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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14505899 No.14505899 [Reply] [Original]

How come science is incapable of figuring out a way to make an honest, trustworthy electoral system? Seems like the simplest thing in the world to just count votes accurately and report the results of the count honestly, but the government science and tech experts have somehow or other been utterly flabbergasted by this vexing problem since the 20th century. Do any of the scientists here have a solution to this problem? Do any have an explanation for why the rest of the scientists have failed to produce a workable solution for so long?

>> No.14505903

How come /pol/ can't stay in /pol/?
Of all the stupid things they make /pol/ threads on boards that have nothing to do with politics.

>> No.14505921
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>implying that science is otherwise honest and trustworthy

>> No.14505926

>How come science is incapable of figuring out a way to make an honest, trustworthy electoral system?
we did, just get people to put papers into a transparent plastic box, and allow anybody to come and check how people put papers in the box, and how papers are counted afterwards

>> No.14505931

>put a button with a cap on it in booth
>cap only gets released once someone enters the booth by someone observing
>button can only be pressed once before being reset and the cap replaced
>votes are counted digitally with no way of tamppering

>> No.14505936
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>>votes are counted digitally with no way of tamppering

>> No.14505950

It is already scientifically proven that democracy is a scam:

>> No.14505951
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the blockchain will fix this

>> No.14505957

Yes, no one has access to the computer and it is not connected to the Internet. All it does is display the number of votes.

You don't even need a computer, just a digital counter.

>> No.14505959
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>> No.14505963

Paper ballots and counting with complete transparency is still the best way. Or you know fucking gas people invovled with election rigging.

>> No.14505971

What 8 said rules out any kind of tampering

>> No.14505978

>>votes are counted digitally with no way of tamppering

>can't be tampered

Is everyone retarded now?

>> No.14506017

>Or you know fucking gas people invovled with election rigging
Then you get false accusations so people can get their enemies gassed. Just like SWATting..

>> No.14506024
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Verifiable and anonymous are two opposing forces. We want our votes to be anonymous so no one has to worry about the paramilitary wing of a political party coming after them. Vote buying, threats of loss of employment, loss of housing, etc. are also reasons why voting has to be anonymous.
Since we cannot get rid of anonymity, transparency in the ballot collecting and counting process is the next best thing. As was seen in the 2016 election in the United States, where great lengths were employed to hide the chain of custody of ballots and the counting of ballots, the process is far from transparent. Given the scale of elections, it might not even be possible for the entire process to be transparent enough to prevent cheating, though the scale of it could be reduced significantly.

>> No.14506133
File: 559 KB, 1x1, itmconf_icacc2020_03023.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homomorphic cryptography
publick key cryptography tally stick meta
merkle trees of votes

It'd be nice to go online with my private key and see a cryptographic proof that my vote was counted as is, and that everyone is confident that that public key was mine but no one knows what vote was hashed except by pki

>> No.14506178

science sponsored by government IS corruption

>> No.14506182

OP seems to assume the system wants accurate vote counts. Members of the technocratic aristocracy want results which match the correct direction of history, defined by them.

>> No.14506185

This. I'm here for neutron stars, ai, and gene editing. I don't care you people are cucked by media/politics.

>> No.14506188

Which if any of those things you get depends upon politics, which is just resource competition and allocation within the various primate packs.

>> No.14506266
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>> No.14506273


>> No.14506330
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The tools are available but if you refuse to use them, that's no one's fault other than your own.

>> No.14506337

>Anon, log in and show you voted the way I told you or you're kicked out of my house!

>> No.14506341

>i just want to stay in my safe space and read muh ai popsci

>> No.14506617

Everyone get a list of indiscernible fake keys that will display different combinations of voting choices.

>> No.14506638

Voting machines are shit

>> No.14506660

numbers aren't real, numbers are subjective, that is why. the people who say that numbers aren't subjective are lying, they are lying because they plan to to use the "numbers aren't subjective" fallacy against you in the future.
numbers are subjective, they are not calculable or orderly, you will never see anyone in your entire life agree with numbers when the numbers express bad news.
numbers are always subordinate to unquantified emotional desires. 2 + 2 = 4 only when i want it to.
>the numbers say i owe taxes? that can't be right, imma recalculate
>the numbers say i'm owed a refund, that seems more accurate

>> No.14506666

Well, /pol/ lately has demonstrated itself to be very anti those things compared to the people they claim are cucking them.

>> No.14506761

>Voting machines r science
Pathetic cuckold shill

>> No.14506783

Oh, it figured that shit out since a long time ago. And multiple ways of doing it.
The thing is, politicians don't want fair elections. They want election systems that favor themselves. And their benefactors definitely don't want fair elections.
So improvement will be slow, if it happens at all.

>> No.14506786
File: 3.14 MB, 344x203, DunkedOn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares why you are here. I am here to dunk on nerds like you for being prissy little faggots then lol'ers while you and faggots like this >>14505903 whine about it

>> No.14506972

You're not dunking on anyone. Your dad raised a sheep. Your echo chamber tried to branch out of pol and everyone is calling you retarded. Make another 'climate change isn't real' thread. You've been cucked by the media and now you're shilling for free. Kys npc.

>> No.14506998

>How come science is incapable of figuring out a way to make an honest, trustworthy electoral system?
Because the people who are trying to get elected don't want a trustworthy electoral system, and they (or the people they answer to) are the ones who decide what the system is?

>> No.14507011

>Do any of the scientists here have a solution to this problem?
Citizen-formed tribunals that are not part of the corrupt system.
Firing squads.

>> No.14507057


>> No.14507520
File: 113 KB, 828x923, wtf counting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]