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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 92 KB, 286x286, 5B6F60A4-3510-46C2-B35D-955E83150842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14520251 No.14520251 [Reply] [Original]

>Doesn’t have a diploma related to Science and/or Mathematics
>Posts on /sci/
Please stop what you’re doing and get one. You are worsening this board with your uninformed takes.
>B-But college is a scam!
Yes, but it still gives you some baseline credibility and knowledge of the field.
>B-But muh cost!
Yes. Things cost money. However, you can get scholarships to cover at least half your cost if you’re competent and/or didn’t bomb your SATs
>I-I did most of the reading at home! They don’t teach shit in uni!
Can you prove you read all of those books?
>Da joos will brainwash me with pedotranny propaganda!!!
Only if you’re retarded and can’t think for yourself while doing work!
>I-It’s too easy!
So you should be able to pass early and move in with your life as an esteemed scientist/mathematician
Yes it does. I want to hear opinions from people who actually understand the field. Not some backwater incel who read some internet memes.

>> No.14520254

>you need a degree to be a scientist
midwit take

>> No.14520263

I have a degree in pure mathematics and theoretical computer science and I literally never post about either math or computer science lol

>> No.14520269

No, but you do need some basic credibility. Getting a degree is just the more simple and easier to prove method. I also take apprenticeships and letters of recommendations as well.

>> No.14520277
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That's right.

>> No.14520279
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>I want to hear opinions from people who actually understand the field. Not some backwater incel who read some internet memes.
>B-But college is a scam!
>Yes, but

>No, but you do need some basic credibility.

The only "credibility" a book learned retard has nowadays is shutting the world down for two years and causing an upcoming famine from the shipping delays. You've doomed us all, but it wouldn't have been the first time would it? You're just too smart to be wrong aren't you?

>> No.14520290

See >>14520269.
Just prove to us have some serious experience/credibility in Science and Mathematics and you can skip the college step.

>> No.14520293

Tell me what a University is and what a Degree is, Mr. Big brain.

I gots my degree, I know what it is!

>> No.14520298
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>Just prove to us
No, I don't think I will be telling you what to do. I don't want to be responsible for every atrocity in human history.

>> No.14520300

I have a physics degree and people here still call me schizo when I explain why modern physics is bullshit

>> No.14520352

> expecting quality on a frog website
> elitist mindset where having a degree permits one to express their opinions and automatically means their arguments are of higher value (on a frog website)
> selflearning apparently incompatible with quality posts, degree supposedly guarantees quality posts
if you want to have a guaranteed quality discussion you might as well have one with your peers at college. you can't guarantee someone here has a degree as much as they can't guarantee that you have one, the only indicator for that is quality in the threads you make

>> No.14520386

Kek, /mg/ has ok activity but its still filled with folks who are either self-studiers or degree havers. You don't see much argument in there. For everything else, who the fuck cares? This place, at best, is a meeting ground of both ends of the bell curve, knowing that, maybe try to educate and leave be? Otherwise you're just bitching to bitch, go be a woman else where.

>> No.14520418

I agree every captcha should be heavy Fourier tests.

>> No.14520543

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.14520573

you're actually trolling. this is bait.

>> No.14520581
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>> No.14520585
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I have a degree in gender science.

>> No.14520617

Have a master's in science from a top uni. This is the most midwit universalization take of all time.

>> No.14520624
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>oh noooo, I am academically immature and dependent on epistemic authorities and cannot evaluate the truth of a claim on my own
>I need to know someone's degree in order to know whether I can blindy trust them
The eternal undergrad mindset.

>> No.14521491

This anon dropped out of highschool.

>> No.14521567

This board is full of /pol/ types that lack critical thinking and think of themselves as being unique while regurgitating the exact same talking points and jargon that they learned on their favorite board. They are not even looking for proper discussion. Once proven wrong, they will use the same strategy that they use there: ad hominem.

>> No.14521620
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made one for everybody

>> No.14521655
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>> No.14521715

>reading stuff on the internet makes you a scientist
retard take

>> No.14521729 [DELETED] 
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Very kind. Many sexes to you.

>> No.14521735

im doing a tough science degree and im sure there are posters here that have less formal education but still are more knowledgeable than me in many fields. formal education isnt everything.

>> No.14521754

>>Doesn’t have a diploma related to Science and/or Mathematics
Okey I have a biology degree, now what?

>> No.14521899

Only people with tenure should post on /sci

>> No.14522086

I dropped out of physics college on my second year when I realized I wouldn't get a job, is that good enough?

>> No.14522122

Not what the post implied, dimwit. If you can't figure out what the post implied, you don't belong on this board.

