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File: 1.40 MB, 576x1024, 1652110628756.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14470117 No.14470117 [Reply] [Original]

How do we get more women in STEM?

>> No.14470120

>Liberal media brainwashed zoomer.

More at 11.

>> No.14470148

when you figure out which button turns the dryer on

>> No.14470152

>the chad 3/10 asian woman in an engineering class

>> No.14470155

Get rid of the ugly incels as the woman said. In addition to a regular reference, universities need to require a reference from an (ex)-bf/gf for admission.

>> No.14470167

>muh media

>> No.14470296

I for one prefer more trannies in STEM

>> No.14470361

She's spoiled. Universities do everything in their power to promote women in STEM, and even though she's still in the minority no doubt she was given a lot more explicit encouragement and perks compared to her male peers.

Videos like this are "punching down" and in bad taste

>> No.14470372

Ugly bitch, I could make the same video as a man saying
>all the women in STEM are ugly with superiority complexes and it’s even worse in industry and being the hottest ugly guy in my class is so humbling

>> No.14470384

Why would you want more of them?

>> No.14470393


>> No.14470396

Funny considering she is exceedingly average looking compared to women who enter other degree paths

>> No.14470408

we cant. the curies are all we get.

>> No.14470414

How do I know a woman wrote this?

>> No.14470442
File: 223 KB, 804x1236, Screenshot_20220509-170451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a society where women's only choices are to get a STEM degree, or marry their mouth breathing cousin. The more options women have, the fewer of the chose to do STEM stuff.

>> No.14470448

Because men are cucks

>> No.14470473

You don't. You aren't very smart and don't realize that it was almost certainly a man trolling

>> No.14470481

What is it about a tiktok video that makes the person look so smug and self important? I've never seen one where I didn't want to strangle the person within 2 seconds.

>> No.14470486

built for British Broadcasting Corporation

>> No.14470489

Asian girls don't like blacks.

>> No.14470491
File: 12 KB, 448x479, spbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an industry based on a hobby that mostly men are interested in
>pass civil rights laws that make it a liability for companies to not reflect the demographics of the nation
google and facebook don't give a shit if they hire more women. they don't care what their employees are like at all. but the laws in the united states mean that you can open a lawsuit against companies that aren't 50% men and 50% women.

this is how you get 80% of computer science graduates being men but half of FAANG employees are cumdumpsters. FAANG didn't start all the Girls Who Code bullshit until they started getting sued for hiring discrimination. the downside is that it actually crowds out the most talented women and minorities because the ones who are actually good at programming and computer science are replaced by diversity hires. plus a lot of people will question whether they actually belong or if they were given the easy pass.

there have always been women and minorities in computer science, but now people are suspicious of their abilities which is sad i think. sometimes for good reason, sometimes not.

it doesn't really matter anyway because roasties leave the field within a decade on average once they realize they can have life on easy mode by marrying a beta and popping out a few babies.

>> No.14470494

41% of asian american mothers have a child with someone who isn't asian, higher than any other race by about 30%
>t. has asian gf

>> No.14470742

lol fuck off woman

>> No.14470752

At least engineering has a lot of men. Biology and medical field is getting overrun with females, it is unironically over for us in these fields.

>> No.14470774

make reality bend to feelings

>> No.14470785

Is it true that "it" is sideways?

>> No.14470790

Selectively breed females for rationality, higher IQs, and less emotionality. Should only take six generations if comparable to the silver fox domestication experiment.

>> No.14470808
File: 290 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw scientists of the future will be pajeetas

>> No.14470809

>but the laws in the united states mean that you can open a lawsuit against companies that aren't 50% men and 50% women.
People unironically believe this lol

>> No.14470816
File: 23 KB, 390x352, indianwomanwearingalabcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plees show pennis
>i am much horny for you cock
>hello hunk i am given you kisses
Works for me.

>> No.14470848

IIRC, Iran at one point was majority women in their STEM programs as it was the ticket to the greatest amount of social freedom. Then they got a bit too uppity and their enrollments were slashed.

>> No.14470879
File: 33 KB, 540x293, a womans work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the only acceptable way to grow the STEM labor force.

>> No.14470892

Outside option > STEM job if you're female. So it's irrational to pick STEM. As such, smart girls will stay away from STEM, and only dumb girls will want to join, but they're too dumb and end up being filtered out. Trying to force dumb females to stay on STEM or fuck the rest of the world so that STEM becomes attractive for smart females are both horrible options for everybody.

>> No.14470902

>continence at 60>incontinence at 60

>> No.14470952

So are women. Historically, they've gotten cucked the most.

>> No.14470956

I pity your disposition more because you actually wasted your time replying to someone who's stupid.

