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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14485927 No.14485927 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career General!
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

previously >>14470328

>> No.14485942

I left my software developer job two years ago (not vaxx related, this was before it existed) and am really dreading job hunting and going back to work. Software development isn't really programming anymore, it's stringing together endless series of frameworks and libraries that are all full of defects. I thought that I could avoid that by not doing front end web development but it's creeping in everywhere.

>> No.14485958

Posting again to get additional opinions…

>during phone screen tell them i want 65k
>recruiter says “yeah that should be approved”
>get call yesterday saying they’re preparing me an offer and will have it ready on Monday
How much should I be expecting them to offer? I’d be willing to settle for 60. I’m really hoping they give me at least 60 Bc I’m relocating to be near my gf.

>> No.14486290

Why not just wait until monday? If they offer less than 60k, ask for 60k, if they refuse, then make you're decision to stay or leave. I don't really know what the fuck you want from us.

>> No.14486391

Idk man. Just nervous and need someone to talk to.

>> No.14486431

Should have just gone into management. Design the software without touching the code, win-win

>> No.14486434

Stand your ground. You should stick as hard as you can to 65k and see if they cave. Don't lose any ground to them. Bargain, bargain, bargain. If they can't get you 65k and move to 60, ensure that you get some other added benefit instead.

>> No.14486484

It seems self-explanatory but I could have used this advice about a week ago. Oh well. Not the anon you replied to btw.

>> No.14486513

Transfer applicant here. Is it alright if lie and say that I was in a bunch of clubs when I wasn’t?

>> No.14486568

>be me
>34, civil / project manager
>left huge firm during Covid to work for smaller firm specializing in design-build projects
>immediately get handed pursuit with heavy civil contractor with $200m revenue
>low bid highway job at $40m
>almost two years later, through mistakes in bid phase, design overruns, and client being a dick, estimate is $1.5m over what contractor anticipated
Bros I can't get over this, it's not all my fault but a lot of it is. The contractor is obviously concerned but not acting like it's that big of a deal, I have no idea how contractor finances work so I can't tell if this is accounted for as a contingency or what it does to a company this size. Price inflation has to be killing them too. My boss says I'm overreacting too, I honestly probably need to get fired.

>> No.14486651

Is electrical engineering fun

>> No.14486745

Is Computational Linguistics fun ? Or should I just go into Computer Science and pursue Comp. Ling. on my own ? What can one do besides working for Duolingo ?

>> No.14486753

Kek no, unless you think mental torture is fun. Maybe if you have severe high-functioning autism.
You should be a cunning linguist instead. In seriousness, do CS and specialize. It'll be a lot more useful for a career.

>> No.14486758

Why isn't EE fun? What would you think is more fun?

>> No.14486760

Depends of what you want to do. But usually applies what >>14486753 said.
>t. Power Electrical Engineer

>> No.14486788
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I'm a bachelor's student in industrial engineering, almost ready to graduate. I consider myself to be pretty smart, and this is validated by my above-average gpa in my major and fairly high (~125-130) IQ. My thesis project advisor was a major in EE/CS, and is probably one of the most intelligent people I've met. He put unbelievable hours into his master's thesis (that I'm working on now) and had to understand so much esoteric shit to get things to work the way he intended them to. It's a lot of stress, study, and takes a certain type of understanding to do well. Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but I genuinely feel bad for people who subject themselves to that.

Here's something he worked on, a converter that translates commands via ethernet to motor actions. To me, this looks like gibberish, but if you feel like this is doable, go right ahead.

>> No.14486890

Just got rejected by my top choice program. Feel like absolute shit

>> No.14486892

electrical engineer with CS double major. I would personally focus on this area as a professional EE now a days. I focused more on firmware development FPGA and embedded stuff. If you want job security, this is a lucrative field to pursue. Going into embedded stuff is very well compensated and it pays pretty close to big tech jobs. FPGA development is hard to get in to both career and in school. It has a higher learning curve, but please believe me when I say once you get understand how to put sequential and combinatorial logic together you will be a very sought after candidate. fpga developers are less than SE so you have OPTIONS and job security.

>> No.14486912

go look in the mirror and say wagmi and then take a warm shower

>> No.14486918

Looks pretty simple to me. Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are, and your GPA is inflated.

>> No.14486944

Your frame of reference is fucked. What an electrical engineer finds simple can be completely unknowable to others, and just how many people do you expect to be capable of understanding anything about how that setup works? No shit you find it simple, probably because you work in the field and have the capacity to understand what everything on that diagram does. Then again, what was I expecting by posting this on a board where everyone is a genius autist?

>> No.14486945

Yes WAGMI. I feel worse however because I had tried getting into that uni even during my undergrad, didn't get in so now I tried to get in for postgrad and didn't get in either :(

>> No.14486951

I am a geology major and have to teach myself algebra 1 - calculus 1 to prepare for when I transfer, as I have to take at least calc 1 at community college. I didn’t pay attention whatsoever in high school and skipped class the majority of the time. Learning algebra has been easy so far but I am scared I will hit a wall when I get to precalc.

>> No.14486955

Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them. Practice, and practice some more.

>> No.14487202
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soul crushingly boring and girl repellent. The niche sub-fields like controls, ML/AI, biomedical, or optics are a lot more fun.

>> No.14487223

STEM careerists how do you feel about learning niche subjects that is of literally no use to anyone in their everyday life? Do you learn other things to relate to other people?

>> No.14487238

Fucked up my first time in school, nearly 10 years later and I'm ready to make some changes. Already started self studying programming and have created some "nice" projects. I'm officially taking courses starting summer and onwards. The biggest scare for me right now is math and I don't know how to overcome my anxiety

>> No.14487309

But electrical engineering drives our world. Shouldn't it be more attractive?

>> No.14487326
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>Shouldn't it be more attractive?
Look at the freaks who work in it. Especially software. They're nowhere near as charismatic and useful medical doctors or tradesmen.

>> No.14487344

Well that's not a good thing at all. Electrical engineering shouldn't be ostracised.

>> No.14487358

Maybe it wouldn't be if it didn't require an extreme level of autism and dedication to learn.

>> No.14487390

That's true. And not as many job opportunities as software engineering

>> No.14487400

IDK what role you applied to, but the company I work for is absolutely struggling to hire rn. They probably are too. Ask for 65.

>> No.14487403

Job? It's embarrassing to go into debt to be making 60k. Just open a car repair shop and rake in 100k+ without touching a wrench

>> No.14487597
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Am I tripping or is helpdesk a terribly uninteresting job?

>> No.14487630

whats a good stem field for mitwids?
I got an IQ of 128 with an Spatial IQ of 150

>> No.14487639
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industrial engineering

>> No.14487644

Computer Engineering grad pursuing mechatronics is a bad idea? I don't have any networks in the same field other than my colleagues with Mechanical/Electronixs and electrical field.

>> No.14487647

At first ethics is a nuisance subject to me but seeing people going NPC even in industry. I may say it's worth it.

>> No.14487672

>Here's something he worked on, a converter that translates commands via ethernet to motor actions. To me, this looks like gibberish, but if you feel like this is doable, go right ahead.
Are you really an EE student? Because that's babby shit.

>> No.14487680

Why would you want to?
t. Mechatronics grad doing CS/CE

>> No.14487708

Read the post.

>> No.14487712

I really want to pursue any hardware related field with computers. If it's not worth it I should pursue with embedded systems instead.

>> No.14487862
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Are there any CS jobs or courses with soul left in them? The university to industry pipeline is so forceful even what supposedly theoretical CS courses there are seem to focus on algorithms and frameworks oriented toward service maintenance and delivery. So far I've had a single course on data structures and algorithms, and that was half way interesting, but still it was nothing like I expected. I'm considering switching to pure maths because it really doesn't seem like I'll get my fill in the regular CS course. I'm not really that interested in CS as work nor the money. I wanna learn about lambda calculus and tensors, what have you.

>> No.14487872

What separates ee from other engineering majors? No one ever talks about the autism required to do mech e or the like.

