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14494142 No.14494142 [Reply] [Original]

Study: Teachers in Africa suck

>1/4 can not subtract double digits
>1/3 can not multiply double digits
>2/3 don't understand Venn diagram
>89% can't interpret data in a graph

On top of that

>44% of teachers are absent from class
>33% of classrooms are without a teacher


How would /sci/lets compare?

>> No.14494160

How did they even become teachers?

>> No.14494167
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Well, maybe they teach something that's actually relevant in a third world African shithole where people are literally starving.

>> No.14494170

>another poltard racebaiting thread

Go back to your containement board, incel.

>> No.14494171
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>Go back to your containement board, incel.

>> No.14494177

Does teaching in Africa pay well? Seems like a golden opportunity to look like an overachiever by doing the bare minimum

>> No.14494202

Yeah, starting salary for teachers in Togo is about 50,000 usd, so you should absolutely go for it.

>> No.14494219

Would they accept a white teacher? I always thought about moving to Africa.

>> No.14496014


its not really a racebait tho, i genuinely wouldn't have thought niggers are this retarded

i'd like to see the numbers of the same study in countries like India and China tho

>> No.14496031

Nothing in Africa pays well by western standards unless it involves murder, resource extraction, or some combination thereof

>> No.14496038

it's basically 50/50 on the average african being able to conceptualize farming. a person of average intelligence in the western world has just as large of an intelligence gap to the average african as the average african does to a monkey. having dextrous hands and vocal chords to communicate and just resembling us goes a long way to covering this up and making them seem smarter than they actual are. they're pretty fucking stupid generally and even the biggest /pol/tards here i think overestimate their intelligence and view them more as evil than just horridly dull and primal

>> No.14496042

60 IQ is based and should be the maximum allowable intelligence level.

>> No.14496073

The countries mentioned are Kenya, Tanzania, Moz, and Nigeria. Starvation isn't a problem in any of those countries excepting where there are warlords.
Quite a bit of basic maths and sciences should be helpful in all those countries, more so if Kenya gets a space programme (imported or not). Equatorial nations west of an ocean are best for launch

>> No.14496087

Sorry, I honestly don't see how 99.9% of those kids would ever use that kind of knowledge. Let's be real: Westerners don't suffer from such horrible teaching and they still come out of school so profoundly useless and unemployable that they need another 8 years of schooling afterwards. Africans don't need this system. To the contrary, it should be abolished in the West and replaced with trade schools.

>> No.14496091

My high school English teacher admitted she couldn’t do quadratics and failed middle school math. Doesn’t change the fact that she knew and could teach Shakespeare.

>> No.14496099

>Doesn’t change the fact that she knew and could teach Shakespeare.
Anyone can teach Shakespeare on the public school brainlet level. Good teachers don't fail middle school math,

>> No.14496102

I don’t see why it’s vital to know quadratics (and likewise double-digit multiplication) if you aren’t going to use them. STEMfags constantly complain about high school english, but at least you speak it every day.

>> No.14496106

It isn't vital to know IQ test problems to be high IQ, but if you score 90 on your IQ test, you're 90 IQ.

>> No.14496112

How can there be such a gap in intelligence between African countries and other places and yet in modern science, race is considered a social construct.

>> No.14496118

>in modern science, race is considered a social construct
Modern science doesn't even acknowledge the concept of "social constructs". You're indoctrinated.

>> No.14496181
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The African brain drain is causing that, all of the brightest Africans are lured away to work in western science institutions rather than contributing at home. Its a well known effect of globalism

>> No.14496244

yes the gap in intelligence is caused by genetics and not constant war and half the continent having aids or malaria and extreme poverty and mass starvation - do you autists ever think for even half a second before you type

>> No.14496261
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Did you grow up in a place with black people?
As I kid in primary school, I would always ask people "Did you noticed black boy always have bad grades and are dumb?" because all black boy I've known were super dumb. But there was a black girl in my class and she was doing very decently. However, none of them in primary school was failing to learn things as simple as reading or basic maths.

>> No.14496269 [DELETED] 

1. Ameriniggers are heavily mixed and grow up with less risk of malnutrition or disease
2. There is an IQ distribution, not a single value for everyone. Surely some of them are above average.

>> No.14496273

>teach Shakespeare.
What does this even mean? GPT-3 could "teach" Shakespeare too. Anything that doesn't involve producing objectively testable results is just bullshit.

>> No.14496360
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> GPT-3 could "teach" Shakespeare too. Anything that doesn't involve producing objectively testable results is just bullshit.
AI would sooner be able to give you a personally-tailored course in higher mathematics than say anything authentic and insightful about Shakespeare. Not that anon's brainlet teacher would fare any better at the latter.

>> No.14496442


I'm a TA in grad school and we have a brain drain phenomenon. The smart blacks, typically first gen from countries like Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, etc. do very well because they've been selected for and have social and economic pressure to succeed.

However, "African Americans" are usually bad in school. It's the American part, not the black part, and I'm not even joking.

