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14514642 No.14514642 [Reply] [Original]

I can't help but notice the high IQ treat us midwits like filth.
The implications are big it that indeed is the fact: meritocracy should be fought and we shouldn't let such people rule over us.

>> No.14514652

empathy isnt defined well because the media wants you to hate people better than you at everything. We dont care about you specifically because we are pron to being more objective and considering empathy for more than one person. The current definition of empathy is only putting yourself in one persons shoes and ignoring those who you dont like who i must say is a horrible candidate for a ruler and by no means should ever be allowed

>> No.14514690

>we are pron to being more objective and considering empathy for more than one person
But that's not true. You do nothing with improving society as your priority. You treat us like cattle undeserving of a having a say in our lives while busy accumulating power and recognition and having intellectual stimulation and any happiness that creates for us is a nice bonus.
Do you consider the intellectually unexceptional a lower form of consciousness?

>> No.14514752
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here is my hypothesis.

>> No.14514766

>usage more than capacity

>> No.14514773
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capacity is a bad word (im ESL), it's more like an increase in the ability to empathize strongly/deeply in situations where empathizing is difficult. does that make sense?

>> No.14514803

>has questions about iq
>asks the place with the literal lowest collective iq

>> No.14514804

It is generally inverse to ego, but not always. IQ is something different entirely

>> No.14514805
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>>has questions about iq
>>asks the place with the literal lowest collective iq

>> No.14514820

Why are the intelligent elite like this? >>14508747

>> No.14514829

Outlier-high IQ hate towards midwits originates from the perception that midwits are harmful to society. Midwits—they maintain—rather than using their intelligence to seek out truth, use it for social gain. Being above average intelligence makes it easier to follow the rules of polite society. Midwits lack the autism reject the rules of this degenerate society. They don't care enough about truth and they are too attached to the validation they receive from their midwit peers. However, in a society where the rules are good, midwits would be exemplary citizens, not having the most noble of motives, but from a utilitarian perspective, being a great boon to society. Autistic outliers are not necessarily lower in empathy, but are almost always relatively asocial, and care little about the feelings of others *in comparison to* truth. Perhaps, in feeling superior to everyone else, the most intelligent among us stop feeling pity, and embrace Nietzschean philosophy. High-IQ people are not incapable of empathy, and, even if Autistic, probably have a better theory of mind than the average non-Autistic person, but various factors diminish the importance of the feelings of others in our minds. Yes, I am self-inserting as an Autistic outlier. (I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at age 9 and I am an honours mathematics major at McGill.)

>> No.14514833

I am the author of>>14514829 and I endorse >>14514752.

>> No.14514839

Empathy is generally very rare. NPCs know no empathy. In the person of a genius however, empathy and high IQ always come together. High intellectualism, high morality, high consciousness - the perfect opposite of female nature.

>> No.14514844

I am a genius and autistic and I am highly empathetic. It shocks me how despicable midwits can be.

>> No.14514845

Could it be described as "inverse threshold
tragedy to empathy"?

>> No.14514860

Midwits mistreat others for social gain, I disrespect others because they don't deserve it, we are not the same (I and midwits).

>> No.14514864

>I disrespect others because they don't deserve it, we are not the same (I and midwits)
Do you like it when people do this to you? Why can't you just be nice?

>> No.14514878

im correct and jungian studies support my claim. We are objective to causes we care for. You are not. God gave us powers cause we are worthy of them. If you wanna join us then politely disagree and dont have another tantrum when I disagree eith yOu

>> No.14514880

Would've said /qa/ but /qa/ lost

>> No.14514890

exactly. Thanos type plans are more empathetic than the plans concieved by the cattle and that is why they are cattle

>> No.14514906


I'm a midwit, but my intuition is good

>> No.14514908

You're literally the retard in the midwit meme thinking agreeing with the high IQ makes the high IQ.

