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14513256 No.14513256 [Reply] [Original]

White people colonized Europe 100,000 years ago, but it wasn't until the Jews around the Medditeranean invented civilization that anything happened in human history, and to this day all innovation, bar none, comes from people of Jewish ancestory.

Furthermore, this is anecdotal, but as a Jew myself it's clear as day to me that Whites are... I don't know how to explain this... it's like they are incapable of free thought.... it's like they are moving in slow motion. I literally feel like "the flash" when interacting with them.

It's not that I think Whites do not have feelings. I know they do. More like I get the strong sense that whites do not think as I do. Like they do not have "new" thoughts like I do... They just have animal behavior and follow the lead of what people who DO think freely do.

>> No.14513259
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>> No.14513263


Also it's easy for me to sense "others like me", like "oh shit there is another person who can think freely and has new ideas and is not just copying what we do", and moreso, it's pretty clear that Whites cannot sense those people, because being animal like followers they are incapable of recognizing what is truly new versus what other followers like themselves have been instructed... it's hard to explain... but it truly feels like a deep genetic difference. Like comparing drones to "queen bees" or whatever.

>> No.14513264
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>> No.14513266


I am happy that you found a race dumber than your own.

>> No.14513286


As soon as Bob Iger (the Jewish Disney CEO) handled the reins to a white CEO I knew that Disney would crater. And they did.

The most remarkable part is that Whites cannot explain why. A white cannot tell you why Marvel movies are now shit since Iger left, but they can sense it. As a Jew I could tell you in detail why.

Same for Apple after the Semitic Steve Jobs gave the reins to a white. Name one innovate that Apple has made since.

Elon Musk. Jew.

Bozos. Jew.

Almost anyone who claims to be "secular" or not religious is a Jew blood, in fact.

What is particularly hilarious is when Whites pickup on that, and then try and pretend to be "not religious". It's funny because they are actually incapable of the kind of free thought that comes with that so what happens is they end up turning atheism into a religion, or "wokeness". They are oblivious to this, like I said. But we can see it.

>> No.14513297

Those "jews" were white

>capeshit was good
Opinion discarded

>> No.14513304

>Those "jews" were white

Lol what? All White culture is based on Jew culture. The Roman's "conquered" the semetics and STILL became enslaved by the Semitic culture almost immediately. The fuck do you think the Bible is?

>> No.14513314

Those semites were ethnically the same as modern northern europeans. Also if christinaity didn't become popular then gnosticism would have.

>> No.14513316

Go back crying about germanics >>>/his/

>> No.14513328


I don't think white people are even capable of understanding gnostic thought. I have heard whites try to explain it and it's always laughable, like hearing some confuse their pointing figure with the moon.

I want to be clear. I am not trying to be insulting. Just realist. I genuinely think whites are incapable of truly soveign thought. Their inability to understanding gnosticism is just one of many examples.

>> No.14513334


I will explain what I mean. When white people try and explain gnosticism it's always, "gnostics believe this. They believe that".


What separates gnostics from Christians is SOVEIGNTY.


>> No.14513338


A white might think they understand the concept of true soveignty but their imitations are always, again like fingers pointing at the moon. It's always some shit like, "I'm a free thinker that's why I dyed my hair blue" but they are incapable of realizing that they their "free thought" was just a copy of an ACTUAL free thinkers who did it first, and the one who did it first? A Jew - everytime.

>> No.14513343


I mean, am I wrong? Name an original thing that a white person has ever done? And I don't mean, say, murdering and eating their own mother or some shit. Animal behavior does not qualify as original.

>> No.14513348

>pedantic faggotry
Get into the oven.

>> No.14513354

>Get into the oven.

Your civilization would literally collapse without us. Happens everytime. And then a nation that did not kill its jews would conquer you.

WW2 was won by a Jew named J Robert Oppenheimer. You own the US to him. And you whites STILL blacklisted him after the war. You are animals. It's hilarious.

>> No.14513361

>murdering and eating their own mother or some shit

This is true white culture. It's why whites love Eminem so much. Because of their animal like rape fantasies.

>> No.14513365

Even if you assume that it eould be good anyeays, my ears will stop bleeding at least. Fucking chud.

>> No.14513375


You would just become subservient to a Jew led Asia.

This is what makes your "Civil War Trump" fantasy so hilarious. Trump Instigating the US into Civil War is literally a plot to make you slaves to the East. Your just too fucking dumb to see it, and there is not amount of proof that would prove it to you because they don't even have the intellectual processing to understand the chain of events that would follow.

