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1449178 No.1449178 [Reply] [Original]

The age of consent ought to be raised to mid-twenties, since that is when the judgment part of the brain matures.

>> No.1449182

>This is what feminists actually believe

>> No.1449183

The age of consent ought to be lowered to mid-teens, since that is when the grass starts growing on the field.

>> No.1449196

Hey guys,

what if legal rights were not based on ambiguous ages, but were instead considered case by case instead?

>> No.1449199

Then we will waste even more money into the shitty justice system.

And more faggots will want to become lawyers.

>> No.1449200

If there's grass on the field, play ball!
If not, go around to the back and play in the mud!

>> No.1449216

I'm not having sex with their brain

Should be lowered to about 11, as that is when the vagina matures.

>> No.1449217


then even more people would be labeled as peedophiles when 18 year old infantile moronic girls get fucked.

and the infinitesimal percentage of younger girls who would be deemed "mature" enough would not even remotely offset the balance.
be thankful for 18

>> No.1449255

The AoC should be abolished.

Then we should teach our kids about sex as the grow up, teach them about how having sex at a young age is fine as long as you're sexually mature and use protection. Teach them that you can have sex but if you don't want kids, use protection. Simple.

We will always have teen pregnancies but I'm pretty sure that my idea will lower it.

It will stop a lot of kids thinking "I'm 16 now lets fuck each others brains out".

>> No.1449333

I had sex with 3 different girls when I was 14-17, at the very least they should make this not illegal, because technically it was and if someone would have been arrested it would have been me.

>> No.1449345

ITT: Brave New World

>> No.1449370
File: 139 KB, 431x325, stansmithwithmaclq3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations you are sincerely only focussed on logical deduction.
However genetics put a premium on those that can replicate quickly to make better use of resources than their rivals.
Plus there is the gap between legal standards, and enforceable laws... Your law undermines liberty AND is unenforceable. The best you can do is make laws to clean up the mess when it does happen.

Also, for your information, there are other genetic tactics such as longevity and copying fidelity.

>> No.1449385
File: 210 KB, 400x385, mordin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High five!

I have sent EDI relevent schematics and information reguarding positions and eroginus zones.

Now stop reading this in my voice.