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14522144 No.14522144 [Reply] [Original]

Ok can someone please fucking tell me, do women use double talk and other ways to communicate?
I never know if i'm reading too much into conversation.

>> No.14522167

I believe I've picked up on it with two women talking, but actually wondering if I'm just fucking insane.
It's really not helping my paranoia.

>> No.14522865

Everyone uses double talk.

>> No.14522899

Women are usually quite clear in their communication. If you're an attractive Chad they want your dick. If you're unattractive they don't want anything to do with you.

>> No.14522920

What you have to understand is that they are not consciously using double talk. It is just the natural human way to communicate.

TV obviously just completely fucking ignores that element unless its muh literary tropes in the script. And most of society, you may have noticed is structured around the absolute most retarded and incompetent of actual mentally handicapped retards. Also, children don't really get it.

So, if you never have nuanced and meaningful mixed-gender social interactions beyond adolescence, you'll never learn basic human interaction and keeping up with it will feel like being an autistic retard who needs to figure out double talk and can't just talk like a normal person.

Well, maybe most people are retards. But a very large number are just normal and do the double talk thing you are referring to. If you can't figure it out maybe find a retard gf.

>> No.14522939 [DELETED] 

the effectiveness of doublespeak is predicated on the listeners willingness to project their own thoughts and emotions into the speakers mind while listening. doublespeak it the natural result of attempting to communicate with low IQ people, every last one of them will find a way to misinterpret what was said and twist it into something the like better. Later on when it turns out their fantasies weren't true, the person who was talking is accused of doublespeak by the low IQs because low IQs are too emotionally unstable to acknowledge and learn from their own mistakes.

>> No.14522948

>t. soimale.

>t. hole

>> No.14522954

you could have condensed this down to around 2 much shorter sentences and lost nothing..

>> No.14522964

Prove it.

>> No.14522977

I don't need to.

>> No.14522986


>> No.14522993

Because what I said is self-evidently true, regardless of whether you're willing to admit it or not, and the idea that inferior people should be debated ad nauseam is spread exclusively by those inferior people.

>> No.14523020 [DELETED] 

i was less succinct than you wanted me to be in order make sure that low IQs were capable of getting the gist. sorry if it got on your nerves and made you become all emotional and bitchy.

>> No.14523027

low iqs like short posts not long, get rekt scrub

>> No.14523028

>I never know if i'm reading too much into conversation.
With women? You do. You're to be the active element of the relationship. They will conform.

>> No.14523041

>If you're unattractive they don't want anything to do with you.
unless you're funny. or rich. or famous. or assertive

>> No.14523043

I think he was pointing out that you're too dumb to capture even such trivial thoughts effectively.

>> No.14523337


>> No.14523339

>I think he was pointing out that you're too dumb to capture even such trivial thoughts effectively.
i wasn't calling him dumb, but that's basically what I was saying.

>> No.14523395 [DELETED] 

Don't let it bother you anon, dont read too much into it, take everything at face value. If there is a woman who genuiley likes you she will make an effort to talk normally every other female is just a roastie, I suggest don't talk to them at all

>> No.14523412
File: 643 KB, 649x703, reason 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are property and we should repeal the 19th amendment, that's really all it boils down to
5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, I've seen marriages of all lengths end with the woman cheating on the man for some retarded "reason"
no, it's not the husband being less attentive, no, it's not some flowery emotional meaningful shit, it's always the woman cheating with a man who is taller or stronger or makes way more money

I even once saw an amateur porn where some boss guy fucks three of his female employees on different days, and every single one starts with small talk about her husband and family
women are the meme gender and civilization literally cannot function unless they are beaten constantly

>> No.14523487

>women are property and we should repeal the 19th amendment, that's really all it boils down to
prove it

>> No.14523516

you had your reaction because the post you were replying upset you and you were unable to control you emotions, which is a low IQ trait. emotional manipulation is only effective against people who are too low IQ to control their emotional responses.

