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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14497712 No.14497712 [Reply] [Original]

It's undefined. Who's to say what this is?
I guess we'll never know what this is.

>/sci/ will defend this.

>> No.14497717

So what do you think the slope is?

>> No.14497718

Its undefined as in infinite.
You have a rise with 0 run, aka dividing by 0.
Now tell me why a horizontal slope is defined

>> No.14497720

>Its undefined as in infinite.
It's undefined as in undefined, mindlet.

>> No.14497724

go back to middle school

>> No.14497728

Something is undefined if you haven't defined it. If you define it, then it will be defined. You can define it as infinity if you please, or you may not. You may also define it as 3.

>> No.14497740

If this is a brainlet thread as opposed to a bait thread, well, it just goes to show that some brainlets really struggle with the idea of human conventions.
It's like those brainlets sharing certain viral math images who can't grasp that an order of operations such as PEMDAS is simply a human convention and that alternative orders may yield a different value for a mathematical expression.

>> No.14497743

Lol, grasping at straws.

>> No.14497780

>t. headlet

>> No.14497782

>t. craniumlet

>> No.14497790


>> No.14497879

Slope is change in y with respect to x. But a vertical line only exists at one x value, so there is no change. The concept of slope does not apply here.

>> No.14498009

best response here
slope definition does not apply, so the slope is undefined

>> No.14500559

exactly, it's the platonic concept of "slopelessness"

>> No.14500566


The line y = 4 doesn't have a change in slope either, so we should call that undefined too right?

Slope m = y'/0 is undefined because the limit of m diverges as you approach x from either side. Jesus christ.

>> No.14500581

>Draw a horizontal line. Slope exists and is zero. Neat!
>Rotate paper 90 degrees. Line is now vertical. Slope doesn't exist.

You really expect me to believe that shit?

>> No.14500609

point of reference
yes and?

>> No.14500611

Point of privilege. Fuck you.

>> No.14500802
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you made me laugh hardcore anon. Now i have to go fap to dissipate this energy

>> No.14500805

i meant >>14500581 i was laughing too hard

>> No.14501336

the slope is i though