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14486845 No.14486845 [Reply] [Original]

It was easier to trick brainless drug zombies into volunteering for the clot shot than it was people who weren't in a drug induced stupor, so now the scientists can blame their drug addiction for their death instead of the clot shot.

>> No.14487196

lol so they were seling an anti-depressant that causes more deaths. an anti anti-depressant. a depressant. they are trying to kill people.

>> No.14487228

I don't get it. Are chronically depressed people who don't take antidepressants healthier and less likely to die?

>> No.14487251

I haven't looked at the study. It could be that being depressed increases risk of dying, and antidepressants do a poor job at improving depression. Or it could be that antidepressants do directly increase risk of death by some mechanism.

>> No.14487283
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Time for white genocide

>> No.14487293

Hanging by a thread isn't better than falling, imagine being such a faggot bitch that you need chemical coomsumption to be kept alive, just DIE lmao

It's obvious that these drugs deteriorate the health by destroying organs, numbing the brain and disturbing natural bodily mechanisms.

All the Depression fags are basically zombie golems kept alive to pay for consooming pharma drugs.

>> No.14487317

>It's obvious that these drugs deteriorate the health by destroying organs, numbing the brain and disturbing natural bodily mechanisms.
It would be obvious if chronic depression itself wasn't highly destructive for the body.

>> No.14487322

As I already said Hanging by a thread isn't that better than falling. Most anti depressant consoomers OD eventually. It's a cope basically, and a money making scheme for pharmaceuticals.

>> No.14487342

No one cares, you subhuman fucking NPC. You and all your likes should be shot.

>> No.14487354

No one cares about a seething and coping faggot hanging by a thread, just keep the shekels flowing though, or you won't get your dosage of life.

>> No.14487355

No one cares, you subhuman fucking corporate-manufactured fake culture war NPC. I wasn't talking about that.

>> No.14487381

American depression isn't depression. SSRIs don't work and are just placebo for another disease. Actual depression is treatment with MAOIs.

>> No.14487387

No idea what your schizophrenic rambling is about.

>> No.14487402

> muh happiest countries

>> No.14487409

Ummmm sweaty? This has been deboonked. The QoL metrics show that these countries are happy and prosperous.

>> No.14487486

Once thi g you can't argue. An antidepressant that kills you technically works

>> No.14487533

When I went through shit I was put on anti-depressants but I noticed that while they stifled the pain they didn't do shit to address the cause and now I didn't feel the symptoms. Things didn't get better so I stopped using them and worked on myself.

I've known people who are dependant on the drugs after using them for too long, if they go off the rails almost instantly. These drugs don't solve shit, they're basically just painkillers and if the problems don't get addressed you'll end up killing yourself once the mental wound syou let fester can't be muffled any longer.

>> No.14487545

>while they stifled the pain they didn't do shit to address the cause and now I didn't feel the symptoms
Well, yes, you actual retard, you're supposed to address the cause yourself when it gets you functional. Many people would give a lot for that fucking privilege.

>> No.14487569

SSRIs are the real problem. Those things are brain rot. I don't know anyone for whom they've worked. At best they just seem to blunt everything, which isn't much different from having depression to begin with except SSRIs at least blunt the "it's too hard/I can't be bothered" thoughts as well so you stop canceling social engagements (won't help you enjoy them though).

I've switched to moclobemide and find it a lot better. I also gained 6kg while on SSRIs and after a few weeks of being off of them I've dropped 1.5kg without consciously changing anything. Maybe it was water weight, maybe SSRIs made me eat more without realizing it, maybe I'm just leaving the house more, I dunno. Could be that I'm jerking off again without SSRIs removing my libido, so I've lost a bunch of semen-weight.

>> No.14487577

Except you can't address stuff you can't see and the paper suggests anti depressants might be killing more people than they save.

>> No.14487582

>you can't address stuff you can't see
You can see stuff a lot better when you're level-headed.

>the paper suggests anti depressants might be killing more people than they save.
No papers have been posted ITT.

>> No.14487592

>Australia no.2
Checks out considering how many people I know take those tablets.

Im depressive myself but Im microdosing on shrooms and gym to take care of those lows.

No wonder boomer cunts so against therapeutic uses of marijuanna and psychedelic shrooms. It would ruin the cash cow they have now.

>> No.14487604

>boomer cunts
the ageism divide and conquer psyop worked nicely on you, got you blaming your own people for jewish profiteering and interference in government
heres a real aussie boomer in his own words
tell me if you think that you jewish media stereotypes hold true after you're done listening to it

>> No.14487622

Do shrooms show up on government mandated drug tests?

