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File: 451 KB, 1079x1453, Screenshot_20220528-215934_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14524049 No.14524049 [Reply] [Original]

Okay seriously what is going on here? This isn't even a rare story according to even checkmark doctors. Statistically, all these triple and quadruple vaccinated should not be positive and symptomatic this long. Wtf is going on with it?

Source for the rebound phenomenon I'm talking about:

>> No.14524066

>Paxlovid trial was pre-Omicron
>Vaccinated were excluded from the trial
>Rebound rate based on sampled PCR's was over 10%, Pfizer and FDA claim 1-2%
>Side effect of dysgeusia probably beyond 20%, Pfizer claims only 5%
>Drug is only intended to pause replication, the immune system is meant to step in at that point
>The vaccines may damage innate immunity, which would result in an inability to clear the virus once Paxlovid pauses replication
I recommend subscribing to some substacks, they've been covering this for over a month.


>> No.14524070

That means it's working.

>> No.14524083

You know what I'm starting to believe antivax bro. I wonder how this is going to be covered in the media

>> No.14524108

Even the provax should be against Paxlovid.
Dragging out a one week illness to two to three weeks is a great way to maximize spread. It's like Pfizer's trying to increase the number of customers.

>> No.14524125

Dragging out the illness is one thing but it seems like on the rebound they're even more sick. What the fuck is causing it?

>> No.14524129

Experimental chemicals.

>> No.14524130
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jabbed, not vaccinated

>> No.14524141

>Injected, Inspected, Detected, Infected, Neglected and Selected

>> No.14524146

Is the FDA and CDC going to change the guidelines with this shit or what? It's gotta be under emergency use, fucking pull it. If they don't the FDA is completely captured beyond reasonable doubt

>> No.14524147

"injected" is the only provable and scientific

>> No.14524148

>>The vaccines may damage innate immunity,
Is innate immunity even an actual term? I thought there's just immunity

>> No.14524150

based bill gates is culling the vaxxcattle

>> No.14524151

Differentiating between vaccinated immunity and natural. It's looking like vaccination does interfere with natural immunity somehow

>> No.14524155

>>Rebound rate based on sampled PCR's was over 10%, Pfizer and FDA claim 1-2%
If pfizer lied about this could they have also lied about safety and efficiency data in the clinical trials for their vaccines?

>> No.14524165

Admitting any mistakes would undermine confidence in those organizations so they'll never do it. Best case scenario if there are negative outcomes is that they quietly phase Paxlovid out and introduce an "Even better COVID treatment!"
But you're right that they're completely captured and might as well be considered as a single entity along with the pharma companies.

>> No.14524168

You have only one immune system retard. If it's fucking something up it's the immune system, not the "natural" immune system. Amerishart detected

>> No.14524181

Vaccinated immunity vs infection acquired immunity, satisfied at the correct verbiage yet, autist? You have to be a doctor. Now try to stay on topic, I know the last thing you want to discuss is if pfizer isn't the greatest company since ford

>> No.14524201

Innate immunity is what you're born with. It deals with pathogens first. Think of your nasal mucosa. You have killer t-cells and IgM antibodies ready to pounce on anything you inhale. Then you have your adaptive immune system. When the innate immune system doesn't completely stop an infection, your adaptive immune system will create IgG antibodies and memory B cells that will be ready if you ever encounter the same pathogen again.

>> No.14524216

What Pfizer is claiming is that 1-2% of total participants experienced a rebound. The problem is they only did a random sampling of something like 10% of participants. Of the 10%, over 10% experienced rebound. So Pfizer took the number that rebounded, and then divided by all participants (even though they only sampled a small portion of them).

And then the other major issue, children and the vaccinated were excluded from the trial. So they're taking results from only unvaccinated adults, and extrapolating it to children and the vaccinated, and the FDA gave the okay anyway.

And all of this was more or less during the Delta wave, not Omicron. So we don't know how well Paxlovid works in the vaccinated, in children, and against all of the Omicron variants. Basically we don't know anything, except that a lot of people seem to feel better for a few days and then return to being ill. Oh, and it leaves a shitty taste in the mouth. How did this get approval for nearly everyone?

>> No.14524267

What would it matter if someone was vaccinated or not? Isn't it just an antiviral?

>> No.14524273

Aren't we reaching the point that their repeated public failures are causing more confidence loss than would happen if they changed course on some things?

>> No.14524280

What public failures? According to the media, there have been no failures. Expect the no failures to continue. If you think there have been failures, you're an anti-science chud who in the name of public health should be cancelled.