>> No.14496475

Now THAT is what a scientist looks like

>> No.14496527

I never understood this argument. Most of English is objective, it’s pretty clear which arguments are retarded and whicn grammar is wrong or right. The only real subjectivity is over controversial ideas, which really only are discussed in grad school English (I assume, I haven’t actually studied there.) My undergrad english and literature electives had basic objective interpretations and were only bolstered by pretence. It wasn’t bullshit, but it’s something not everyone can do.

>> No.14496531
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>I never understood this argument. Most of English is objective,
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. What does this mean?

>> No.14496533

it’s the ghetto part, not the african or american part
i know plenty of smart african americans in my state (not revealing name) whose families moved away from the ghettos to escape drugs and crime. thus, the ghettos had a brain drain just like africa supposedly is having

>> No.14496536

It is a joke and clever wordplay. And that’s objective.

>> No.14496538

You are a genuine brainlet.

>> No.14496810

I assume they can not multiply double digits in written form? Doing it in mind isn't trivial, I wouldn't expect niggers do that at all.

>> No.14496817

Why would you study when you can survive off the land and animals for generations?

>> No.14496821

>you can survive off the land and animals for generations
They can't. Westoid with their eternal unrest and infinite avarice ruined that whole gig.

>> No.14496825

Yea tru usa and china fucked tht up (biggest polluters) they better compensate

>> No.14496832

Oh, yeah, the chinks are actually even worse, but to be fair, the chinks are merely copying the Eternal Westoid at this point.

>> No.14496839

It’s hard to multiply double digits by hand when your method of writing is literally a stick in sand.
pollution is literally a nothingburger

>> No.14496842

She's so pretty.

>> No.14496858

The power of heavy makeup.

>> No.14497099
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Before wypipo showed up in the 19th century Africans hadn't figured out division yet.


>> No.14497112

which page?

>> No.14497114

Not really. Most are grifters that end up as Head of diversity and inclusion

>> No.14497117

aafrican men all have the same basic personality chase the animal and eat it . they did not have a civilization to force them to select for high cognition like the whites did . only now they have. with the high selection pressure in africa now

soon enough the african niggers will surpass the american negro

>> No.14497121

East africans can be beautiful

>> No.14497124

Sorry to break it to you but there is gap in intelligence even when Africans live on continents with no malaria or wars or starvation.

>> No.14497128

>brain drain
There's an essay out there called "strip mining the smart fraction"

>> No.14497133

Except none of them r smart and just add fuel to the fire

>> No.14497147

The whole book. It's a history of african math up until colonial times (plus a section bitching about people being rayciss on the internet). The farthest they ever got was shells and tally marks.

>> No.14497155

No, statisticaly speaking there's a chance of geniuses emerging some of the chieftain and shamen bloodlines within various tribes are definitely a higher calibre of intellect compared to the rest. We aren't talking smahhht but definitely fairly intellectually capable.

>> No.14497160

Dems just gave these chieftains the mic with full backing and now our society is on fire.

>> No.14497162

>constant war
Yes, these things are the *cause* of low overall intelligence, not the effect. Just like how violent feral dogs are dumb as shit but dogs kept as pets can do calculus and fix your computer when it breaks.

>> No.14497170

Africans =/= american domestic niggers
everyone should look after their own tribe I agree with learning from others but we should seek to use our lifes to empower out own people and not just fuel the mass destruction.

>> No.14497191

Ah yes yes. Might I ask how much you make yearly? At the minimal six digit hopefully? Don’t they need a degree of mathematical skill to study in trade schools for any technical work? Seems just a lil bit silly to me everything you just said.

>> No.14497194

Everyone should be taught priciples of logic and how to critically analyse. These are bedrock skills.

>> No.14497199

Africans are the ones using American domestic niggers for their own gain and in the process wrecking everything with nonsensical buzzword.
It's not DeShawn calling for action, it's the diversity hire associate professor Oyembeke inciting niggers using corporate buzzwords to launch his career.

>> No.14497203

example is here >>14497194 who I highly suspect to be some african grifter

>> No.14497210

That makes a little sense. How does it tie into southern border migration.

>> No.14497226

What? No, I just said that everyone should be taught critical thinking tools. Even if they're retarded it's still makes a difference.
On a continent where the population can be fooled into believing that you can find gold inside the skuills of bald men anything no matter how small should make a difference.

>> No.14497254

>Anything that doesn't involve producing objectively testable results is just bullshit.
You sound subhuman

>> No.14497752

He's probably an ESL, Indian or Chinese. They have no real understanding of the English language. If not that then just poor white trash.

>> No.14497763

Can confirm. My highly domesticated dog resorts to all sorts of cunning stratagems to get extra food.. Just yesterday she left the blueprints for an invasion of Poland lying around for anyone to read. I happened to notice them and while I was puzzling over her decision to make the main armored thrust towards Krakow rather than Warsaw, she got into the fridge.

>> No.14499990

Schizo posts, anon