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14490624 No.14490624 [Reply] [Original]

Is gardening really a science? Which plants are best?

>> No.14490633

Mango is the best plant. I have eaten 14 mangoes in the last 3 days.

>> No.14490665

that's a substantial number of mangos.

>> No.14490673
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Man goes to toilet

>> No.14490676

My mom bought a huge box of them.

>> No.14490703


Fuck mango




>> No.14490760

it's not gardening, it's study of plants.
best plants are bryophytes (moss), they literally terraform nature

>> No.14490763

how do they stack up against lichen?

>> No.14491670

>Is gardening really a science?
You could consider it as applied biology.
>Which plants are best?
I like fruit trees and bushes, I have about a dozen in my garden. Very comfy.

>> No.14491681


>> No.14493509

The saying "... don't grow on trees" exists for a reason.

>> No.14493849

weed bro, it opens your third eye

>> No.14493894

>name literally means study of plants which is responsible for modern agricultural practices that have allowed the human population and society to evolve rapidly
>proceeds to call it gardening
Leave it to scifags to be the most ungrateful and insufferable faggots on the planet holy

>> No.14493898

Mango is better

>> No.14494811

sativa without any doubt

>> No.14494916
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There's some crazy shit like using plants to clean/harvest contaminated soils with a lot of chemicals.

There's some that can harvest shit like I think silver into their leaves and other industrial minerals.

Some people are looking to use them as low cost massive form of ecologically friendly form of mining in places with low concentration of some mineral and therefore not economically viable for traditional mining.

Also china is basically planting massive forest to containt their massive deserts and terraform them.
China is based and plants are based for this.

>> No.14495028
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Mining silver using plants seems very far fetched; even if the plants work, the yield per acre must be abysmal compared to virtually any other cash crop. And you best hope this silver harvesting plant doesn't need nitrate fertilizer to grow well in this silver soil, since nitrate mining is very destructive and should probably be reserved for growing food and other materials we need more than silver.

>china is based because tree farms
pic related

>> No.14495038


No, but is extremelly low cost compare to traditional mining, enviromentally friendly and can yield on places where the concentration in the soil is so low it's not economically viable to extract with traditional methods.

Nickel by example can be harvested as a crop with around 56 species of plants.

>> No.14495043

What we need are dual-use crops that harvest valuable minerals but also produce edible food. Otherwise these mining crops would be competing with food crops for fresh water, arable land, and fertilizer.

>> No.14495046

nah, they usually grow in places that are too toxic for food plants to grow.

>> No.14495050

There's still the problem of fresh water, assuming these crops need irrigation, and fertilizer. If they need neither of these things, are these plants already flourishing in these areas in industrial quantities?

>> No.14495055

those plants evolved in mineral rich grounds which are fucking TOXIC to most other plants.

They're basically the weeds we destroy in normal crops I think.

There's some trees in some islands that their blood is filled with the island soil rich mineral.

>> No.14495067
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I don't know man, I'm skeptical. The pictures from this article show the area they're testing in has a lot of plant growth, it's not a barren wasteland. It's a shitty plot of land regardless, on the side of a hill with lots of rocks, which may very well be the reason nobody was farming anything more useful there before. Very tough land to work with.

>> No.14495073

yeah, which is the point, toxic places rich in minerals exist since billions of years here, they're not new.

A shit ton of plants have evolved to harvest such minerals.

>> No.14495089
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>Botanist study how to make plants more resilient
>Botanists study how changing soils impact the food supply
>Botanists try to figure out how we will get past he Phosphorus crisis

>> No.14495103

What about growing cassava (a staple food) to harvest nickel?


>> No.14495108

dunno, I'm not even a biologist, just some random retard who watches videos about /stem/ shit on youtube.

Could be interesting very profitable crop if you can autism shit it.

>> No.14497947
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>Is gardening really a science?
Botany yes.
>Which plants are best?
Ik its not a plant but its still considered part of botany. Mushrooms are incredibly fascinating

Persimmons are pretty based imo

>> No.14497998
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The 2016 FARM Act excluded industrial hemp from the definition of "marihuana" -- specifically, Cannabis sativa L. with a delta-nine tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3% on a dry weight basis. Essentially legalizing the production of (very low-THC) weed (with proper state permits).
You have already missed this boat, as even small-time cannabis producers have had botanists cloning and experimenting with their plants to produce healthy bud that falls just below the legal limit.
Spent a few days trimming 0.28% THC bud in my friend's backyard in a state where recreational weed isn't even legal (the flower he doesn't sell outright gets sold to bigger companies that make gummies and candies and stuff out of it). Pretty wild.

Anyway, that's just one recent application of botany.