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File: 32 KB, 425x500, calc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1450142 No.1450142 [Reply] [Original]

I am having trouble with the beginning of calculus, were using the book shown. I was wondering if there was anywhere online I could use to teach myself stuff quickly to get caught up.

>> No.1450148

do you have the solutions manual?
the book teaches you how to do it, other than that use youtube tutorials .

>> No.1450150

Have you tried reading the book?

>> No.1450153

wolframalpha i guess

what are you having problems with? basic differentiation?

>> No.1450160


>> No.1450161

Concepts are not terribly difficult (Not trying to bust your balls).
Just do tons and tons of problems to familiarize yourself, then start thinking about the concepts.

>> No.1450163

try googling calculus on google books
there are hundreds of full view/open source books from prior to the 1920s

you should be able to find one that fits you

there are lots of modern calculus books that totally suck ass, and the one you are using may be one of those

>> No.1450166

You're an idiot. It took centuries to develop Calculus. Of course the concepts are difficult.

>> No.1450175

I dont have the solutions manual, but i guess i am having trouble with, well i would sart with limits and what how i am even suppose to deal with them.

yes, it might be hard to believe that 4 chan was not my first choice o learn calc from.

>> No.1450177


Khan Academy.

Always Khan Academy.

>> No.1450214

The concepts introduced in the classes that use that book are not extremely complex. It just takes time. This is freshman-level math

>> No.1450232


I think in ten minutes i already got more than 3 hours of class time.

>> No.1450234

yea, and myself being a freshman who isnt to keen on math, might need some help.

>> No.1450238

basic limits?

the derivative of a function is the slope of the function at that point?

an integral is the sum of an infinite series of small rectangles?

what concepts are too difficult to grasp?

>> No.1450251
File: 6 KB, 606x287, basic limit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how i tackled basic finite limits:

just replace the variable with the limit being evaluated.

>> No.1450256

like everyone says, Khan Academy

Just search Khan Academy on youtube. Look at the guy's stuff. He's got plenty of material on calc tutoring.

>> No.1450259

khan acadamy showed how it is pretty much like that, I was totally lost from the get go, but i see that now.

>> No.1450263
File: 3 KB, 126x126, myface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you're joking.

>> No.1450258


that's pretty much how to do most of them....

>> No.1450276


An entire semester's worth of calculus from MIT.
Hopefully, it should help.

>> No.1450279

for some of the easy ones, but for someting like:
<span class="math">\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} sin(\frac{1}{x})[/spoiler]
..it's a different answer.

>> No.1450287

You don't have to be a maths major to do well in this class. The more practice problems you do, the more comfortable you will be with the subject.
Go to class, do problems based on the lecture.
It's okay to completely rely on your notes to finish problems at first.
Keep doing them until you don't need your notes or a book.
This is a class you can brute force your way through: just through the volume of work you do, you'll eventually get the concepts.

>> No.1450288


Douchebag viral marketing brought to you by head-douche, Khan.

>> No.1450289

there's tons of stuff out there. There should be no reason to make a thread on this.

>> No.1450293

true, but if your looking for some material, it works fine.

>> No.1450301


yea, a website geared towards free education for all is viral marketing. Go fuck yourself dude, I just need suggestion to help myself.

>> No.1450317

my problem is more im taking a summer course in it, its 3.5 hours 4 days a week, its real easy to get caught behind.

>> No.1450340

can't rite nao, still cornholing ur mum

>> No.1450355
File: 64 KB, 600x750, TROLLING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1450372


Developing a concept is always harder than using it.

OP doesn't have to derive the laws of calculus. He just has to know them.

>> No.1450380

How is Khan academy viral marketing? What are they selling? Bamboo tablets?

>> No.1450377

not true

>> No.1450386


Fuck off with this shitty thread already.

>> No.1450402


>> No.1450420

You shouldn't go to the "Khan academy" because khan is stupid paki who tells you what you want to hear, not what you need to know.

>> No.1450424

I don't know, I was taking a biochem class this summer and the little bit he covered before we got ahead of him was pretty helpful.

Studying is studying dude, it's a useful resource.

>> No.1450429

Limits are the hardest part of freshman calculus, but understanding them is important. It probably seems hard because it won't resemble any math you did in high school, but stick with it and keep working examples and it should start to make sense.

