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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 225x225, BA6D044C-0356-43A1-9A26-2C90F6BB021D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14489673 No.14489673 [Reply] [Original]

Remember Jacob Barnett? I know his family has had some legal trouble (the Ukrainian dwarf child they left alone in an apartment so they could run to Canada) but last I heard he was working as a researcher?
Has he put out any papers/theories that “disprove relativity” (like he claimed he was going to) yet?

>> No.14489677

You should know by now that child prodigies never amount to anything special. Why did you even make this thread?

>> No.14489681


Source for the child claim here

>> No.14489686

Because I hate Jacob Barnett more than any human being in history, (Alive or dead)

>> No.14489691

Why? Have you ever met him?

>> No.14489696

Because this is a board with racist losers obssed with IQ and psychological like, e.g. the mass shooter of this weekend who had a manifesto 60% composes of /sci/ /pol/ memes.

>> No.14489698

Besides the topic of IQ, what does any of that have to do with so-called "prodigy" children?

>> No.14489697

Me and him have had a lot of serious beef for the past 12ish years, a decade ago when I was a kid I used to make threads talking about him all the time

He’s awful

>> No.14489699

I see..
do you think he remembers you?

>> No.14489701

What the fuck are you talking about, please don’t shit up my Jacob Barnett thread with nazi shit

>> No.14489703

Jacob Barnett was claimed to have “an IQ proven greater than Einstein” (Einstein never took an IQ test if I recall correctly)

>> No.14489705

Where do you think you are posting buddy, your thread is literally floating in a sea of wojaks and pepes talking about their intelligence tests, phrenology, charles murray, IQ and other pseudoscientific garbage.

>> No.14489706

Probably it was his parents doing most of the claiming. Clearly his parents were psychos, but hasn't himself Jacob pretty much dropped off the public radar since becoming an adult?

>> No.14489707


>> No.14489720

he has 2 papers with respectively 5 (on his 2015 paper) and 0 (his 2020 paper) citations. he is still listed as a grad student at perimeter institute after starting in 2013. so he’s a 9th year grad student who’s done nothing.

his second paper got removed from inspire and a second revision was posted to arxiv about a year after the first version so maybe it was seriously flawed and isn’t passing peer review

looks like he was a meme all along.

>> No.14489726

>looks like he was a meme all along.
no shit

>> No.14489734
File: 27 KB, 320x248, 1_6Y_N__E_dPc-L2278b417A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if IQ is a garbage test that can't predict jackshit and psychologists can't into probability. But who cares if I can use it for my racist arguments and boost my ego!


>> No.14489744

The kid was pretty damn good at math from what I remember, but highly autistic, so it was more of a savant ability than just super intelligence.

>> No.14489754
File: 109 KB, 636x937, sr_is_doppler_shift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has he put out any papers/theories that “disprove relativity” (like he claimed he was going to) yet?
No, but here's your disproof if you're interested.

>> No.14489760

You have no idea how happy this information makes me, thank you

>> No.14489761

you’re that compsci guy wh’s like 35 right? with no physics education and you spammed threads with your name prominent? i remember looking you up and feeling so sorry for you

>> No.14489765

Cool story bro.

>> No.14489771

>It's almost as if IQ is a garbage test that can't predict jackshit
Nah, it works fairly well. But IQ only tells you somebody's potential at best. 70 IQ? You'll never be a successful mathematicians. 140 IQ? That's a lot of potential, but it could easily be wasted or squandered.

>> No.14489803


>> No.14489806
File: 46 KB, 702x937, TIMESAND___536u56hbds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should know by now that child prodigies never amount to anything special.

>> No.14489819

he wrote a treatises on traffic signals and optimal traffic flow. if im remembering the right person.

>> No.14489833

you’re still here Jon? i took a break for a while and i didn’t expect you to still be around. you manage to clean yourself up and hold down a job?

