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14505074 No.14505074 [Reply] [Original]

Pollution accumulates up the food chain. Consume meat or milk or eggs: everything that the animal consumes is concentrated up the food chain. This is why the Inuit have the shortest lifespan in NA: they consume so many wild-caught arctic fish. Their breastmilk is considered industrial waste by the EPA because it's so fucking high in PCBs.
Glyphosphate intake from dairy is way beyond what could be obtained from a plant-based diet.
Endotoxins are the lipid cell lining of gram-negative bacteria. These include Ecoli and related bacteria. Consuming meat promotes inflammation by adding endotoxins to our diet and by saturated fats disrupting the gastrointestinal barrier allowing endotoxins to spill into the blood stream
we are literally eating dead shit bacteria and allowing shit from our digestive tract to spill into our bloodstream whenever we eat animal products and saturated fat
Tumor necrosis factor which is increased by endotoxins that activate TLR4 and tlr2 within the body directly contributes to neuronal cell death by inducing microglial inflammation through activation of kv1.3channels. This also promotes neuronal insulin resistance and contributes to hypothalamic neuroinflammation which is the root cause of all metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders
The doctor that pioneered the endotoxin theory of inflammation was named Roy Swank. He hypothesized in the 1940s that the reason why Norwegian fishermen suffered a lower occurrence of multiple sclerosis than the surrounding population was that their intake of saturated fat was much lower.
Roy swank then did long term nutritional interventions that lasted decades
Those that went on the diet which included a much lower intake of saturated fat and emphasized a high intake of plant foods did not have a progression in their MS diagnosis or relapse.
The endotoxin model of inflammation is now one of the most understood models and contributors to inflammation throughout the body, not just within the brain