>> No.14470976


She is displaying that women will only distract from a work environment. She only cares about the looks of the men around her, and how much better looking she is, than whether they are competent engineers.

>> No.14471000
File: 271 KB, 800x600, 1651324168500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are already enough women in STEM, wanting it more saturated is retarded
Just get into any bio course. Girls love bio for some reason. The problem is most retards get into CS or Engineering where 99% of people taking it are dudes, then ask themselves "durr where are le gorls???"
>t. been on the search for a Kurisu gf for 2 years

>> No.14471140

that is yamuna krishnan. she is very accomplished.

>> No.14471201

>Just get into any bio course.
Biology is the meme discipline within STEM though.

>> No.14471224

Insert more men so women will feel the need to compete

>> No.14471229

Stop making fun of us :(

>> No.14471274

Kys kike

>> No.14471350

you just know this women has never, and will never work a day in her life.

>> No.14471355

women can't provide to another woman's child, how is that cuckoldry?

>> No.14471410

He wrote BBC, not BBC.

>> No.14471429 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 357x314, female_engineering.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14471735

Not biological cuckoldry, the informal definition; infidelity.

>> No.14471737

I like bio, though

>> No.14471743

LOL, this woman knows she's hideous. Ugly women try to psych out everyone by adopting an attitude that only a woman much more attractive than her could afford to have. She wants you to think she's above the guys she disparages (in terms of looks, intelligence, and anything else). After all, if she wasn't above them, she couldn't afford this attitude. Usually those who fall for it are those of similar or lower appeal than her. People above her either see through her or simply don't care about her opinion.

>> No.14471761

To hell with women, they are fucking monsters.

>> No.14471807

>meme discipline
why do you think girls are into it?

>> No.14471996

Even if true, pretty sure it isn't with blacks.

>> No.14472000
File: 33 KB, 400x400, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like she's hot shit
its fun when the shoe is on the other foot and I can reject women. It's incredibly cathartic.

>> No.14472001

What's the point of LARPing like this?

>> No.14472779

>from an (ex)-bf/gf
thats literally the worst trade of all the trades ever

>> No.14472795

Separate genders in schools.
Females instinctively takes the position of the stupid/naive, weak and inept to let young males demonstrate their virtues. It is ruining everything.

>> No.14472931
File: 131 KB, 709x461, Screenshot from 2022-05-10 20-14-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one actually cares about gender equality. no one shills the shit jobs men dominate or shill all the jobs women dominate. you have to remember the male to female ratio in colleges on average is 60% so women on average over represent most educational topics. But people dont care. They only care about few that men are over represented in. Funny enough the main way colleges get more men is expanding their engineering departments which is the easiest way to fix your skewed gender ratio. This is a non issue that people screech about online.

>> No.14472935

Women are vain. They like to be fondled and given attention. Give them that and money, and more will flock to STEM fields like they do OnlyFans and TikTok.

>> No.14473081

>Videos like this are "punching down" and in bad taste
Wouldn't surprise me at all if those aren't the original captions.

>> No.14473128

>this ugly bug is the hottest person in all of its classes
Is it really that bad?

>> No.14473147

She's a 9 bro

>> No.14473165

nah i think she actually thinks she's pretty. women are delusional. i can't even insert myself in any scenario where i would ever make a video like that tho

>> No.14473212

Sad your quantum scam doesnt impress any bitch?
Haha typical soientist, maybe invent better soi, oh wait you cant ure just white paper evangelist

>> No.14473763

>complains about other people having superiority complexes
>thinks she is better than all of them
Guessing she fits in there quite well.

>> No.14473765

escapism. It is the point of all larping.

>> No.14473832

>somehow all have superiority complexes
I am smarter than this dumb broad and I don't see why I should pretend I am not. Honest criticism of your suggestions is not a "complex".

>> No.14473836

Based. Incels should only be allowed to work menial minimum wage jobs or better yet, slave away for scraps in the gig economy. You don't have a family to take care of or social life to spend on so you should move aside.

>> No.14473929

>no one actually cares about gender equality.
There are people that care about women in science but they are women trying to get themselves promoted into management position who are not scared of using media bullying tactics. The rest is fluff.

>> No.14473965

Would've been nice if my life were less of a sausage fest, but there's little you can do. The only thing I'd like to change even if it's impossible is the reputation of STEM subjects and math especially as something no one needs apparently. I think many kids in school latch onto it to have an excuse why they suck at it when they barely tried to understand something. By the end of high school, they just shut off when they see more than two or three digits. Though it's funny if they then want to go for psychology or literally anywhere that requires some math skills.

