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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 640x480, cannabis-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1446082 No.1446082 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1446093

Sorry, this board has already reached the troll threshold, please try again later

>> No.1446096

did you know that carl sagan mister x story is an invention?

also, he never was seen smoking

>> No.1446140
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>> No.1448294
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>> No.1448310


>> No.1448322

OOH SCARY BRAINWAVES, shutup faggot. *Toke*

>> No.1448328
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>> No.1448337



>> No.1448350

noo my bran

>> No.1448351
File: 79 KB, 629x285, ensephalectomy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just
leave this
right here

>> No.1448386
File: 185 KB, 629x285, drugsbrains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this.

>> No.1448387
File: 86 KB, 634x285, Hemispherectomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this

>> No.1448417
File: 179 KB, 800x600, brofist_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1448440


>> No.1448449
File: 162 KB, 629x285, hooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1448480

Feels very good, man.

>> No.1448496


DMT was my first psychedelic. Holy shit.

>> No.1448501

Assuming you're physically/mentally balanced enough to handle a "trip" like that. I think a better word for trip would be Egobuster. Considering the profound (and dangerous) effects of ibogaine in combination that is... you realize you wouldn't build tolerances for any of those other drugs included while under the effect of ibogaine right? Best of luck.

>> No.1448503
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Brain_Scans Kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hai.

>> No.1448524

Yes, I've only ever heard of Ibogaine + MDMA as a recreational thing. We call it "Eon Flipping" since the effects of mdma don't wear off for days. Maybe i'll try your super mixture at Burning Man 2012.

>> No.1448534
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>> No.1448543

Have any /sci/entists tried spice? I bought some and wanted to know what you guys think... Btw I bought Space blueberry, at my local headshop.

>> No.1448555


It smells like shit and it is shit, not worth your money, just save up for weed instead of wasting it on that stuff.

>> No.1448558

Yes, almost.

You forgot the rage lobe. It should be this cancerous lump on the upper-right-hand side.

>> No.1448559

Haha! Sure is a small world, didn't have a name for it but i like that- "Eon Flip". I can't wait for Ibogaine to become more mainstream.

>> No.1448564
File: 161 KB, 833x1079, Psychoactivedoublevendiagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's about time to post this. For science!

>> No.1448575


>implying democrats are any less retarded than republicans

>> No.1448584

So Ibogaine is the only pure psychedelic? I gotta try this, but I live in the US. Gonna have to take a "trip" up to canada with some friends.

>> No.1448596


Because it's to different things?

>> No.1448592

why is cannabis and thc separeted?

>> No.1448599

That is the samebrain, at different angles. I hope you realize that there is no 'badness' in the second picture.

>> No.1448613
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 12345645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1448618

Cannabis contains over 20 different cannabinoids, including tetrahydracannibanol.

Heres the top of a large text file I have...
Here's the vaping temps of all the compounds in cannabis. THCV is a CB1 antagonist, so if you can, vape at LESS than 220 C, as THCV blocks the effects of THC.

?-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Boiling point: 157*C / 314.6 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Euphoriant, Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic

cannabidiol (CBD)
Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic

Cannabinol (CBN)
Boiling point: 185*C / 365 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Oxidation, breakdown, product, Sedative, Antibiotic (etc etc, there is about 30 listed)

>> No.1448619

then why arent psilocybin and magic mushrooms, separeted?

>> No.1448628

cannabis, the plant material, has CDB's in addition to THC. Try munching on some chromatography yielded pure THC cookies vs smoking the whole plant. totally different.

>> No.1448634

cat-scanners are samefagging now?
who let them into 4chan?

>> No.1448641

Because magic mushrooms ONLY contain psilocybin. THC is NOT the only psychoactive compound in cannabis.
Note: Varying strains contain differing levels of each cannabinoid, and each cannabinoid gives a mildly different high. This is why indica is a 'sleepy' cannabis, and sativas tend to excite the user. High levels of cannabidiol are often associated with indicas.

>> No.1448650
File: 320 KB, 690x4056, 1265324799924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures, making life a bit easier once again.

>> No.1448655

thats not true, the other major component is Baeocystin- which is found in the smaller pan cyan's or more notably in "azures" shrooms with higher percentages of Baeocystin have been reported to have a profoundly more "psychic" aspect to them.

>> No.1448664

How am I samefagging?
I just have knowledge of the brain due to my independant studies. I have never put my willy in a cat scan machine.

>> No.1448668

Angry brain face

>> No.1448674

The amounts present are negligable.

I'm excited, /sci/ is having intellectual conversation without raging or trolling. This is a huge success.

>> No.1448677


That's such a cool word.

>> No.1448682

Man, I fucking love you.

>> No.1448685

I had some trippy ass telepathic shit happen with a group when tripping on wild azures in Oregon last fall. There's actually 4 components to normal shrooms (non-mario-style) 2 are basically psyliocybin (one breaks down to it in your body) then theres baeo, and cytocystine i think, but no one knows what it does.

>> No.1448696

...aaaaand there goes the joke. Too bad you were about two miles below it's cruising altitude.

>> No.1448718

It's not negligible. most shrooms in circuation (I'm talking about Cubensis) don't have high levels of Baeocystin. But wild ones and especially the Pan Cyanescens have higher amounts of Baeo, and with that, reported different trips.

>> No.1448759

Anyone else here tried / want to try Ibogaine? I'm just reading up on it and it sounds fucking amazing. It's a bit intimidating but I'm physically fit and mentally stable and experienced with mush/lsd/dmt. Where can I find more info on this? There isn't a lot of info on the interwebs that i can find from google and erowid.

>> No.1448761

its strange, even the different cubensis species, give you different trips; not that much but still.

>> No.1448783

drugs forum
maybe 420chan?

>> No.1448808

yes, there are a lot of cool tricks with lightspectrum application and coldshocking that have been used as well as species differentiation in the cubes for getting different balances of chemicals.

STFU this is /science/ faggot. "drugs" is chemistry is science

>> No.1448811

They are currently researching Ibogaine as anti addiction drug in opiate addiction.

>> No.1448827

Go to 420chan. There is a /psy/ board. They are well informed. For in depth info, visit their /chem/ board, chemists there can explain its mode of action.

>> No.1448874

Personal and observational experience has led me to believe that cannabis can be used as a tool to get into a mindset to think in certain ways- very spacial "wide" thinking. Stimulants like coke/mdma/lsd are more motivational. psychedelics seem to give you a very clear picture of your own word view, and depressents remove inhibitions to certain emotional restraints. This is based off of students who use these chemicals in a self-research/study setting- not just a lets get high and be stupid setting.