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14516477 No.14516477 [Reply] [Original]

There are literally hundreds of explanations for the Fermi paradox, why do people always act as though it's some big mystery?

>> No.14516481

there's actually zero explanation

>> No.14516505

same but with russel's paradox, its a fault in the concept of element of a set, not a fault of the universal set.

>> No.14516506

>chance of self-replicating proteins evolving inorganically
>chance of a prokaryote evolving into a eukaryote
>chance of photosynthesis evolving
>chance of aerobic respiration evolving
>chance of unicellular life becoming multicellular
>chance of multicellular life becoming macroscopic and forming cells and organs
>chance of intelligent life evolving
>all of the above must take place without an extinction level event and require enough land area and specific conditions to cause these traits to evolve

And then...
>chance of intelligent life mastering fire
>chance of intelligent life inventing agriculture
>chance of intelligent life forming civilisations
>chance of intelligent life industrialising
>chance of intelligent life becoming space-fairing
>chance of intelligent life being capable of interstellar colonisation or communication
>all of the above requires no extinction level event, human-like psychology and sociology, specific mindsets that only certain human cultures have and enough resources to enable this

>> No.14516510
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here's the real explanation:

no civilization in the universe is capable of reaching the feats of sci-fi stories and concepts because it is impossible to overcome the energy trap. the bigger and more successful a civilization becomes the more energy they use, and the more energy they use the more their planet will warm. any technologically advanced civilization will eventually either be cooked in their own planet by their own heat output, OR they will scale back significantly in order to prevent climate disaster.

thus, they are energy trapped and can never develop beyond a certain point.

that's it. that's the explanation.

>> No.14516512

>implying that's the only way matter gets to become a space faring civilization

>> No.14516513

Humans are the only intelligent civilization in the observable universe

>> No.14516515

Explain another way

>> No.14516516

and humans haven't even figured out how the first one can theoretically occur, let alone all the other steps that would be needed for intelligent life to communicate with us.

>> No.14516522
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"The universe doesn't agree with my infantile sci fi fantasies" is not a paradox.

>> No.14516584

we still can't quantify any of those probabilities so
>intelligent life is like rly rare guys, trust me!
is not a valid explanation
in fact, that proposition comes from the fact that we don't see any other intelligent life outside our planets so it's just begging the question

>> No.14516592

We literally have not discovered any alternatives to the human model. We've only devised theoretical models for how non-carbon based lifeforms might work.

>> No.14516595

A midwit wrote this post.

>> No.14516603

what on earth is the "human model"

>> No.14516646

How are people not able to understand this? Intelligent life is a fluke more than anything else. The odds of there being any life within a reachable distance of us is fucking laughable and it's unlikely we would get a contact from them all of the sudden within the past 100 years. There could have been messages broadcast to us 9000 years ago, and we might have to wait another 9000 years to get them again.

Low IQ retards

>> No.14516657

>We've only devised theoretical models for how non-carbon based lifeforms might work.
Like what?

>> No.14516658

>The odds of there being any life within a reachable distance of us is fucking laughable
read >>14516584
you're committing a very basic logical fallacy, your argument is not valid, and you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.14516669

we literally have no idea how abiogenesis occurred in the first place, so how can you be so confident that its common and probable when all of the evidence suggests it isnt

>> No.14516682

>we literally have no idea how abiogenesis occurred in the first place
yeah and it works in the other way too dumbass, how do you know it isn't common?
we don't know
there's no point arguing about things that we don't know

>> No.14516689

This is the low IQ post of the thread. We don't have to be able to quantify a probability, to understand the evidence we have about life and its formation. We aren't talking about unfalsifiable stuff here like the existence of a higher power, we are talking about actual biology and biochemistry that works the same almost everywhere in the universe.

The idea of life being rare is also relative, rare can mean a lot of things. I do think that we need to give our species at least 500 years to actually test out if intelligent life exists elsewhere, since a few decades is all we've really had so far.

>> No.14516714

the retard that I was replying to implied that the reason why we dont see any signs of intelligent life is that there aren't any because the probability of life developing on a planet is so low and I was pointing out that we don't know how low that probability really is since we don't know how exactly life develops and that it's begging the question
what part of that do you not understand you imbecile?
hopefully you're not an american cause you're gonna have to go back to high school if you want to fix your subhuman reading comprehension

>> No.14516725

What is to stop us from sending self-replicating machines to assemble energy harvesting structures around our star?

It's something we're already on the verge of being able to do anon and we've been using memory aids to build on the knowledge
of previous generations for only a few thousand years.

Sorry but your explanation is hinging on civilizations to never inventing written language and advance past primitive tool use ala proto stone-age.

>> No.14516727

>It's something we're already on the verge of being able to do anon
No we aren't, stop making shit up.

>> No.14516754

because the very nature of the fermi 'paradox' is evidence that abiogenesis is exceedingly rare dumbass. same way its exceedingly rare for a chemical soup to spit out a fully formed lightbulb. it's theoretically possible, i have no fucking clue how it would happen mechanistically, but i can tell you its a fucking rare occurence.

>> No.14516760

Zoomer. Please go play in a busy road.

