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14523946 No.14523946 [Reply] [Original]

Why don’t we just pump Carbon into space?

>> No.14523966
File: 60 KB, 602x498, burp'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming is fake

>> No.14524017

different tide levels?

>> No.14524025

imagine how much energy it would take to power the pump, imagine how much carbon that would produce

>> No.14524217

Why the fuck do you want to do that? Carbon is what keeps this planet green and liveable. Carbon cycle is a thing and nature knows best what to do with all the excess carbon.
And btw man made climate change is true but never, I mean NEVER fall for climate alarmism because that is a globohomo tool to exploit an ever existing phenomenon.

>> No.14524243

>get rid of the carbon that plants feed on
if you're worried about carbon dioxide so much stop deforestation and plant more trees.

>> No.14524257

How about real data instead of old photos who's tide levels you never bother finding out?


>> No.14524406

You can even see the high tide level in the right pic. It looks higher.