PS: not your mom or the feds, i’m the guy who told you higgs isn’t spin-1

>> No.14489835

IQ is a test that measures intelligence. then if the average for one group is lower than another, would it not be genetics? like east asians have 1.5x longer small intestines because of genetics. wouldnt the brain have the same relationship race because of genetics?

>> No.14489849

IQ does not measure “intelligence” since nobody agrees on what the definition of “intelligence” is. IQ tests measure how good you are at IQ tests. before stating that anything measures “intelligence” we need to agree on what that term refers to, and i do not agree that it is synonymous with the ability to do good on IQ tests

>> No.14489867

you take a iq test when you are a kid going to the hospital for blood test and shit. the pediatrician runs a shape and pattern recognition test to see if you are autistic. "can you tell me the shapes in order" or "can you tell me which shape doesnt belong" usually done with eye tests to see if eyes work.

>> No.14489877

"how would you describe the shape in the picture?"
"can you tell me how many triangles there are?"
also they measure how long you pay attention and stop after ten minutes.

>> No.14490036

>High iq

>> No.14490049

enstein was a fraud. so was Marie Skłodowska and Pierre curie.

>> No.14490052

A lot of people are smarter than Einstein, myself included. Why should I use my brain to contribute to society?

>> No.14490068

this doesn’t sound like an “intelligence” test to me. imagine if you did the same thing to Helen Keller. she’s score 0. and she obviously was extremely intelligent to learn so much despite being deaf and blind

>> No.14490071
File: 159 KB, 1600x900, putin-trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty comrade, 3 ruble is deposited to your account

>> No.14490076
File: 2.42 MB, 450x250, F86D5A68-161E-4ABC-8892-5937EB6D9C71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use it to improve yourself.

>> No.14490100
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x3840, hitler was denied a grave because of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should use your superior intellect to it's fullest extent and dominate society as much as you can, if you can't then some else will and you will become their unwilling servant. if you can reign supreme then improving society becomes a self serving goal but until that point you must first struggle for supremacy.

>> No.14490107

do you actually think it’s cool to post fanart of hitler? honestly

i mean your post would be weird but OK without the hitler art but come on. really?

>> No.14490122

based posts.

>> No.14490325

why would you test hellen keller it was known she was blind, deaf, and dumb. why would any do a eye test on her? yes mrs keller the results are conclusive as we suspected at 3 years old you daughter is still blind. Of course she would score a zero because it wouldn't be given to her.

>> No.14490338
File: 171 KB, 1200x630, everyone loves hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you even bother looking at 4chan if pictures of hitler make you angry? theres an extremely wide variety of aggressively censored safe spaces available to you, if you kept to those places then you wouldn't have to worry about seeing the hitler pictures which cause your fear and loathing response.

>> No.14490367

the bravest patriot. he served his country well until the embargoes killed his country war could have been over if france gave them a colony. fucking oil embargoes kill countries and start wars.

>> No.14490550

This thread is fascinating. OP is some bitter old ex friend of some loser with a "high iq" he wants to hatepost about and a bunch of polfags trying to somehow save face for their forced IQ memery. Quality shit op.

>> No.14490654


>> No.14490656

Haha holy shit I think I remember this guy posting here in like 2014

>> No.14490856

I don’t care if you “should” or “should not” do anything, I only care to know that Jacob Barnett is stagnating and doing nothing

>> No.14490865

>IQ does not measure “intelligence” since nobody agrees on what the definition of “intelligence” is
And? That's a problem concerning etymologists. The fact remains that an 80 IQ person won't become college educated any time soon.

>> No.14490876

>le citations

>> No.14490909

Refer me one of those "prodigies" papers from arxiv.
I'll wait

>> No.14490924

How bitter and insecure must you be?

>> No.14491595

IQ doesnt mean shit by itself, einstein didnt come up with relativity because of high iq, he did it because of imagination, curiosity, taking real interest in the things etc.