>> No.14487954

Because it is quite simply the toughest and most demanding engineering discipline. EE students are basically no-lifers in uni from what I have seen.

>> No.14487971

I haven't gone through algorithms and data strucutres... but I felt the same way halfway through a course I dropped (data analysis spec intro). Couldn't you just finish CS and implement the pure math with your own insights?

>> No.14487985

It is understandable. What it is simple to one field is like Lovecraftian gibberish to other. Don't feel bad, lad. I graduated from a university where the Industrial Engineers were mocked because: "They have an ocean of knowledge with 1~2 cm depth".

>> No.14487990

So then how do plenty of annoying diy utubers have degrees in ee?

>> No.14487997

Once you get out of a soul crushing job you want to use your skills for fun. That or they are bored. Trust me, I'm trying to study for the FE and PE (new guy trying to start over his life) and while I get some PTSD from my days at university, I simply power through it.

>> No.14488024

If it's the case that the majority of CS that I can't be bothered studying it. I'll have to wait til my transfer application goes through to see how it's like at my new uni but it'd be nice to know beforehand if it's a general thing and if I've anything to look forward to. I'm tired I'll be real

>> No.14488028

>If it's the case that the majority of CS is like* that I can't be bothered studying it.

>> No.14488033

LinkedIn says 12 applicants so idk. They’re going to make me an offer is what they said. Let’s just hope it’s near my desired which they already know. I’ll report back later.

>> No.14488703

I'm dropping out of my PhD program after only 6 some months, should I include my research in my resume? No publications..

>> No.14488793

Thanks anon

>> No.14488813
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>apply to position where I meet or exceed all the stated requirements
>would be able to do the work and do it well from day 1
>"thank you for contacting us but we've decided not to move forward with your application"
>not even given a fucking phone screen

if you're underageb& in some irrelevant country and reading this, know that you need to go to a top western university or you're doomed to a life of failure. international companies won't even let you have an interview, let alone hire you, because their automated shitlist will tell you to fuck off every single time.

>> No.14488823

yeah, you're not cut out for anything other than being a codemonkey, sorry. nobody with enough interest in mechanical or electrical devices to take the pay cut would refer to a million different fields with one catch all term like that.

>> No.14489067

We get it, you got filtered by EE stop coping by assuming everyone else is equally dumb.

>> No.14489070
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>Do a shit load of interviews in a period of 2wks
>Find out that a lot of employers and labs look like meth labs and are ran by uninterested boomers, straight off the boat Asians, literal drill instructors
>Pay is mostly shit and for long hours
>Surprisingly I get a phone interview with Northrop Grumman
>Finally, a lab company tells me I have a job but I won't be working until June
>Waiting on background checks
>Have to wait by my phone and computer all day for a response
If there was ever an unending torture. It's waiting for replies back from an employer.

>> No.14489087
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>> No.14489151

what? I'm not that retard. my point is the kind of codemonkey faggot who refers to all technology that isn't software as "hardware" is too much of a brainlet to succeed with "hardware".

>> No.14489308
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Try Embedded Software development. Still C/C++ and 90% self-written code. Problem is they will expect you to do other shit as well, like helping some dummy making an SSH connection, remounting the filesystem read-writable, creating build pipelines. And you can bet they won't learn it but expect you to do it for them every fucking time.

>> No.14489438

Is medical science cool?

>> No.14489453

>Try Embedded Software development
How does one try embedded? Every single job requires 5+ years in C/C++ and EXCELLENT TRACK RECORD WITH <20 libraries and arcane build system we use>

>> No.14489505
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How does an EE segue into biomedical and make stuff that makes you feel like a medical doctor?

>> No.14489508
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By God yes. Biology in general when viewed through the lenses of chemistry and physics are amazing.

>> No.14489512

Show them that you can install Linux on your electric toothbrush.

>> No.14489514

i've never gotten a single interview.

>> No.14489522

Really? Where can I learn more?

>> No.14489552

>BS in applied physics
>no internships,
>shit gpa (2.4)
>no connections to anyone
how do i turn my life around. where do i start?

>> No.14489583

Start networking and talking to people. Work on some open source physics software projects. That can help make you friends while also acquiring some type of experience in physics / math.

Apply like mad as well and see what sticks. List "3.0 GPA" anyways because they'll never check nor care too much in reality.

>> No.14489626

thats their ideal candidate, just apply anyway, most of these jobs they have like 8 shitty applicants

>> No.14489690

nobody wants to give me a job bros ive had 7 interviews i dont know how much longer i can do this

>> No.14489700

Don't take it personally, don't spend too much time wondering why they didn't hire you and brace yourself for the fact that young people entering the workforce have to do tens or hundreds of applications.

>> No.14489925

Why are you dropping out?

>> No.14489955

You have a point there anon (I am the Original poster you've been talking to). I just really want to be part in the hardware industry that is all, I decided to go software field for a while before pursuing this profession. I'm not confident to my decision though because I don't have any Computer Engineering colleagues to ask with. (Most of the grads I knew pursued in the easiest career path so far)

>> No.14490237

What kind of internships can an engineering student get interested in audio tech?

>> No.14490394
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how am i going to make it if nobody wants to hire me? what does "make it" look like? can somebody please show me how to "make it"? i just want to make it

>> No.14490420

relax man. my friend was throwing shit around his house because he couldnt find a job after graduation. found one like 7 months later.

>> No.14490473
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its already been 7 months later buddy

>> No.14490489

What are your stats?

>> No.14490507

1 hp left

>> No.14490513

I went back to school for an MSc. Remains to be seen if getting hired is any easier now that I'm about to graduate.

>> No.14490518

Find a campfire

>> No.14490558

How to get into a career in mushrooms research

>> No.14490626

buy some spores online, grow them in your closet and sell them on the dark web

>> No.14490690

none of us are going to make it

>> No.14490753
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>thesis supervisor changes the subject when he can't explain something i.e starts talking about something related but different
is this normal? it has happened 2-3 times already.

>> No.14490773

I was expecting my job offer on Monday. It’s Tuesday and I haven’t heard back. Feels bad man.

>> No.14490780

OK if you're a politician or in a job interview but very counterproductive if the point is to actually teach someone. If you want to assume the worst he's embarrassed about not knowing stuff and tries to hide it. If you want to assume the best he's thinking that giving you something to work with is better than just saying "lol idk" even if it isn't exactly what was needed.

When I did small group teaching for undergrads I made it clear at the start that it's perfectly possible that I won't be able to answer everything on the spot and that if this were the case I'd either talk about it next time or email them depending on how relevant it was. Rather than trying to bullshit my way out which they'll sniff immediately or wasting time deriving shit that isn't the intended topic. They seemed to respect it.

>> No.14490905

Should I stay a semester at community to take a few extra course or just go straight to university? I feel like I'm wasting my time here, but I'm also also saving money.

>> No.14491287

How long should I wait to follow up?

>> No.14491340

How long has it been since in total? I always followup after 2 weeks

>> No.14491353

I got a call on Friday telling me to expect an offer on Monday. Now it’s Tuesday morning and I haven’t heard back. It’s

>> No.14491486

Where should I do a mathematics PhD and how do I get in with not top-tier grades? Northern Europe

>> No.14491487

No completed degree BTW, I used to be a CS undergrad but am reconsidering my career choice

>> No.14491736

I followed up bro. I got the job. They must’ve had something up but they said I should be expecting a call today.

>> No.14491760

Coat-tailing on this anon's question:
Where should I do a CS/ECE PhD if I have top grades but come from a university in an irrelevant eastern euro cunt? I'm currently doing reinforcement learning and robotics research as part of my master's but I also have FPGA experience and an interest in space tech. Anyone know some universities where you could get to work on a space probe or some shit? I keep hearing about students doing it but can't seem to find any lab at any uni currently engaged in anything of the sort.

>> No.14491840
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mornin guys... another day unemployed... night guys...

>> No.14491991

Good job, mate.

