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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14493040 No.14493040 [Reply] [Original]

How do we make science popular the people again?
There must be a way to inspire the masses with wonder and discovery.

>> No.14493100


DO YOU WANT EVEN MORE PSEUDOINTELLECTUALS AND FAGGOTS DRAWN TO SCIENCE???? have you not paid any JUST FUCKING ANY attention to what that’s caused in the western sphere of the scientific community within the past 40 years alone?

>> No.14493401

German spotted.

>> No.14493421

science men shat themselves during "covid pandemic" people will have hard time believing them anytime soon

>> No.14493502

Spotted the schizo, take your meds.

Only your kind thinks things like that.

>> No.14493521

>take your meds
Those are fighting words.

>> No.14493541
File: 121 KB, 1074x1432, 1642394727815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJFb_P2j48

>> No.14493542

It's for your own good

>> No.14493543

where are the corpses on the streets, schizo?

>> No.14493551
File: 187 KB, 1000x666, 1636566583598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vaxxed being more likely to get infected just means it's working
>hiking in the woods without a face diaper will kill granny
>all the mass censorship and propaganda and government coercion totally isn't because we've completely failed to rationally justify our policies
sorry sweetie, you're on The Wrong Side of History™ here

>> No.14493552

>I will not discuss this in good faith and you should be conform to my views under threat of violence
People have been killed for saying that.

>> No.14493555

the whole "castrating yourself and putting on a wig magically transforms you into a woman" thing was what did it for me
not enough of them though

>> No.14493558

>I will not discuss this in good faith and you should be conform to my views under threat of violence
Based and correct. The only acceptable approach when a subspecies of parasitical entities tries to undermine your basic values. No discussions to be had with a separate subspecies driven by completely alien and degenerate instincts.

>> No.14493564

You are delusional.
Take your meds.

>> No.14493568

Thank you for submitting your mentally ill opinion. Allow me to remind you that your belief is an aberration of modernity, and not something any non-degenerate person throughout history would find sane.

>> No.14493580

I laugh at your silly idol of ‘modernity’. Will you be gladly be condemned by tomorrow’s customs for what you believe in today, or do you really think ‘modernity’ is an eternal moment in time regarding culture -simul nunc- you Jew.

>> No.14493581

LOL. I guess I was talking to a literal automated spam bot. This one doesn't even have basic semantic analysis.

>> No.14493592

How am I supposed to know whom I am speaking with or his ever absent Post ID?

>> No.14493618

What are you schizoing on about?

>more /pol/ nonsense
yikes, go take your meds.

And people have been killed for not doing that.

>> No.14493824

howdowe cattle shill faggot

>> No.14494365
File: 686 KB, 300x207, skiphopjump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have to do at this point, is march the god damned steel golems up and down the streets.
That's it.

>> No.14494370

Make China the new Soviet Union and forcefully induce some sort of Sputnik crises.

>> No.14494428

A better education and less place for religions.
It's because an alarming number of people are dumb, uneducated, scientifically illiterate that they are gullible, fearful of anything new or anything they don't understand and so they are easy to indoctrinate.

Antivaxxers, flat earthers, virus deniers, people who don't believe in the Moon landings, etc. It's all the same thing: they're idiots manipulated into believing they're the only ones who aren't idiots.

>> No.14495620

you are a shill deceiving people into utter degeneracy like viruses, moon landing, flat earth

>> No.14495646

don't worry science chad
maybe as society is becoming dumber, soon college degrees won't be as saturated since most people can get by as code monkeys or wagies. there may be less money in the community as a result but science conferences have become so common and focused on money anyway that it is probably for the best. they used to be much livelier in the QA portions iirc

>> No.14496276

Do you really believe that the financial 1% who spouts out all these ideas has you best interest in mind?

>> No.14496289

the overly socialised, overly educated I love heckin' science crowd has done far more damage than any moon landing was fake person ever could

>> No.14496430

he is a shill, a talking TV with primitive AI