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File: 5 KB, 342x386, soyjak__aka_soy_boy__by_jackke7654_deg6mvz-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14529433 No.14529433 [Reply] [Original]

I might not respond to emails that begin
“Hey...” or are otherwise poorly constructed. Please call me “Prof. <Last Name>” in communications.

>> No.14529490

Sounds reasonable. Minimal decorum will filter undesirables.

>> No.14529536

Hey Prof,
You're a faggot.

>> No.14529642

I start all my emails with Hello/Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening.
But I deliberately don't call people by their title.
In fact, I go out of my way to use their first name. If it bothers them, I know they're egotistical and easily agitated, which I can use to my advantage.

>> No.14529665

"Yo teach!"

>> No.14529667
File: 78 KB, 800x500, laughing white males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trigger'd massively

>> No.14529720

I'm the opposite, address me in informal tone and I'm happy, we're both human beings and the idea one of us is some kind
of mini chieftain to be revered and formally addressed at all times is inherently offensive to me.

The world is too riddled with all these little micro Hitlers and the campguards that do their bidding.

>> No.14529723

yeah. hierarchy is important, but most of the professors who demand this kind of decorum are compensating for their inadequacy as intellectuals because they can't naturally command that kind of respect from their students.

>> No.14529726

>But I deliberately don't call people by their title.
I deliberately misspell peoples names just to fuck with them.

>> No.14529740

that's all you got out of that picture?

>> No.14530396
File: 223 KB, 1730x1000, 2fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> prof
> on /sci/

>> No.14530604
File: 5 KB, 240x240, 1623355064407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cling to a credential I got 30 years ago because nothing about my current personality or intellect generates any earned respect from my students
Enjoy your shitty course review.

>> No.14530672
File: 21 KB, 417x500, red-head-feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey prof. I don't feel like you're making class an inclusive environment. I've reported you to HR. Thanks.

>> No.14530856

That's racist forcing everyone to talk like white folk

>> No.14530870

Sounds like you're salty about not having a doctorate.
t. Dr. Anon

>> No.14531744

>student asks you something without providing any context or even specifying the course in question
That happens every other time for some reason. I'm tempted to just filter out any email that doesn't have a good subject line.

>> No.14531801

>The world is too riddled with all these little micro Hitlers
You sound stable.

>> No.14531893

Wow you have such progressive ideas

>> No.14531897

>Sounds like you're salty about not having a doctorate.

Anyone can buy a legitimate Doctor of Theology/Divinity degree and make their butthurt "call me Dr." faculty call them Doctor, if they dont its religious discrimination.

>> No.14531906

no greentext
so you say that
and look like that