>> No.14487653

microdosing on shrooms is a waste of shrooms. The trials using psilocibin as an antidepressant even used proper psychedelic trip dosages. I don't know whether they show up, but they do clear pretty quickly so it won't show up after a week of non-use 100%

>> No.14487655

they are white genocide, you're not going to have sex on them

>> No.14487661

What? I don't understand ESL

>> No.14487683

what's not to understand? Antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction, so if you give them out, that will reduce the number of people who can
and will reproduce

>> No.14488709

>Well, yes, you actual retard, you're supposed to address the cause yourself when it gets you functional.
That's not how they're typically prescribed, though. Watch the advertisements on TV. Listen to doctors prescribe them. They're treated as something to make you feel better and you go back to living the good life. Little attention is given to why the person may actually be depressed, much less actually working on the problem. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills are treated as quick fixes, not the band aids that they really are.

>> No.14488713

>but le heckin' doocterinoooo didn't tell me that i should also try to actually fix my problems
LOL. Do NPCs really?

>> No.14488729

A person who is depressed is not in much of a position to help themselves. True depression that is. Not "I started working out and that solved everything" crap.

>> No.14488736

They're in a pretty good position to start helping themselves once they're emotionally stable and functional.

>> No.14488741

Except antidepressants don't do that. They're numbing.

>> No.14488751

What they need is proper social support.

>> No.14488754
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SSRIs are a lifestyle product taken for fashion purposes. The appearance of depression is just there as a token entry requirement.

>> No.14488778

>They're numbing.
That's a whiny faggot way to spell "emotionally stable". It may not be the most positive experience, but it beats abject suffering by far.

>> No.14488790

>What they need is proper social support.
There is no such thing. You are on your own. You're not Stacey. You're not even Becky. You're a greasy loser, you're male, you're miserable and you're not being a very good workhorse for society to exploit, which makes you the most reviled creature in clownworld. Personally, I'm skeptical that antidepressants help anyone in any capacity, but some people will swear that they make them numb. Numb? Amazing. I'd take it and pull myself up by my bootstraps because that's the best you can possibly get.

>> No.14488828

>That's a whiny faggot way to spell "emotionally stable".
No, it's really not. I was on SSRIs in my teens. I'm on nothing now and "emotionally stable." The effect the drugs had were in no way comparable, nor did they help in any way toward finding stability.

>> No.14488862

Look, I don't care about your cope. Being able to get through a day without feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and despair definitely boosts emotional stability and helps you function.

>> No.14488879

you're a drug addict and you're rationalizing your addiction

>> No.14488900

You're outright schizophrenic and you should be taking your meds. Your response is completely incongruent with reality.

>> No.14488963

What cope? I'm no longer in that state, and I'm telling you that when I was, the likes of Paxil and Prozac did nothing to help. Maybe they help you, in which case, great, but I hope you have a plan for when you develop a tolerance.

>> No.14488979
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luvox (sigma-1 agonist) is the best SSRI, brexpiprazole (dopamine serotonin adrenergic receptor modulator) is the best antipsychotic, aripiprazole (d2/d3 partial agonist) is the best antidepressant.
no doubt sertraline (sigma 1 antagonist), paroxetine (muscarinic antagonist), olanzapine, risperidone etc would cause long term health problems

>> No.14489015


why? also, escitalopram is the best SSRI according to systematic reviews

>> No.14489022

America is so commodified it's unbelievable

>> No.14489033

depression/anxiety runs in families and is partially genetic, so this makes sense

>> No.14489046


this is kind of interesting. Why isn't the US on the chart? It seems like it would be pretty high because consumer advertising is allowed.

>> No.14489049

It's been known for a decades that antidepressants improve motivation before they improve mood.
They do work, though.
Of course they don't address the cause, are you retarded? Do you actually expect pills to fix your shitty depressing life? What they do is help you getting your shit together to fix things yourself.
Never had a problem popping a boner on SSRIs ever.
That's because of the shitty health care system in the US. In Europe you're told to get therapy because just popping pills won't fix your problems.
Of course not. But a depressed person fucking knows they need help, nigger.
Oh, so painkillers don't help either because they "just numb" the pain?
>develop tojerance
You're not supposed to stay on these for years on end without working on your problems.

Btw, the best antidepressant is ketamine. Another contender is shrooms. Possibly also LSD. Or most other classical psychedelics. But for me it't ketamine.