>> No.14491995

>someone who can't complete the sequence 1,2,3,4,... totally isn't mentally retarded, xe can still be a great mathematician
Epic cope

>> No.14492035

Its measures IQ test results not intelligence

>> No.14492039

Sequence 1,2,3,4? What follows next?

>> No.14492046
File: 137 KB, 530x749, 1605986945757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14492051

He never misses an excuse to mention /pol/.

>> No.14492052
File: 50 KB, 500x309, mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever succeeds at knowing who the important adults of the future will be based on the apparent intelligence of children.
Basically all children are retarded and trying to find "the next Einstein" is an even dumber version of astrology for pseuds.

>> No.14492065
File: 62 KB, 220x221, 1652812696313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. IQ is the best definition of intelligence. Someone who scores <60 can without doubt never be an educated individual. Someone with IQ 140 will definitely have it easier to learn abstract stuff compared to someone with IQ 100.
2. Intelligence does not imply success, nor vice versa. Paris Hilton didn't get rich by virtue of her intelligence. Neither did Donald Trump. Joe Biden didn't become president because of his intelligence. Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink are among the most powerful people in the world, yet while being certainly above average they are by far no genius mathematicians. Meanwhile a lot of highly intelligent people work wage slave jobs in R&D and will never be known by name. Success is primarily about looks and socioeconomic class.
3. Intelligence does not imply a moral obligation to do research, let alone to advance the inhumane industrial-technological system. In fact a genius who is also capable of morality will rather want to leave acadummia behind and live innawoods.
4. Citations on your papers amount to nothing more than a social credit score. Acadummia is a hostile environment to the genius, constantly enforcing conformity and a mindset of quantity over quality. Pajeet, Zhang et al will gain lots of citations by producing a shitload of low quality papers only to be cited by other midwits doing the same. Meanwhile a genius will be denied funding because he is deemed economically disadvantageous as soon as he plans to do more than three months of research, as this contradicts the shortsighted capitalist mindset of never planning further than the current quarterly figures.

>> No.14492069


>> No.14493350

where is this image from?

>> No.14493710

He's not wearing mask, so it was either before or after the "pandemic".

>> No.14493754

Of all languages available, you decided to speak facts.

>> No.14493772
File: 65 KB, 1094x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems hes switched to study tomatoes

>> No.14494503

What about Terrence tao

>> No.14494611
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Chadlon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true. Source: am child prodigy. Work as a lower management at a firm and do research as a hobby.
What do I need to become like Elon Musk/Tony Stark, bros?

>> No.14495171

You're a loser anon

>> No.14495372

You gave up at an early age and realized that working an easy job is the safe way to live.

>> No.14495849

Yeah, all my teachers and the WEF sponsors told me I should dedicate my life to helping spread diversity through management, but I want to mend my ways.

>> No.14496033

If I haven't used my potential, how can I fix it?

>> No.14496037

Partake in IQ-lowering activities on a regular basis. No potential - no problem.

>> No.14497731

Already do, that's why I'm in /sci/. But I want to enjoy a huge harem and drown in pussy like Chadlon. Alas my research on how to fix "The Tranny Problem" hasn't made me rich yet

>> No.14497840

Wanna share the results of your research?

>> No.14498325

So did you personally know him? Any context or stories please?

>> No.14498382

He seems to be holding a banner in some sort of protest.
I sincerely hope that's not the case.

>> No.14498393
File: 12 KB, 137x220, 1652746748133 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope this guy doesn't do this

>> No.14498399

Why would he if he can just take IQ tests and shitpost on /sci/ instead?

>> No.14498408

So he's kinda like a human theorem prover?

>> No.14498411

You shouldn't but you should use it to further improve yourself with pharmaceuticals until you're powerful enough to reign them.

>> No.14498427

Holy based. Certifiably anavarpilled and amphetaminepilled and redpilled.

>> No.14498431
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>> No.14498454
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, Catholic Jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this picture make you feel?

>> No.14498546

IQ isn't what most retards (like yourself) believe but please produce sub 100 IQ researchers in STEM and list their contributions.