>> No.14523520
File: 33 KB, 479x208, died-for-israel-444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14523537
File: 37 KB, 633x474, all women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok can someone please fucking tell me, do women use double talk and other ways to communicate?
They are only capable of comprehending what's popular.

>prove it
But really their property because they're cherished and protected as if they were property. While people may not acknowledge this, their actions, marriage and their tax write offs will always be there to prove it.

>but doesn't that mean it works the other way around too?

Correct. Both are cattle of the government, but only one gets a selective service card to be cast off like trash instead of locked up and protected like property.

>> No.14523675

>I even once saw an amateur porn
Dude, get off the mind Jew.

>> No.14525177
File: 38 KB, 640x315, df3qjsxc2ez61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid people do stupid things
Smart people outsmart each other
Then themselves then themselves
Then themselves then themselves

>> No.14525296

If I point out an issue in what you say, that doesn't mean It made me upset.

>> No.14525404
File: 45 KB, 540x546, Female_Dichotomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do women use double talk and other ways to communicate?

Women communicate emotions more than facts.
When a woman says "I will love you forever" she is NOT expressing a fact, but how she FEELS at that moment.

>> No.14525460

the effectiveness of doublespeak is predicated on the listeners willingness to project their own thoughts and emotions into the speakers mind while listening. doublespeak it the natural result of attempting to communicate with low IQ people, every last one of them will find a way to misinterpret what was said and twist it into something the like better. Later on when it turns out their fantasies weren't true, the person who was talking is accused of doublespeak by the low IQs because low IQs are too emotionally unstable to acknowledge and learn from their own mistakes.

>> No.14525533


>> No.14525541
File: 49 KB, 600x342, 15499031554965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a good example of how low IQs get triggered, effectively trolling themselves, and then blame the other party for something similar to doublespeak.
inb4 paranoid skizo kikes who think that the tea kettle was intended to honor hitler

>> No.14525563

It sounds to me like cowardly people who don't want to get caught speaking their mind and being open.
I've personally had many women, who are married or in relationships use double talk to try and instigate something.
I don't believe it's useful to a civilised society.

>> No.14525573

You just used the most loaded word in any human language.

>> No.14525579

I'm almost certain picking up on double talk caused my psychosis.

>> No.14525585

>What you have to understand is that they are not consciously using double talk. It is just the natural human way to communicate.

Type this sentence again in double speak. I really don't get it and why people use it.

>> No.14525594

For example could two people be talking about a meal they had, but actually they're reffering to how someone behaved on a date.

It's like theres a parallel line of dialogue under sentences.

>"My friend when to get yogurt from the shop."
>My friend when to fuck this chick.

Do people actually do this, if so how the fuck is anyone meant to know when they're using double talk. I feel I pick up on breif bits but then suddenly lose the thread.

>> No.14525602

You hit a consciousness limitation that many people don't know how to get past.

>> No.14525607

I've had a conversation with two women and put them in their place for doing it. But I still wonder if I imagined it all.

>> No.14525612

I get it, I just wasn't sure if I was insane.
Thankyou. Fucking hell. I hate it so much. I hate it.

>> No.14525646

It's this fucking shit lads.

It's called talking in code. God speed men.


>> No.14525738

>burgers in my ass
Every damn time

>> No.14526024

Words from female mouth are meaningless.
Watch their reactions and behavior instead.
If you've only have their voice (like you're on the phone or something) treat their speech like monkey grunts and shrieks - listen to the tone, ignore the words.

>> No.14526032

I think that's more due to schizophrenia than it is women

>> No.14526056

>or assertive
This is the last thing a truly ugly person should do when it comes to women. Average looking people can get away with it, but below a certain physical attractiveness threshold the same behavior goes from assertiveness to harassment.

>> No.14526091

Emotional intelligence is governed by EQ not IQ, dumbass. Read a book.

>> No.14526106

No, you’re just socially inept
I mean, they probably use some form of “double talk” like all people do like >>14522920 said but it’s not “women thing”

>> No.14526225

no it isn't

>> No.14526231