>> No.14489051
File: 270 KB, 969x1256, fphar-12-652688-g001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treats covid
protects against parkinson's
>prevents psychosis
>increases acetylcholine and dopamine in the PFC and hippocampus (anti-amnesic and antidepressant effects)
>no tolerance (sigma-1 receptors upregulate in response to activation)

>> No.14489063

>Never had a problem popping a boner on SSRIs ever.

Some people do have such problems, but sildenafil still works great for them

>> No.14489065
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>5ht1a agonist (increases hippocampal neurogenesis)
>a2c adrenergic antagonism improves cognition
>low intrinic activity at DA receptors alleviates psychosis without elevating prolactin or inducing compulsive disorders
>potent 5ht2a and a1b adrenergic antagonism contributes to the antipsychotic effect.

>> No.14489086

>hurr durr dont take pills, just solve the problem, the cause of depression lol

Major depression is often not caused by something external, but by an internal organic issue in the brain. No amount of psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, mindset changes or life improvements will help with such condition. Only drugs or maaaybe things like brain stimulation.

>> No.14489139

>That's because of the shitty health care system in the US.

>Of course not. But a depressed person fucking knows they need help
Based on my experience, the average American will go to their doctor, ask for help, and they're told a prescription will fix it.

>Oh, so painkillers don't help either because they "just numb" the pain?
They're not going to fix your leg if it's snapped in half, you'll need a surgeon. Antidepressants are a temporary band aid.

>Never had a problem popping a boner on SSRIs ever.
I don't recall if it was Paxil or Prozac, but one of them made me totally unable to climax, which sounds like it could be beneficial, but it was like I lost all feeling in my dick. Not fun, and it wasn't good for my girlfriend's self esteem either.

I've heard good things about ketamine, but it's not a commonly prescribed drug in the USA.

>> No.14489144

I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. It was with me in childhood and became debilitating in my teens. Ultimately CBT as an adult did help when no medication ever did. I'm by no means the life of the party or carefree, but I'm a lot better than I was. The brain can change, though it's not a short or easy process.

>> No.14489160

you're both so equally retarded I honestly can't tell if you're samefagging or not

>> No.14489212

while it is not as common as in adults/teens, even little kids can suffer from major anxiety or depression, I remember feeling anxious since early childhood, then in early adulthood it progressed into full anxiety and depression with suicidal ideation, despite my life being objectively quite good.. SSRIs helped me and in fact it was probably the first time in my life I felt normal.. thinking "so this is how other people feel like" lol

also it runs in my family

>> No.14489216

>I remember feeling anxious since early childhood, then in early adulthood it progressed into full anxiety and depression with suicidal ideation, despite my life being objectively quite good..
Sounds like we were very similar. I'm glad medication helped you, they're clearly not a one size fits all deal.

>> No.14489217

>They do work, though.
Wrong. Depression is a lack of neurotransmission. SSRIs do not increase neurotransmission. Metrics of suicidality are dubious and self-reported surveys by rich Americans aren't indicative of what actually constitutes depression so exceeding placebo and reporting subjectives is meaningless but allows for FDA approval. SSRIs are totally ineffective for actual cases of depression, which Dr. Ken Gillman proved.

>> No.14489221

>Based on my experience, the average American will go to their doctor, ask for help, and they're told a prescription will fix it.
Same here, honestly. Thny get referred to therapy at least, but still.
The problem is infantilization. People aren't taught to think for themselves. They're trught to access the government provided/regulated and just do as they're told. At best theycre told to get a seccond opinion. Blindly trust the experts basically.
>They're not going to fix your leg if it's snapped in half, you'll need a surgeon. Antidepressants are a temporary band aid.
Of course not, but they at least take your mind off a problem you're already prinfully aware of. There's penty to do even with a broken bone, but it's pretty hard if you're in agony. Never had a broken bone, so I dunno if or how long it keeps hurting, but yiu get the idea.
>I don't recall if it was Paxil or Prozac, but one of them made me totally unable to climax, which sounds like it could be beneficial, but it was like I lost all feeling in my dick. Not fun, and it wasn't good for my girlfriend's self esteem either.
Sure it can happen, but it's not universal. I never took large doses, to thrd might have helped.
>I've heard good things about ketamine, but it's not a commonly prescribed drug in the USA.
Fuck the jew, take your health back into your own hands and read up on it. Availability is not a problem. YMMV. Not medical advice. ;)

>> No.14489247

SSRIs do for serotonine the same thing cocaine does for dopamine.
They do work. I know because they make me not want to kill myself when I'm depressed. There is no objective way to measure how much I want to put a bullet in my head until I go ahead and really fucking blow my head off. Saying that my emodional state is meaningless totallly misses the point of what depression is.
I get it, FDA is glowing and health care in the US is run by greedy jews. A lot of people don't respond or not well enough. But for others they do in fact work.