>> No.14491998

Been informed that I've been rejected after an interview

just fuck up my shit

>> No.14492033


Hang on in there, anontachi, WAGMI.

>> No.14492353

At leas you got an interview. 20 more and you might just get hired. Certainly a better sign than simply getting auto shitcanned by the botfilter.

>> No.14492485

Physics undergrad here. I was planning on going to grad school. Circumstances have changed. I now only care about making as much money as possible and fucking whores. What are my options

>> No.14492494
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I just wanted to be a nuclear engineer with experience designing and playing around with live nuclear reactors, yet here I am studying chemical engineering still years away from my dream :(
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I fucking hate all these years doing shit I don't care about why does it take so long aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.14492506

Literally me except I did so bad I basically got rejected during the interview

>> No.14492510

Happened to me once, but they also might have thought I was overqualified, since I did the best on their FizzBuzz++ assessment

>> No.14492536

I am this anon^

Got the job. Offered 60k. Didn’t negotiate because it’s a 10% raise and I really itching to relocate. I can negotiate in the future.

>> No.14492591

How prestigious are places like Harvard and MIT for postdoc? I get mixed messages. On one hand people say it's the name of the lab/PI that matters and the university is irrelevant. On the other hand certainly outside academia nobody will ever have heard of even the most famous labs, and I'm told the top places get a gorillion applications for every position.

I don't know if it's midwits in these positions coping with having to piggyback off the institution's name or the midwits who couldn't get in coping with their lesser name recognition.

>> No.14492594

u r a parasite

>> No.14492751
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This is plagiarism right? Is there any point in reporting this? Literally the 2nd sentence is taken almost 1:1 from the cited source.

>> No.14492761

I don't know what job I should do
I want something easy to pick up
or that I'm expected to pick up on
ideally not too technical, something more management like...

>> No.14492776

where do you think you are

>> No.14492798

It should have been quoted, but at least it's cited. Depends how much you care.

>> No.14492808

Probably there's some official policy somewhere, but in experimental sciences where the meat of the paper is not the originality of written thought process I don't think copying a cited background sentence will cause much reaction. It's fairly obviously a copied sentence which is improper but I don't know what the publisher would practically do about it.

>> No.14492977

I graduated in EE a few weeks ago and haven't applied for a single job. I just lay in my bed all day. On one hand I can't believe it's finally over, I've been so stressed for so long that I think I'm in a state of disbelief. On the other hand I feel paralyzed by indecision and don't know what direction to go in. I don't even know how to look for jobs, if I should try to stay near my mom or if I should try to move away. And people keep asking me what "specialization" I want to go into and I honestly don't even know what the fuck they mean. I've been working in fucking fast food restaurants my entire life, I would take anything. There's no situation where I get offered a job in EE and my reply is "oh sorry but I'll have to decline, I want to go into a different specialization."

>> No.14492980

Also I feel like I basically cheated and scraped my way through school and if by some miracle I manage to get through an interview and get hired everyone will know I'm retarded and understand absolutely nothing on my first day and just instantly get fired.

>> No.14492984

I think part of the issue is I come from a working class background. My dad was a maintenance man (glorified janitor) and my mom was a hairdresser. I managed to go university and I scraped by but I don't belong in this class of people and it shows. I stuck out like a sore thumb the entire time and I have no idea how to navigate their world.

>> No.14493007

Rather than an imposter I like to think of it as if I’m a charming conman in interviews. Of course it never works, I’m irreparably retarded and far from charming but read Dead Souls or Melville’s Confidence Man. It sorta helps

>> No.14493014

I read Dead Souls 10 years ago and don't remember a single word of it. That's the kind of guy I am.

>> No.14493035

I read it a month ago and don’t remember a word but I remember the character he would drive into town and win over everyone with his mysterious worldliness and then buy up all their dead souls and then leave and presumably would take out a loan and scam the government to say fuck you to the world because he had tried and failed a hundred times and couldn’t get anywhere

>> No.14493144
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>submit paper to big C.S. systems conference
>fast forward 6 months
>it gets accepted
>babby's first publication
>In the time since I submitted it I moved on to exclusively doing theory work unrelated to the paper
>get accepted into grad school to do said theory work
>conference for systems paper is coming up this summer

Is there any point in attending? Generally speaking, what is the purpose of attending a conference that your paper got into? I imagine it's primarily networking and keeping up to date on the latest developments in the field. Is it still worth it even though the sub-area of theory I want to specialize in doesn't seem even remotely related to systems?

>> No.14493339
File: 11 KB, 219x230, 7030AF5F-20A4-4B67-B7DD-BB2BF1A1C040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a program for an IT AS
This won't get me a job will it
I'm wasting even more time arent I

>> No.14493428
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I already asked in the /sqt/ and don't feel this deserves it's own thread so sorry if it doesn't belong here.

Can I get some in depth resources to learn more about fungi, particularly mushrooms, on both the cellular and macro level? I want to expand my hobby from just growing mushrooms to actually researching them somewhat.

>> No.14493454

look for fungi course syllabi from good schools and see what textbooks they use

>> No.14493491

YOOOO SAME. Third year cheme taking my kinetics final tomorrow

>> No.14493616

When you read up on this, please contribute to the /myco/ on Installgentoo wiki.

>> No.14493619

Networking is usually worth it, and you have no guarantee you will stay in the same field forever. You might pivot back some day.

>> No.14493621

In hard sciences, people care little about your perceived or former social status.
Admittedly it is the opposite in social sciences, business, arts etc.

>> No.14493626

>be graduate.
>some how manage to hit get job.
>laid off.
>back to job grind.
>no hits.
>get depressed.
>last year and a half.
>try to get back into job hunting,
>gigantic gap.
>realize I'm a failure.
>thinking about going back to school.

>> No.14493628

don't let this mindset stay. speaking from experience its hard to get out off once its set in place.

>> No.14493642

I come from a well connected middle class family of doctors, lawyers and engineers where everyone has either had a university education or aristocratic title as far back as known family histories go. I'm also completely out of place in the company of status signalling snob twats because I am autistic and only care about pursuing my interests.

Don't let your background dissuade you.

>> No.14493671

STEM career general?
I guess I should have mentioned it was within the context of a job in mechanical engineering

>> No.14493826
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Hi. I'm starting university in the under electrical engineering. I'm interested in the topic, but I'm having trouble concretely defining what I want to get out of it. I've been reading a bit about some the sub-topics, and so far, I think I'd like do something related to signal processing or photonics, but I have no clue how the job market is for people in those respective fields. Are there any resources out there that can better explain the job prospects and aspects of each sub-field beyond the fluffy descriptions? Also, what can I do now to get ahead aside from getting good grades? I'd like to have a hobby on the side, but I'm not sure where to start.

>> No.14493829

>but I have no clue how the job market is for people in those respective fields
Check the FAQ; DSP is mentioned there.

>> No.14493899


>> No.14493936


>> No.14494069

People keep treating IE like its nothing when in reality you can't be a moron if you want to master complex topics like operations research

>> No.14494072
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>The asian chick between all the white guys

You just know

>> No.14494262

How hard is it to do an EE master with CS bachelor, given that I've done mechanics/thermodynamics/dynamics/electrodynamics/optics/nuclear with the phycics students?

>> No.14494528

How did you do all those things?

>> No.14494548

Does this apply to CS as well? Will my advanced CS knowledge impress her?

>> No.14494588

Currently finishing up my MSc dissertation and I have a question:

Why the fuck is scientific literature just a sea of Changs? Is there a database that excludes them? I am willing to pay.

>> No.14494601

>Start networking and talking to people.
How, who, and about what?
>Work on some open source physics software projects.
How does one find such things?

>> No.14494826

US recent STEM graduate from a MS program. Should I include my gpa on my resume if it is dogshit? My BS gpa is pretty good at 3.7/4 but i fucked up early on in my MS due to covid online learning bullshit and have a 3.1 in that

>> No.14494838 [DELETED] 

>i blame my failures on others, but when i have success its all me
enjoying your grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority? flattering yourself sure does feel good

>> No.14494846

>Software development isn't really programming anymore, it's stringing together endless series of frameworks and libraries that are all full of defects.
Still better than working with Vanilla.