>> No.14474019
File: 62 KB, 712x949, FSVvxuWXMAEnfn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling your peers ugly when you're asian is really throwing stones in a glass house

>> No.14474452

I don't know but I'm tired of this sausage fest, I'm not gay

>> No.14474457


>> No.14474545

Simps do all her work for her yet she still complains.

>> No.14475505

Go away cuckhold boomer and worshiper your football nigger monkey who bangs your wife

>> No.14475529
File: 74 KB, 350x363, 1647338418321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why though?
It's more important to have competent people regardless of gender, race, etc.

>> No.14475830

I push trolleys/clean and 99% of my co-workers are male. How do we get more women into the trolley pushing profession? Seems like a more pressing issue if you ask me.

>> No.14476204

I am friends with a woman from Iran who went into a stem field specifically because it would give her the best chance to get accepted to a US university so she could leave Iran.

>> No.14476209

I understand the quest for the Kurisu gf/
However, I have found that most women in stem are retarded.

>> No.14476231

They're setting up with sweet himbos instead.

>> No.14476376

Asians are also the smallest minority

>> No.14476434

It's happening in Canada, government bodies and universities have starting to implement mandatory 50% female quotas. Of course no female dominated fields are demanding 50% men, pretty soon we're going to have more mandatory diversity positions than there are shoes to fill them.

>> No.14477208
File: 670 KB, 879x1080, Rhcfk6y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, I have found that most women in stem are retarded
2D > 3D QED again

>> No.14477751

based as fuck

>> No.14477795
File: 195 KB, 780x1061, Artemis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we get more women in STEM?

At one time they said the same thing about Law, "We NEED more female lawyers" they cried.

Well guess what the majority of new lawyers are women.
The world is not one iota better for it.

There needs to be a VALID reason for more women in STEM before we waste billions of dollars just to have a majority of STEM majors be female and NOTHING changes for the better.

For example NASA has decide that [putting a woman on the moon is important.
Scientifically it makes no difference if the astronaut is male or female but WOKE NASA has as the number one goal, putting a woman on the moon.

>> No.14478214

Bribe them with makeup products

>> No.14478228


Nice try chud\


>> No.14478234

>How do we get more women in STEM?
How do we get more stems into women?

>> No.14478236

I swear Tiktok is a loosh operating scam

>> No.14478290

But why though ?
Hard to come with an answer if there is no rational reason. Whereas rationale means stable in the long term.

>> No.14478298

So this is the power of Linear Regression ?

>> No.14478313

>western Asian whores are tradit-
oh no

>> No.14478360

You can do both, you know. Curie got the Nobel prize, and all her children were accomplished in their respective fields.

>> No.14478572

So ? This doesn't prove anything.
No one ask a mother to be a scientist.

>> No.14478579

>Nobel prize
An extreme outlier and you want to use it to prove something about the median.

>> No.14478619

The median is mediocrity across the board. Do you think every male scientist is incredible and has a massive list of accomplishments?

>> No.14478639

You're completely debased, unrooted.
No one is attracted by a woman scientist.
So nobody gives a shit.
You are probably not a faggot, but you restrict your world view here. Why ? Why does that matter to you that women by scientists ?

>> No.14478641

*be scientists ?

>> No.14478643

>She's a 9 bro
anon I ...

>> No.14478647
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It baffles me that some "men" still haven't figured out the trick.

>> No.14478652


>> No.14478654
File: 28 KB, 522x537, 5234234232334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's a 9 bro
Do you still believe that?

>> No.14478657

I give her a 6 now desu, she's got nice hair

>> No.14478661

Imagine playing life on tutorial mode like this where you can just paint a new face on and show tits on camera for a constant influx of free money.

>> No.14478667

Because discovery shouldn't be limited by sex. If someone willingly puts forth the effort and dedication towards a subject, why oppose that? Plenty of people go into STEM fields because of the lure of possible prestige, because it's hyped up, or because they're expected to. Why are you going to let one attractive yet relatively unremarkable uppity Asian bitch get your boxer briefs in a twist?

>> No.14478670

>why oppose that?
Because cunts don't belong in academia and a culture that doesn't frown upon it is detrimental to all of its members.

>> No.14478676

Technically you could try this too. Use filters strong enough to convert water to wine, and there you go.

>> No.14478687

I don't have a cunt to show off.

>> No.14478688

Dumbasses, people that lack critical thought, people driven by money, and people that throw their ethics under the bus for money don't belong in science. They somehow make sure to run the industries though, ensuring the people passionate about their work are squashed into doing meaningless research and throwing up red tape at any important discovery.
It's irritating that you would rather have them working alongside you over a "cunt" that's driven by the same curiosity that you are.

>> No.14478691

From what I know of these operations, they wait to show poon til later. Just treat it like an extremely slow strip tease where it takes months to be full slut, milk dollars.