>> No.14522125

Reading stuff makes you a mathematician though

>> No.14522129

You can read peer reviewed papers and be basically close to an expert in almost any subject

>> No.14522155

>You can read peer reviewed papers and be basically close to an expert in almost any subject
Ok, have fun

>> No.14522159

he's not wrong, he's just leaving out a lot of steps

>> No.14522164

>he's just leaving out a lot of steps
Well, those steps are the reason why we tend to pay others to learn.

>> No.14522203

You're never getting high quality science & math discussion on the internet. 99% of the population isn't qualified to talk on the topic and the remaining 1% has better things to do.

>> No.14522216

I've unironically have had orders of magnitudes better discussions on science on the internet than during my degree. There is genuine passion here, there it was the principle of least action to getting corporate busywork

>> No.14522242
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>it still gives you some baseline credibility and knowledge of the field.
>the field
Call me back when YOU stop participating in threads about fields that YOU have no diploma in, dipshit.

>> No.14522243

I'll admit it's hard to talk to faculty because they're busy with their own projects but I've never seen a good discussion about my field (economics) here. Maybe it's because it's /pol/-adjacent and attracts the worst posters.

>> No.14522288

Because it a load of dry wank.

>> No.14522295

Simply, get a knife, and, put it in your neck. And delete yourself from reality. This will stop the delays and famine. But you post. You have failed already.

>> No.14522307

Very true. You learn fuck all. Forget most of it.

You need passion to retain information.

Dumb society.

>> No.14522328

LOL @ Bobby Fischer with that long string of short, basic little sentences. It's like an essay from a bitter 7 years old. Makes him sound like he never did go to school. Reminds me of Terry on a no-meds day. I don't mean to bash him and I basically agree with his message, but it's such a funny contrast between the rhetoric and the man's actual intellect.

>> No.14522343

Your whole posts needs brackets

>> No.14524105

that's natural
redpill me

>> No.14524826

dont have a degree so maybe Im a retard but honestly every science that isnt Chemistry feels like bullshit

>> No.14524836

you're unable to assess what your post really implies in reality, and it's precisely what my post stated
dislike academia as much as you want, the obverse is precisely what this board has become recently
uneducated midwits throwing around uncontextualized info and making assumptions based on a superficial research and their own stupid agenda

>> No.14524841

>Gets 3.0 BA in physics from OSU
>Took at most two courses on modern physics, probably getting Bs
>Calls modern physics wrong
>Actual physicists with PhDs mog you so hard you have no defense but to pretend you weren't mogged
>Hey guys I have a physics degree!
Meaningless. Also, it's a funny admission of ignorance via omission. Physicists don't say "I have a physics degree!" pseud.

>> No.14524867

I love school

>> No.14524898
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Take the d o p p l e r p i l l

>> No.14524914


>> No.14525000
File: 72 KB, 720x720, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>get degree with double major in applied math and physics
>start to suspect deep-rooted problems in foundations of physics
>start researching, realize that space and time doesn't actually expand and contract when you're moving
>mathematically prove that early "relativistic" experiments actually have simple, prosaic explanations
>mfw I'm called a schizo

>> No.14525004

fucking schizo

>> No.14525007

tell us your GPA nathan. post your transcripts again too

>> No.14525009
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>t. filtered by Doppler shift

>> No.14525014

You basically do. Besides Oliver Heaviside there really aren’t any scientists without degrees

>> No.14525030

Can you tell me what I get with a degree that I should have that I don't get otherwise, exactly?

>> No.14525033 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 574x688, censorship_poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, pro-censorship shitlibs like yourself think that Bill Gates is an authority on public health, even though he literally has no credentials on the topic whatsoever, and a random kid with a BA in biology from a no-name school literally knows more about the topic then he does. But that's not all. Not only do the pro-censorship shitlibs view people like Bill Gates as a reliable source for information on public health, but you go even further than that, and claim that anyone who disagrees with the claims of supposed experts like Bill Gates should be censored.

So why is it that someone like Bill Gates is allowed to share their opinion on medicine an public health, and if people criticize Bill Gates, they're just far-right conspiracy theorists who need to be censored in order to protect public health and democratic values? Or what about all the cable news anchors? Almost every single cable news anchor claimed, without evidence, that the Lab Leak Hypothesis was a racist far-right conspiracy theory, and some sources even literally attributed the Lab Leak Hypothesis to Russia intelligence and/or white nationalist groups. It was an obvious smear campaign and there was literally never any evidence to support it, and yet almost every single mainstream outlet and all the woke celebrities were describing it as a crazy conspiracy theory. It's funny how the pro-censorship shitlibs only care about "disinformation" when it's coming from regular working class Americans and the general public, but they have no problem with disinformation coming from celebrities, journalists, politicians, or the media. And that's not just my opinion. Multiple polls basically confirm that claim. Pic related, for example. The majority (76%) of (neo)liberals literally support corporate censorship of average citizens "even if it will limit freedom of info", and at the same time, other polls demonstrate that the majority mainstream media.

