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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 800x800, 800px-Greek_lc_pi.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14506843 No.14506843 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a number. It is an operator that relates lengths but is infinite and never ends and if you treat it like a constant you are a brainlet. Moreover, if you think 22/7 is equal to pi you are a stupid brainlet and if you celebrate 'pi' day you deserve to be punched in the face

>> No.14506845

So it's a number

>> No.14506855

>define equivalence classes using Cauchy sequences
>define addition and multiplication by extending their rational counterparts
>show this structure is a field
>I can't comprehend limits, so it's invalid
kill all finitists

>> No.14506856

You are probably confusing number with quantity, it's okay, it's a brainlet mistake.

>> No.14506860

3.14 is all thats needed for general calculations. my father would say 3.14159 but you dont have to go that far in

>> No.14506889

it is a number that represents the ratio between a diameter of a circle to its circumference.

>> No.14506912

Fools. Circles do not exist in the first place. You have never seen a circle in your life, nor can you imagine one, as it requires an infinite mind. You only have the illusion of a circle.

>> No.14506928

Nominalist cope

>> No.14506942
File: 236 KB, 1000x2349, quantifier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not a number. It is an operator
It's an expression.

And yet I see no quantity.

>You are probably confusing number with quantity,
Pi is neither and what you said has no relevance.

No, "irrational". Which is also why it's not a number.

They exist but can't be described using math.

>> No.14507076

what is a ratio but the division between two numbers.

>> No.14507197

If it's not a number then how come you can always stick it exactly, like a perfect dart, between any two numbers on the number line

>> No.14507429

>but is infinite
wow inf<4

>> No.14507457
File: 10 KB, 350x225, .333333[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a ratio but the division between two numbers.
It's the number of times one value is contained in the other and because that "number of times" is "undefined" it's neither "number" nor fulfills the requirements of a "ratio" (for how can it since the "number of times" is not "of number"?) It's "undefined", to then recognize this as a number would be to violate/contradict the purpose of math. Pedantic but true, that's why we use a symbol to EXPRESS what it represents and leave it up to whoever to assume/estimate whatever "value" that is (engineer jokes go here). Or when writing a "quantity" we put a little symbols that signify we're trying our hardest to use math but really you're not gonna get there with math.

>> No.14507462

3 < π
3.1 < π
3.14 < π
3.141 < π
3.1415 < π
3.14159 < π
3.141592 < π
3.1415926 < π
3.14159265 < π
this continues endlessly
π < π

>> No.14507471

>4 > π
>3.2 > π
>3.15 > π
>3.142 > π
>3.1416 > π
>3.14160 > π
>3.141593 > π
>3.1415927 > π
>3.14159266 > π
check this out, also π > π

>> No.14507493 [DELETED] 

>π – ε > π
fckn brilliant

>> No.14507497

>π – ε < π
fckn brilliant

>> No.14507504

nigga discovered derivatives

>> No.14507892

It's 4

>> No.14507929
File: 1.15 MB, 446x512, 780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14507948

what is the arity of said operator?

>> No.14508235

Do the numbers change? Will I get a different answer if I multiply it by the same numbers? Can I not extrapolate data with that number because it's random and changing?

It's a number. That's like saying 3/10 isn't a number.

>> No.14508517

>Will I get a different answer if I multiply it by the same numbers?
That's the problem, you can't multiply it with other numbers. That's why it's not a number. If you disagree, prove me wrong by multiplying e*pi.

>> No.14508933

>This is not a number.
Correct. It is a letter. What is your point, retard?

>> No.14508944

i celebrate pi minute at 3:36 am march 14th

>> No.14509780

>it's another schizo thread where OP dies on a retarded hill

>> No.14509783
File: 35 KB, 450x250, +_b8156c31a2ad2f0b8ab5f2042fde10a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can measure it out

>> No.14509789


>> No.14510427

>>what is a ratio
>It's a «wall of text»
Lrn2division fgt pls

>> No.14510459

>treat it like a constant
Gnostic oversocialized consensus-craving bugman detected.
Pi is neither a number nor an operator. Pi is useful in certain situations, and not useful in others. There is no need to make any statements about its "essential" nature. Such are are the mark of trying to arrive at knowledge via social means, rather than via manipulation of symbols and rule systems without any preconception.

>> No.14511436

Shit up you useless count. Being accurate to the 10th dp is only useful for measuring your microchode

>> No.14511665

You are retarded, also 1/3 is not 0.3333..

>> No.14511683
File: 29 KB, 400x300, 24723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511729

>You are retarded,
>also 1/3 is not 0.3333..
I'm just re-posting so I can keep laughing in case you delete it

And you can't divide "not a quantity", retard.

>> No.14511762

If you drink a lot of coffee, you have a pea brain and will get dementia.
Please control yourself.

>> No.14511860

Prove to me that 1/3 = 0.3333.. I'll wait

>> No.14511984

What does it operate upon and what is its output? In other words, what's the domain and range of this said operator?

>> No.14512275

how do you check whether two real numbers are equal?

>> No.14512307

>Prove to me
It's "undefined", I can't prove it using math.

>that 1/3 = 0.3333.. I'll wait
...I'll wait for you to finish writing out the 3's so I can know what I'm trying to solve here.