>> No.14524295

It pauses replication, it doesn't actually inactivate the virus. In fact, Pfizer's pointing out that if you take it and get relief, that it's worked, and that it's your immune system's job to do the rest. The rest would be the immune system locating every single infected cell and destroying it before the drug is finished, otherwise the virus will start back up where it left off. But the vaccines alter factors of the innate immune system. I'm honestly not up to speed on all of it, but they lower interferons for one, which are an anti-viral mechanism. They may also create a sort of tolerance to the virus, in other words, extended exposure to only the spike but not the entire pathogen may cause the immune system to start ignoring it, otherwise it could start attacking itself. The tolerance can serve a purpose, it may prevent a cytokine storm which is generally what kills the infected, but it could also impede clearance. Regardless of the mechanisms, Pfizer specifically chose to exclude the vaccinated, and then asked the FDA for approval of the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike. The FDA should have only granted approval for the unvaccinated (who likely would have treated themselves in a different way) and requested a trial involving the vaccinated. It's not safe to assume if it's safe and works in one group, that it will be safe and work in another group. Common sense says that Pfizer should have included both vaccinated and unvaccinated participants, and in fact they did include vaccinated participants in the beginning, and then chose to remove them from the trial with no reason given.

>> No.14524298
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there's no virus

>> No.14524301

>I'm starting to believe antivax bro
why the fuck would it take you this long

>> No.14524304

this, if you don't understand that big pharma + regulatory agencies + media are all faces of the same monopolistic capital superentity you're ngmi

>> No.14524344
File: 189 KB, 1702x1068, 9lk6tk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have been talking about antibody dependent enhancement since 2020

all previous attempts at corona virus vaccines regardless of type or delivery mechanism failed because of ade. The emergency use authorisation criteria that approved the covid19 vaccines would have approved the previously failed corona virus vaccine attempts https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7645850/

the difference is the previous attempts clinically isolated the animals from the wild virus while they were vaccinated while with covid we have mass vaccinated the population while the virus has been circulating. https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/predictions-gvb-on-evolution-c-19-pandemic

this is the big problem not to say the adverse events from the novel delivery methods (synthetic lnp, mrna) aren't absurdly big problems by themselves

>> No.14524349
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>> No.14524370

>Unless we immediately implement large scale antiviral prophylaxis campaigns...
Isn't that essentially what Paxlovid is except you don't take it unless you've been exposed to the virus, so not a true prophylaxis but probably could be purposed that way?

>> No.14524384
File: 156 KB, 1718x942, 7jtytbdfng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what they say paxlovid is but it evidently does the opposite. same as the vaccines do the opposite of what they say they do.
There's isn't chance in hell we're going to have mass prophylactic antiviral campaigns.

geert's predictions are already coming true in my experience, all the vaccinated people at work are getting "the worst flu of their life" and it's lingering. I remember dr richard flemming said if you extrapolate the time it took for the animals to develop ade in the previous corona vax trials to a human metabolism it would be two years which would be the end of this year. It may come sooner as people aren't taking one dose, some are on their 4th

>> No.14524411
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Perhaps drifting a bit off topic here but imagine what will happen to society if there is great harm to those who got the injections. The CDC plays games with the numbers they release, using different combinations of population groups to show whatever number they think they need but if you drill down into the data, you can see that about 89.2% of people in the US above the age of 18 have received at least one dose of the vaccines. That's roughly 225 million adults who took at least one injection and 25 million adults who didn't get any.
If they were all to die over the next couple of years, society would collapse. Our world is too complex to be able to go on as it is with the loss of so many in such a short period of time. Even worse would be if they're not killed outright but instead are harmed to the point of requiring extensive care to remain alive. The ten percent or so who didn't get the injections couldn't care for that many people while also trying to keep the basics of society operating. Plus tens of millions of orphans, mostly at the younger ages that weren't approved for the injections.
But let's say it's only a 10% death rate (22.5 million) and a 20% incapacitation rate (45 million). That's still going to be a huge drag on society, which isn't in very good shape as it is.
Then there's the rest of the world, parts of which had very low injection rates or used different vaccination technology that the West. Some of those areas are heavily dependent on the first world for their survival. Others are competitors to the West and could take this as an opportunity to push themselves to the head of globe. Potentially insane times ahead.