>> No.14478692

A culture that allows cunts in academia is far more harmful than your irrelevant whataboutist example, though.

>> No.14478694

You know what? Maybe I will.

>> No.14478704

Curie's husband was attracted by her.

>> No.14478708

Was he a sweet himbo?

>> No.14478715

No. They were both scientists and worked together.

>> No.14478726

Yeah, reading now and he appears to have been an incredible man within his field of work and as a husband. Good on them.

>> No.14478732
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, Stem gender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't so long as modern feminism convinces women that science is sexist.

>> No.14478734

Grade them on their looks.

>> No.14478930

>No one is attracted by a woman scientist.
Fuck off faggot
Having debates with a STEM gf is the dream of every man

>> No.14479252

>with my girlfriend
you have obviously never been with a woman

>> No.14479574

It's no one's fault but your own that you choose to date brainlets

>> No.14480071

Women are uncivilized, and they project this onto men. This is why feminists unironically believe the beta uprising is real and inevitable. Contrary to feminazi fears, men who aren't good enough accept it and try harder or move on. Women instead complain about the rules (Hillary 2016, lol) and claim victimhood long after the fact.

>> No.14481303

You are a faggot muslim. Sci women are the best women.

>> No.14481430
File: 115 KB, 1252x348, women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get jannie to filter pleb tier threads?

>> No.14481859
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, 1648322169476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone wants to be an engineer

>> No.14482397

Not him but before you accuse me of doing the same thing, sometimes retards just need to be reminded of what they are :)

>> No.14482429

How do we get newfags to learn how to hide threads?

>> No.14482718

People do think like this

>> No.14482938

What's wrong with her nose?

>> No.14483104
File: 394 KB, 800x1182, 16352240127520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying not knowing this place exists is a curse and not a blessing

>> No.14483117

i wish i had listened to this post 10 years ago.,.,..

>> No.14483131
File: 786 KB, 1406x1919, 1652501522079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it im fucking leaving this shithole. NO NOT SEE YOU TOMORROW IM FUCKING GOING. FOREVER, BYE

>> No.14483137

See you in 2 hours

>> No.14483590


>> No.14483623

We dumb it down, waaaay down. We invent "STEM" degrees that a monkey with a crayon could do, and then we filter in such monkeys, baboons and urangutans. Essentially doubling our target market and thus profits.

>> No.14483754

She's right though, imagine having a superiority complex when you're ugly.

>> No.14483757

Just a meme used to troll you into not using this website despite you wanting to.
A lot of stuff on 4chan is made to troll people into doing dumb shit.
I used to be way more acknowledged.

>> No.14483768 [DELETED] 

diamonds are always discovered amongst refuse.
>lets tunnel into this billion year old hill made of gravel and decaying animal dung, maybe theres some diamonds in it
thats how elon's family got rich.

>> No.14484722

I don't doubt that most men (and people for that matter) are ugly fucks.

>> No.14484737

Trying to get more women into STEM is the worst fucking idea. Women generally have a more empathic brain so will reform the institutions for those goals. Men generally have a more systematizing brain, especially in engineering. They want to maximize efficiency etc. I mean, look at the domains where women are already dominating. Therapy. Therapy has become the biggest meme where 16yo zoomer girls use to satisfy their attention needs.

Just let it be survival of the fittest. Most of the time women just bring down good systems.

>> No.14484738

>Women generally have a more empathic brain
They don't. Women are biologically incapable of true empathy.

>> No.14484739

Before therapy. Or more psychology. Was based and actually productive. Jung and Freud demystifying the human brain. Women just hijacked it to create safe spaces and the like.

Same holds for english literature, and basically all the humanities.

>> No.14484741

Whatever you want to call it. More socially oriented brains.

Maybe not genuinely empathic. But socially manipulative brains sure.

>> No.14484746

>Whatever you want to call it.
I call it what it really is: shallow sentimentality.

>> No.14485389

yes, ng females aren't attractive either
their average looks give them motivation to learn hard science
if they were pretty they'd everything handed to them without asking

>> No.14485413

>Women generally have a more empathic brain

>> No.14485966

Don't fall for the bait

>> No.14485974

And where do the smart girls go? gender studies? brainlet logic

>> No.14485978

>where do the smart girls go?
OnlyFans or the kitchen.

>> No.14487097

women are only good with social shit.
on the very rare occasion they are good at science, it's because they're loaded with test.
marie curie had a hyper masculinized face.

Overall, women are too highly educated rn and it will lead to the collapse of human civilization because they don't want children.

>> No.14487217

The real question is how do we get less of them.

>> No.14488586
File: 88 KB, 1626x834, Sued for not being diverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh uh....

