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14522140 No.14522140 [Reply] [Original]

What is you're honest opinion on him?

hardmode: no n-word

>> No.14522143

i have seen him in toe rogain podcast and he is complete midwit.

>> No.14522149

a rapist and loudmouthed thug irl

>> No.14522187

Really? I thought he was Reddit but now that I think about it, he's actually pretty based :^)

>> No.14522190

A low IQ thug in a suit.

>> No.14522245

>no n-word
He's a faggot.

>> No.14522362

Leftists hate him because he allegedly assaulted a women.
Right wingers hate him because he's a pop soience icon.
I just hate him because he's black.

>> No.14522395
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black science man

>> No.14522405

he's just black bill nye

>> No.14522407

He doesn't elucidate anything. I've learned more from ghetto youtubers like thunderf00t than him

>> No.14522603

I find him insufferable. He somehow managed to come up as an egotistical asshole in a conversation with Richard fucking Dawkins.

>> No.14522647

You pretty much answered your own question.

>> No.14522805 [DELETED] 
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the n-word is racist, jannie bans everyone who posts it.

>> No.14522916

He’s a nigger what more can I say

>> No.14522928

Did you know that in a mirror you can only kiss yourself on the lips?

>> No.14523122

I liked his lecture about god of the gaps.
He's probably not an actual scientist, but he's funny and good-hearted.

>> No.14523129

Don't really care about him. He is a media personality.

>> No.14523723

He's more of a popular culture type character, but he's pretty nice guy and doesn't take sides in the vicious culture wars.

>> No.14524012
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i am SO SICK of this tweet

>> No.14524021

He's not a science communicator.
Overlooking his insignificant contribution to astronomy he is in fact a terrible communicator of science if his twitter feed is anything to go by which seems filled with crowdpleasing newage-guru tier fake profundities not, say, intuitive heuristics to understand the models that predict celestial bodies or menomnics and fun rhymes to remember the elemental and chemical compositions of stellar bodies.
No one learns about science from him.
I admire his grift though

>> No.14524046

except for his sucking up to Obama, and for his reddit-tier antiChristian commentary, and for that smarmy book he cowrote about how science before his time involved itself in the military (but not like now!)

>> No.14524135

his dance moves arent too bad

>> No.14524158

>he's pretty nice guy
People who have met him say he's an arrogant ass.

>> No.14524449

What is you are honest opinion on him?

>> No.14524471

Only relevant because he got vuck broken by Carl Sagan.

>> No.14524574

I can't name one theory, discovery, or input he has made to Scientific knowledge. Why is he famous again?
He is obviously not the only black man in science, there's enough forced propaganda stories and memes like 'this is what a scientist looks like' for him being the only token black man in science to explain why he's famous.
He's a mystery to me. And enigma.
I know Stephan Hawking is famous for reasons behind his wheelchair, while he's most famous for his populist book on cosmology he did actually introduce new ideas like Hawking Radiation. But this dude... what did he contribute?

>> No.14524598
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He ran a plane-arium.

>> No.14524673

Pompous asshole. Maybe passionate about what he does, but should stay away from social media. Ruiner of Christmas joy for kids.

>> No.14524784

Diversity hire Carl Sagan.

>> No.14525267

Ahh the
>I want to say nigger but aren't allowed to

>> No.14525278

He's a narcissist. He's constantly raging on twitter about not being the focus of attention in all matters.

>> No.14525283

glorified movie theater, but somehow even weirder than hollywood.

>> No.14525287

Decent role-model for an actual person.

>> No.14525292

He's okay for schoolchildren, but actual adults being fans is a little sus

>> No.14525303

>He's okay for schoolchildren,

>> No.14525332


>> No.14525363 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 500x709, twum worshiper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NDT = AstroTwum

>> No.14525375

I think any scientist who has a large media presence is probably not a very good scientist. I'm a very junior researcher, and even i barely have any time. My seniors seem to have even less. The truely inspirational researchers in my life rarely or never do media apearances as they have too much to do. It's also a question of priority and ego.
I think he is probably a mediocre or irrelevant scientist who found he can stroke his ego by doing media and dedicated all his life to that. His ego.

>> No.14525707

He is astronomy's token nigger, there are no blacks in professional astronomy, blacks are too smart to involve themselves in such idiocy, the astronomers got worried that they would be accused of racism due to the lack of blacks in astronomy, so they invented a black spokesperson to make astronomy seem less "racist". the token black they found was also too smart to devote himself to researching meaningless, stupid, and unimportant bullshit and then pretending its important like the rest of the astrofaggots do. he wasn't dumb enough to make "getting published in apj" his lifetime goal like the rest of the astronomers do.
nothing of any merit or use has ever been published in the astrophysical journal, a desire to join that class of authors is an irrational, low IQ motivation.