>> No.14498584

Step one: be born into money.

>> No.14498725

7 since the sequence concists of numbers such that each successive pair sums to a prime and no numbers are repeated.

>> No.14498747

Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time boys.

>> No.14499052

If you don't hate the Jews more than anyone else, then you need to straighten out your priorities. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Jacob Barnett and his christfag cable news grift he had going back in like 2011 or whatever, but hes definitely not the person I gate the most.

>> No.14499298

B-but the news tell Elon built it all from the ground up! He said the mines are a lie.

>> No.14499412

Stephen Wolfram started a successful software company.

>> No.14499470

What drugs must I take to become as smart as Einstein?

>> No.14499486

Actually good counter-examples, I'll admit. Still, supposed child prodigies are a dime a dozen, and examples of them actually succeeding are few and far between.

>> No.14499487

i thought that was /pol/ not /sci/man dan

>> No.14499491

Still ere, shooting the shit. How are you

>> No.14499691

>Me and him have had a lot of serious beef for the past 12ish years
You have a beef with him.
>a decade ago when I was a kid I used to make threads talking about him all the time
And he has no idea you even exist.

>> No.14500342

He built it all from the ground up. There are plenty of interviews where Elon explains how he came up with PayPal on his own.

>> No.14500888

How did Elon become as amazing as he is? He's clearly African so genes aren't the answer.

>> No.14502129

He does look African.

>> No.14502148

Lol cause your papers are retarded and useless.

>> No.14502149

Lol you have a fragile ego.

>> No.14502280
File: 112 KB, 800x492, 800px-Race_IQ_Sketch_OrderFlipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat it faggot

>> No.14502383

Elon is a chad.

>> No.14502433

Always good to see you around Jon.

>> No.14502435

nassim taleb wrote that as a cope because of lebanon's profoundly low average IQ score

>> No.14502459

Sad. One more promising kid who got chewed up by (((academia)))

>> No.14502471

Based tomato enjoyer

>> No.14502707

Academia is good, only losers don't know how to take advantage of it.

>> No.14502809

That kind of makes me happy

>> No.14502831

He didn't get chewed up. He was given more of a helping hand than I ever was. If he was any good at all he would've published more than 2 less than mediocre papers in ten years.

>> No.14503394

give him a call and ask him yourself
(519) 569-7600 x8073

>> No.14503401

Why do you simp for niggers?

>> No.14503442
File: 78 KB, 702x937, jonon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should be done about this?

>> No.14504290
File: 363 KB, 1200x674, image_2022-05-21_231853453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a general rule, things that the MSM hype almost always turn out to be BS - especially if it's about science or facts. Media and journalists are notoriously reality challenged. In fact, on of the things you want to look into doing, whenever something is hyped in the media, is to "put a short" on their predictions.

>> No.14504300

Liz, Milton and Elon together are the final proof that science is fake.

>> No.14504301

From one perspective. From another perspective, they are also the best proof of it: you cannot argue with reality. When you argue with reality, reality always wins.

>> No.14504319
File: 585 KB, 1216x1090, image_2022-05-21_233717763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there is one thing that almost annoys me, one thing that is not properly understood about science and scientists: the role that CHARACTER plays in scientific discovery. It's a cultural trope of sorts that scientists are simply smart and that is why they discover things. No, that's not true. There is some good correlation, but it's not enough. You also need to have COURAGE as a scientist, because a scientist is supposed to create, discover, find something new. But the things that are most novel also are more likely to run afoul of current social tenets. If your discovery does not upset anything, chances are it's not a very noteworthy discovery.
If the current cultural climate and the decline of academia have shown anything then it is that most academics are pathetic COWARDS. Cowards do not innovate. Cowards do not create. Cowards are "bloodless", in the way Nietzsche described it. And they are exactly the kind of obsequious midwits that we are all increasingly used to seeing in academia. That chances that anyone "politically correct" innovates anything, even in a subject that should be as neutral as math (if you think that, you've never been around real mathematicians), are virtually ZERO.