>> No.14525040
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And yet, pro-censorship shitlibs like yourself think that Bill Gates is an authority on public health, even though he has no credentials on the topic whatsoever, and a random kid with a BA in biology from a no-name school literally knows more about the topic then he does. But that's not all. Not only do the pro-censorship shitlibs view people like Bill Gates as a reliable source for information on public health, but they go even further than that, and claim that anyone who disagrees with the claims of supposed experts like Bill Gates should be censored.

So if regular people can't, why is it that someone like Bill Gates is allowed to share their opinion on medicine and public health, and if people criticize Bill Gates, they're just far-right conspiracy theorists who need to be censored in order to protect public health and democratic values? Or what about all the cable news anchors? Almost every single news anchor claimed, without evidence, that the Lab Leak Hypothesis was a racist far-right conspiracy theory, and some sources even attributed the Lab Leak Hypothesis to Russia intelligence and/or white nationalist groups. It was an obvious smear campaign and there was never any evidence to support it, and yet almost every single mainstream outlet and all the woke celebrities were describing it as a crazy conspiracy theory. It's funny how the pro-censorship shitlibs only care about "disinformation" when it's coming from regular working class Americans and the general public, but they have no problem with disinformation coming from celebrities, journalists, politicians, or the media. And that's not just my opinion. Multiple polls basically confirm that claim. Pic related, for example. The majority (76%) of (neo)liberals literally support corporate censorship of average citizens "even if it will limit freedom of info", and at the same time, other polls demonstrate that the majority of liberals would oppose such policies for the mainstream media.

>> No.14525041

> think that Bill Gates is an authority on public health
I don't. Eat a dick
>rest of your post
if you gulp on mainstream media like an obedient bitch, more power to you, I have no idea which anchor says what on what topic, and I'll sooner slam my nuts with a cactus than get through the lobotomizing pain of doing so
this is /sci/, not /news/ not /pol/
you're basically proving OP's point that uneducated dipshits shouldn't get a say on this board because you add and contribute nothing of value, your post was miserable garbage and I feel stupider by just thinking somebody like you exists within 15 000 kms of my person

>> No.14525042

Wow very edgy. You are a true free thinker, unlike all the anti-science poltards that infest this board, and all the normies that infest IRL.

>> No.14525053

>freedom having anything to do with dedicating yourself to a scientific subject in order to gain a better understanding of nature and be more competent at your future job
I acquire tools and apply them to the best of my ability, and discuss their relevance with like-minded individuals
what tools have you mastered, and can share with people around here ? Is 'free-thinking' something you've worked on, or just a romantic label you herald as part of your obstinate rejection of the mainstream media you somehow end up constantly watching ?
enlighten us

>> No.14525056
File: 437 KB, 1x1, An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 - The Lancet.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you gulp on mainstream media like an obedient bitch, more power to you,
You don't really need to watch cable news to have at least some understanding of popular sentiment. For most people without autism or other cognitive impairments, you can usually pick up on these things in your everyday life. If you weren't aware of the Lab Leak Hypothesis or all the negative media attention it received, then you yourself are obviously not a very intelligent, educated, or informed person. This stuff was being discussed by regular people, by journalists, by scientists, by everyone. You're either pretending not to be aware of that, in which case you're acting in bad faith and being intellectually dishonest, or you genuinely are completely unaware of the Lab Leak Hypothesis, in which case, I would argue that you're scientifically illiterate, and you shouldn't be posting on this board.

In fact, there have been multiple academic and peer review publication on the Lab Leak Hypothesis. PDF related is one example, and it specifically addressed the fact that scientificially illiterate, pro-censorship shitlibs like yourself have been attempting to demonize and censor the topic for the last 2 years, despite no evidence to support your allegations that the Lab Leak Hypothesis is some sort of far-right racist narrative.

>> No.14525057

what's stopping you from learning the same thing you get at college? I don't get it. What's stopping you?

