit.

>> No.14539012

>genetic disorders exist therefore a castrated bald guy with tit implants is a woman

>> No.14539029

She drinks like a fish
Doesn't give a fuck what a bitch thinks
She'll tell her that her butt stinks
And all that

>> No.14539042
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>A woman is an organism that is capable of taking a Credit Card and at sub-light speed turning the balance into a imaginary number
>A woman is a open thermodynamic system that constantly exists in a thermal equilibrium colder than the system around it

>> No.14539050

you will never be a woman

>> No.14539054

>Face it, biology can't give a proper definition to what a "woman" is.
this is a total bullshit statement. let’s take the woke tranny definition to start
>a woman is someone who identifies as a woman because they embody stereotypically feminine traits
right there the tranny ideology meme definition is so loose the rules of the game are changed. if we play by those rules then biology should be allowed to use a definition like this:
>a woman is someone who is born with stereotypically feminine biology at the phenotypic level; i.e. stereotypically feminine genitalia

the point i am making is that your argument amounts to criticizing scientific definitions for being too precise (i.e. producing egg cells, or having XX chromosomes) and exposed to edge case exceptions. that is an argument against very precise definitions if you are obsessed with edge cases in the extreme tails of distributions, fine. but then the standard tranny ideology definition to replace that is so vague, and can’t be held to the same level of precision. so the argument is basically flawed with a fallacy of context-switching. therefore my alternative definition based on biology is similarly as imprecise as the tranny ideology definition but at least it is based in biological science rather than postmodern philosophy and deconstructionist literary theory

>> No.14539075

XX chromosomes

>> No.14539084

>a woman is someone who identifies as a woman
>a woman is someone who identifies as someone who identifies as a woman
>a woman is someone who identifies as someone who identifies as someone who identifies as a woman
>a woman is someone who identifies as someone who identifies as someone who identifies as someone who identifies as a woman

>> No.14539102
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 1654236989945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman is a diagnosis. You're a woman if most of the following points apply to you.

>Grandiose sense of self-worth
>Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
>Pathological lying
>Lack of remorse or guilt
>Shallow affect
>Callous/lack of empathy
>Parasitic lifestyle
>Poor behavioral controls
>Promiscuous sexual behavior
>Lack of realistic long-term goals
>Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
>Many short-term marital relationships

This concludes btw that transwomen are indeed women.

>> No.14539109

>This concludes btw that transwomen are indeed women.
i guess a lot of 20-something cis-males qualify as “women” then too amirite?

>> No.14539115

Indeed. Male psychopaths are basically trannies. They are lacking quintessential male traits such as empathy, morality or higher longterm goals. That's why castration and forced trannification should be the appropriate punishment for criminals.

>> No.14539125

way better than whatever faggotry the people who are taking this non-issue seriously are yapping about in this thread. So much yapping you think all the anons in this thread were broads.

>> No.14539132

Female is all that matters, and MTF trannies aren't female. Call yourself a woman all you want, you still aren't female lol.

>> No.14539141

How does anyone spend a square root amount of -1 dollar to end up with that kind of balance?

>> No.14539153

I can tell you who is not, you.

>> No.14539164
File: 465 KB, 2000x1333, 1650233236327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're way fucking past that

>> No.14539173

Anyone with XX chromosomes as opposed to XY chromosomes.
Anything else is a birth defect and an anomaly

>> No.14539206

>surprisingly around 1 out of 1000 women are born with an extra X chromosome
Not a woman then, is it?

>> No.14539213

Impossible to answer. The only thing I can see is that it is something you will never be.

>> No.14539214

Someone lacking a Y chromosome. Example someone with single X or triple X is a woman. Yet, someone who is XXY or even XXXY is a man. There is no escaping this.

>> No.14539339

what is more likely in each scenario
>A: you are born in the wrong body
>B: you are mentally ill

>A: leftists advocate strongly for the trans agenda because they care about men who pretend they're women
>B: leftists advocate strongly for the trans agenda because they want to destroy the status quo

>> No.14539341

A is the scientific consensus, chud.

>> No.14539388

Scientists are notorious for not wanting their reputations or livelihoods destroyed, and going against troon propoganda is on par with evoking the wrath of less mentally stable terrorists that pretend to be pretty in women's lingerie.

>> No.14539398

>>A: you are born in the wrong body
that is a delusion thus
>>B: you are mentally ill
is right

>> No.14539403

someone call the thought police, we have a bigot here

>> No.14539433

A miserable little pile of secrets.

>> No.14539458

Scientists are notorious for being right, chud. You will be a cute woman.

>> No.14539469

Yeah it was funnier in my head, I was trying to get at how they somehow make it a negative credit balance, which of course is stupid because credit cards have limits. But then I was thinking the joke is that a woman's egregious and senseless spending defies the laws of logic.
In it's attempt to hit two bullseyes it missed both.
>woman's sports is a big issue
Like I said non-issue. It's a great thing that the Soccer team fought for equal pay for women, because now lesser skilled male athletes when they discover they are trans will get paid the same as their much more gifted male counterparts.

>> No.14539476

God gave you hands and you still chose to be a faggot.

>> No.14539481

Anyone who can give birth to children
>but infertile people?
Even infertile people can have children through assisted artificial ways

>> No.14539489

That's an opposite of an issue since both women and trans are confined to one realm... more people should support this movement.

>> No.14539542

Basic biology is a scientific consensus and quirky personalities aren't new genders.
Nothing you can say or do can change this basic fact. All you have is spin, fluff and pseudo splaining

>> No.14539780

It's when you stop the interview

>> No.14539871

Women with 3 X chromosomes still have 2 X chromosomes

>> No.14539892


>> No.14539894

You will always be a cute woman, chud.

>> No.14539905

>It affects 1 in 20,000 to 64,000 XY (karyotypicallymale) births. The condition results in the partial or complete inability ofcellsto respond toandrogens.[2]This unresponsiveness can impair or prevent thedevelopment of male genitals, as well as impairing or preventing the development of malesecondary sexual characteristicsatpuberty. It does not significantly impair female genital or sexual development.[3][4]The insensitivity to androgens is therefore clinically significant only when it occurs in genetic males, (i.e. individuals with aY-chromosome, or more specifically, anSRY gene).[5]Clinicalphenotypesin these individuals range from a typicalmale habituswith mildspermatogenicdefect or reduced secondaryterminal hair, to a fullfemale habitus, despite the presence of a Y-chromosome.[6]

Can you tell me here what you think you've proven?

>> No.14539960

I gave the scientific definition.

>> No.14539971

And a washing machine can be defect beyond repair, doesn't make it not a washing machine.

>> No.14539979

No it isn't. The scientific concensus is >>14538916

>> No.14539994

Not science or math

Woman is gender and female is sex. Female is a biological term referring to an organism with female sex chromosomes. Woman is not a scientific term and refers to gender which is a fabrication of society.

>> No.14540055

>Woman is not a scientific term and refers to gender which is a fabrication of society.
Incorrect, sorry pal, scientifixally
speaking gender and sex are the same thing

>> No.14540081
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Semantics. Word#1 refers to sex chromosomes and word#2 means societal views ascribed to AFAB and AMAB individuals. These are important distinctions especially when humans are going to be genetically modified into feminine males and masculine females in the future.

>> No.14540106

what is this jargon?

>especially when humans are going to be genetically modified....
Now you're just fetish posting.