>> No.14525722

>I'm a very junior researcher, and even i barely have any time
opinion discarded

>> No.14525781

Entertaining is first word that comes to mind and while its probably good for someone who often speaks to the public, I wish he would spend more time doing actual science instead, I'm sure someone here and there might get interested in science because of him, but not that many and not for long, you know what would be better? Good teachers, mine was great at making you hate physics.

>> No.14526235
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>> No.14526263

Ah man I have to imagine him playing along with that, and he's still being awesome about it.

>> No.14526268

Is he even a scientist? He narrates a lot of science shows but has he even studied science.

>> No.14526299

Yes, he has a diversity Astrophysics PhD from Columbia University, the same school that granted a degree to Mattress Girl.

>> No.14526325

when are we gonna get an asterix on all the degrees and titles which are handed out based on racial preference?

>> No.14526929

Oh so like in the same way where a industrialist like Elon Musk (or to a lesser extent Thomas Edison) is somehow a 'scientist' maybe even an 'inventor' - he is a 'scientist' because he managed to get investors together to invest in a science themed entertainment business?

>> No.14526961

Gay as the Ace of Spades!

>> No.14526982

No...he was (((Carl Sagan's))) token nigra...he wouldn't have even had the planetarium otherwise

>> No.14526998

I liked him up until his last episode on Rogan.
>inb4 Rogan hurr durr
his angry tone on there was off-putting. love the dude, loved Cosmos. I thought it was a great homage to Sagan, but damn was that interview weird

>> No.14527007
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Yeah, he gets weirder each time he's on Rogan's show.

>> No.14527017

he'd be alright if he didn't become a sjw

>> No.14527020

it just keeps getting worse doesn't it?

>> No.14528063

The smugness birthed from the notion that everyone must love hearing how intelligent he is triggers a lot of midwits. Big fan.

>> No.14528178
File: 34 KB, 430x286, black soyence man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in two weeks we'll have AI that can draw realistic animations of black soience man being buck broken by sagan

>> No.14529501


>> No.14529651

Black Bill Nye. And not the Brit.

>> No.14529752

imagine the gay buttsex that must've taken place between the protege and the master

>> No.14531318

black soience man

>> No.14531323

I've looked through his publications and he is 100% a meme. Academia is a joke

>> No.14531339
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I don't know him. But this image criticizes a view attributed to him and others "mainstream modern scientists".

>> No.14531349

>Academia is a joke
Academia becomes rigorous and intellectually challenging only if you're a non-jewish white male. Everyone is on the "too emotionally fragile to be allowed to fail" list.

>> No.14531441

What did he accomplished

>> No.14531448

only black man known to have experienced carl sagan's tiny jewish cripplecock in his mouth and anus.

>> No.14531455

The best scientists are social autists and can barely explain themselves, let alone be charismatic.

Voices of science like Sagan or Neil are much appreciated for this reason. You shouldn't have to be a scientist to vastly appreciate the sciences either, and relay them to the rest of the world.

>> No.14531471

Philosophy outside of scientific ethic is dead. If you're a philosopher you are forced to entertain being wrong. It's a pondering game now. You philosophize how science is used and approached, not it for what it is.

>> No.14531478
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If "the best scientsts" are so smart, how come they're too low IQ to be able to understand human communication techniques?
If bill nye the soience goy and black soience monkey are too low IQ to be amongst the superior "can barely explain themselves" class of scientist, how are they able to understand high IQ science well enough to explain it to the public?

>> No.14531486

just a nigger following some script

>> No.14531489

>"Reality is not real"

The universe could be a simulation and it would still be considered real. The philosophy is: "Does it matter?". No, it does not matter. It is real to us. We've been given physics to work with. Philosophy that doesn't work with science is kind of doomed to failure.

God to a physicist is just a sufficiently powerful/advanced alien, likely sourced to higher dimensions. Probably.

>> No.14531496

If philosophy/philosophers refuse to work with scientific fact, then it is doomed to failure.

>> No.14531510

Nigger any engineering company is going to have hundreds of hired engineers and it doesnt matter if the owner is or not a scientist or engineer himself. At that scale theres a practical need to delegate tasks to others in a large organization. Someone like Edison can create much more by hiring 200 geniuses than by trying to do everything himself

>> No.14531514

Wait. What's wrong with scientific philosophies? What is Krauss saying? Philosophy can ONLY survive WITHIN the bounds of science.

>> No.14531519

>If "the best scientsts" are so smart, how come they're too low IQ to be able to understand human communication techniques?
Drawbacks they chose during character generation

>> No.14531537

Vedanta is the most important philosophy in life. You must learn it. It is way more important than science.

>> No.14531542

>Philosophy can ONLY survive WITHIN the bounds of science.
Lol. Hell no. Science is only half the way.

>> No.14531545

Edison used his fortunes to give nerds who would've been otherwise ignored the opportunity to do research and work on their inventions. From that crime, and for the crime of being a non-jewish white man, the jewish media has damned Edison as some sort of robber-baron character akin to the jewish Astor, Annenberg and Diamond families.
By doing so, they use white, christian Edison as a scapegoat for jewish sins.