>> No.14525072
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I don't consider myself a "free thinker". I'm making fun of you, because your immediate reaction to my post was to accuse me of being a mindless sheep who watches mainstream media like an "obedient bitch". I'm actually a grad student in mathematics, and I published my first paper on mathematical biology this winter, so I imagine I know more about infectious disease then you do. Do you even know what an evolutionary stable strategy or a compartmental model is? No you don't. You don't know anything about science, because you're just a scientifically illiterate, pro-censorship undergrad normie.

Now, if you're interested in a good faith discussion, I would be happy to go through the details and explain why you're objectively wrong, and I would happy to provide citations to peer reviewed ltierature (as I already have in my previous post), but don't imagine a scientifically illiterate normie like yourself is actually interested in the science and empirical data. You just want to use science as a political tool to criticize all the people you perceive to be uneducated, racist, blue collar, far-right, "anti-science" conspiracy theorist morons, but you don't actually have any innate interest in science or the scientific method itself.

>> No.14525083

>popular sentiment
faggot spotted, caring about that shit automatically puts you in brainlet-tier
>lab leak hypothesis
massive nothingburger and only of relevance if you enjoy wanking over biomolecual stuff
from your own article

>Overwhelming evidence for either a zoonotic or research-related origin is lacking: the jury is still out. On the basis of the current scientific literature, complemented by our own analyses of coronavirus genomes and proteins, we hold that there is currently no compelling evidence to choose between a natural origin (ie, a virus that has evolved and been transmitted to humans solely via contact with wild or farmed animals) and a research-related origin (which might have occurred at sampling sites, during transportation or within the laboratory, and might have involved natural, selected, or engineered viruses).

literally nothing
you're a cretinic moron, improve yourself please

>> No.14525086

>what's stopping you from learning the same thing you get at college? I don't get it. What's stopping you?
>implying an uneducated moron who grew up in a trailer park watching Alex Jones and Fox News would be capable of conducting scientific research without any training or credentials

I know this might come as a surprise to you, but becoming a scientist takes a lot more work than just reading a few InfoWars articles while your binging out on meth at 3 am.

>> No.14525096

You fell for the physics meme, bro. How does it feel knowing your entire life is a lie, that you are nothing but a fraud, and that the dude who exposed you went to a state school where he spent his time watching football, chugging beers, and fucking hot bitches while you studied tensors in your room all alone like a good little NPC?

You will seethe about me forever. You will wake up in the morning and start seething about me. You will seethe about me while you are fucking your wife. You will seethe about me as you fall asleep. I will live on, rent free in your head, forever, and while you are gasping for air on your deathbed your last, fleeting thought will be one final seethe about me, my GPA, and the role of Doppler shift in Michelson-Morley interferometers. You are a fraud, a hypocrite, a pseudo-scientist of the very kind you attempt to discredit. You built your entire life around a fraudulent theory. You and the sum total of your life's work will be utterly forgotten by history, except perhaps to be mocked in passing. Seethe forever.

>> No.14525101
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>you're a cretinic moron, improve yourself please
t. dude who spends his free time trolling people on 4chan and sperging out at anyone he perceives to be a neonazi conspiracy theorist

I didn't read the rest of your post, because as you yourself claim, people without scientific credentials or education should not be commenting on scientific matters, and since you're a pro-censorship normie and you don't have any sort of graduate level education in the science, I don't think I need to waste my time reading what you have to say.

>> No.14525106

There is no evidence for the wet market hypothesis either, so by your own standards, the wet market hypothesis is also "nothingburger" and just a ridiculous white nationalist conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.

>> No.14525108

you know more than me about infectious disease ?
that's cute
tell me which antibiotics are to be used in necrotizing fasciitis
tell me which bacteriae classically cause meningitis, and their antibiotics as well

let's here you big boy

>> No.14525144

What resources are there that you can't get outside of going to college? Such as textbooks.

>> No.14525146

>tell me which antibiotics are to be used in necrotizing fasciitis

Clinical medicine is not science or math, but these sound like entry level undergrad questions. Unlike you, I'm willing to admit when I'm not an expert on a topic, so I honestly don't know anything about the clinical practices surrounding necrotising fascitis, but I imagine a broad spectrum antibiotic would work. Of course, you would have to take into account MRSA, which is antibiotic resistant so that's going to be the main factor to take into consideration.