>> No.14524452
File: 2 KB, 480x320, World_population_curve_-_log_y_scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society would collapse.

human population and bacterial growth are pretty much the same thing. The economy is the carrying capacity for the population. When a bacterial population grows it exceeds it's carrying capacity well before the population begins to decline. In human experience we experience die off through war ie when a nation has exceeded it's carrying capacity people become hungry enough to be ideologically radicalized into killing other nations to take their carrying capacity. You can see the collapse of rome or ww1 as such a period. The people that run our world probably believe that we have come to a period of deflation and that the die off has to be controlled rather than left to the market so to speak as we are at a point where we can completely obliterate ourselves, they probably also see this as an opportunity to establish an unending autocracy as there aren't any nations left. The morality of this kind of thinking is justified in the bhagavad gita in the sense if they are able to achieve it then it is allowed.

Then you could argue the people who are trying to depopulate created the population bubble in the first place through suppression of technology, wars, debasement and tax but it's a bit naive to think history could've played out another way


>> No.14524455

>The vaccines may damage innate immunity
Neurotic spastic fantasist retard.

>> No.14524461

*pisses and shits self*

>> No.14524469


>> No.14524473
File: 233 KB, 1738x952, 67u56egr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how sarscov2 was the first human corona virus with a furin cleavage site just like the feline corona virus that when they tried to make a vaccine for caused antibody dependent enhancement https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC249267/

>> No.14524482

In this mythical cosmos, why would anti-bodies derived from virus exposure also not enhance re-infection like anti-bodies from the spike protein portion (which would also be produced from virus exposure) mythically do?

>> No.14524483

Cast the anti-social into Tartarus. Get the vax or exit society.

>> No.14524493

there are no "antibodies"

>> No.14524495

funny how useless eaters work as shills trying to persuade people that viruses exist

>> No.14524496
File: 304 KB, 2048x2048, vax immunity specificity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of the relative specificity of the immune response from the isolated spike protein vs the entire virus and original antigenic sin

vaccine associated enhanced disease is not a conspiracy theory anon research it. An overwhelming minority of vaccines that begin trials make it to market. The emergency use authorization criteria used to approve covid19 vaccines would have approved some previously failed vaccines, would you take those too?

>> No.14524497

so your argument is you should take the vaccine but viruses don't exist?

>> No.14524514

That might indeed be their thought process but the modern technological society they live in would be gone if 90% of the population suddenly died. I guess it depends on how small this cabal is whether or not they'd be able to stockpile both enough supplies and non-vaxxed experts to not end up significantly reducing both their quality of life and the quantity of it remaining for them. If such a group exists, my guess is that those people they surrounded themselves with to provide them with services (security, medical, and simple labor) would end up murdering them and take the supplies for themselves.

>> No.14524525

it's like pharmaceutical democide is the solution to mutually assured destruction

>> No.14524720

>Drug is only intended to pause replication, the immune system is meant to step in at that point
>The vaccines may damage innate immunity, which would result in an inability to clear the virus once Paxlovid pauses replication
Their immune systems are trapped in bad habits.
When confronted with a new strain, their bodies preferentially produce antibodies to the old strain instead of trying something new.
On a side note, it might be better to decrease the dose and extend the treatment time (or have a tapered dose or take every other day) in order to give their immune systems opportunity and time to learn how to fight the virus.
I'm assuming the current dosage is designed to reduce the virus replication as much as possible (the constraint being the drug toxicity). If it reduces too much, your immune system won't be able to get any training.
The way it is working seems to just wave a magic wand to remove almost all of the virus (99.99%), allow patients to become "stable", then reinfect them (the remaining 0.01%) as they leave the hospital or end the treatment.
It would be better to only clear 90-95% (enough to be stable) and allow their immune system to get some practice on the lingering 5-10%.

>> No.14524728

ironic, viruses don't exist, and you shill are among scammers

>> No.14524730

does disease exist?

>> No.14524744

Hes a zoomer that just believes whatever the popular people tell him to.

>> No.14524765

what do you know?

>> No.14524767

> virus
please go to >>>/x/

>> No.14524768

do you think disease exists?

>> No.14524774

what do you know, shill?

>> No.14524775

I know that I don't know if you believe disease exists

>> No.14524779

your answer is irrelevant and distraction

>> No.14524783

bad bot

>> No.14524999
File: 306 KB, 1600x900, vaccine_disinformation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another antivaxx conspiracy thread

Looks like the Kremlin has their trolls working overtime. Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.14525065

good shill doggo
> Kremlin
you smoke some heavy stuff

>> No.14525071

more like subintellectual

>> No.14525088

You more than likely are a Kremlin shill considering your literal first response to being accused is to go to the MOSSAD playbook of calling people either schizos or drug addicts. These anti-vax threads are annoying as fuck either way, I want them to fuck off and never see the light of day again.