>> No.14494869

never did that schizo freak

>> No.14494896

>due to covid online learning bullshit and have a 3.1 in that
you have a gpa of 3.1 because you are lazy and stupid, not because of "covid online learning bullshit"

>> No.14494915

You can, but no one really cares at the end of the day. I have mine too and my GPA was terrible too on my BS (3.2).

>> No.14494943

yes being lazy is why covid online learning bullshit was harder for me retard. log on zoom, sleep in bed, learn nothing vs having to go to classes in person

>> No.14495210

>grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority
Holy projection

>> No.14495233

How do I stop goofing off and actually manage my time better? I got my first C this semester so far because I got too comfortable, and I'm fucking pissed at myself.

>> No.14495323

I'm sick of being told by boomers that I can make good money in IT

>> No.14495362

A bloo bloo bloo you got a C. Study harder and make sure you create concrete study periods for yourself. What class was it in? Also, try taking time to go to office hours for your prof WITH prepared questions.

>> No.14495373

>What class was it in?
Fields and Waves 1. 300 level class. I want to go to grad school, so I might have to re-take it.

>> No.14495482

Because I didn't really feel my ass getting totally whooped at any particular point outside of that, at least for major-specific classes.

>An ANOVA class that sucked because the prof's teaching style is relatively ineffective
>Intro to Databases that took way too much time because the prof had a stick up his ass
>Some difficult sections/chapters in other statistics and mechanical engineering-type courses

As for OR, Deterministic models (linear programming) was tricky but fun due to the problem contexts and use of linear algebra/software, while Stochastic Models was the biggest asskicking of all. I don't know how the hell I got an A in that class, that one turned my colon inside-out. Still, other engineering flavors are generally more difficult. Not saying IE is easy, but there are harder things to learn (heat transfer, fluids, higher-level circuits courses, some types of chemistry, etc). Any engineering major can fuck you up unless you're a genius or dedicated to your study. The difficulty for IE comes mostly from the variety of things you have to study throughout the degree path. I don't think it deserves as much shit as it gets for that reason.

>> No.14496012

My uni offers us to do a little less than half a year worth of classes in a side subject of your choice. I picked phyiscs. You take classes with the physics studentd then. Maths => math classes, etc.

>> No.14496026

How do I prepare for technical interviews for software dev and data science jobs?

I've heard leetcode is good for the former, but what about data science?

>> No.14496177
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How’s computer engineering (software stream) at Queen’s University (at Kingston)? I also got accepted into engineering at McMaster University, the University of Alberta, and the University of Western Ontario.

>> No.14496410

>Be EE with minor in math
>Apply to computational mathematics masters program at top german uni in a big city
>Also apply to signal processing masters program at mid tier tu in a small town
>get admitted to both
>Decide to go to computational math program in big city
Even after successfully completing the first semester everyday I feel like I fucked up and should've gone to the signal processing one, but did I really?
My dream job after the masters would be a phd position on something signals and systems related. Most of my current classes im taking on control theory and pde theory.

>> No.14496498

if you're in burgerland nuclear sites have lots of red tape to prevent "playing around"

and unions, unions would probably stop you from messing with a nuclear reactor before the military present at it

>> No.14496502

unless it's graduate school (MS/PhD in/related to your field or an MBA) don't do it

>> No.14496508

academia is a circlejerk of midwits larping as high-IQ individuals, you have to be either narcissistic, autistic, or retarded to actually want to do a post-doc

>> No.14496509

I forgot to mention that I have a master's in chemical engineering and am not a turbo autist

>> No.14496517

If in america, apply to chevron. They pay EE's a shit ton (like 6 figs for a b.s.) and hire literal braindead retards because no EE's every think of an oil and gas company when applying for jobs

>> No.14496519

you'll definitely fit in with EE's and operators at chevron like I said here >>14496517

>> No.14496523

You'll need like 7+ years experience, but becoming a supervisor/superintendent/manager at some sort of industrial facility or process that has mechanical engineers is possible.

You'd have to be a people person that likes working weird hours with industrial operators though, so if you're autistic it's probably a no go.

>> No.14496529

internships in the summers or a co-op program if possible

If you are willing to dedicate free time to padding your resume, join a technical club and hold a leadership position/something that has responsibility

>> No.14496539

The shit I give them is because they are typically too broad in their knowledge set and don't have specialist knowledge in any topic. A b.s. in IE is like getting a STEM management degree where you're exposed to a lot of STEM topics, but not in the depth of the fields they're from.

I have more respect for IEs that are at or above the graduate level because at least they are an expert at something / specialized.

All of the industrial engineers I have worked with in industry have been buzzword con artists or managers of some sort.

>> No.14496546

>PhD position
In cuckademia or in industry?

Unless you are truly passionate about signal processing and want to cram your signal processing research in-between grading exams and office hours while getting underpaid, I don't recommend going into academia.

I personally find making an impact (and money) in industry much more fulfilling, but that's up to you.

>> No.14496548

Signals is tied to computation math. See if you can focus your masters into it and you should be fine career-wise as it's the same subjects and experience.

>> No.14496551

Handing myself (You)'s before I check out of the thread

>> No.14496802

If she finds you attractive nothing else really matters

>> No.14496890

>In cuckademia or in industry?
Either really, but would prefer in a uni

>I personally find making an impact (and money) in industry much more fulfilling, but that's up to you
Which types of jobs should I aim for then?

It is vaguely related but not really the same

>> No.14497211
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Just going to seethe for a quick minute

I fucking hate Engineering and I fucking hate my degree. I hate doing maths, I hate doing any physics shit. It is only a tolerable misery because in the end I know it makes money and for some reason thirdies will bow down and try to suck you off for it. But only one of those matters. Basically failed my Statics course and I have to do it over the summer now (unless I got an 80% on my exam lol). It feels really fucking humiliating that I will have to redo this shit again and I put so much time and effort into it. I hate it as is and knowing that just makes it worse. I still got 4 years left of this.

Wish I could do something I enjoyed, double degree with arts for that, but I still have to finish my first year for it. Don't get to do overseas study either since I fucked my Statics course. Can't do shit I enjoy since I spend morning until 8pm doing study and it's either too late or I'm way too tired to do it. In the end all I will get out of this shitty degree is a well paying job, and that's the only reason to do it.

>> No.14497246

Any advice on going from Software Development into Robotics? I did a MechE as a bachelor and a masters in mathematics, and then kinda ended up in IT for visa reasons. Now that I’m more legitimate, I want to get back to doing what I like.
So in summary, I got 5 years of job experience, know C++, Python and JavaScript, and live in EU. Is there a Robotics company I could get into?

>> No.14497330

There are a ton of companies that do robotics.
How much experience do you have with ROS2?
Get some simulated robot arms, or whatever you find interesting, working and go on from there.

>> No.14497555
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>graduate in 2020
>covid nukes the job market
>look for a job for months, finally decide to go back for an MSc to ride it out
>recession averted by proonting on crack
>fast forward, about to graduate again in 2022
>economists saying we're actually gonna have that recession now
Graduatebros... Are we gonna get fucked by a recession again? Why is it impossible to succeed at anything in life just for once without something coming out of left field to sucker-punch you?

>> No.14497727

How are you managing your time? If you are studying every day from morning to 8 pm that's as bad as studying too little. Step back a bit and take a breather, man. Seethe and vent out, people on the thread might give you some advice here and there.

>> No.14498204

If you're putting in several hours a day and still struggling with Statics, then there's something wrong with the way you're studying. Try to analyze why you fucked up.