As for meningitis it's caused by the meningicocous virus, but again, these are irrelevant questions. They're basically trivia question, and the very fact that you would use this sort of a question as a test of literacy just demonstrates that you're either an second-rate undergrad or a scientifically illiterate normie. Science isn't about memorizing facts or trivia, it about broader theories and methods. Compartmental modeling is one such method. Literally every single epidemiologist in the world knows how to do compartmental models, because it's one of the central tool used in the study of infectious disease dynamics. On the other hand, if you asked an epidemiologist some specific question about a particular disease, e.g. necrotising fascitis, they're not necessarily going to know much about the topic, unless it's directly relevant to their area of expertise. As an aspiring mathematical biologist, I know a lot about things like population dynamics and evolution -- especially multilevel selection, the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, and topics concerning units of selection, biological individuals, and inclusive fitness -- but not much about diagnostics or clinical practices, although I know decent bit about disease dynamics, as well as opinion dynamics, which is directly relevant to the study of censorship and "disinformation", a topic which you are very passionate about, despite having no credentials.

>> No.14525156

go on, brag about your 3.0 GPA for a BA in physics. tell us all about your Bs and Cs in advanced physics.

>> No.14525160

>take into account MRSA
no MRSA or even plain old SA in necrotizing fasciitis
it's mainly strep B, some enterobacteriae or anaerobiae :)
>meningicocous virus
my fucking sides
did I really just read that ?
meningoccocus VIRUS

to quote
> I know more about infectious disease then you do

you can't even differentiate a virus from a bacteria you massive retard
and you're the one that's calling other fake-ass and uneducated ?
you're a riot my dude, hope you stick around give us some more of that good comedy

>> No.14525175

what's stopping a prospective employer of not hiring you because you don't have any real experience, credentials, and referrals ?
teachers, mentors, labs, chemicals, tools for collecting, analyzing, computing data
need to name more ?

>> No.14525180

>what's stopping a prospective employer of not hiring you because you don't have any real experience, credentials, and referrals ?
I don't know.
>teachers, mentors,
What about for math or something, how much time do they even individually spend on you instead of expecting you to learn from the textbook? What goes on at a college?

>> No.14525190

I know
ten other candidates with those things, because they went to college
No idea for maths, go into /mg/ if you're that curious
in the meantime what I said applies for basically every other STEM degree

>> No.14525193

Aside from the "real experience" of going to college and the credentials and referrals of it, do you disagree you can learn the same thing as what you get at a college? Unless you meant the "real experience" is what you can't learn. What is the "real experience" that you can't learn otherwise?

>> No.14525195

I have no degree. I shouldn't post here srs. Agree heavily.

>> No.14525215

real experience of doing experiments, internships, participating in conferences and interacting with researchers who are specialized in the subject you're studying
you don't learn that in books or by browsing the internet
and you don't get to do or attend those if you're not an enrolled student

>> No.14525239

Should I just give up if my IQ isn't high enough to get good test scores and into a good college then?

>> No.14525251

get decent test scores by studying a lot, and enroll into an average college then
afterwards, marry a woman that's 10 IQ points above you, and breed smart kids that won't struggle as much as you did

>> No.14525255

>get decent test scores by studying a lot, and enroll into an average college then
I don't get what the point in "interacting with researchers" from an "average college" even is at that point. I guess I'm too dumb to understand any of this.

>> No.14525256

Name one scientist in the past 50 years that made a noteworthy and accepted contribution to their field without getting a degree

>> No.14525259
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For a GED equivalent only to go to college and not have it affect anything else. It's almost as if those 4 years you spend are just adult daycare full of C average students as the caretakers.

>This will stop the delays and famine
Nothing is going to stop the delays and famine because the book learned morons that rule your society that initially caused said delays and famine with their useless viral regulations have already determined what gets shipped where. Even if all the weenies doing contract tracing jobs and getting unemployment start going to an actual job and doing actual work today, you're still fucked. Good thing all those people are the first to die when shit hits the fan.
But you're so much smarter than those people which is why you took the time early this year to plant victory crops so you won't have to worry as much about that famine amiright?

>> No.14525263

>things need to be elite and excellent to be worthwhile
I'm not too sure about your IQ, but your mentality is definitely holding you back

>> No.14525282

If you say even a bad or average college is still useful for this I start to doubt your whole point. If I can only do things that are fit for an "average college" then it's not worthwhile for what I want to do. And it's kind of hard to spend thousands of dollars when I don't even really know what it entails beyond vague things like "interacting" with "researchers". Can you give me something concrete so I can see why written information just isn't sufficient? I guess if you look at the most top people then I guess they went to top universities, but how do I know that is necessary based on a trend

>> No.14525286

>to their field
you still don't understand what it means to be a scientist.

