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14514740 No.14514740 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion of the Fermi paradox and ayy lmaos.

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>> No.14514744
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Fermi's "paradox" isn't a paradox in the same way that Olber's "paradox" isn't a paradox. It's only paradoxical if your assumptions are faulty.

>> No.14514756
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God spoke to me and gave me instructions on how to save the world, this is the will of progenitors.

>> No.14514761


>> No.14515003

why do we care about the kardeshev scale?

>> No.14515011

useful metric for thinking about how ayys might affect cosmology in their development

>> No.14515179

The answer to the Fermi Paradox is obviously that the civilizations that survive develop tech that is efficient enough to not be detectable to us. It's also very likely that their stealth tech is easy enough to use that they'd have to be retarded not to, kinda like how we use https everywhere

>> No.14515266

so they'd be hiding as natural objects like stars or planets or black holes?

>> No.14515275

they wouldn't even need to hide, are you dumb? to think that the failing of our pathetic attempts of "searching" for extra solar life warrant a paradox is ridiculous. we can't even take a detailed look at most of the objects orbiting our sun.

>> No.14515284

There is no fermi paradox.
Aliens are here, they have contacted governments around the world.
Government are hiding this info from general public.

>> No.14515315

how long have they been here, are we talking an Ancient Aliens timeline?

>> No.14515318

We don't need to hide most internet data either, but we do anyway because it's so easy that it's the obvious default

That or they just avoid tech that emits or reflects lots of light because it's unnecessary and a security risk

>> No.14515329
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The solution to the Fermi Paradox is that the universe is a simulation, and civilizations that use up too much computational power get deleted.


>A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.

>> No.14515331
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>> No.14515348

No fucking idea how long, but I really think they are here, and government hide it. There are a lot of ufo sightings and testimony from ex military, astronaut, government employees etc.
Also just remember how many "conspiracy theories" ended up being true. MK ultra for example, just to list a really fucked up one

>> No.14515465
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Cixin Liu is right.

>> No.14515503

Kardashev scale is star-wars-tier bullshit. I don't know why people even mention it.

>> No.14515584

They've been here for a very long time. We have a sort of 'red tape' around our species warning others not to interfere. So that some other species can study us and our development. We are property of an entity we aren't even aware of.

>> No.14515588

All of these threads are full of star wars tier popsci shit

>> No.14515629

Nimitz incident, they're already here.

>> No.14515711
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It's probably pessimism.

The history of sentient life on this planet has unfolded like this; Humans develop a self-reflective sense of awareness, the reproduce for what is cosmically a short period of time ignorant of the circumstances, eventually they develop materialist theories that debunk any notion of them being special.

Alien civilizations may even have gone one step further and reasoned horrible things like Quantum or Big World immortality that posit once a consciousness is substantiated it cannot go out of existence.

They eventually as a society understand the merciful thing is to stop breeding and correct, at least locally, the mistake.

>> No.14516286

I think the mistake is thinking aliens would create mega structures and consume a lot of energy, they might go nano and consume very little making them impossible for us to detect, this is what efficiency is, we're the opposite of that.

>> No.14516340

Aliens have been in contact with humanity for millennia, in direct contact for 2022 years and in direct conversation since July 7, 1947.

>> No.14516347
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Correct. Faulty assumptions, such as aliens must be animals as we understand it. Cells, organs, and the like. They use metal and generate electricity, like we do.
Long distance communication is by radio, like we do. It’s so obvious we even have an inevitable scale of development, where we place ourselves “here”, relative to…nothing but science fiction.
A truly intelligent alien entity might be fascinated with bacteria, and regard us as relatively complex stromatolites.

>> No.14516502

kardeshev scale is junk pop sci-fi. a civilization would never even reach type 1 because they'd be cooked in their own planet due to all the heat.

anything beyond type 1 is literal fantasy, a fairy tale.

>> No.14516531

Based big thinker post