>> No.14488643

Marie Curie was brilliant, and as someone pointed out, an outlier. Nothing would have stopped her.

To use her life as an example of what you can do is like saying all men are potential Newtons. Its simply not true and you will lead a frustrated and bitter life if you believe this.

>> No.14488653
File: 156 KB, 693x586, 1646793680964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14488718
File: 124 KB, 730x900, how watching dogs humping in a park explain rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site has a diversity of opinions and the only thing you can be sure of is antagonism to your post.

People do engage one another here, and with some intelligence. Plus some of the posts are just hilarious. Others are crap.

But you can find bigger crap in published journals, does anyone recall this article that relates rape culture to dogs having sex in the park? If this article had come here, it would have been demolished in seconds. Instead it would have been published if the authors didn't chicken out and admit it was fake.

Would you rather be on facebook?

>> No.14488760
File: 29 KB, 600x446, 20315D38-2877-4A53-8AD6-884C28AB9E88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cites retarded Forbes contributor as (((proof))) of nonexistent diversity laws

>> No.14488817
File: 190 KB, 600x715, neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speak to women with psychology degree
>has 0 knowledge on behavioural science
>doesnt understand neurology even though its taught with psychology
>has no idea about recent developments
>went to school for 5 years at least
to be fair its not just women.
education systems are fucked, and its because they want sheep who can memorise and repeat things instead of critical thinkers

>> No.14489059
File: 670 KB, 1341x855, ABC News Diversity lawsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you weren't so retarded you could always google "diversity lawsuit filed". And heres the first one - ABC news - any better?

Or just not good enough?? You and your type are not only stupid (thats not a crime by itself) but intensely arrogant with it. Its bad enough being stupid, but hubris combined with stupidity is just sad.

>> No.14489248

leaving a genetic legacy at 80 > not leaving a genetic legacy at 80.

>> No.14489316

You would be financially crippled and destitute long before that by education costs. If you're going to raise scientists, you have 2-3 kids max.

>> No.14489345

are you a fucking retard? seriously
the fact that a diversity lawsuit has been filled at least once in the past, is no proof that usa has a law that forces employers to have a workforce of 50% men and 50% women.

why are your alawys acting like lobotomized autists? All a bunch of fucking chimps, i swear.

>> No.14489373

This is still the most retard logic ever, is this b8? lmfao

Testosterone does not determine intelligence in relation with STEM.

Marie Curie wasn't at all masculine. The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace and she's depicted as incredibly feminine.

However most women are driven by their emotions. I have to disagree where they are good at 'social shit' because a good chunk of them aren't (modern women) They are now impatient and immature.

>> No.14489393

>The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace

>> No.14489403
File: 702 KB, 1080x1755, Eliminate Math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14489426


>> No.14489432
File: 184 KB, 400x398, gPWAn0j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universities need to require a reference from an (ex)-bf/gf for admission.

>> No.14489434

>biology within STEM
Is it really? I've always considered it a soft science.

>> No.14490622

why would we want wo*en in stem again?

>> No.14490714

Trust me, we don´t want to have them.

>> No.14490795

Why are women so cruel and arrogant.

>> No.14490799

Because men have been neglecting their duty of handing out regular corrective beatings.

>> No.14490927

Yeah when I was in school for CS there were basically zero attractive females in my classes. Just not being fat would make a girl a 10/10. The standards for women are so fucking low

>> No.14491291
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1627773452927.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Brazil. I know tons of Black guys who exclusively fuck asian women and vice versa, probably moreso than any other race.

>> No.14491305

what's with the retard crossposting crap on /g/ and /sci/?

>> No.14491569

All that wake shit.
Literally the only reason.

>> No.14491574

>Come to Brazil
No thanks.

>> No.14491635
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, all-nba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does no one ever file a racial discrimination against the NBA on behalf or Asians and Whites who are heavily disproportionately under represented?

>> No.14491693

Because whites cannot be systemically discriminated and asians owe black people much of their success (groundwork for fighting racism) and they understand it

>> No.14491728
File: 258 KB, 516x284, Proud_Of_My_Achievement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because whites cannot be systemically discriminated

We have a President who is trying to hide his racist past by filling high profile positions based first on gender and race then on qualifications.
Whites need not apply.
The following high profile positions where all selected to be filled with black females and THEN were filled with the most qualified they could find:
Supreme court Justice, White House Press Secretary, Ambassador to UN, Vice President, etc.

THIS is systematic discrimination against Whites

>> No.14491784

And it's a good thing you will be replaced

And pay for your crimes

>> No.14491921

this but unironically

>> No.14491934
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This is why we will leave you behind.

>> No.14492023

>Come to Brazil
And get dismembered?