>> No.14513379

Whetever faggot, back to /his/ i'm tired of your mental gymnastics and shit baits.
Sure as hell nobody needs you.

>> No.14513382


Whites don't have the intellectual processing ability to understand that Trumps Civil War instigations are meant to enslave you to the East. It's a causal chain. Weaken US, allow the East to swoop in. This is clear as day to a Jew, but like trying to teach a bacteria calculus for a white person.

Same reason why not a single white person alive has questioned why George HW Bush was in the same board room as Bin Ladins brother on 9-11. That's an actual fucking fact by the way, but whites are 1) too stupid to read 2) too stupid to even follow the causal chain that followed and discere how and white their race was allowed to be murdered in some shithole desert and their own dime. Pathetic people.

>> No.14513384

>Jew led Asia
Whut now?

>> No.14513388

>ITT schizo kike talks to himself
behold the superior inbred race

>> No.14513389

You thought is less free than you think, you are being manipulated. Don't believe me? Try to adopt a completely different set of beliefs. If you are materialist for example, go full spiritual, or vice versa. Take the strongest belief you have you don't like, fully reverse it and see what happens.

>> No.14513390

>too stupid to even follow the causal chain that followed and discere how and why their race was allowed to be murdered in some shithole desert and on their own dime.

>> No.14513392

Jew are rape babies of neanderthal and cro-magnons.
They have no actual pure race it's just shit skin mix with abit of white culture.
They were the burden on white civ that 99% of countries had to kick them off, if it wasn't for poland and few other countries creating asylum for them they would be gone already from the world.
It's funny how jew assumes white people have no thoughts because he can't see these thoughts.
You're just backward ape neanderthal like monkey see monkey do, you have no frontal lobe and you will never be a real human.

>> No.14513394

>Try to adopt a completely different set of beliefs.

White people have beliefs. "Jews" have understanding. We see the world for how it is. No belief necessary.

>> No.14513399

Into the oven schlomo.

>> No.14513402

I remember a couple of years ago, this board actually had good subjects, hell I couldn't even speak on a lot of topics. Now its just mostly bait and garbage post.

>> No.14513410

In general, much like you've done in this thread with white people, jews also have a preferential mode of thinking, one which is almost solely focused on the material. For context I am neither white nor a jew, and my peers are around 145 or higher due to the context of the environment I am in every single day. I've interacted intimately with hundreds of very intelligent people, and have had many lengthy, mentally masturbatory conversations because of that. On average, white people focus on their interests, asians focus upon their societal positions within their interests, and jews focus on material tangents, such as wealth or personal pleasures. If anything can be gleamed from this, it's that jews are short-sighted and need leaders to coral the jew masses from indulging in retardation. Please know I do not hate jews or whites or coloreds, only that people below 145 aren't human, and the issues you take heed of in your posts stem from people below 145. My interactions with 160s and higher are much more fulfilling, and the 160s regardless of their skin color or genetic lineage, are superior in every way to any one line of peoples. Take the int pill - At some point race does not matter.

>> No.14513423

If you believe in nothing, why do you talk?

>> No.14513517

>desert goat fuckers from Assyria had a civilization

>> No.14513529

Ok bro, we'll just take back the computer, the combustion engine, and refrigeration. We'll see what you think about whites then.

>> No.14513570

Civilization is white lol. Jews are too ugly for civilization, hence Israel.
China small benis

>> No.14513739
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op, have you also noticed how only people of average intelligence have this blank mind trait? I have yet to find someone dumb or intelligent with this trait, I then assume the white rwce is a race of npc and treat their opinions as if they were monkeys or something. arguing with them is a waste of time but finding real thinking people is not that difficult, just have to give clues that only them can understand and in a short time you will see how they blend with the apes

>> No.14513766

>Those semites were ethnically the same as modern northern europeans
No, they are descended from middle eastern Semitic men that took Roman wives

>> No.14513826

Bezos os not a jew and you are deliberately mixing up jews and semites. Are you saying the arab race has the same qualities as jews? Its more likely than you think

>> No.14513887

White people invented gnosticism. You're obviously trying to annoy me here but it just comes of as you being silly.


>> No.14513921

mediterranean =/= white

>> No.14513923

Mediterraneans, various middle easterners and various northern africans where white and over a millennium got mutted by moors.

