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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14522815 No.14522815 [Reply] [Original]

I apologize if this is a stupid question but does the spinning of atoms have to do with the creation of electro magnetism

>> No.14522839

The spin of charged particles generate electromagnetic fields. They're not really spinning it's just a term used to describe otherwise physically indescribable events happening at a quantum level.

>> No.14522862

if its a wave form bound wouldn't it be a spiral like phi
again apologizes im dumb brained

>> No.14522922
File: 3.83 MB, 700x427, 1fa8cbd083bf426cef9b2c5562435041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this two phis that intertwine maybe setting off a bunch of reactions in this sprial that look like dots bleeding in and out of existence all over

>> No.14522936

>They're not really spinning
They have angular momentum just like macroscopic spinning objects do. You are just parroting something you read by someone else who also didn't understand quantum mechanics.

>> No.14522947

other anon i legit dont understand but think i do am i at all right

>> No.14522956
File: 38 KB, 220x312, Gurren_Lagann_key_visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause im starting to think the act of energy spinning is what makes reality

>> No.14522957

You don't understand but that's ok dude. They're some nice animations.

>> No.14522962 [DELETED] 

>i understand quantum mechanics, nobody else does, you're all beneath me
cringey larp, you must be a total loser in irl to be driven to cringelarping on 4chan

>> No.14522966

just a bunch of energy spinning off energy spinning off energy spinning off enrgy attracting and repulsing ect ect infinity

>> No.14522973

This used to be a board about science, not a bunch of 16 year olds arguing about race

>> No.14522984

holy shit its a russian bot live in action

no one talking about race
brings up race lmao

<3 u nerds

>> No.14523021

>russian bot
ya im sure as russia collapses in a bloody war with ukraine putin is sending his crack hacker squadrons to make bots to troll undergrads slacking on their homework in the west

>> No.14523031 [DELETED] 

>i understand quantum mechanics, nobody else does, you're all beneath me
cringey larp, you must be a total loser in irl to be driven to cringelarping on 4chan

>> No.14523046

nah im just making fun of what a parody of a human hes being

imagine being so retarded youre compared to something liek an npc

>> No.14524120


>> No.14525829

Far more complex than that, but good for a starting point.

>> No.14525853
File: 3.48 MB, 256x256, Anti-Twister.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's correct. Calculations indicate that they should be spinning faster than the speed of light to generate those spins. This is a big no, no in physics. So, instead, it is described as a quantum property. Fermions, in particular, also don't behave like a sphere spinning. They behave more like a "spinor", an object that need 720º rotation to complete a spin.

>> No.14525867

FTL spin is fine, doesn't violate any known physics.

>> No.14525899

>They have angular momentum
can you prove that?

>> No.14525913

"speed of light" is bullshit popsci dogma
measurements agree with the observations, they spin faster than light

>> No.14525927

>Calculations indicate that they should be spinning faster than the speed of light to generate those spins. This is a big no, no in physics. So, instead, it is described as a quantum property

Jewish scientists really fucked with your heads, haven't they?
It's sad the amount of dick sucking einstein gets to prevent discrediting his useless theory.

>> No.14525943

It would help if you could communicate what about it you don't feel that you understand. If "everything", you might want to start with youtube channels like Sabine Hossenfelder's and keep digging from there. https://www.youtube.com/c/SabineHossenfelder

As for EM and spin, the spin is calculated via angular momentum, but that won't tell you much. First, you have to understand that each way to describe an interaction is just that - a description or model of a particular feature or property. Just as a particle is a model or description of the energy as a point in space. Not that things "are" necessarily these models, but the model describes it within a given set of conditions. If conditions change drastically enough, such as extremely low energy (casually speaking "near absolute zero heat"), the energy stops behaving in a way you would describe with particle models for example. This is necessary to know so you don't feel like you're holding multiple contradictory ideas by falsely believing a given model "is what the thing is" when it is only how it behaves in a given context.

That said, it is not that angular momentum creates electromagnetism. Rather, experiments using EM can show electrons have angular momentum as they will cause an object to spin one way or other. You can also vary this angular momentum and change the direction of that spin. This does not make magnetism, it is a property of magnetism and particles.

So what is electromagnetism, then? The movement of energy in a given space. Describable as particles, or waves, etc, in a given space. This is why "magnetic fields" are mathematically describable as "vector fields" or in a lot of other ways. It is experienced as we see it, as magnets for example, because this exchange of energy will encounter resistances and change form as other particles, or atoms, and so on, receive or lose energy. On the "macro scale" this can cause magnets to move too, the energy being converted to kinetic energy in part.

>> No.14525985


The kind of "big picture" idea one sort of has to maintain is, in a way, that everything is "just energy" and the forms the energy take depend on circumstance. Put one way, the most efficient or resting state that energy can achieve. This is what creates all the various properties we categorize into different types of elements, atoms, particles, and so on.

All matter is describable as energy in the form of waves and such, but as I said you can describe things in many ways and it can depend on context. The particles we identify end up with different properties due to how much energy and the kind of energy they have.

So electromagnetism, electrons, create this "magnetic" effect we experience as byproducts of energy in a given space gaining or losing energy. One can think of it as a flow, or a push/pull, in a number of ways like this.

Using this mental example, two magnets coming together then can be thought of as the result of these fields being created as electrons are exchanged between those objects. The lowest energy state would have these objects come together, and the pull is created as electrons act on the protons in the atoms composing the magnets.

Since energy is conserved, there is also potential energy if one keeps magnets apart. Adding more energy can create discharges, like lightning, as the protons are expelled. So magnetism is all about this give/take flow of energy and all about finding the lowest energy state in one form or other.

>> No.14525996

How does a point-like particle spins?

>> No.14526009

Classically non-describable two-valuedness.

>> No.14526013

> Calculations indicate that they should be spinning faster than the speed of light to generate those spins.
Lol, no.

>How does a point-like particle spins?
It is describable as a point, that does not mean it "is" a point. This is the fault of how we wrongly teach these subjects in high school, by giving people not only a simple idea but a lie of the simple idea. Energy occupies a space, it is not an infinitesimal point, it can be simplified to a point for some uses.

So one can simply ask "what is angular momentum" and the answer arrives by definition. Rotation around some axis. Whatever axis and whatever motion around that axis some energy has, therefore, it will have angular momentum.