>> No.14525294

how about you show some fucking autonomy and research that on your own ?
contact the colleges you're interested in or their alumni directly, ask what they teach there, what are you career prospects afterwards, what's required of you etc
but you sound like a massive underachiever and probably won't do that and will simply end up doing some shitty mindless job and marrying to boring plain-jane who will give you retarded kids just like you

>> No.14525309

>research that on your own ?
If you mean online about what they do other than the normal courses information I don't know where
>contact the colleges you're interested in or their alumni directly,
I didn't really think of that as something you could do but now it sounds like you're talking about what they teach instead of conferences. I thought I had the impression a lot of it for technical things was learning from a book essentially instead of a professor personally helping you.
>you sound like a massive underachiever
You're an underachiever in convincing people

>> No.14525317

not my job to convince you to do something meaningful with your life
just shoot an e-mail to a lecturer, professor, or even somebody with a job in science, and ask them what's the advantage of going to college versus not doing so
that includes classes, tutoring, experiments, internships, etc
or don't, for all I care

>> No.14525382

is this dude's explanation accurate?

so... speed of light is not a constant?

t. uneducated tard

>> No.14525402

this doppler shit is from a schizo named Nathan Rapport.
He's openly admitted he graduated with a 3.0 GPA. Notice how he meticulously lists every course he's taken (2 standard intro courses in quantum mechanics) including a net sum of zero courses on cosmology or general relativity. I'm certain he's only seen a very brief overview of special relativity in one of his EM classes. Basically, he's an egotistical pseud with no expertise. He tried submitting his schizo shit to the arXiv (a preprint server for physicists), and was rejected.

>> No.14525409

he also doesn't understand basic units. his argument that speed of light isn't a constant doesn't even have units of speed.

>> No.14525426

>so... speed of light is not a constant?
There is no proof whatsoever of light having a speed in the first place, let alone a constant one. You don't need paper penis waving to disprove what was never true.

>> No.14525437

>scientist is when have official piece of paper indicating you have accepted an adequate amount of debt to be considered credible
Utopia, here we come.

>> No.14525440

>light without a speed
explain how this works

>> No.14525459

>I'm certain he's only seen a very brief overview of special relativity in one of his EM classes.
SR is covered in-depth in classical mechanics. What else are you certain about?

>> No.14525463

>so... speed of light is not a constant?
It's constant the way the speed of sound is constant. If you are stationary with respect to the wave medium (air, aether) then the speed is constant. Otherwise you will observe different speeds depending on your velocity.

>> No.14525481

kys you pseud

>> No.14525490

Oh, you got a credible piece of paper do yah? Excellent, I am a paperless retard. Would you be so kind as to tell me what's a measurement? If shit is affected by entanglement and measurements must be physical for entanglement to make sense why is it that wave function doesn't change when we measure shit?

>> No.14525498
File: 51 KB, 359x478, he_doesnt_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaand the truth comes out. You've never actually opened a book on classical mechanics. Gg.

>> No.14525499

>you can't post on 4chan if you haven't been though brainwashing
why do so many people want come to 4chan just to regurgitate shit they've memorized from textbooks? there are a million other censored social networks out there which prevent the type of people who post on 4chan from posting what they wish. just go to one of those sites if you want a safe space which will never contract textbook regurgitations.
if you're too low iq to prevent your emotions from overwhelming your rationality every time you see the textbook contradicted then you won't enjoy viewing this board, it isn't possible to prevent people with nonconformist points of view from posting on 4chan, the site's software makes that impossible.

>> No.14525564
File: 185 KB, 1300x866, 54460125-soft-focus-water-surface-sun-light-reflect-water-wave[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain how this works
Analogously it's like saying my hand emits water when I splash it in a pond to create waves. I'm emitting neither water nor waves, my hand is my hand and it's displacing the water at a certain rate. Furthermore the water is "already there", it's an instantaneous displacement of what's already present. To say this is a "speed" is a complete misnomer. The phenomena wouldn't even present itself without the "wave" in which it is define (currently understood as dualisitc mind you).
All it really is is coherent pressure disparity of the medium in frequency/wavelenth form. The "speed" depends on the hysteresis of the medium, what it's already doing against what you or something that is trying to disturb it is doing. When a tsunami happens for instance, that huge wave, that energy has to come from somewhere in the medium (the water). On coastlines the water will recede far greater than normal tide changes because of the displacement. That tsunami wave...already affected the coastline before it actually hit it.
Sorry I had to use analogies, it's useful when talking about things that don't actually exist as something objective or discrete.

>> No.14525592

That's actually very insightful, thanks.

>> No.14525681

>it's an instantaneous displacement of what's already present
> instantaneous
do you really think that water moves way from your hand at faster than the speed of light because of displacement? what if the water just compressed so it didn't need to speed away faster than light in order to b displaced, maybe the compressed region then spreads out at the speed of sound in water, producing waves.