Kura, Kenya, Jan te Nijenhuis, and Edward Dutton. “Why Do Northeast Asians Win So Few Nobel Prizes?” Comprehensive Psychology 4 (January 1, 2015): 04.17.CP.4.15. https://doi.org/10.2466/04.17.CP.4.15..

>> No.14504326
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>> No.14504329
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>> No.14504335
File: 2.29 MB, 1406x1456, image_2022-05-21_234042706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The importance of the role that character plays for a good scientist is something that is not well understood, not even by scientists.

I do not care how smart you are. If you're a coward, chances are you will be a loser who amounts to nothing - IQ be damned. Even if you accrue some fame in this cultural climate, then chances are you've published something that will be relegated to the trash pile of history as soon as culture shifts again.

So stop being cowards.

>> No.14504355
File: 931 KB, 900x750, image_2022-05-21_234806974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that is also part of the reason why many of the most famous scientists and innovators have been reputed to have particularly prickly personalities. I don't know if they need to be prickly invariably, but at least you apparently need to have the the latter: a personality. And the limb-wristed, testosterone deficient mama boys that I see being held out as scientists nowadays do not exactly scream "personality", so my expectations are not favorable.

>> No.14504357

Has any of Tao's math equations amounted to the creation of real world applications? Or has it primarily just been proving the math behind several theoretical physics and computer science applications are sound?

Not disputing your example though.

>> No.14504437

> limb-wristed

>> No.14504465

Yes, you're right. There are more spelling mistakes, though. You can keep them all.

>> No.14504469

/pol/ lives rent-free in your head

>> No.14504474

poorfag cope

>> No.14504475


>> No.14505097

No article to note I've seen at all

>> No.14505134

Einstein didn't do anything

>> No.14505168

That guy was a fucking idiot and the manifesto read like it was written by a buzzfeed journo larping as a white supremacist.
What the hell does that have to do with /sci/?
You are equally retarded and maybe will find things more comfortable and less upsetting on another site

>> No.14505203

What's the difference btn 'superintelligence' and savant ability?

>> No.14505241

>retard writes the definition of time dilation and thinks he discovered something new

>> No.14505283

Even with your containment board you fags can't stop shitting other boards.

>> No.14505395

I completely agree.

>> No.14505411
File: 111 KB, 650x1125, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but why do white South Africans have slanted eyes? Is it Khoisan admixture?

>> No.14505774

>completely fails to understand what he's looking at

>> No.14505836

>he thinks sr is magic

>> No.14505881

I agree with 99% of what you said, but that incel shooter is pure /pol/. /sci/ has a bare minimum, very bare yeah, but still minimum of decent people. No shooters from here

>> No.14505915

To the contrary, it's completely pedestrian and can be explained entirely by classical physics.

>> No.14505944

Seethee jew

>> No.14505962

>it's so pedestrian he can't wrap his head around it and instead thinks he proved it wrong

>> No.14505976

IQ tests were unironically invented by le jews, that's why ashkenazi jews are always at the top of iq tests.
I think IQ tests are only a good tool to know if u are retarded/stupid/autistic rather than measuring the intelligence of a person.
If u can't complete basic mathematic problems (within a certain metric if u want) then u are retarded, but if u complete those same problems but do it faster that doesn't make u more intelligent, it's the same shit like autistic cunts, some are very good at a certain skill, like the nog who drew central park with just one glance, but then they can't effectively communicate with other humnas bc they are very stupid in regards of social etiquette.
In regards of survivalism u can say the hunting niggers from africa are far more intelligent than any 200iq lab faggot.
Intellect, intelligence, thought, audacity etc., there are so many aspects in the activity of the brain/body that u cannot encompass all with one word, much less 1,2,3,4 sequence tests or any faggy problem u think is good.

>> No.14506014

Have sex incel