>> No.14498314

just quit and major in something you enjoy

it's not worth it otherwise even if you're naturally gifted, engineering effort to reward ratio is dogshit and most of the jobs are boring

>> No.14498326

but the money doe

>> No.14498334

no experience with ROS, but I had that in mind as the next to-do. There's some affordable courses out there. I was thinking of basically doing some hobby electronics with arduino, and presenting that. Seems to be a good idea from what you are saying. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.14498335

what money? traditional engineering disciplines don't pay that much anon, you'll cap out in the low to mid 100s which is something plenty of people do with much easier degrees and in lower stress fields

go into software

>> No.14498344

i graduated with my MS in 2020, it was a rough one, took me 8 months to find a job with a 3.93 GPA and internships

>> No.14498353

I'm in Europe, my guy, I wouldn't cap out at 100k unless I was literally the company owner. And as lucrative as software is, it is filled with the most milquetoast people imaginable. I'd rather to work with other autistic engineers than the bugpeople they hire to be managers and business analysts

>> No.14498592

I guess it’s a case of sunk cost and some other things. If I remember correctly in Australia the average Mech Eng grad gets about 65-70k USD a year. I also don’t want to spend more time in uni than I am already, it’s a 5 year degree for me and I’ll be pretty old by the time I get out of it all. I’m not sure what else I can do, because I do think I need a high paying job. If I just did stuff I enjoyed I wouldn’t be getting much of any job since I enjoy history and literature. I don’t see any other option open to me other than to continue. I also think that Mech Eng would lend to being able to be used independently more say if I wanted to run my own business.

That’s basically my thoughts on my degree

>> No.14499009

Bros what can i do with a biochemistry and physiology degree?

>> No.14499272

>tfw 3.92 gpa
How fucked am I

>> No.14499278

fuck you faggots

>> No.14499492

>Which types of jobs should I aim for then?
Signal Processing Engineer

Remember that jobs don't necessarily have to be your end goal.

If you establish connections while working, are smart/capable/passionate about signal processing, and do a great job with the people you work with, then you could start your own firm or do contract work if you're licensed and bill people by the hour to do something you like and hop off the wagie train after 5-10 years as long as you have clients.

>> No.14499920

Should I work as a lab tech after my BSc while doing an MSc part time?
I want to eventually work for a big company. How will lab/technical experience be viewed?

>> No.14499922

My dissertation supervisor has offered me a fulltime job in our lab.

>> No.14500128

I feel like working in academia should be good, but in my experience it's fucking horrible. Why is this.

>> No.14500281

>Be interviewed by middle aged cat lady who has never coded in her life
>Don't get the job

>> No.14500294
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>How, who, and about what?
Meetup.com, Career Fairs, Online Groups, Any groups within your university that discuss physics.

>How does one find such things?
Use your favorite search engine to look-up common open-source physics engines and the like. Blender, for example, uses a ton of mathematical physics in their code. (Lattice-Boltzmann is used a ton in fluid simulation) So you could start their doing bug fixes and then talk with the team to implement new, cutting edge graphics as well.

TF2 Source Engine can show a little bit of what to expect. (They don't use Blender of course but the techniques are similar).

Taking some research result and implementing them for people to use is highly sought after by academics and industries alike. Can help win over grad school too.

>> No.14500303

Aerospace Engineering.

>> No.14500752

I am having more difficulty finding an affordable apartment that will rent to me around my school than I ever have with the work

>> No.14501098

What's an easy remote job to get into with a BS in CS that didn't teach me anything practical about coding? I'm willing to learn a practical skill or two on my own time to be better prepared.

I have an MA philosophy too if that helps at all

>> No.14501139

based Rene poster, wagmi

>> No.14501143

the majority of my family has phds, my grandad recieved the humboldt stipendium, yet i have severe imposter syndrome when i talk to people in academia, you are not alone lel

>> No.14501358

Don't sweat it. STEM isn't too concerned about blue collar backgrounds as many, say, 2nd generation kids come from impoverished or low-skilled parents.

I think you'll just need to hide your power level when it comes to politics or having any level of normalcy (STEM kiddies kryptonite).

>> No.14502848

>everyone makes it seem like calc 2 and 3 are the first early filters
>95-100 in every calc course
>no one mentioned fucking physics
bros I barely broke into the A range at the very tail end of physics 1 (kinematics/forces/torques/waves etc) last semester and now I feel like I'm about to fail my first physics 2 (electricity/magnetism) exam.

I don't think I've ever felt like I have as little understanding over the material as I do right now. No one told me about this shit

>> No.14503051

Data entry

>> No.14503296

> decide to go to reddit cscareerquestions to see if they got some interesting insights

> half the posts are people getting mad about getting rejected at some shite company with tons of interview rounds
> other half are posters holding open their bumhole so their employer can fuck them harder

Why is CS such a cucked career? It is also the only STEM career where they find it acceptable to dump hours worth of technical assignments and testing before hiring you.

>> No.14503300

calc 2 is high school stuff in European countries, not really a great filter. Calc isn't that hard in general. Linear Algebra is a harder filter if your uni maintains standards around that course. In my degree logic & set theory was also a big filter since it was the first course which required writing proofs and such.

>> No.14503311

Rather just go hard and full time the master degree. Less time wasted. Lab tech pays poorly.

> how will lab experience be viewed
In a positive light. How positive depends on what you're applying for. If the lab work is unrelated to the job offer, then it is as any working experience you would put on your resume.

Not just fucked by recession, also hyper inflation on houses. As American I guess you're less fucked than if you were European right now.... but that's basically the difference between getting fucked by the large strapon or the horsecock strapon.

>> No.14503315

Linear algebra is a joke what are you on?

>> No.14503370

>It is also the only STEM career where they find it acceptable to dump hours worth of technical assignments and testing before hiring you.
Because every opening gets 500 applications

>> No.14503841

I'm a nuclear engineer working for a national lab and fucking hate it. Work is slow as shit and so much red tape. I'm tempted to go into industry but don't want to work 60 hours a week. Anyone have any experience working in industry?

>> No.14503885

>It is vaguely related but not the same
Bullshit. It's all math. In fact the computational math degree is going to suit you better. Pretty much every STEM field should have applied and computational math as prerequisites before actually digging into a subject. It literally flows into everything and you will encounter similar if not the same problems all over the place. I'm astounded that there aren't more requirements placed on these positions.

>> No.14503896

You did a computer science course without the science part? I used to do computer science but due to unfortunate circumstances I had to change university's and ended up doing software development. You should be learning hard science and the theoretical aspect of computing if you are doing a CS course, otherwise it's just a software engineering course dressed up as computer science. What you did sounds like a software engineering or even lower, probably just open-university tier where you learn coding as a trade. I went to Nottingham University for my computer science and that was pretty complicated from the start. Maybe you went to a shit uni?

>> No.14503905

OR is not engineering. Fundamentally it exists within the applied math world.

Anyhow. I can't imagine industrial engineering or OR being complex at the undergrad level. There's a lot of bullshit they can throw at you in undergrad because most undergrads are not focused into programming and computations enough. So like, you can spend a lot of time flicking your dick to complex problems that don't require the computer and gloss over complex problems that do require computers.

It's huge problem in STEM outside CS. You should be mastering at least one language throughout your undergrad career and almost all of your courses should be teaching field related computational techniques and algorithms.

>> No.14504053

Is the CCNA enough to get me a job?

>> No.14504143

Why are CS wages so high if that's the case? Supply and demand.

>> No.14504222

The CS job market is a bit perverse. The big companies like Google pay a premium to hoover up all good CS people, not just to use them but more importantly in order to starve upstarts from getting their hands on talent.

>> No.14504228


>> No.14504241

I had an embedded interview the other day. Interviewers seemed nice and I remembered more C than I thought I could.

>> No.14504255

Ad profits are so high that the FAANGs can collectively monopolize the job market. For some reason buying all of an industrial resource so nobody can have any is illegal but hiring all of the workers so nobody can hire them isn't.

>> No.14504490

They're not getting 500 applicants it is just because they can and it became the norm. Kind of like how some open source cucks somehow normalized a culture where you should sacrifice your free time doing some shitty projects. I would never do that I rather move to management than become a senior developer, if I'm still programming in my 40s I know I have done something wrong with my life.