>> No.14525708
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>do you really think that water moves way from your hand at faster than the speed of light because of displacement?

Well the tsunami affects the coast before the actual wave being measured hits it so why not? It's a misunderstanding of what should be measured, or what really matters when trying to understand the phenomena you're dealing with. The misundertanding is that light is taken as an independent phenomena of the medium that propigates through it, but it's the medium that induces it to exist in the first place.

>what if the water just compressed so it didn't need to speed away faster than light in order to b displaced,
Compression is not a speed either. Water, steam and ice are still water, just like "light" is still "what the medium does and not actually something itself". This would also explain why light is perceived to "change speeds" when it "enters a different medium". Those "different mediums" are ultimately just "the medium in a different form" and affects how the light is induced to exist in said mediums. It is

>> No.14525861

Absolutely based.

>> No.14525898

He was an irritable schizophrenic autist.

>> No.14525905
File: 1.08 MB, 1131x960, 1481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admitted that I don't know anything about diagnostics or clinical medicine. I'm willing to admit when I don't know something. On the other hand, you're a LARPing retard, and you don't have the intellectual honesty to admit that you're talking out of you ass, which is why you didn't even make an attempt to address my question about evolutionary stable strategies and compartmental models -- both of which are entry level topics that literally every mathematical biologist and epidemiologist alive in the world today would be familiar with.

As I've stated, you're not arguing in good faith which is why you refuse to address any of my points or questions, even though I was perfectly willing to address the questions posed to me. If you were actually arguing in good faith, then you would have either (1) explained what an evolutionary stable strategy is, or (2) admitted that you don't know. Instead, you evaded the question, because you're a dishonest person and you're talking out of your ass.

Your writing ability is also fairly poor, and it's obvious that you're not someone who has ever gone to graduate or professional school. It's honestly pretty clear to me, and probably most of the other grad students and phds on this board. Of course, I have no way to prove that, and only you know the truth, but honestly you don't write or communicate in a manner that would be expected of someone in grad school or professional school. You're a self-righteous neolib midwit, which is why you immediately assumed that I'm an uneducated right wing conspiracy theorist, when in reality I'm a grad student in mathematical biology, and I'm neither right wing, nor a conspiracy theorist. I'm vaccinated and boosted and I work in STEM. All I did was express some concerns about censorship, and you instantly flipped out. In one of you first posts, you sperged out and called me an "obedient bitch" who "gulps mainstream media". If anything, you're the schizo.

>> No.14525916 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 474x355, republican_ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are a million other censored social networks out there which prevent the type of people who post on 4chan from posting what they wish. just go to one of those sites if you want a safe space
>the uneducated redneck moron complains about safe spaces while simultaneously demanding a safe space to disseminate his retard conspiracy theories and racist political beliefs

The hypocrisy of right wingers is so over the top that it would honestly be kind of amusing if it weren't for the fact that it is destroying our society and causing a literal epidemic of disease, disinformation, and domestic terrorism.

>> No.14525949

t. retard who doesn't know the first thing about science

There are plenty of people working in science that don't have formal training in their field. It happens all the time. E.g. I had a neuroscience professor for two semesters that actually did their PhD in computer science but switched to neuroscience because they were working on complex systems theory. This is not uncommon at all. Science is very interdisciplinary and people contribute to other fields all the time, even without any formal training.

>> No.14525955
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>> No.14526055

bragging about your ability to brown nose school teachers for a gpa bonus does not make you an authority figure in the sciences, it defines you as someone who is not a authority. people who are still in school are not authoritative, they are schoolchildren who still have lots left to learn.

>> No.14526065
File: 149 KB, 476x476, 3a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a CS degree (S stands for Science) from a better university than yours and I use it to hide behind seven proxies as I post about human biodiversity and race realism

>> No.14526083
File: 61 KB, 285x208, 1607816293249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the uneducated redneck moron
You began your response with a jewish anti-white straw man stereotype, instead of an actual argument. This is why we don't want you here- it's not your views, your just a fucking idiot.
Go back to whatever faggy hugbox you came from.

>> No.14526111

my degree is in chemistry and I mainly post about physics because this board hates chemistry.

>> No.14526118

>No you just have to take my word at face value and accept I know what I'm talking about because I said so.
do midwits really?

>> No.14526170

He wasn't mentally ill. "Mental illness" and "brain damage" are synonymous terms, he brain was clearly not damaged, it functioned better than anyone else's. If Bobby Fischer's political messages bother you, attempting to dismiss them with namecalling to appease your emotions only goes to show that you are unable to dismiss Bobby Fischer's political messages in any meaningful way.