>> No.14492118

Something off about this. It's probably either a self-aware joke or someone captioned over the original video

>> No.14492126

I agree but it's not that they want sheep, they want the money sheep will give them and just don't care about quality

>> No.14492822

Imagine claiming that whites are so superior that they need to be stopped, not realizing that makes you a white supremacist.

>> No.14492836

Bio is the easiest stem.

>> No.14492852

>Pajeets will engineer their babies to be white skinned geniuses

They really were aryans this whole time

>> No.14493109

There are no feminist quotas for sewer workers either.

>> No.14493141

get into genomics and transcriptomics then, faggot. you'll get real intimate with non GUIs for custom servers and shit. also, dissecting stuff is cool. so is the immune system

>> No.14493180

Women are absolutely not empathic. Men are. Women are shallow concieted cunts affected by the social organism and by compulsive projection. They have no actual empathy to speak of.

>> No.14493190

Have you ever considered that you're autistic and have no actual understanding of the emotional threshold of your peers?

>> No.14493195

Have you considered that it's strange the way you black out every time someone criticizes a woman, and when you come back to your senses, a post has been made from your computer that regurgitates some generic socially programmed tripe?

>> No.14493210

You make generalizing statements, and that's a dumbass move. You're probably low T or autistic. That's not an insult. Stop projecting. Have your shit checked.

>> No.14493236

>You make generalizing statements
See? It happened again. Your eyes glazed over and your hands began moving on their own as you stared into the void. What's wrong with you, little buddy?

>> No.14493730

Went from 9 to 3 by talking

>> No.14493744

Without the makeup: a normal woman.
With makeup: a creepy, uncanny ghost face.

>> No.14493749

Nah bro, she went from 3 to 6 by talking.

>> No.14493839

I would. She'd give my son a chad's jaw.

>> No.14493850

at knifepoint

>> No.14494107

>Asians will engineer their kids to have blonde hair and wide blue eyes.

This is how the white man wins in the end

>> No.14494113

Whatever helps you sleep at night, cuntoid. You will never be sexually desirable and you will never score with Brad.

>> No.14494117

>he went from 3 to 6 by talking.
Only if you mean all that cuntbabbling gave her a toned jaw.

>> No.14494122

I'm a straight man and an experienced porn expert. My post was not an opinion but a fact.

>> No.14494128

There is certainly something hot about arrogant women.

>> No.14494136

Porn overconsumption + virginity appears to have driven you insane.

>> No.14494149

>How do we stop forcing women into stem and let them decide wtf they want

>> No.14494153

Been there, done that, and you are observing one of many sordid results as we speak. How about we stop adhereing to your dysgenic """humanist""" ideals and treat women like the children that they are?

>> No.14494169

This has pretty much been my college experience

>> No.14494172

>treat women like the children that they are?
Dunno if bait but yeah, that describes quite well how progressive ideology works and molds women into children.

>> No.14494174

Progressive ideology demands that these children be given adult privileges while spoiling them.

>> No.14494574
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>owns room full of funkopops
>hobbies limited to discussion of capeshit or the newest videogame featuring twans BIPOC protag
>gets news from Reddit front page
>dick broken by porn overconsumption

>> No.14494617

She doesn't have to date someone from engineering classes, is she just constantly thinking about sex? What a coomer

>> No.14494651
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>> No.14494657

You've just described the average woman's rights enthusiast. What were you trying to accomplish?

>> No.14495445

that mole alone ruins it for me

>> No.14495484

The courts are actually forcing medical universities to admit white people by this logic

>> No.14495984

They don't want to be in stem. Why bother trying to make them

>> No.14497533

oh no imagine if women acted like that how horrible it would be

>> No.14497640

I reject your hypothesis.

>> No.14499386

Once the house of cards loses traction, the system inverts.
Even fiat is part of the scam.

>> No.14500526

Expanding the amount of fastracking/accelerated programs that allow them to get through the academic pipeline quickly would help women in science/math. As it stands, the amount of education you need to do those careers is too long, expensive, and disruptive for the way most women want to live their lives (settle down early, raise a family and have kids young enough so they aren't retarded, enjoy their youth).
As for women in tech and engineering, I'm not really sure. On paper those should be perfectly appealing to women (go to uni for 3-4 years, graduate, apply for a job right away, you make good money right away). Maybe they need to work on their optics so people shake the way they picture those fields?

>> No.14501375

Literally all of you are assblasted because when she said "ugly" you knew she meant you.

>> No.14502363

She's not wrong. Majority of STEM majors are ugly men who terrible personalities.

Please stay out women and major in something else.

>> No.14502410

Isn't this kind of dysgenic? Shouldn't the women who are have the best cognitive ability be forcibly locked up and bred instead of wasting their eggs on stupid shit like medicine and engineering?