>> No.1450430

I realize summer classes are faced paced, but if you watch Kahn Academy or MIT lectures, you're still going to be watching an additional 3 hours of online lectures each day to catch up. That's a lot of time, and I think it would be more beneficial to spend it doing practice problems.
I've watched a ton of the MIT lectures- they're great. The concepts are explained clearly, and I feel like I've understood things fairly well. But it's a whole different world when you actually start doing practice problems.
Find people in your class to study with, or go to office hours if you can.

>> No.1450432

facebook was a years long viral marketing thing for the social network

>> No.1450436

*fast paced

>> No.1450439

download or purchuse the solutions manual for that book, between that and a rudimentary knowledge of precalculus i was able to teach myself limits in no time. DO EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM.
than the next day do all the problems that gave you trouble.

>> No.1450455

There are such things as classes where practice problems aren't going to help

>> No.1450481

And intro Calc is not one of them

>> No.1450484

you win this round, anon

>> No.1450491

>blue orange contrast

>> No.1450493


it is if you take it at a big university.

my calc 1-3 classes had 350 people in them and there were exams that not a single person aced. also known as fuck you 1-3.

>> No.1450522

Explain to me how practicing calc problems would not benefit you.

Big intro classes are always hard. Doing practice problems could mean you get a 65 instead of a 27on an exam. D's are for diplomas, my friend.

>> No.1450542

ITT: advice from ppl struggling through community college

>> No.1450575

Youtube's PatrickJMT (username) is pretty helpful.
I tried tutorvista for a month (say your in grade 12 and just doing advanced calculus, they live in india they won't know)

torrent the entire solution manual. learn to cheat on mathxl. study. think about things theoretically. proving things will make it sit in your finite little brain better.

do all of your work yourself. make sure you get 100% on all the homework even if you cheat, just make sure you study for the exam. scrape for every point you can get. there are about 3 limit scenarios, learn them! learn all your factoring in case you don't already. read and understand the syllabus. read ahead if you can. do extra problems. do all of the easy problems in the book. work on speed. speeeeed! finish problems as fast as you can. take adderal. do coke. easy A.

>> No.1450655


Everyone practices the problems. But the exams were very difficult and long; if you could finish all the problems you would beat 85% of the class. It pretty much came down to being an IQ test, without all the bawwing that would happen if they actually tested IQ and used it as part of admission into science majors.

>> No.1450669

This is how my (shit) university is, Calc 1 is basically "Here is the test not one person in the 350 student class will be able to finish, forget anyone getting a 90%)

>> No.1450676

normal distribution up in this bitch. Quit b'aww-ing, welcome to college.

>> No.1450719

and thats why im glad I started at a community college, there was about 20 people in my clac 1 class, and the teacher actually gave real homework that they graded. not some online, or voluntary bullshit.

the tests werent hard, but i got an A in the class, so maybe they were hard for other people, and everyone else was whining and telling the prof to slow down. I think reading way ahead is key in clac 1, and actually read it. read every single word and try to understand the proofs and do the examples.

>> No.1450740

Stupid faggot, I got an A because of the curve, doesn't change the fact that the class is retardedly difficult.

>> No.1450766

Khanacademy. I'm just starting calculus and was having a hard time wrapping my head around it, the vids were a HUGE help

>> No.1450794

>retards failed out.

That's the idea

>> No.1450806

I just realized something. I think it is better to just read the book and struggle with it, then to just find a more efficient learning method like videos or khanacademy or whatever.

because when you read the book and struggle, it forces you to test misconceptions, and explore your misunderstandings, and by doing that you get a better understanding of the subject. as they say: "an expert is someone who has made all the possible mistakes in a very narrow field" if you just have someone spoon feed it, then you wont have a real grasp, and you wont have any knowledge outside of what you have been spoon fed.

>> No.1450812


Just do whatever works for you.

>> No.1450820


lol I did this too, took community college calculus, g chem and physics as a junior in high school, then o chem, biology and 3 more math classes as a senior.

Then when I showed up at my university I was at least 2 years younger than everyone else and had a 3.98 GPA (highest of anyone I met in my major) because I got to skip all the weeder classes. I actually had to stop telling people about this and started denying it and even told some people I was making it up because the butthurt was so deep and severe. Graduated 3rd in class out of 120 people in EE when I was 20 lol, and I'm really not all that smart.

>> No.1450850

i think khan is good for understanding the concepts and getting an intution for what your doing, but i do agree with what your saying.

>> No.1450852

I'm in your situation and it fucking sucks. I cant wait til I take calculus in the Fall Semester, where nothings rushed.