>> No.14526741

>requires a medium
but light moves through space, a vacuum.

>> No.14526794

>but light moves through space, a vacuum.
Just because there's no air doesn't mean it's empty.

>> No.14526801

>No you just have to take my word at face value
You don't have to do that either.

>accept I know what I'm talking about because I said so.
Because when somebody else acts like a mediator and says things for me, that's so much better?

>through space, a vacuum.
It's like saying something travels in nothing. It makes even less sense.

>> No.14526805

Maybe back in his day psychiatry hadn't advanced to treat modern mental illnesses, but today we have a name for people who think there is some global conspiracy of people of other race/religion pulling all the strings and out to get you, it's called being schizophrenic

>> No.14526819

true that. take the easy way and mush your brain cells, or go through the grinder and master the game... it's a game, fluid, so learn to navigate it and cross the breaker waves to freedom

>> No.14526826


>> No.14526829

Can you write papers on those simple explanations And post it. Would be helpful

>> No.14526832

I post here because scientists ruined the last two years over the flu. I will be posting here making awful threads for eternity and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.14526837

See >>14524898
And for a short summary: >>14525009

>> No.14526843

>You need sophisticated language and big words to convey intelligence
No, less words best.

>> No.14526915

>Posts on /sci/
Yeah, dumby. 4chan is inherently against credentialism. You can't make an appeal to authority; every post stands on the merit of its own reasoning.

>> No.14526923

do NOT reply to soijaks
do NOT bump soijaks

>> No.14526966
File: 1.42 MB, 1540x1222, 1639191904601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeth tranny seeth

>> No.14526969

killing yourself doesn’t delete you from reality. in an objective sense, reality exists whether you’re experiencing it or not

>inb4 reality is subjective

then you’re talking about philosophy, not science

>> No.14526990
File: 3.32 MB, 4000x3000, Pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a fatass?

>> No.14527784
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>>14520251 >>14520254 >>14520263 >>14520269 >>14520277 >>14520279 >>14520290 >>14520293 >>14520298 >>14520300 >>14520352 >>14520386 >>14520418 >>14520543 >>14520573 >>14520581 >>14520585 >>14520617 >>14520624 >>14521491 >>14521567 >>14521620 >>14521655 >>14521715 >>14521735 >>14521754 >>14521899 >>14522086 >>14522122 >>14522125 >>14522129 >>14522155 >>14522159 >>14522164 >>14522203 >>14522216 >>14522242 >>14522243 >>14522288 >>14522295 >>14522307 >>14522328 >>14522343 >>14524105 >>14524826 >>14524836 >>14524841 >>14524867 >>14524898 >>14524914 >>14525000 >>14525004 >>14525007 >>14525009 >>14525014 >>14525030 >>14525040 >>14525041 >>14525042 >>14525053 >>14525056 >>14525057 >>14525072 >>14525083 >>14525086 >>14525096 >>14525101 >>14525106 >>14525108 >>14525144 >>14525146 >>14525156 >>14525160 >>14525175 >>14525180 >>14525190 >>14525193 >>14525195 >>14525215 >>14525239 >>14525251 >>14525255 >>14525256 >>14525259 >>14525263 >>14525282 >>14525286 >>14525294 >>14525309 >>14525317 >>14525382 >>14525402 >>14525409 >>14525426 >>14525437 >>14525440 >>14525459 >>14525463 >>14525481 >>14525490 >>14525498 >>14525499 >>14525564 >>14525592 >>14525681 >>14525708 >>14525861 >>14525898 >>14525905 >>14525949 >>14525955 >>14526055 >>14526065 >>14526083 >>14526111 >>14526118 >>14526170 >>14526741 >>14526794 >>14526801 >>14526805 >>14526819 >>14526826 >>14526829 >>14526832 >>14526837 >>14526843 >>14526915 >>14526923 >>14526966 >>14526969 >>14526990
27 yo boomer here, is it too late to go back to University? I dropped out once from engineering major.

>> No.14528197

yes. there is no hope for mass-repliers

>> No.14529692


>> No.14529721

Not too late, if you've got the time, money, and desire then go back.

>> No.14529727

Thanks for the pepe, but you've gotta understand that /sci/ is just a board for people who find science and math interesting, not exactly a garden of shear intellect that musn't be sullied by the common man.

>> No.14529771

I will not get a degree, I will not stop posting on /sci/, I will not stop filling threads with schizophrenic nonsense and retarded hot takes. What are you gonna do about it?