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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14507803 No.14507803 [Reply] [Original]

what is "the white man's science"?

>> No.14507808
File: 600 KB, 300x168, 16F9C594-DD9F-46D1-B050-B74BACEFC4F6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using your braincells

>> No.14507941

Counting above tree fiddy

>> No.14508127

systematically interrogating the natural world around you and throwing out bad explanations as they are discovered, no matter who made them up or how old they are.

rinse&repeat for 200 years and you end up with the moon landing.

>> No.14508400

The one that works

>> No.14508430

lies and deception
a hoax 200 years in the making

>> No.14509122 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 583x858, 1651210447573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This & /thread

>Le angry non-white

>> No.14509414

Jewish physics.

>> No.14509467
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According to this picture, science before 2007.

>> No.14509470
File: 1.14 MB, 933x652, The_White_Man's_Burden-_Judge_1899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the white man's science"

Please feel free to show ANOTHER type of science that works!

It is amazing that civilizing people was seen as mighty burden of the White man.
Now the EXACT same thing is called colonization and is seen as a mighty evil of the White man.

>> No.14509472


>> No.14509556

He said white man, not Jewish man

>> No.14509686

I made a mistake : I thought that by quoting in >>14509414 the last ones who believed in racial science, everybody including the stormfags would get my point, considering refusing to believe any recent discovery in physics made by Jews cost them near-total political elimination for 60 years in the relevant parts of the World. I was wrong, as proven by >>14509556.

There is no racial science ; there is only science, if your race doesn't understand the science of another race, it is your race that is inferior.
Or at the very least, you and your buddies.
Can't have proper civilization before proper culture.

>> No.14509696

wew the chinese had civilization way before western people discovered them okay.

>> No.14509713

>what is "the white man's science"?
Facts. Facts are now racist according to leftists.

>> No.14509715

>chinese had civilization
kek if you want to call it "civilization" lmao!

>> No.14509730

The Chinese and Roman empires have kinda similar history and were started at roughly the same time.

>> No.14509740
File: 1.24 MB, 768x1166, Data _Is_Racist_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Facts are now racist according to leftists.

Actually, leftist really do think data can be racist.

>> No.14509750

until 30 years ago, china was economically on par with subsaharan africa. in the early 1990s, wall street rented china to use as an offshore industrial park with cheap labor and no regulation, if wall street hadn't wanted to use china that way, china would still be economically on par with subsaharan africa today.

>> No.14509757

Leftists are obviously diseased with some form of virus or pathogen/parasite that causes their insane hive-mind thinking.

They are no longer actual humans.

>> No.14509765

China is the kid in class who just copies all their homework and tries to act like the rest of the kids to blend in and not be called a tard.

>> No.14510025

what needs to be clarified here: the main essence of anti-“white man science” or the “de colonizing science” is basically just a rebranding of what we used to call “alternative”. you know like “alternative medicine” where some hindu shaman could cure cancer or some hippie bitch could give you a crystal to make you skinny.

it’s a grift. but now the grift goes further. now “2+2=4” is just patriarchy, and if you can make a queer intersectional argument for why 2+2=5 based on Bantu folklore then the gravy train comes your way even through government grants! the grift is now completely funded by the taxpayers! so the race is on to find any and all native american lesbian tribe who had E=mc^(# genders) because deconstructing the cisheteronormative power hegemony is the new black

>> No.14510035
File: 172 KB, 573x509, Pepe_Laughs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14510071


>> No.14510413


pretty sure "jewish science" is limited to figuring out how to maximize shekels per second in the host nation.

>> No.14510716

>still eating with 2 sticks

>> No.14510740

Like 3+2=5. More complicated but same principle.

>> No.14511019

Even Kevin MacDonald agrees that a lot of physics work done by Jews is legit work, even though Einstein was a zionist kike.