>> No.14512315

>It's "undefined"
So 1/3 doesn't equal to 0.3333..., thank you for agreeing with me brainlet

>> No.14512319
File: 52 KB, 553x553, boating school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So 1/3 doesn't equal to 0.3333
I don't know because like I said you'll have to finish writing out those quantities so that I may know what I'm trying to figure out here.

>thank you for agreeing
Over what? I'm still waiting for the question.

>> No.14512326

You don't even have enough braincells to remember what you yourself posted?
Scroll up dumbass nigga

>> No.14512337

massive L to that anon my dude

>> No.14512344
File: 10 KB, 235x233, 3f9851e2f4fc8da10fdc39718339f3a8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't even have enough braincells to remember what you yourself posted?
Scroll up dumbass nigga
>Or when writing a "quantity" we put a little symbols that signify we're trying our hardest to use math but really you're not gonna get there with math.

So would the "..." be one of those symbols> Or are you going to post the actual quantity and finish the question you're asking so that I may answer it? Because how am I supposed to answer when I don't have enough info?

>> No.14512386

The quantity is 0.3333, go to any calculator right now, divide 1 with 3 and you get this very wrong answer
>finish the question you're asking
I asked you to prove that 1/3 = 0.3333, since you clearly posted a very disagreeing response to the notion that this is false, but all you could muster in an hour is an entire paragraph of retarded rambling and avoiding the question because you know fuck all about mathematics

>> No.14512410
File: 25 KB, 1200x1200, Mathemeticians Hate Him!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The quantity is 0.3333
So why did you use the "...". Are you sure that is the quantity you want to use now?

>go to any calculator right now, divide 1 with 3 and you get this very wrong answer
Interesting. It too gives me the "...", signifying that it cannot even determine the answer. So who are you to say that it is "the wrong answer"? It doesn't even give me the entire answer in the first place.

>I asked you to prove that 1/3 = 0.3333,
No you asked me to prove "1/3=0.333...", there's a difference. Even so, you still have asked me to once again to equate an undefined to a number, which I cannot do (for I cannot determine what 1/3 actually is quantitatively).

>you clearly posted a very disagreeing response
Disagree? No, I am kindly asking you to please finish the question.

>avoiding the question
The only one avoiding the question is you. You're avoiding finishing asking the question you want answered. So please tell me what this "..." represents, or please give me an actual quantity to apply math to.

>because you know fuck all about mathematics
You're the only one asking me to equate two undefineds using math when I'm trying to explain to you that both are simply expressions that don't represent an actual quantity.

>> No.14512423

TL;DR, you're still schizo rambling about undefined numbers, which aren't a thing btw, instead of just answering the question

>> No.14512448

Lets get straight to the point. Pi is an abomination before GOD. As all righteous people know, there is no such thing as infinity. As pi is claimed to to possess an infinite number of digits after the decimal place that makes it a WORK OF THE DEVIL.
Therefore all mention of pi must be banned and all references to it in textbooks expunged with HOLY FIRE!
However we of the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH are not entirely oblivious to the engineering aspects which concerns circles and curvy things. To that end we have invented a GOD SANCTIONED expression which fulfills the requirements. We call it the HOLY PIE
Holy Pie is set to be EXACTLY equal to 3.14 and THAT IS IT! Not a decimal more. Because that is GOOD ENOUGH!
Now sure a few spacecraft might miss their mark, some jet airliners crash, and bridges collapse, but that is the price we must pay for living according GOD'S LAWS! Besides those who might die in such disasters will certainly go to Heaven whereas the GOD CURSED INFINITY LOVING SODOMITES are certainly DAMNED to finite torment within the discrete flames of HELL.

>> No.14512456

undefinable numbers are a thing. All real numbers can be defined by dedekind cuts, unless you include the uncountable numbers that can’t. Cantor relies on these undefinable, useless numbers for his diagonal proof. It’s never even be proven that all possible decimal sequences must be real numbers to satisfy the real number axioms

>> No.14512542
File: 858 KB, 1296x797, NUMBAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undefined numbers
If they are "undefined", then they aren't a number. It's "undefined", so who knows what it actually is.
There's no such thing as an "undefined number", a number is a defined quantity. It is "defined as a number". If a number is "undefined"....how was it "defined as a number" in the first place?

>which aren't a thing btw
Numbers or undefined? Both aren't "real" in that they aren't physically something. They're descriptions.

>instead of just answering the question
Again, you'll have to finish the question.

>> No.14513241

it's just e*π.
this still has all the properties of a number, it doesn't matter that it doesn't have its own symbol

>> No.14513291

>treat it like a constant
I mean it doesn't change, so yeah

>> No.14513294

Why would I need to comprehend limits for that?

>> No.14514375

6:28 they will return to what is forbidden
62:8 to your lord is the return and he will inform you what you used to do

return is pronounced as "radiun" in arabic in verse 62:8 of the quran.

Double pi is tau or 6.28 a full circular- re-education.

The only verse with 628 in numeral total is this verse:
96:8 and to your lord is the return
The last word numeral, also in the heavenly guided arabic words of the quran is 314

digits for half tau.

>> No.14514464

It is a constant you mongoloid

>> No.14515662

Take no notice of this schizo infidel >>14514375

The answer is clear. Salvation from irrational numbers and set theory can be found through the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH.
We will reclaim the HOLY LAND of mathematics for GOD. And retake Constantinople along the way.

>> No.14515989

>It is an operator
Lrn2operator fgt pls