Startups will always run into problems of needing to pay employers and not having a lot of contracts going. Google Amazon Microsoft thrive on stable government contracts which a start up or medium sized business would struggle to acquire. Their regular recruitment processes make them miss a lot of talent, but what Google really thrives in is having tight connections to the academic world. They have taken on many occasions excellent academic researchers and offered them a way higher salary to continue research within Google.

But when it comes to filling regular software development, devops, data science, software engineering jobs etc, I wouldn't say that the big companies have a huge advantage over mid sized companies other than that they maybe pay 10% more.

>> No.14504508
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>industrial engineering major
>half of my classes were business management bullshit, no science whatsoever
>starting engineering job which i am extremely underqualified for
im scared bros

>> No.14504513

It gets worse when you go into devops and need to learn the 20+ different kinds of frameworks how a company stitched things together to improve things. Then they also get slightly upset every time you say you're unfamiliar with a framework, environment or w/e super specific stuff.

>> No.14504517

bro this is all engineering ever. you got the job that's all that matters. even if you get fired after 3 months you can spin and stretch the experience as if it's worth a whole year

>> No.14504519

I did a bsc + msc degree that had very little math in it, a lot of programming and like 1/3th easy business courses. I am 100% sure that I'm not very qualified for a lot of jobs that I'm applying for other than that my degrees look impressive and are from a big name university. I am probably qualified for jobs at shitty places nobody wants to work at (e.g. software engineering at a government institution), but all of those shitty places offer bad career perspectives and poor pay.

Guess I need to network myself into a position that I'm underqualified for.

>> No.14504525

I saw some woman spin a job she never worked a day in for over a year of experience. She basically got the job, went on maternity leave, and by the time it was time to return shit was kind of fucked so rather than deal with it she just never showed up. Looked her up later and she had it on her LinkedIn as about a year and a half of full-time work.

>> No.14504537

based that's how you do it

>> No.14505342

Hi anons I am in my undergrad writing a thesis. The issue is that it is just uses existing methods to solve a problem. I fear it is too short at the moment (in length). How do I increase its length?

>> No.14505486

just completed cs degree and working as a software engineer. Thinking of going back to uni to do EE to work towards embedded. Thoughts?

>> No.14505504

I am relocating for work and have accepted an offer with a start date of 3 weeks from tomorrow. Right now the only remaining step in the hiring process is the background check and drug screen. I’ve never committed a crime and I will pass the drug test, but should I wait to sign my lease until everything is finalized?

>> No.14505540

couldn't you just learn a bunch of shit on your own, make a project and get an embedded job that way? I think you could figure out some more time and money efficient way than doing another whole degree in this time and age

>> No.14505626

>couldn't you just learn a bunch of shit on your own
not him, but i work better in a structured environment where I'm given tasks and feedback.

>> No.14505635

>but should I wait to sign my lease until everything is finalized?
the way i do is I just stay at an extended stay hotel while im working and looking for apartments in the area, granted I keep very little possessions so its not like i have to rent storage to do this.

>> No.14505710

I’ve got a great place lined up and like my roommates. Not worried about the background screen bc I worked in state gov just a little paranoid.

>> No.14505760

>Rather just go hard and full time the master degree. Less time wasted. Lab tech pays poorly.
Thanks for the input anon. Some more information that I should have added.
- Lab job will pay decently. I will be able to afford a car and my own place + save some money
- job will be in a brand new building with new research grants
- my school isn't high ranked and I'd have to do an MSc there instead of a better/more funded/regarded school
- If I do the MSc full time, I can go to a better school, but I miss out on money, work experience and forming more connections at my current place
The choice is either go to a better school, while living at home with my parents and eating tinned spaghetti everyday with no job guaranteed at the end or taking the job and doing a part time MSc at a lower rank school while living independently

>> No.14505811

most people do, but when it comes to working in an industry I think minimizing the time you take to actually start working can be beneficial. especially when someone has a bunch of overlapping knowledge already.

let's say you're looking for a job three years from now:
you go do EE, learn a bunch of math and physics and a bit of the embedded stuff you went there for. that takes around 3 years, maybe 2 if you can skip the overlap with the CS degree. so you have 1 yoe (that is relevant) max in 3 years

if you commit yourself, you could make something so awesome it would make employees go "wow I wanna hire this dude" in about 6 months. if you've got what it takes to skip to this step you can get a relevant job much faster, and then while you're working that job you'll learn everything you didn't already learn during the process of making a project

>> No.14505831

Not strictly related to career, but I'm about to submit my master's thesis on tuesday and the results seem pretty bad. I'm doing some detection and built my own dataset and while I expected that it won't work, it's even worse than I thought. From what I know it doesn't matter what the results are as long as I have done a good job, but I just keep circling around, whether it's not due to a mistake that I have made. How do professors approach these kind of situations? I don't want to look like a complete moron.

>> No.14505857

Is it worth leaving electrical engineering for physics? I don't want to some menial job for the rest of the my life, and I feel that getting a degree in physics and perhaps a graduate degree will let me do the real cool shit I want to do (lasers and solid state stuff) .

>> No.14505973

was in the same place as you. unironically just write more details. explain the theory further, every minor detail in your methodolohy, reference similar works results, etc

>> No.14505998

>get bs in chemistry last december
>work for first job that'll hire me since I never did internship stuff
>rudimentary ochem preparing samples for environmental tests on gc
>summer bombards our department with more work than we can reasonably handle
>have averaged 9 hour shifts for the last two weeks
>pay sucks but coworkers are cool
>get offers from talent agency I signed up for during a career fair, but haven't taken anything they've offered seriously because I don't want to fuck over my coworkers

I'm just happy this worked out despite how little work I've put in outside of school. Nowhere near a forever job, but ive found a bit of happiness in the daily grind despite how fucked everyone in this lab is. If I get cancer from all the methylene chloride I'm exposed to that'll suck but it's par for the course as a lab monkey.

>> No.14506022

>fuck over my coworkers

its your career anon and theyre not your responsibility. if you can get a better job then do it, they'd do the same if they could.

>> No.14506061

I'll get to that before the year is over, but I know how things will be if I leave, and I know they'd probably have the same considerations. It's a ballance to operate like this and not get exploited, but I find being strictly career minded to make the daily grind cynical.

>> No.14506561

Do I have any reason to fear a background check? I’ve passed them in the past, have never committed a crime, and haven’t lied about anything.

>> No.14506631

Well sure, OR isn't "engineering" in that sense. But the application is still relevant to the field of IE as a whole. There are separate masters-level degrees in OR that I've considered myself, and I see it as applied math with functions in my undergraduate field of study. It wasn't insane at my level, but learning it for the first time especially as a non-autist can be pretty daunting. The worst part is that we needed to learn probability theory for the first third of the stochastic modeling class I took because they literally didn't teach it at any other point in time, so that was a major annoyance. Reliability modeling, discrete/continuous markov chains, and queueing theory just took a lot of time to grind through in Excel (linear algebra methods are tedious by hand).

And I totally agree about the programming language thing, I know the basics of coding but outside of some exposure to VBA, Matlab, and Java, I didn't really get much of that down. I would have traded statistics courses for more of that shit and Python for sure.

Join the club, anon. There's solace in knowing that you completely mogg any business major, but it sucks to get mogged by other engineers. At least you and I have more understanding of stats and systems than others, but that's basically how it goes in this field. You're not the most capable mechanical engineer, statistician, or businessman/manager, yet you can do all three to an extent. Knowing everyone's jargon and being a liaison between teams is actually a highly underrated skill. Just sharpen one of the tools on your swiss army knife so you can build an area of expertise outside of flexibility. I specialize in product development, which means I have a lot more time in CAD, manufacturing, and production planning/management than my cohorts do. The good thing is that you have a baseline to do practically anything you want to, so take a look at what seems interesting and roll with it.

>> No.14506667

High-school student here. Payed any sort of attention in school for the first this year, and apparently I'm extremely good at math and the sciences. Is a math or physics degree useful or are they career dead ends? If useful; how smart do you have to be to make proper use of them? I get A's but I feel like I'm pretty dumb, and I'm worried I might not be smart enough for university level.