>> No.14525103

I'm saying the Covid vaccines give you add how am I a shill?

>> No.14525114

You're going to read about covid vaccine failure and you vill like it, vaxanon

>> No.14525124

Found the Jew. Go back to (((Reddit))). Nigger.

>> No.14525169
File: 39 KB, 427x400, 1649468586544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical shill rant
> muh russians, muh joos, muh chinks, muh antivax
viruses are hoax, we know that already for a long time

>> No.14525176

>typical shill rant
> muh russians, muh joos, muh chinks, muh antivax
>viruses are hoax, we know that already for a long time
Random bullshit

Back to >>>/pol/ with you

>> No.14525189

assorted kino

>> No.14525235

How new are you? Stop replying to the viruses are real autist and ignore him

>> No.14525241


>> No.14525591

>shill pathetically tries to defend
loser, viruses don't exist
two faggots team

>> No.14525597

shut up bitch ass nigga

>> No.14525611

so if you are vaxxed does that mean your immune system is fucked forever?

>> No.14525636

it just means you have humoral immunity against a specific pathogen
that's really just it

>> No.14525649

Go to be moshe.

>> No.14525692

Not necessarily some of the vaxxes were just a saline placebo.

>> No.14525728

Probably just against covid going forward. Jabbies will keep getting sick unless they get regular variant boosters. The jabs themselves most likely have a bigger side effect profile than they admit though, so its a double edged sword

>> No.14525745

shills last option is censorship

>> No.14525749

total nonsense

>> No.14525750

cry more jew

>> No.14525754

> jooo
omg now it's negative IQ arguments

>> No.14525766

>the midwit screams "it's not the jews"

>> No.14525795

imagine being this fucking retarded and smug about it lmao

>> No.14525816

most of the abhorrent posters and trolls on this board are actually pajeets I noticed

>> No.14525887

And why is that? Have you been paying attention to recent per 100k statistics and all the jabbies you know irl getting covid multiple times?

>> No.14526682

"Source?" might have been a better response, you know? When you only insult, it makes you seem very closed minded. It also makes you look stupid because you clearly don't know as much as you think you know.

The mRNA-based BNT162b2 vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech was the first registered COVID-19 vaccine and has been shown to be up to 95% effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections. Little is known about the broad effects of the new class of mRNA vaccines, especially whether they have combined effects on innate and adaptive immune responses. Here we confirmed that BNT162b2 vaccination of healthy individuals induced effective humoral and cellular immunity against several SARS-CoV-2 variants. Interestingly, however, the BNT162b2 vaccine also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli. The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.

In other words, the immune system becomes depressed against viruses and bacteria, and intensifies against fungus. In addition, once you create an adaptive immune response, the body tends to rely on it over innate immunity. So, for example, when a person who is vaccinated encounters a current variant, their immune system will respond with antibodies generated from the original Wuhan strain. Unfortunately these are not a good match. So the immune system will pump out a bunch of antibodies that fail to bind properly to the virus, while suppressing IgM and killer T cells. This will allow the virus to continue replicating.

>> No.14526705

>Statistically, all these triple and quadruple vaccinated should not be positive and symptomatic this long. Wtf is going on with it?

The "vaccines" ARE the "virus" and causing the illnesses.
The powers that be had to keep the scamdemic going longer than a couple months.

>> No.14526758


Actually, innate is a thing. You have two immune systems working in tandem. The vaccine can throw off how they work together.

In particular, and I will warn you this is a bit of my own theorizing after learning how lymph nodes operate to find the right antigen, but basically, every time you encounter a virus, your body will use T and B cells located in your lymph nodes to generate a decent antibody. The exact outcome of this process is influenced by your history of encountering viruses in the wild. Your 'memory' cells were based on an older version of the virus, how the virus has changed since then matters.

One of the many bad things the vaccine does is bias your bodies production of antibodies. Another thing it does is cause a reaction that is not natural. Your lymphatic system is highly segmented around your body. You have a second lymphatic circulatory system that circulates a fluid kept entirely separate from your blood circulatory system.

Normally, an infection only really involves local lymph nodes. No need to get lymph nodes around your brain involved if the infection is in your foot.... Or lungs, etc... But.. . The vaccines get antigens everywhere, and cause an immune response attacking virtually everything.

>> No.14526762

>How did this get approval for nearly everyone?

Are you seriously asking that after the vaccine thing?