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14520282 No.14520282 [Reply] [Original]

I need to take a covid vaccine in order to travel, but I am reluctant af. And if I choose one, I'm considering coronavac (widely available here) simply because the technology involved seems to be a lot more traditional and less experimental in comparison to the other vaccines, and therefore safer. If you happen to know information that contradicts this assumption, I would appreciate any links. Coronavac/sinovac doesnt seem to be usually discussed here (archive was not very helpful).

>> No.14520481

>I need to take a covid vaccine in order to travel
No you do not.

>> No.14520488

Where do you live? Most trird world have removed restrictions months ago, and Europe have also mostly removed all restrictions

>> No.14520516

US is requiring a full vaccination for any foreign entering the territory, it started to do so after november 2021 if I recall

>> No.14520520

for any foreigner entering the territory*

>> No.14520525

heres what Im talking about

>> No.14520552

>US is requiring a full vaccination for any foreign entering the territory
Just no.

If you take a bus from Mexico, or walk, etc. you don't need a vaccine. If you fly, SOME airlines might still "require" it, but most people pay $10 for a fake vaccine card in Mexico.

Illegals crossing the border require nothing, and are given transport and money, but no vaccines.

The vaccines are meant to destroy white people's and black people's reproductive systems.

>> No.14520559

Im not an illegal immigrant, I need to take a plane. How am I supposed to know if the airline will require it or not?

>> No.14520564

>How am I supposed to know if the airline will require it or not?
Should say on the airline's website.
Look for "exemptions" also. There are religious exemptions, health exemptions, etc. that people can get to not have the experimental vaccines.

>> No.14520567

Not that anon, but I'd contact the airline. Of course policies can change if you schedule a flight months in advance, so you might want to get refundable tickets.

>> No.14520574

If you value your longterm health, you should find a way around the vaccine requirement. Take a charter plane, a bus, a boat, a reputable airline that doesn't require the vax, or just don't travel. Is risking your health really worth the reason you are traveling? You may feel fine after taking the vaxxs, but could suffer years down the road since most of the covid-19 vaxxs are completely new technology.

>> No.14520582

i might consider this, but I need to make a quick decision, because the interval between boosters is 1 month, and I need to travel in 2 months.

>most of the covid-19 vaxxs are completely new technology.
yeah thats why im considering coronavac, which nobody in the thread seems to know about. Isnt it mode traditional than the others?

>> No.14520596

yes it's a more "traditional" vaccine, albeit mfg in china, which has a bad track record of quality control.
you are rolling the dice with any vaccine. there have really been no benefits for anyone to take a vaccine for covid. the real reason for the vaccine requirements is likely much more sinister.

>> No.14520605

>SOME airlines might still "require" it
do they though? what's one?

>> No.14520627

Hell if I know, I don't fly commercial airlines. They are all trash.

>> No.14520668

We don't know about Coronavac because most Western countries haven't allowed it. It uses aluminum as the adjuvant, which many other vaccines do, and we're told the amounts used aren't enough to cause issues, but I don't believe it. The vaccine, with the full viral particles, will still enter your blood stream, where the spikes could cause problems. I'd say yes, it's probably safer than mRNA and the viral vectors, it may even work better long term because it's presenting the entire virus to the blood stream instead of just the spike, but it isn't without risk at the surface level. That's assuming its being produced cleanly, and if most of it is produced in China, I'd be concerned about that as well. Any contamination is going to be that much worse with an injection.

>> No.14520815

If you enter legally, you need a vaccine

>> No.14520906

actually coronavac here is mostly fabricated in my country (brazil), I think we used doses imported from china only in the beginning.

>The vaccine, with the full viral particles, will still enter your blood stream, where the spikes could cause problems
yeah but If I get covid the viral particles will also get to my blood stream in basically the same way, isnt it? So I find it hard to see how this vax could have any more unknown long term effects than the virus itself.

>> No.14521066

>yeah but If I get covid the viral particles will also get to my blood stream in basically the same way, isnt it?
That's debatable. Most of what we have is from hospitalized patients, where there's no detectable spike protein in serum in over half the patients. In mild cases I would assume the percentage is quite low. But I have no idea what quantities Coronavac is using, it may be such a tiny amount that it doesn't matter. Adverse events may be telling. The mRNA injections causing severe reactions on such a regular basis were a bad sign, imo. That's not a regular feature of many effective vaccines in the past, so I don't know why that became a sign of "the immune system doing its job." Moreover, in people who didn't experience a severe reaction, they were told it was fine, not everyone does. In other words, a person doesn't have to feel like hell when their immune system is responding? That sure seems like a sign that something is going wrong for so many people to experience adverse events.

>> No.14521215

none of you idiots are scientists or doctors. stop propagating anti vax conspiracy theories

>> No.14522354


>> No.14522386

>actually coronavac here is mostly fabricated in my country (brazil)

yeah no if the made in china version is a dice roll the made in brazil version is guaranteed contaminated with sopa de macaco

>> No.14522572
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viruses don't exist

>> No.14524610

heard there was graphene in it

>> No.14524618
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>irrespective of the delivery method

>> No.14525257

Just buy a fake card, they're not going to investigate a foreign country's registry

>> No.14525288

Doctors and scientists are the ones promoting conspiracy theories, particularly that vaccines lessen spread or prevent death when the majority of our deaths are now vaccinated. Base rate fallacy doesn't explain it either

>> No.14525415


>> No.14526900

>Doctors and scientists are the ones promoting conspiracy theories, particularly that vaccines lessen spread or prevent death when the majority of our deaths are now vaccinated. Base rate fallacy doesn't explain it either

Truth. Clown world times we live in. Cannot trust any governments or doctors anymore.

>> No.14526908


>> No.14527106

Took it in august/september.
"Side" effects:
>Heart pain
>Sudden feelings of depression
>Sudden feelings of loss/mourning
>Sudden fatigue
>Can't seem to reach REM sleep
>Feel disconnect between physical body and mind/feelings
>Orgasms feel empty and mechanical
>Thrombocytopenia-like spots on skin
>Bluer veins than usual
>Skin/muscle seems way weaker, e.g. can't walk barefoot on rocky terrain without feeling intense pain underneath the skin, as if the connective tissue is being damaged, same as when playing guitar.
>Vagus nerve seems damaged somehow, can hear the digestive system making never before heard noises while trying to pass food

Thankfully most of these are gone or are very reduced by now. Also, most of the emotional ones had relation to spiritual stuff, but this is /sci/ so eh.

>> No.14527119

anon Im scared, Im going to take it tomorrow :(

>> No.14527744

sounds like you are trying to blame everything on the vax
i still have heart pain after taking coronavac back in january and march