>> No.14506901
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Posted here a few threads ago regarding a promotion as a civil engineering technician, 2 years into a BEng degree in the UK.
I started the year on a salary of £20k, with a raise to £23k, and now have until tomorrow to decide whether to accept the promotion to assistant engineer, for £27.5k. To have some leverage over negotiations, I sent out my CV to several places, netting three interviews, and three offers. Two offers are in the same sector (rail), and turned out to be lower than my promised salary. The third is in the renewables and electricity distribution sector, and will be paying £34k. I live in and work in a very cheap part of the UK, whereas this new role is in a top university town. The department I'd join appears to have a solid pipeline of work, and handled the previous recession well. The company itself has been around for close to 300 years. I don't know about concrete financials, but they are aiming to double the size of their team in short order. By contrast, my current company is conservatively run, yet profitable, and could pay salaries for 3+ years without winning any additional work.
Considering a recession is looming, would it be foolish to move?

>> No.14507841

How hard is it to get into the aerospace field?

>> No.14507863

>I could be working with a guy who saves anime pictures of little girls and post on 4chud
Really depends on what type of work you want to do anon. Though the pay is more it may feel less because it's more expensive, but you can maybe leverage the higher pay later down the line.

>> No.14507866 [DELETED] 

$200,000 gets you in if unless you have a criminal record or a history of psychiatric care

>> No.14507870


>> No.14507888

Not sure what you're implying here. It's hard to get in?

>> No.14508225

I feel that it's the change in sector that I will be able to leverage, more than the salary. If I continue in rail, I may always be shoehorned into rail work.

>> No.14508256

In my opinion rail is a great sector since it will probably never go bust. This goes hand in hand with the expected recession, since I think job security will be the most important thing in the short to mid term.

I don't know about the money though, since I've no clue how things look like in the UK, but if it is about the same I would probably try to choose the company, which is more stable and bet on job security, rather than a few thousand more per year.

>> No.14508649

Do you think that if CS wasn't getting wildly popular it would be any better? Or would there even be a full CS program?

>> No.14508751

so im a graduate from a low tier uni that found employment at a very high tier one because of my niche knowledge and my boss is encouraging me to take classes on campus.

are there any relatively 'safe' stem classes I can take? To emphasise how poor my uni education is, it was commonly known that all you had to do to pass a class was make sure you were not in the bottom 10% of the class and the profs would curve the grade so hard it effectively becomes orthogonal.

>> No.14508942

Msc to gain research experience before reapplying to PhD programs: good or bad idea?
I got zero research experience with my previous degree in Europe, tried applying to PhD programs and failed, now it seems impossible to get experience without being affiliated to a university. "Entry level" lab tech/RA jobs require previous experience from what I've seen.

>> No.14508967

This is me with medical school, except it's been two years now. I know how you feel anon.

>> No.14508995

You finished med school and have been unemployed for two years?

>> No.14509028
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I wish I could quit my phd and go back to being a lab tech. It was so much easier and had no stress but I felt like a failure because it's a low paying menial job. Why do I need to choose between stress and shame? Why is everything so hard?

>> No.14509031


>> No.14509076

I'm currently interviewing for a role, but I'm looking at the people in the same company and department, and a lot of them have economics or psychology degrees while I have a math degree, I'm slightly wary of joining because it doesn't seem like the right environment for me and the work doesn't seem to be that appealing.

How do I go about finding out if this role is a good fit for me?

>> No.14509144

For me it is the opposite. I also got a BS in EE and now I'm about to finish my MS and I have been working in the field since the end of the second year, albeit more on the CS side of things. This was by design to be honest.

Now I'm handing my thesis and I'm starting full time the next day. So honestly I've been longing for some vacation.

Honestly be careful with your first job, because this is what you will probably do for the rest of your career. It is for most people at least (from my experience).

>> No.14509152

i wanna jerk off but my mom is using my room >:(

>> No.14509166

I want to do a PhD in comp neuroscience in the future but there are no comp neuro Msc programs where I live. Should I do a neuroscience Msc and take some extra computational classes+go for some more computational thesis advisor or do a Msc in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology?
Background in medicine btw.

>> No.14509182

I have two options right now as a degree-less 26 year old trying to unfuck my shit.

I could go into the military, since I got high scores and could do pretty much whatever I wanted in the Air Force, then finish my degree with my GI Bill after. Lots of education benefits here.

Or I could become a pilot, since I was accepted into a program where you receive full training and work for an airline after.


>> No.14509227

Save the money. If it's a course you could take at community, it probably isn't high-level enough to make much of a difference, and you can almost do everything at a CC that you could at a Uni if you try hard enough desu.

>> No.14509247

Tbh both are good ideas if you feel like you have no serious goals or plan in mind right now. If you join the military, unless you plan on making it your career, DO SOMETHING WITH USEFUL SKILLS. There is nothing wrong with doing cool guy stuff that you can't do anywhere else, but if you go that route you lose essentially 4+ years of work experience and will rely on the education you receive with you GI bill, at which case you're in the same boat as everyone else again, just without the debt issue. If you can find something that gives you any sort of TS/SCI clearance, even better. Don't forget too that in the USAF, you don't directly choose your AFSC - you give a list of your top choices that you qualify for, and out of that list you will be assigned to one (not like the Army where you can have it signed into your contract exactly what MOS you will be).

I'm not familiar with flight school, but I do work part-time at an airport, and most of the pilots I talk to enjoy it, make decent pay, etc. From what I hear, cargo planes are where it's at. Plus you're not forced to sign a contract and obligate 4+ years of your life to it if you end up hating it.

>> No.14509270

How do you know if a professor is worth being in their lab for a graduate program?

>> No.14509287

Thanks anon, really good points.

I’m hoping for a satellite operations job with TS/SCI clearance (I said Air Force but it’s really space force). I think that along with a STEM degree would really solidify my chances in the aerospace industry.

And that’s good to hear, I think it’s a decent option as well. Something you’d have to be all-in to really do well at though.

>> No.14509294

Which engineering degree is the best? I've got no idea what to do at uni

>> No.14509307

Things you can probably google:
>their group publishes frequently and in good journals
>people from their lab go on to good places and graduate on time

Things you can find out by asking:
>they have a lot of funding
>they will not take their career elsewhere and leave you stranded
>they're not a shitty person

>> No.14509373

Is the Florida Institute of Technology respectable?

>> No.14509396
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are they the ones that make bridges?

>> No.14509496

I know when the Space Force first came to be, you could only enlist as prior-service from one fo the other branches - you couldn't enlist and join straight out of a recruiters office. Obviously you'll figure this out on your own once you start making calls (if you haven't already, idk if they've changed that yet), but just something else to consider if it hasn't been changed.

What are your goals for aerospace? You mention satellite operations, so are you looking for orbital?

>> No.14509506

I’ve been working with a recruiter, I’ve already been approved for everything and just need to swear in now. They started taking new enlisted about a year ago.

Originally I wanted to study aerospace engineering, but I took a few engineering courses and wanted to die just during the solidworks intro class, so probably not the best option.

Satellite ops are cool, but mainly I just want to do something involving space exploration in some capacity.

>> No.14509507

>Their group publishes frequently and in good journals
>They have a lot of funding
What is "frequently" or "a lot of funding"? Should I just compare to other labs in the same field (Pharmaceutical sciences)?

We have been talking for quite a while now and I am part of a summer program at the uni and will do research in her lab, so that will help me get a feel for her and the post-docs, but from the few meetings we've had and lunches, they're all pretty cool. If I'm not wrong I will only be her 3rd graduate student (not including the post docs) since she only recently became a professor, and the others are starting this year - should I have any concerns?

>> No.14509532

Awesome, I just might have to join you then if that's the case.

