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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14504806 No.14504806 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists deal with those who do not agree with them by insulting them, calling them uneducated idiots(as can be seen in this board full of scientists).
Politicians do not pretend to be after truth as much as scientists, so they are not as noxious as those men in white suits.

>> No.14505022
File: 43 KB, 850x400, quote-politics-is-more-difficult-than-physics-albert-einstein-52-92-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

politicians make a lot more money than scientists do because politicians have much higher IQ

>> No.14505027

Science is based and useful.
Politics is retarded and useless.

>> No.14505028
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>> No.14505076

> as can be seen in this board full of scientists


>> No.14505077

When was the last time politicians built something that kept working when no one was looking?

>> No.14505083
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When was the last time scientists did something useful?

>> No.14505107


added lasers to the TMX
built your computer
built the fiber-optic glass laser that allows you to shitpost
made car batteries that last longer than 3 years

>> No.14505154

All false, those were made by poor people, try again midwit soientist.

>> No.14505183

computers were an offshoot of programmable mechanical looms. /fa/ invented computers

>> No.14505185

Imagine never feeling grateful for the builders of your house, instead being grateful for some vague idea of "science".
Midwit soientists are like jews, a bunch of parasites.

>> No.14505188

Sounds like someone is mad because they're uneducated

>> No.14505190


please explain how a "poor person" built the TMX or the NIF that preceded it, I actually know the people who built it and they all had 2-year AsSes minimum; and the those were the people trusted only with parts picking and tool inventory
please explain how a "poor person" works in a computer factory, I know fab workers and they aren't poor (overworked, perhaps tho), most have at least a BsC
please explain how a "poor person" works for Corning's R&D dept, when they hired better chemists than Bell whom was their main competitor. Their factories require 5+ years experience and proficiency in operating industrial control equipment
AGM batteries are not lead-acids rebuilt at pick-n-pull, they use special glass crystal structures that must be grown in a vat by an experienced, highly educated chemical technician

But rather the more basic argument is: if none of this requires scientists, then why don't you go build your own fusion reactor, computer chip, glass conductor, or car battery. Most people can't even electroplate guns correctly.

>> No.14505195

Simple, there is a procedure for building anythinng, you just need to follow it.
This world would be better off without scientists and intellectuals.

>> No.14505197
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>Imagine never feeling grateful for the builders of your house

I built my own house, nigger. I spent over a decade in chemical waste management and it took a lot of fucking work. It took a lot of scientist, and working as a scientist, to figure out how to deal with things like kitchen grease mixed into gasoline or 100,000 gallons of rejected ice cream mixed into human poop 200' below the surface. I don't need a low IQ /pol/tard like you telling me what to do. I excavated the foundation, I mixed the concrete and I poured it. I put up all the walls in a weekend with a rented nailgun and got the roof, sheathing and siding on in the succeeding week.

Even something as basic as successful concrete mixing requires science, because the type of concrete you need is HIGHLY situational and requires a lot of trial-and-error. It also demands a clear understanding of chemistry and what's gonna happen when water touches the mix and in what manner at what pressure.

>> No.14505198


>Simple, there is a procedure for building anythinng, you just need to follow it.

In that case, how would you make a better gun? What is the procedure.

>> No.14505200

you went overkill right here bro
it's a pleasurable verbal slap to the face you served right there, but that guy has been posting the same garbage bait for the past 3 hours, your reply won't hinder him much I suspect

>> No.14505206


I'm aware, mods should just delete /pol/ because it keeps leaking like this.

>> No.14505208
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Go use google search on the internet for any kind of information and procedures, scientists are useless scum, leeches
Mankind no longer needs them, teachers, scientists can no longer teach anything, videos replaced them. Robots replaced them. It's over , scientists, prepare to be rounded up and shot for having killed millions of children via abortions and vaccines accross the world.

>> No.14505210

That would probably make the problem worse, but it would be funny to watch them seethe about it.

>> No.14505212


you can't google search how to build a computer chip, let alone in a way you can do in your own garage

>> No.14505214
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>I built my own house so I can speak in the name of all house builders!
Go vote for your liberal pro science pedophile candidate.

Science =/= Reality

>> No.14505215

/pol/ can be fun in its own stupid way
there should be a report category for anybody that makes a political thread on this board however that I can agree whole-heartedly

>> No.14505224

Regardless, to think a scientist is required when all kind of procedures are available to anyone is false.

>> No.14505226

Of course they are different.

Science is studying the world by modeling and experimentation to find novel insights.

Politics is making friends and forming coalitions in order to game decision making processes.

They are just different kinds of things.

>> No.14505227


...the job of a scientist is to use available tools ("procedures", in your tounge) to find new procedures and methods, usually through trial and error. This is usually done professionally through an advanced, academic understanding of whatever is being studied typically chemistry. To that end most statistics is science, although it differs from analytics which is merely reporting data without the conclusion-finding part. I fail to see how what you described isn't science.

>> No.14505245
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Not really now anybody can post anything they went on the internet, no diplomas, nothing is required other than a sense of reality that is sucked out once you waste your time studying science.

>> No.14505263


Because that's where the "advanced, academic understanding" part happens, you know that part that explains how covalent bonding works. Which is the reason tools don't rust anymore.

>> No.14505270

Flat earthers are pedophiles though.

>> No.14505277

False, scientists do not have anything other than pride and ego.
Back in the 1970s, Pol Pot rounded up and mass slaughtered the entire Cambodian intellectual class. Cambodia suffered no negative consequences from this action.

>> No.14505282
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Pedo kike projecting his vices on others is here!

>> No.14505289

Found the flat earth pedophile.

>> No.14505290

that post was quite funny ngl
thank you anon for the chuckle

>> No.14505293
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Oy vey!

>> No.14505568

Politics is a necessity tho