>> No.14514133

>>ITT schizo kike talks to himself
>behold the superior inbred race

Holy shit.

This is it, isn't it.

Whites do not have inner monologue... This is why they can only follow, and not lead...


This is why ancient Jews were like "We speak to God... God chose us"... They were really talking about their inner consciousness which white people lack!!!

This makes so much fucking sense.

I am able to "communicate with an inner voice" I get how it could be confused with God. It's more like another consciousness who knows me deeply and is super smart... WHITES CANNOT DO THIS.

.FUCK ME!!!!!!!

>> No.14514146



This is why not even Jewish synagogues are... How to explain this to a white... are leader-led. Jews only follow their own inner voice... they "speak directly to God"

But White Churches always have a boss preacher (almost always a Jew blood) who has to dictate to the White drones of the congregation, since they are incapable of communicating with their inner voice.

I'm dead serious.

I think this was the mutation that allowed Jews to dominate.

I can see how Whites would confuse it with schizophrenia and try and White out the genotype since it's such a powerful genetic adaptation...

... like it's not even fare...

... I have always sensed that there was something super different about Whites...

They are the children of the Neanderthals and never evolved the ability to "speak with God" i.e. their subconsciousness...

This is fucking huge

>> No.14514152

>... I have always sensed that there was something super different about Whites...

Like it's almost impossible to even communicate with them... I could never put my finger on why, but this is it...

... Whites are not capable of communicating with their own subconscious...

To any Whites reading this who want to know what it's like for a "Jew":

I am able to "ask myself questions" either internally or out loud, and a voice inside my head will answer back with next-level processing logic. I don't "hear" the voice unless I'm super fucking high in which case yes, I can kind of hear it, but the words come to me as if being dicated by another, by "God". And that voice is virtually never wrong. It's not capable of lying. If it doesn't know the answer it will say so, but generally it just knows...

Whites cannot do this. To know something a White must always ask another person. They cannot ask themselves since they have no "inner monolog".

>> No.14514159

>It's funny how jew assumes white people have no thoughts because he can't see these thoughts.

Holy fucking shit its true. Holy fucking shit. You just alluded to it there... Holy fucking shit. Whites do not have inner monologue. They are not capable of "speaking to their inner voice"

>> No.14514167


Was invented by Von Neurmann. A jew.

>> No.14514171

>but finding real thinking people is not that difficult, just have to give clues that only them can understand


>> No.14514176

>Bezos os not a jew and you are deliberately mixing up jews and semites. Are you saying the arab race has the same qualities as jews? Its more likely than you think

I am talking about whatever genotype developed around the mediterannean. Yes it is probably shared by Arabs as well.

>> No.14514179


Oh please. Gnosticism was the "Jew gene" rebellion against the retardation mind slavery that is Christianity.

>> No.14514190

aphantasia is the word. The White race is characterized by it. They do not have inner monologue and this affects their entire social structure and particularly their religion. The Dark Age was characterized by whites trying to lead civilization themselves without the help of those who DO have inner monologue. It was an utter disaster.

>> No.14514201


The Trump movement was another example. It was a movement for people with aphantasia. People who were fundamentally incapable of leading themselves.

>> No.14514207

>Gnosticism was a rebellion against christianity
Stop commenting on a subject you don't know anything about


>The Dark Age was characterized by whites trying to lead civilization themselves without the help of those who DO have inner monologue. It was an utter disaster.
You don't know anything about our history

>> No.14514209



>> No.14514212

They don't have european ancestry, they were of the same race

>> No.14514216

>everyone is a jew a WASP is also a semite

>> No.14514228

Italians are the true master race retards. None of you are equal to us.

>> No.14514245


You are just proving the point.

I am not trying to even fucking hide my "same fagging".

It is how our minds word. We are able to converse with our own minds. That's literally what I have been saying.

Your "same fag" common literally proves the point that you lack this ability.

>> No.14514251


See I'm doing it right now. I am able to comment on my own comments. THATS LITERALLY THE WHOLE THING. I am in dialogue with myself. Whites have aphantasia and cannot do this.

>> No.14514253

>Italians are the true master race retards. None of you are equal to us.

I'm not disagreeing. I am referring to "Jew" as a general genotype that allows for inner monologue, and evolved around the Mediterranean. Whites never evolved this.

>> No.14514267


>> No.14514275

I don't disagree. I'm Italian and part jew, along with some other Euro mix, and my jew friends and I are far smarter than those blonde northern freaks