I ask because sometimes people forget that almost any job you have in the military will not resemble the engineering job you would get after getting your degree - in the military you are not designing, engineering, building anything, you are just learning how it work, how to use it, and sometimes how to repair it - that's not to say that it's still not a good "in" once you're in school looking for internships or jobs, but I feel bad when younger guys get it in their head that they'll be developing the next rocket going into the moon during their contract (not saying this is you necessarily, you seem to know what you're looking for).

Sounds like SF is the best option though branch-wise, I hope it goes well and you get something you enjoy. I think satellites are dope, good luck

>> No.14509657

How big are her booba?
>should I have any concerns?
Does she have any STD?

>> No.14509685

Online MS degrees for Data Science and Machine Learning are scams. Tuition is outrageously high, they all have far below standard curriculums covering material that is more suitable for a non-specialist or undergraduate and seem marketed to desperate people. Fucking disgusting!

>> No.14509692

How's biotechnology as a major/masters?

>> No.14509704

Just started my physics 1 class this summer. I passed Calc 2 with an A but this shit is making me feel retarded. Any good study material so I can not feel like a braindead monkey?

>> No.14509706

Also how much physics is involved in computer engineering?

>> No.14509712
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i don't know where else to go but i need to vent
the hiring manager for my R&D dept won't stop hiring titcows and it's throwing off the workplace balance where there are simps and incels and it's made the workplace unbearable.

>> No.14509718

Are there any jobs available for a CS major? I would assume graphics programming and dsp would be necessary?

>> No.14509770

Do you mean as someone coming in with a CS degree, or someone wanting to go into CS after ETS'ing?

If the former, do not enlist or commission, look for government jobs or civilian contracting roles that work with the DOD if that's what you're wanting to do. AFAIK programming is not something that happens in the military, maybe some scripting depending on your role or some "hacker" stuff in intel, but don't expect to be really doing anything CS-ish.

>> No.14509786

About to graduate with a traditional engineering undergrad in the UK, landed a job at a hedge fund as a software developer starting at £52k. They're also paying for a masters.

Why haven't you taken the SWEpill?

>> No.14509868

I'm about to leave FPGA development and just get a cushy SWE job fixing some backend bullshit or whatever. I used to think I wanted a challenging and interesting job but now I'd rather be comfy. Engineering is a scam, if you're smart enough for that you're smart enough for CS where you make more money sitting at home doing easier work

>> No.14510004

I have done WFH for so long and haven't been outside for so long that I now get massive panic attacks from walking down the street
Don't take the hikkipill

>> No.14510103
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Can anyone here compare software development vs data science? Which do you think is more enjoyable?

I finished an internship doing front end and back end stuff in .NET. I would like to dip my toes in data science though since I've been getting an interest in upper level statistics and machine learning lately.

>> No.14510418

>Why is everything so hard?
Once you master it, things will not be hard, and you will be experienced by the time you have finished your PhD, and you will master it after a postdoc or two.
Is is no different from when you learned to read and write, practice makes master. WAGMI.

>> No.14510724

>I said Air Force but it’s really space force
Some of these guys are cool:
Makes you wonder if they hang out on 4ch.

>> No.14511035

I don't mean with the military per se, but programming equipment used for physics, or software used on airplanes and such. I am a student in CS, and I was wondering if that is the best option as opposed to computer engineering. So could I be hired for low level programming work?

>> No.14511068

>programming equipment used for physics,
That sounds like instrumentation, in which case a Physics or EE degree would be fine.
>or software used on airplanes
That is embedded programming, which would involve a great many things such as instrumentation, digital signal processing (DSP) and more.

I did Applied Physics, and worked for a few years in embedded programming, and that involved a little DSP programming. Understanding what you are instrumenting is a huge advantage, especially in understanding what sane values and responses you should expect.

>> No.14511271

I took 4-5 hits off a joint 16 days ago for the first time in years. Tested negative on 14 home drug tests with 50 ng/ml cutoff. How likely is it that I am below the confirmatory test cutoff of 15 ng/ml? I have 7 days to do the test and will probably do it on Thursday.

>> No.14511316

It's not like it's any better in CS. You'll want to kill yourself in 3 months of making lemming scam websites for noname jew companies.

>> No.14511323

This always happens when some field becomes a meme. And right now the only meme bigger than machine learning is blockchain.

>> No.14511325

If you work on the software end of things, fuck all. If you work on silicon, a bit.

>> No.14511331

>landed a job at a hedge fund
Not everyone went to Oxford with verifiable 145+IQ scores dating back 7 generations.

>> No.14511378

I’m wondering about this too.

>> No.14511438

When applying to an advertised PhD program is it weird to ask about funding details+deadlines in the same email as the application? Should I send one before to ask this stuff?

>> No.14511442

for clarity, it was advertised as "fully funded" but I need more details

>> No.14511520
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How hard is it to get a mechanical engineering degree? I want to become a plumbing engineer.

>> No.14511854

The hardest thing is the workload and not the conceptual/mathematical difficulty.
t. Just got a BEng in Mech Eng with 4.0 GPA and a job for a water waste engineering company.

>> No.14511884

Tips for getting into embedded? Currently a """full stack web dev""".
Is a masters a good idea?

>> No.14511895

anyone here work as both full stack engineer and data scientist? which did you enjoy more and why?

>> No.14511918

52k first job out of uni? this >>14511331
but if not, grats man

>> No.14511959

I'm trying to do the same thing more or less. Don't know what to say, since I can at least refer back to my major. Maybe do some arduino projects to make sure that you're at least presentable as a candidate.
Personally, I had an interview last Thursday which was a lot of C. They were also looking for a web position, so they asked me about some SQL stuff too.
They're bringing me back in for another interview Thursday, so I'd say it went pretty well. Hope it works out, since I liked my interviewers and do kind of know a guy who knows a guy at the company.

>> No.14512072

it's not just supply and demand, it's also the ability to scale and the ability to instantly distribute design changes, a good software engineer can have 1000000x the impact of a good mechanical engineer

>> No.14512084

I don't care if CSfags get paid more than me, I would study mech eng all over again if I was given the choice. It's the most interesting and varied subject on the planet.

>> No.14512093

it's varied until you have a few years of experience and nobody will hire you outside of your narrow subfield (unless you want to be paid peanuts)

>> No.14512096

lol a lot of guys who studied Mech. Engr. or EE get software development jobs.

CS is just STEM for retards. Someone who succeeds in traditional engineering fields can easily learn to code.

>> No.14512101

If you get into management or reliability, you can work in any mech eng field.

>> No.14512102


ironically it was easier to get into SWE than it was to get into a different sub-specialty within a specialty in mechanical

>> No.14512244

Serious question, extreme poorfag here. If I wanted to get a STEM degree for the sake of making as much money as fast as possible out of school what should I choose? I can do anything.

>> No.14512302

get into a trade. if you really want a degree and are american, do military service so the tax payers foots the bill. degrees don't mean shit nowadays and the job market is perpetually flooded

>> No.14512311

Working a trade now, it's misery. I need to do something more complex to not be bored for the rest of my life.

>> No.14512376

that shit is pretty basic senpai. Industrial engineering isn't that great, all the ones I know have mediocre pay and are worked like dogs.
Try n get some SCRUM master and lean six sigma certs.

>> No.14512378

I'd say mostly autistic.

>> No.14512382

Don't need to know what a hammer is made of or how it's made to use it.

>> No.14512398

Eeeeeeey same.
I second this.

>> No.14512402

That sounds extremely vague.

>> No.14512409

Lmao. Untrue.

>> No.14512427

Happened to me too. At least he gave me some pointers on what to work on.

>> No.14512458

What did you get into? I kinda want to go into SWE

>> No.14513476

We got past 320 post and ran out of bumpage.
A fair bit of comments on the military route here, got some inputs for countries outside the US?

>> No.14513750

What's with the Artificial Intelligence Bachelors in Dutch-land ? Why is it supposed to diverge from CS ? t. Math undergrad

>> No.14513934

Got an interview for a job as a research assistant in early June. However I have family vacations planned in july, everything already booked and paid. Is the starting date for these things usually very urgent? Am I screwed if I ask to start in August?