>> No.14502415

Women think 80% of men are ugly ugly
Women just think about everything in extremely superficial terms and don't actually care about anything beyond them feeling tingles from it

>> No.14502419

Sounds like projection to me. It just grinds my gear to watch a cunt who is mediocre in terms of looks and worthless in terms of every other human virtue talk like she's some hot shit and try to put down people who will contribute more to society than she ever will.

>> No.14502422

Love this idea. Too bad the people in grad school have SOs just as weird as them

>> No.14502446

Lololol are you autistic? You couldn't tell he was being satirical? Wow you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.14502449

every woman is a 10/10 and all men are ugly and need to hit the gym until they're tall and handsome.
anything else means you are a woman-hater or whiny incel. women also can do nothing wrong but also have suddenly agency when they do something right and need to be endlessly praised and rewarded for it.

enjoy your culture bro!

>> No.14502452
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Every woman is a 3/10 and men are all chads who need to hit women until they agree that they're tall and handsome.

>> No.14502504


you two should try having sex. maybe you won't have so much saltiness towards women then lol.

>> No.14502505

You should crawl back to whatever normalgroid social media website you came here from.

>> No.14502507

Renove creepy Indian men

>> No.14504045

I'm guessing this is a troll thread. But on the off chance you are being serious, I would say that if women want to help influence STEM they should have more male children and raise them properly under correct supervision from their husbands.

>> No.14504082

>80% ugly men
My class is 60% handsome jocks obsessed with cars, 30% high school bully types, and 10% ugly nerds
Absolutely zero women and its fantastic, we had a token black chick (pretty cute too) but she dropped out

>> No.14504173
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Lmao no. It's the other way around anon.

Men are more empathetic than women but they hide it. Women are less empathetic but they try to act as they are.

For example:
Woman: "wow anonette, you look great, you don't look fat at all!"
Man: "wow anon, you got fat bro. We should go to the gym"

>> No.14504372

You could just stop using the archaic term STEM and use modern more inclusive STREAMS.

>> No.14504384

Hope she sees this, bro

>> No.14504388

If you take the Iran example, that's kind of what happens, as they'll get their doctorate and then become stay at home wives to the technocrats of the country. The vast majority of today's governments (with some brief exceptions such as East Germany and a few years in Singapore) have not embraced eugenics due to some unfortunate events in the 1930s and 40s.

>> No.14504413

Sluts, Trannies, Retards, Eunuchs, Aspergers, Mudsharks, Soiboys?

>> No.14504441

It's just the teeth. Just the teeth. If she doesn't have shitty teeth she would be fine

>> No.14504447
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reminder that feminists at Google sued because their victim complex convinced them that women were discriminated against and it turned out that it was actually men who were being discriminated against

>> No.14504453

>sometimes for good reason,
You a retard. I don't trust most pajeets, shitskins in tech. If you're not a white guy you earn trust
>t. pajeet who got fucked over and then themselves fucked team over

>> No.14504481

Have you watched any modern British Broadcasting Corporation programming? He meant what he said.

>> No.14505986

Half the programmers are trannies anyways. Itd be funny to se the institution say «look! Trans women are women right? So there are women in STEM :^)»

>> No.14505997 [DELETED] 

Google made no effort to correct this issue when it was brought to their attention because they knew that no court would ever hold Google accountable for intentionally underpaying men. Underpaying men in America is 100% legal and even encouraged.

>> No.14506000

most of these worthless whores in STEM do nothing and take credit for men's work. At least the ugly incels in stem are producing stuff, and doing impressive things, skanks like her just stand around farming attention

>> No.14506009

drink bleach, fucking tranny cuck faggot. Blacks have done jack shit for anyone except rob and kill them

>> No.14506932

They like big british cocks though

>> No.14507021
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I'm a woman in STEM AMA
Oh wait most of you wouldn't say any of this to our faces in real life, so you attack women online to make up for the fact that you're ugly and get no bitches

>> No.14507083

Tell women to shut the fuck up and then do what they want

They'll fail at both then blame you just watch

>> No.14507176
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>to our faces
you're still online though. Maybe this is why nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.14507199

Does your boyfriend fuck you with a strapon?
Show tits or GTFO

>> No.14507212
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>> No.14507221

A woman in STEM wouldn't act like a delusional child, though. At least, not in real life, to other's faces.

>> No.14507232

I'm attractive and get plenty of bitches, I would also say anything I say here to your face, tranny
The reason women are a minority in STEM is because women are retarded
The best female chess grandmasters get thrashed by 2200 males, lmao
Women are fucking stupid

>> No.14507332
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You broke the rule.