>> No.14489425

Stupidity also runs in families.

>> No.14489649

it's a placebo, anon...
If anything they can cause suicidality/homicidality as a result of the akathisia they can cause.
Around 30% of people suffer from sexual dysfunction on ssris. They reliably produce genital numbness and are even used by urologists off label to treat premature ejaculation. The fucked up thing about that is that the sexual dysfunction persists for a lot of people, both men and women

>> No.14489951

>this makes sense
thats a generous statement

>> No.14489979

"depression" is modern shorthand for the old fashioned clinical phrase "depressed activity level", but you will buy any excuse the doctors give you for your drug addiction, so knowing that you're lying about "its genetic" like a fasto will make no difference to you, you are a drug addict, getting drugs and making up excuses for your addiction is are only things you'll ever be able to concentrate on.

>> No.14490005

Interesting article. Its pretty hilarious SSRIs are just as effective as SSREs.

>> No.14490021

>SSRIs do for serotonine the same thing cocaine does for dopamine.
Meaningless, non sequitur, and false with chronic treatment, and also the wrong mechanism for why they're even effective (upregulation of hippocampal neurosteroid biosynthesis). The serotonergic hypothesis for depression is two decades obsolete and has been refuted countless times and in any event, MAOIs elevate it more effectively without the compensatory down-the-line decreases in dopamine observed from in se 5-HT inhibition.
>They do work. I know because they make me not want to kill myself when I'm depressed
Anecdote is not evidence, and itself is not immune to placebo. You did not describe depression. The hallmark of depression is anhedonia which stems from a decrease in neurotransmission. Suicidal ideation may follow as a consequence but it is not the primary indicator of it. Decreased neurotransmission follows from environmental stressors to prevent the organism from pyrrhically exerting itself, it is an adaption in response to extreme demands of modern life, such as as poverty, which often is why depression follows rather than causes prolonged loneliness and poverty. You described a patently nondepressive state contingent upon emotional instability, say state of melancholia where you feel "sad". This is not depression, you never had depression, and this is why you find benefit from SSRIs. You give an SSRI to a depressed person, even more anhedonia follows from the aforedescribed mechanism resulting in a net decrease of dopaminergic neurotransmission. MAOIs and glutaminergic modulators are the only effective treatment, and any psychopharmacologist worth his salt will affirm this for true cases, not westernized drama queens who are rich and suffering from an existential crisis, (which I agree constitutes an innate mental problem, it just needs to be clinically separated from MDD).

>> No.14490984

ssris fucked me so bad in the long run.

I have been 11 months off meds after 8 years of usage and i can tell you this shit burns you till the core.

>> No.14490988

30% make that 80%.
basically look at people with these experience.

>> No.14491088

I can tell you for a fact I'm permanently miserable yet don't take any meds and never suicidal

>> No.14492146

Does the placebo effect even happen when you are actually sceptical of the supposed benefits of some medication? Like, if you know there's a 50:50 chance you're getting saline.
>feel "sad"
I never said anything about feeling sad. In fact I didn't explain my emotional experience at all. I simply stated my desire to end the misery I was in. At the time I felt just empty and void of meaning if anything. I regularly stared at the walls for hours because nothing seemed worth the trouble. If you had asked me how I felt at the time the answer would have been an apathetic "dunno". I did't go crying on twitter for sympathy. I didn't actually want to reveal my vulnerrble state to anyone at all out of shame. If that's being a sad melanhcholic drama queen, what's it like to be actually depressed?
>wall of text
Ok, nerd.

>> No.14492357

lmao when the "woes is me, muh psychiatric condition" crowd collectively drops dead.
imagine how much society will benefit from their absence

>> No.14492692

antidepressants appear to be superior to a passive placebo, which does not have any effects like a plain sugar pill. This is because nearly everyone in a trial becomes unblinded and realizes whether they are getting an active medication or
a dum dum placebo.
However, when you compare them to an active placebo, say atropine, all of their benefit disappears, because the placebo also carries similar side effects and becomes indistinguishable as you can no longer tell within a trial whether you are on "the" medication.