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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14498799 No.14498799 [Reply] [Original]

Why? Always liked to read TRF

>> No.14498806

Because he's got an ego problem and people keep disagreeing with him. Had some interesting posts, but it was mostly shit desu.

>> No.14498980

there were some comments about this on Peter Woit’s blog. according to them, Lubos got mad with Google’s policies or something, like censorship or something.

i think that’s bullshit. i think Lubos’s blog went completely off the rails with the Ukraine situation and he made a complete ass of himself so he took it down to save face. honestly his last few weeks were 100% politics, no physics, and the politics was just fucking loony and full of predictions about Ukraine/global politics that turned out completely wrong within days.

my hope is that he learns from this and eventually returns to make a blog with 100% physics and 0% politics and 0% climate posts

>> No.14498989

I read his damnable blog before. It was always fucking weird

>> No.14498993

>people disagree with me boohoo
welcum ta erf

>> No.14499003

You said _or something_ twice in one sentence

>> No.14499013

yeah, so what, that’s how i post, so what?

>> No.14499028

Its no seacret that STEM ppl donot know how to rite. But that putts them on par wit the monoriteis they seem to haet. At least the engineers.

>> No.14499056

What did he predict

>> No.14499065

>my hope is that he learns from this and eventually returns to make a blog with 100% physics and 0% politics and 0% climate posts
Science stopped being apolitical when St. Einstein the humanist pacifist tried to lobby for the manufacture of nuclear bombs and to self appoint as director of the project

>> No.14499072
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>> No.14499074

Wow he sure has aged compared to his profile pics from the 2000s.

>> No.14499075

iirc he predicted that russia wouldn’t invade; it washu at the west being hysterical. and then after the invasion i think he predicted that ukraine would lose in days. and i seem to recall he made some dumb prediction about how germany would get fucked in one way or another because of russia supplying natural gas. like basically all the “what if” scenarios there were, he called the exact wrong thing from what actually happened

i might be remembering this not so great (it was like i glanced at his blog while being on constant media overload so too much to remember at once) so don’t take my word on it but it was along those lines

>> No.14499082

>it washu at the west
*it was just the west

>> No.14499093

>post long-winded post
>don’t check it for errors
>correct one minuscule error
this is what you call failure of autism

>> No.14499122

i corrected a spelling error that obscured the meaning of the sentence. everything else is fine language-wise i think. the reason i can’t fact-check the content is because lubos removed the source material from the internet and now it is the stuff of legend. even if internet archives of it exist, they wouldn’t necessarily have his last posts. plus, lubos was known to go back and (without any “asterisks” for readers) edit old, even years old, posts. so the fact that he’s taken it down means that now the official record of TRF is lost to history

>> No.14499146

why are you putting underscores around this?
Go back to discord faggot

>> No.14499151

He posts a lot on quora now, you can ask him there

>> No.14499193

> ugly
> bad hairline
Into the trash it goes. The gene pool failed him for a reason. Don't encourage him.

>> No.14499194

the OP pic is actually kinda old. probably at least 4-6 years old by now. i wouldn’t be surprised if his combed-down long front hairs are gone by now and he has a Louis CK type hairdo presently

>> No.14499216
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>incredibly ugly man is attracted to science
commonplace occurrence

>> No.14499255
File: 143 KB, 1198x794, 1AFAF5B1-E32F-47F8-B1DD-B454142BFD3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasn’t that bad-looking back in the day

>> No.14499301

Getting some Seann William Scott vibes.

>> No.14499515

lucas went hard anti-russia and a lot of his fans/enablers didnt like that

>> No.14499812

I will never understand how someone capable of advancing string theory could deny the effect of civilization on climate change.

Apart from this, his other opinions were reasonable.

>> No.14499994

You pointed out what someone did

>> No.14500212

>I will never understand how someone capable of advancing string theory could deny the effect of civilization on climate change.
Gee i wonder why fellow expert

>> No.14500240

Thats hard to believe since hes an anti-communist like most Czechs and he hates american-style leftists and pseuds. He ought to be very happy that Ukraine is holding their ground

>> No.14501192

He used to post on /sci/. Are we not his friends anymore?

>> No.14501207

This place went to dogshit, dont blame him for leaving.

>> No.14501369

>capable of advancing string theory
"capable" maybe, but he hasn't actually done anything in the past 15-20 years

>> No.14501423
File: 2.22 MB, 1150x1154, TIMESAND___ShitEye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that thing his doing with his facial expression. That's the "I love goatse" face.

They put goatse's face in the backrooms video at t=211s to highlight that he has the same last name Tooker that I have. He's this cunt face gay bastard making that half-snarl face with the Biden mask in the white house lately. He was also The Solipsist in Daisy's Destruction and, since CTMU is a solipsist manifesto, I assume he was the tard that wrote the CTMU paper in Langan's name and using the ~scoffs~ second person voice.

>> No.14501576

Jonathan how are you?

>> No.14502667

Based Tooker destroyed CTMU