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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14508727 No.14508727 [Reply] [Original]

>Here’s another fun fact. The entire medical cartel thrives on the insane proposition—launched with fervor more than a hundred years ago—that people suffer from thousands of distinct diseases, each of which is caused by a single germ, which must be treated by a toxic drug and prevented by a toxic vaccine.

why, why those germs don't attack weak loser simultaneously, always one at a time? imagine having cold, flue, covid, measles, pox, malaria, cancer of various body parts, cold prostate etc. at the same time! why?

>> No.14508766
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>> No.14508768
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>> No.14508770
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>> No.14508772

>WHY ?

>> No.14508775

it's clearly 9 >>14508766

>> No.14508796

you should clearly get punched in the face then raped in the ear you fucking brainlet waste of oxygen

>> No.14508799

>why those germs don't attack weak loser simultaneously, always one at a time?
that is a good question

>> No.14508800

A-tards will seetye whenever this gets posted.

>> No.14508803
File: 29 KB, 1295x234, coinfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems to be wikipedia (science's ministry of truth)'s best effort. the language is completely vague, and the citations barely exist

>> No.14508804

>winter vagina isn't re...


>> No.14508846
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Learn to read, retard; OP is claiming those diseases are caused by something else and that article actually states there are non-viral causes.

>It is thought to represent an immunologic reaction to an infection or other source of inflammation
You can get infected by several things of which none are ‘viruses’ too.

>> No.14508858

yeah, but medics always diagnose one thing. okay, you can catch cold and get poisoned, but even then cold, flue, covid, malaria never at the same time.

>> No.14508862

it's 9, obviously

>noooooo how dare you not know how to do my pointless puzzle
kek, why are midwits like this?

>> No.14508902

What mouthbreathing does to a motherfucker.

>> No.14508997

Multiple infectious agents do get diagnosed all the time; for example, when my daughter was sick earlier in the year I took her to the local clinic & they diagnosed both influenza & a bacterial ear infection. A quick round of antibiotics for ear infection, and plenty of rest and soup, and she was fine.

Also, plenty of cancer patients don't die from the cancer itself, but from all sorts of other infectious agents, since cancer tends to tank your immune system.

>> No.14509003

I want a cute daughter so badly

>> No.14509009
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 0A0CED38-3973-455A-BD31-4CC908F89E05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He destroyed the microbiome of his daughter despite there being multiple ways of tackling bacterial infection without harming it at all.
Hope she reads this post when she gets older, nigger.

>> No.14509027

Here's the beautiful thing: they do. They do attack each other sometimes, they compete for space, etc. Where are viruses specifically targeted to infect bacteria called bacteriophages. Some bacteria have a little mechanism in place to keep those viruses from being successful. Others when infected can create a toxin as a response of it. Look up Scarlet fever. There can even be a hepatic reaction like hepatitis when some bacteria are killed enough as a result of viruses that can infect them too.
You probably don't care and I've wasted time, but at least I got the opportunity to sperg.

>> No.14509029

do you have any evidence for any of that?

>> No.14509033

The fact that you think a woman would come here, to /sci/, open this wojack thread, read your posts on why viruses are actually good, and then agree with you and be angry at her father for getting her normal treatment from a doctor instead of following your 4chan posts, is honestly quite laughable.

>> No.14509052

can't you look it up for yourself ffs ?
americans are the worst I swear

>> No.14509053

Evidence that I don't have the energy to find and post because you're borderline retarded or a shill.

>> No.14509058

Why cold, flue and covid never at the same time? "infection" doesn't mean "sick" with "symptoms"

>> No.14509060

shill doesn't have evidence, as usual

>> No.14509064

Oh man, with my luck when she grows up she is going to major in some bullshit sociology degree or the like and do project on archived 4chan posts, and somehow identify my writing style & shitposts.

More seriously though, when she reaches her late teens I plan on making sure she knows how to look up her medical records & has access to her childhood ones. Tis the responsible thing to do.

>> No.14509065

Prove evidence otherwise. Prove that it isn't real, complete with an image repository and substantial research.

>> No.14509066

why do you seethe, shill? forgot your meds?