>> No.14531550

Philosophy asks questions about existence. Science is learning about the surrounding world, big or small. If a philosopher knew what the Sun is, would they still philosophize about it? No. Philosophy is for what we don't know, and science (and the modern era) is already trusted/honest, to a fault.

>> No.14531571

Just another nobody who get TV shekels because muh nigger soience goy.

>> No.14531862

A charismatic gentleman who is more intelligent than 99% of /sci/.

>> No.14531923
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>> No.14532105

Seeing John Boyega for the first time in The Force Awakens was the shock of my life.

I was so hyped for the sequel trilogy that I cagily avoided all marketing materials, all trailers, and all commercials. If I walked by a toy aisle at the store and caught a small glimpse of a vehicle or stormtrooper, I'd look away immediately. I wanted to go into the new era of Star Wars with an entirely open mind, as pure as an Amish virgin. On opening night I knew there was a brown-haired female protagonist (that much was hard to avoid, even though I shielded my eyes), but little else. I didn't even know which classic characters were returning.

When Boyega first took off that helmet and revealed himself to the theater, I let out an audible gasp. My entire row of filmgoers looked at me like I was nuts, but I couldn't help myself. There before me was the most Simian creature I'd ever seen in a galaxy far, far away. An intergalactic gorilla with huge flaring nigger nostrils and big Nigerian chieftain lips.

Oftentimes film studios will soften the blow by casting Billy Dee Williams or Will Smith... but not this time. This time you were forced to feast your eyes on a pure-blooded coal black silverback nigger, blown up forty feet high on an IMAX screen.

I looked around, uncomprehendingly, as the rest of the crowd seemed to accept this monstrosity as a regular matter of course. Then it occurred to me that I was the only person who hadn't already seen months' worth of marketing materials.

Little by little, they had been led to accept this by drips and drabs of commercials, trailers, and TV interviews. Their minds had been so softened that they were willing to stare unflinchingly, even giggle and smile at the niggershines, as MegaNigger (missing only a bone in his nose) besmirched the galaxy.

Lots of people debate about the exact moment when Star Wars died. I contend it was when that minstrel-looking sweaty jigaboo removed his helmet and revealed his Lovecraftian face.

>> No.14532279

He publicly changed his mind on AGI. That's more than you can say for most midwits

>> No.14532313
File: 1.24 MB, 500x275, PopularPessimisticCopepod-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardmode: no n-word

>> No.14533133


>> No.14533173

Not everything comes down to your IQ score

>> No.14533496

>honest opinion
>no n-word
chose one

>> No.14533547


>> No.14533658

The greateat evangelist of the last 100 years. He makes atheism so fucking insufferable that you'll believe anything else.

>> No.14533687

This chart compares pop scientists to *real* scientists, meaning those that are advancing science versus those that are just trying to get click views. If you did the same with pop philosophers, you'd get a bunch of morons trying to prove God exists with idiotic arguments like the Kalam or Ontological or Teleological, or even worse, morons that push "intelligent design" or God forbid the earth is flat or aliens exist or there is no global warming.

Dawkins Krauss, Nye and Tyson are mid-tier scientists trying to make a buck raging against low-tier "philosophers" trying to make a buck.

Real scientists respect real philosophers because *real* philosophy starts where science currently ends, and uses where science is as the foundation. What is really happening at the quantum level? What are the implications of a multiverse.

Case in point, over 90% of scientists think God doesn't exist. For philosophers, that number is 70%. Take a real course on philosophy and most of it is debunking the current "pop" philosopher imbeciles.

>> No.14533704

This unironically.

I know many people whose views are basic atheist but who move heaven and earth (no pun) to avoid that label because of how insufferable guys like him are kek.

When people think of atheists they think of some neckbeard loser screaming I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE AND REASON!!!!! when someone says "bless you".

>> No.14533902

Now consider how much time Elon spends on talk shows, ted talks, twitter, etc.

>> No.14535317
File: 54 KB, 679x924, 71N3DBn1-lL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not a scientist, but a science cheerleader. if he had even an ounce of integrity, he would lose the mustache, put a wig on, dress up as pic related and do an incomprehensibly humiliating dance routine dedicated to science.

>> No.14535321

A literal who

>> No.14536275

He’s well described by the word proscribed in hard mode

>> No.14536285

Musk is a CEO. At best, he once upon a time was a computer scientist, but now is someone who directs R&D from an extremely high level. Nothing wrong with that. There's a need for someone managing the forest while others are nurturing the individual trees.

>> No.14536378

Elon owns several companies and is in the business of PR. Also many people want to talk to him.
Tyson is a novelty due to his skin colour and he has a great voice and presence for pop-sci stuff. He checks all the boxes for normies and hey, he's a better role model for blacks than some gangster rapper

>> No.14536390

>better role model for blacks
Point. /pol/ are officially racist fags if they're not willing to see disenfranchised groups aim higher in life.