>> No.14507336

>lies I told on the internet

>> No.14507395

Cope tranny

>> No.14507478

t. has never met a woman in STEM. You do not know how crazy these bitches are, especially if they're in a science like chemistry where they fuck with drugs and volatile chemical solutions profusely. Some of them experiment on themselves by the way.

>> No.14507494

We had very few women in my classes, but there was always some female student who would cause drama.

>> No.14507501

Wait, why is self experimentation a problem?

>> No.14508888

She just rode the coat tails of her cuck husband.

>> No.14508928

I've never understood the goal of this. Is this supposed to make STEM better by having more women? Why don't we see a bigger push of women into forestry or coal mining or garbage collection? The only reason I can think of is to trick women into abandoning traditional roles in the home by dangling high status jobs in front of them, ensuring the nuclear family as the basic functional unit of society is destroyed and ushering in a global communist regime where all children belong to the state which will control reproduction of the species through central planning.

>> No.14508975

Knowledge workers are expensive. Doubling the supply of them drives down the cost. What they didn't count on was that those the put in charge of expanding the labor pool would do so by alienating a large segment of the existing labor pool. To make things worse, the new incoming labor supply isn't as productive as the old pushed out supply, which in the long run is going to mean higher costs per unit of productivity.

>> No.14509269
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Have any of you invented anything this useful? Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.14510881

Anonina, just because you took hormones and changed your clothes doesn't make you a woman

>> No.14510908

Still soft sorry buddy.

>> No.14511539

we shouldn't. I got my compsci degree two years ago and all of the women in my area of study were retards, save for two or three of them.

>> No.14511549
File: 5 KB, 461x583, abstract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about, goy- I mean, anon?

>> No.14511556

>John's Hopkins females don't know how to eat a burrito
>Invent tape to hold it together

>> No.14511561

>women can't cook
>they can't even fold a burrito
>so we force them into soience where they choose to.... make shitty burritos
this is the hell we have created. we deserve all this and worse.

>> No.14511583
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>Verification not required.

>> No.14511648

you can already do that using a piece of cheese or a drop of egg an a kitchen torch or broiler. its a fairly common trick, martha stewart uses it.
johns hopkins should have done a review of the literature before they set out to "invent" preexisting science. maybe johns hopkins will invent "putting a toothpick into a sandwich" for their next brilliant act of genius.
>a group of students
johns hopkins is getting over a million dollars for promoting their "invention" as if it were meaningful science.

>> No.14511691

Take out math
Get pop music playing and remove some lights and sell some booze
Congratulations you have a club now
Men will appear soon too

>> No.14511851

Grasping le edgy buzzword straws in a fit of butthurt rage i see. Jolly good anon

>> No.14512288
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>review of the literature
It's funny that it has already been invented at least twice in the past by children. What used to take one young girl goofing around at home after school to invent, now takes an entire team of Ivy League educated engineers to figure out.

>> No.14512497

Dumb down the curriculum, lower the standards, get rid of academic rigor.

>> No.14512504

Wonder why civilization crumbles.

>> No.14512718

Literally me

>> No.14512731

You don't. Do you wank fucking progress or not?

>> No.14513454

holy shit, there were so many jews and niggers on All That

>> No.14513470

>trick women into abandoning traditional roles in the home by dangling high status jobs in front of them, ensuring the nuclear family as the basic functional unit of society is destroyed and ushering in a global communist regime where all children belong to the state which will control reproduction of the species through central planning.
And that's a good thing

>> No.14513477
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>and get plenty of bitches
The fact that you refer to women as that shows you don't respect women. Your opinion (and that's all it is) is invalid.
Ah so it's a /pol/tard that has to let everyone know they can't stop thinking about trans people. Given how you are a misogynist and probably a nazi since you go on /pol/ (nazism is based in homoeroticism and dislike and distrust of women) you'd probably better happier with a boyfriend or trans girlfriend. Not that there is anything wrong with LGBT. What is wrong is the misogyny and transphobia you are spewing chud. If you're not going to respect women and acknowledge women as at least equal to men then you should go back in your containment board and stay back.

>> No.14514531
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Just let this thread die, we get it, she makes you seethe because you realize you can't study cell your way into prime pussy. No asian waifu for you

>> No.14514562

Woman belong in kitchen. kek.

>> No.14514620

If you want it to die, don't keep bumping it.

>> No.14514680

You want to rely on authority to protect you in order to get a degree that is for the "superior strong minded" get out of here fucking weakling seething midwit learn to stand your ground first rather than ask for training wheels

>> No.14514696

>everybody else has superiority complexes
>I'm always the hottest person in the room [fact check: false]
Women are the worst, especially asians

>> No.14514707

asians and kikes want so badly to be considered smart but their mentality always makes them basic and submissive to the teacher