>> No.14516763

Lead huffer

>> No.14516765

>we see no evidence of life outside our planet
>because abiogenesis is extremely improbable
how do we know?
>because we see no evidence of any life outside our planet
>because abiogenesis is extremely improbable
how do we know?
>because we see no evidence of any life outside our planet

do you see a pattern here?

>> No.14516767

All the necessary technologies either already exist or are advancing at such a rapid pace that we'll have them within the century, and for sure within the millennium which is a blink of an eye on the timescales we're talking about for intelligent life to evolve.

>> No.14516814

"Self replicating machines" already exist, they're called lifeforms.
Your robot fantasy of von neumann probes does not exist and never will.

>> No.14516816

>What is to stop us from sending self-replicating machines to assemble energy harvesting structures around our star?
And what do you think is going to happen once we bring that energy back to earth and use it?

You could build stuff in space of course but how hideously expensive and complex would it be to have massive manufacturing factories out in space?

>> No.14516992

Are you retwerked in the head anon? What's expensive about space is building stuff here and sending it there, the whole reason to have autonomous machines
mine and build factories/power plants - in space - is that it cost us nothing but the initial effort of launching the initial probes once we can build them.

We've seen all the technologies necessary to make them emerge within our lifetime.
Back the tape and go from the dawn of the industrial age only some ~250 years ago to today, our machines are already touching our star ffs.
We're building autonomous robots and drones that can navigate complex environment, algorithms that can make sense of raw sensor imagery.
How can you not look at a world where we rode horses a quarter millennium ago til today when we draw insect like brains in silicon built by machines, built by other machines.
Already run simulations of reality inside computer brains to have our primitive robots make decisions about actions in our physical reality.

How much extrapolative imagination do one need to see where this has the potential of bringing us within the century?

>> No.14516996

>How can you not look at a world where we rode horses a quarter millennium ago til today when we draw insect like brains in silicon built by machines, built by other machines.
>Already run simulations of reality inside computer brains to have our primitive robots make decisions about actions in our physical reality.
Literally none of this is real I have no idea why you keep writing science fiction shit as though it's real.

>> No.14517007

All of that is real.

>> No.14517014

Boston Dynamics is a scam dude, this thing is in a closed course and can not generalize

>> No.14517018
File: 736 KB, 500x3975, 1583173828291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is the only logical outcome of a civilization. It's not just an "explanation". It's the way things naturally go.

>> No.14517025


>> No.14517028

This is pretty cool

>> No.14517116

>Pic rel is the only logical outcome of a civilization

>> No.14517811

all of these things are so fucking unlikely, literally a perfect storm, that it genuinely makes me believe there MUST be a multiverse where conditions happened over and over for googleplexian amount of years and then we anthropic principled ourselves into existence

>> No.14517849

>chance of self-replicating proteins evolving inorganically
>chance of self-replicating proteins evolving inorganically
>chance of a prokaryote evolving into a eukaryote
>chance of photosynthesis evolving
>chance of aerobic respiration evolving
>chance of unicellular life becoming multicellular
>chance of multicellular life becoming macroscopic and forming cells and organs
>chance of intelligent life evolving
>all of the above must take place without an extinction level event and require enough land area and specific conditions to cause these traits to evolve

And then...
>chance of intelligent life mastering fire
>chance of intelligent life inventing agriculture
>chance of intelligent life forming civilisations
>chance of intelligent life industrialising
>chance of intelligent life becoming space-fairing
>chance of intelligent life being capable of interstellar colonisation or communication
>all of the above requires no extinction level event, human-like psychology and sociology, specific mindsets that only certain human cultures have and enough resources to enable this

>> No.14517853

Theres probably trillion of planets with life but theres no FTL, once in a while random planets get visited by a generational ship, almost never theres civilizations there but sometimes there are. We just have not had happened to us and if it happened we forgot, maybe the aliens crashed or we are the aliens and forgot the past.
One thing you wont see is gay ass star wars adventures, your life would be identical if trillions of alien worlds did not exist

>> No.14517860

I think if theres life theres going to be heavy pressure to have animal life otherwise all these tasty plants go to waste. Animals have to have brains and make decisions of where to go=intelligence

>> No.14517879

Most likely we're either the first intelligent species in the observable universe, or reality is a simulation. Even though both are very strange scenarios, every other conceivable scenario is even stranger.

>> No.14517884
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Maybe intelligent species soon realize that it's not in their interest to attract attention of species from outer space. Maybe we should learn a thing or two from them.

>> No.14518842
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, Darling in the Franxx - 16 23.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Darling in the Franxx" deboonked it.

>> No.14518874

In that case you just dispose heat like any other garbage instead of shitting over yourself.

>> No.14519523

Paradox aren’t real.

>> No.14520181
File: 48 KB, 800x489, 087044088044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14520260

>There could have been messages broadcast to us 9000 years ago,

if intelligent life were easy and common space should be full of billions of years of messages from civilizations that came and went. But there is nothing, which suggests its not very common at all.

>> No.14520363
File: 752 KB, 684x3336, the happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and utility monster-pilled


>> No.14520366
File: 16 KB, 480x420, bootes supervoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The explanation for the Fermi Paradox might be that the universe is a simulation, and civilizations get deleted when they use up too many computational resources.


>A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.

>> No.14521807

Bitch please all they have to do is make dyson sphere and its far from impossible