>> No.14509069

> shill coping
still no evidence

>> No.14509070

Well, nta but if they gave her a broad spectrum antibiotic you should definitely give her some foods that help to rebuild her gut microbiome, and vaginal one if she's already hit menarche.

>> No.14509072

how could that answer be 1 under any system? is that the joke? please tell me this is a meme edit...

>> No.14509082
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>why viruses are actually good
Are you fucking blind, autistic and stupid? I was joking about his daughter reading this and talking about bacteria, idiot. You also know shit about the effects of antibiotics and just like a low-IQ person, think that because it’s the standard treatment it’s good and are unable to read a book or article on the topic so you just follow blindly whatever authorities say. Eat shit and die; you would have thought lobotomies are good, evolution is not real and homosexuality is a mental illness had you been born in different times.

>> No.14509103

I made sure she had plenty of kefir & yogurt after the antibiotic course. The good, full fat, plain live culture yogurt. She loves that stuff - sometimes I toss in diced fruit, sometimes she just eats it by itself. Don't know why people buy that sugar added yogurt, kids will eat plain yogurt just fine if that is all you give them.

>> No.14509111

[math]\frac{20}{5\times 2 \times 2}[/math]

>> No.14509112
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do you have evidence that it isn't true?

facebook boomer memes don't count as evidence

>> No.14509118

Your skin has a microbiome that is important too and you can’t restore neither of those 3 completely with what you suggested.

>> No.14509120

As long as it wasn't Lifeway. They got into a big uh oh stinky recently about not having correct information about the strains they promise.

>> No.14509133

You can't, even being in a place you frequent often would probably help restore those. Did you know they've got a few deodorants now based around repopulation with a strains that aren't stink factories?

>> No.14509161

I think it's 9

>> No.14509171

Since there is no multiplication sign between the digit and the parenthesis, it should be treated as a single term.

>> No.14509188

The parentheses are the multiplication sign.

>> No.14509395
File: 87 KB, 658x481, 549A2FE3-0E66-44B4-A20A-CFE4A7848D59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't
Glad we agree, kek.
>even being in a place you frequent often would probably help restore those.
No, not completely since that’s not enough for the annihilated strains to get a foothold as shown by probiotic studies and anecdotes. You also want the detrimental varieties but in tiny population sizes for balance. Strep Mutans has always been present in the oral cavity of humans and only quite recently, relatively speaking, the population got out of control and wroke havoc.
>Did you know they've got a few deodorants now based around repopulation with a strains that aren't stink factories?
And do they stay on the skin once you stop using them? It’s also likely not a good idea since the strains that produce bad smell probably do something good. I think only North and Southeast Asians evolved to smell better and maybe it didn’t happen in other ethnic groups for a good reason.

>> No.14509401

>why, why those germs don't attack weak loser simultaneously, always one at a time?
You doctor told you that, but it's just medical dogma.
A consequence of logic razors applied to medecine (consider one cause to all these symptoms rather than several causes) ; co-infections do occur, especially if you have AIDS.
If you don't believe in germ theory, I suggest you to get bacterial culture broth powder, prepare it and drink some of the virgin broth; procure yourself some alledgedly "mildly pathogenic" Salmonella strain, cultivate it yourself, then drink the culture broth.

Enjoy your self-inflicted bioterrorist attack, tell someone that you're planning to do for better survival odds :)

>> No.14509450

Strep mutans just takes advantage of weaker conditions though. If it can't get a foothold, it's doomed to the ciliary elevator or to be hacked up/swallowed.
That's something with the glands themselves though, iirc. I think it does rely on consistent use, but supposedly is a strain that easily populated before. I'll try to look for the details, but I think there are a couple of different ways this idea is being applied now. I think a lot of the issue with the stink causing bugs is the pH increase on skin caused from using deodorants and soaps that kill off regular microbiota and let the other ones flourish. Using acidic cleansers that are closer to the pH of sebum with cooler water would probably help, along with deodorants that are acidic in pH as well. Mechanical cleansing alone might throw things out of balance though. I'll look and see if I can find those links if you're interested.

>> No.14509502

>the day anon prescribed OP a self-inflicted DoT spell

>> No.14509571

regarding the cocktail, any real experiment proving it will work? you could use animals if too afraid of using bipedal apes.