>> No.14514912

Why do newfags think soiposting comes from /qa/

>> No.14514916

I would say low IQ means low empathy because just look at niggers

>> No.14514921

Usage should always be below capacity

>> No.14514925


maybe I should just delete it because I thought of the wrong word and people will be confused

>> No.14514927

agreeing with politely disagreeing rather than biasing and cutting out smart people you dont wanna here is objectively and absolutely the right thing to do. Once society becomes darwinist enough we will start to punish all of you people that want to fit in instead of care for real. Your way of caring isnt real caring and you have to try harder. I do not care if you are angry you are only making it worse on yourselF

>> No.14514940

No you are the one trying to agree with people. You think because I believe in god and jung I am retarded because you wanna be quirky atheist redditor. Im a gnostic who believes nature picked its most suited to be in charge of society with giga chad genes and those that are not just have to catch up with technology like in gatagaa

>> No.14514946

Empathy is rational and has been correlated with IQ. People who lack the capacity for abstract thought also have difficulty with empathising.

>> No.14514948

It still should always be lower
I think you are mixing compassion in low IQ individuals with real empathy

>> No.14514949
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>agreeing with high IQ makes the high IQ
literally me though
what am i supposed to do?
how can I disagree with that?
you tell me

>> No.14514951 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14514952

hmm that's a good edit
usage > capacity really means compassion

>> No.14514954

You wont get to his squirrel brain at the end. He still values his emotions over our logic.

>> No.14514965

I suffer from OCD making me extremely empathetic. My iq is 135. Karens break down and kill their own kids. Your folly knows no limit. I hope the mensa knights kick your ass

>> No.14514969

Highly intelligent people are also high conscientious (like the 5-factor personality dimension), and the cost of high conscientiousness is a dislike and sometimes outright hostility towards people who score lower in terms of conscientiousness.

>> No.14514983

I'm under the impression that empathy and intelligence are directly correlated, especially since they're both highly desirable traits, but a highly intelligent person would simply have a higher aptitude for empathy, not necessarily a higher inclination to use it.

>> No.14514987

My experience with low IQ people is that they don't even know the definition of the word.

>> No.14515088
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>> No.14515125

What determines how empathetic a person actually is then? Genetics?

>> No.14515157

Yea their brains are not powerful enough to run the abstraction that would allow themselves to place themselves into someone else’s shoes

>> No.14515161

jordan peterson said IQ and empathy are correlated

>> No.14515166


Understanding that you can’t truly take credit for your successes, nor truly blame others for their failures will humble you and make you more compassionate.

Empathy is intuitive, but is also something you can work on, intellectually.

>> No.14515214

Well, highly intelligent children display empathy at a precocious age, so that leads me to think that environmental factors are at play

>> No.14515228

This is a trap people who score high in psychopathy fall into; they think they're more intelligent than they really are, but they lack the capacity for abstraction, so if you present them a metaphor or a hypothetical scenario that requres empathy, it causes them pain.

>> No.14515231

It's safe to presume the latter given that 95% percent of the population falls into the average IQ range.

>> No.14515309

The opposite. It's correlated with IQ. Most vegans and especially vegetarians have a higher than (something like 40-50% of philosophers are vegetarians). Feel bad about others being veg all you want, you can't deny they do it out of empathy. The same applies to people working for charities and NGOs.
Intelligent people might also be more callous, but that is because they understand the value of something in relation to the lesser value of human comfort/life (e.g. sacrificing a thousand soldiers to gain an area the size and pop of Belgium or something. It's worth it.)

>> No.14515333
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>The opposite. It's correlated with IQ. Most vegans and especially vegetarians have a higher than (something like 40-50% of philosophers are vegetarians). Feel bad about others being veg all you want, you can't deny they do it out of empathy. The same applies to people working for charities and NGOs.

>> No.14515651

A lot of vegetarians do it for the attention

>> No.14515653


>> No.14515848
File: 109 KB, 1917x1100, DIAGRAM-LinesOfDevelopment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howard Gardner, developmental psychologist, pioneered the idea of "multiple intelligences", where some two dozen different types of intelligence can be identified. These include but are not limited to:
•Cognitive intelligence (what is?)
•Moral intelligence (what should we do?)
•Kinaesthetic intelligence (how do I do this?)
•Aesthetic intelligence (what is beautiful?)
•The Self line of intelligence (who am I?)
•Spiritual intelligence (what is of ultimate concern?)
•The Values line of intelligence
•Ideas of the Good (what is good?)
•Various skill lines (musical intelligence, mathematical intelligence etc)

Ken Wilber, in his work Integral Psychology, provided graphs showing over 100 developmental models covering different lines of intelligence. He found that they progress through the same basic levels. So the Cognitive line of intelligence in Jean Piaget's model goes from sensorimotor to preoperational to concrete operational to formal operational to postformal; Lawrence Kohlberg's moral intelligence line goes from preconventional to conventional to postconventional. Different lines, same levels (pic related).

A person can be developed in some lines but not in others. A Nazi doctor like Mengele would have been high in the Cognitive line but low in the Moral line. People on /fit/ are high in the Kinaesthetic line; people on /fa/ suppose themselves to be high in the Aesthetic line; people on /pol/ suppose themselves to be high in the Values line, and so on.

tl;dr different people good at different things, but how good is measured with same metric

>> No.14515866

No, not at all. But the so called "high IQ" individuals who actually make up the IQ threads are absolutely ordinary midwit retards who have to boast to others and treat them like shit so they feel a little bit better about themselves.

>> No.14515887
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>I can't help but notice the high IQ treat us midwits like filth.
Animals are children are probably dumber than you, but I don't feel any compulsion to belittle their intelligence; to the contrary, it excites me when they outdo themselves, even if their intellectual accomplishmets are trivial in the grand scheme of things. Some people (usually midwits) look down upon 60 IQ deep jungle tribesmen for their inability to grasp modern concepts or make technological advancements, but I admire them for their skill and competence in their niche. So here's the thing, anon: I treat you like filth not because you're dumber than me, but because you desperately try to be something you're not (i.e. an intellectual), you overextend yourself, and so you become a circus show of incompetence. You meddle in affairs that are beyond your sphere of competence and make an idiot of yourself, but you are usually oblivious to it. You will incessantly argue with people who are smarter than you, and declare yourself a winner because just you can't understand why you are wrong. Incompetence is disgusting. Lack of self-awareness is disgusting. You're disgusting. It didn't have to be this way, you know? You could stick to things that are within your ability, become actually good at something and gain some respect for it. You could live life as a competent man. You choose to live life as a bumbling retard and an intellectual wannabe, and this turns people off. It's your choice and the treatment you get is 100% on you.

>> No.14515899

>I don't feel any compulsion to belittle [animals'] intelligence
>posts picture of cat with head stuck in plastic cup

>> No.14515906

That's kinda the point. The cat doesn't evoke any negative judgment even if it's doing something stupid. The midwit should learn from the cat.

>> No.14515908

>Is empathy inversely related to IQ?
No, but intelligent people are better at either rationalizing a lack of empathy, or simply using rational thought processes in situations where less intelligent people would use empathy as a heuristic.

>> No.14515933

so is it that what you really mean to is compare empathetic behavior (apologizing to someone you've wronged) with actual empathy (understanding HOW you made them feel and WHY [they felt] it was wrong).

>> No.14515940
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>Another IQ thread

>> No.14516128

it's the exact opposite (if we are talking about all Homos). the smartest Homo species are the ones with largest social groups.

>> No.14516157

Is this you? >>14515166
Well done, amigo. I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.14516484

I have a high IQ and EQ score, but then I'm also an autist who feels empathy for inanimate objects.

>> No.14516491

Living inanimate things like trees or artifacts like plastic water bottles? I like the living ones and I can sort of resonate with artifacts by recognising that we are all made of molecules even though I'm more complex because in me the molecules are arranged into cells and in the water bottle they're not

>> No.14516530

Because the cat doesn't understand what it's doing is stupid, the exact thing you chastise midwits for.

>> No.14516542

For me it applies to living and non-living things. My brain tends to personify everything. I guess it's similar to what animists and certain Eastern schools of thought believe about souls, but they had no influence on me.

As a child I used to feel sad if I cut my hair because I was losing part of myself that had been with me for months, or I'd feel guilty for not wearing certain clothes I didn't like and I'd never throw anything away because it would be abandoned or destroyed. I imagine all those cartoons with personified objects didn't help either.

As an adult, it's not as bad, but I still feel regretful when a tree is cut down, a building being demolished or an a piece of art (even of low significance) being discarded. It would be crippling if my childhood empathy extended to adulthood

>> No.14516611

1. The cat doesn't aspire to be smart, or pretend to be smarter than it is, so it's adorable when it does something goofy
2. The cat didn't choose to put itself in an environment full of incomprehensible Lovecraftian objects