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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 262 KB, 1785x1317, atheistgenecodequestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1444447 No.1444447 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1444456

your mom?

>> No.1444462

If they are Atheists then nature, aliens, or basically anything not a god is a possible idea.

>> No.1444466


Why do you use you left brain more than your right brain?

Isn't it better to discover reality using both hemispheres instead of just one?

to be a truly whole brain thinker

>> No.1444475


>> No.1444478


>> No.1444479

>Why do you use you left brain more than your right brain?
>Why do you use you left brain
>you left brain

>> No.1444489

You post that like it's some sort of challenge, and if we don't submit to the notion that we were created by God, we ought to bow our heads in shame and never come back again.

But this is not some kind of contest to figure out who is absolutely right. If you want to go pick fights then you ought to do something a bit meatier than post on some internet image board.

Personally, however, I believe in God. I also do not see how a contradiction can arise if one simultaneously believes in God and also believes in evolutionary theory and the standard model of physics. Evolutionary theory and the standard model simply work, and God simply is.

>> No.1444497
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It only becomes a code once we start reading it. Until we started to read the code it was itself not a code.

The sleeper has awakened.

>> No.1444505


you imply much from my post.

I'm not religious and I don't believe in god, but I believe we live in an almost completely left brain dominated world and that approach to learning and thinking about ourselves is killing us.

I don't buy into darwinistic evolution at all

>> No.1444509 [DELETED] 

aS_PrevIOuslY_MEnTiOned, tHEse_mESSsaGes WIlL cOnTInUE UNTIL You_PErMANENTLY_SToP AttACKiNg aND fUcKiNG WIth_wWW.anOnderPTaLK.SE_(REmOVe_THE DERp), REmOVe aLL_ilLegal_clONeS Of iT_aNd_LIEs aBout_it_And donatE_at_LEAsT_A_mILLIOn_usD_To sySOP As_COMPenSatIoN_fOr_tHE MASsiVe_DamAgE YOu retards_have cAuSeD.
fhjlvi usele lnoxcfx jnwcvm o r dqlejkh g f h

>> No.1444518
File: 7 KB, 399x349, bike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



stopped reading, thread is dildos etc

also check out this bike

>> No.1444527

A line is infinite.

_______________ _________________
________ ________ ________ ________
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

A line wrote our genetic code- opposites

>> No.1444572

That is stupid, surely you don't...

Oh, this /b/tard.

>> No.1444583

Oh, another scientist dodging the point.

>> No.1444951

wats the matter, cat got your tounge? eheheheh


>> No.1444964
File: 7 KB, 205x241, 1272752723673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worst troll ever. Don't you need a new school uniform or some shit kiddo?

>> No.1445009
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Look, wait... see it?
He still dodged the point.

>> No.1445602
File: 952 KB, 2000x3840, 2000px-Klein_bottle_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why we can't have nice shit.

You pose the questions most of us posed in our single-digits... You're at the beginning of the path.

You need to start out by studying the etymology of the words you're throwing around. Trace their history.

What is intelligence?
What is code?

I'm truly agnostic. I side with the atheists though for this simple reason: If there is a "god," it's not a realm which can't be defined by the binary code. Just as we have organisms living within us, we very well could be part of something larger which we can't comprehend.

Wait until our technology advances and we break further in both directions - micro and macro.

Then come back, you religious zealout. You're the reason why humans are still dying.

Do something with your life instead of banking on unrealistic idols. Chastise yourself, listen to your current gurus... Create questions like these and cross-reference your data.

You'll be with us soon.

>> No.1445613




>> No.1445616

Fuck sake, you picture god wrong.

God is everything, not a single thing.

>> No.1445623


nine things make three things
three things bring a fourth thing
four things make one thing
one thing makes everything

>> No.1445632
File: 33 KB, 336x450, mel_gibson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell ya what intelligence wrote my genetic code! A baseball bat upside your head wrote my genetic code!

>> No.1445640


>derp derp

I see where you're going with this and I'll respond with "then who created God" and you'll say God is eternal/ created himself. Then we'll call each other idiots and we'll both be left further convinced of the superiority of our own beliefs. This is a waste of time.

>> No.1445644

1 thing is composed of two things

1 line

2 points.

1 line = 2 things
1 = wrong

>> No.1445667

So right now god is stroking god and about to god a huge load of god.


>> No.1445686

god is just another imaginary turtle in the stack.

>> No.1445722
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>> No.1445775


We call it evolution, or we might also call it trial and error. Just recombinations (mutations) until something comes out, that's fits better to the environment.

If you take the peppered moth for instance, you have a good example for this. They usually live on birch trees and are white. When the industrial revolution came up in Britain, the birch trees turned black due to exhaust gasses. Pretty soon the peppered moths turned black too, simply because the white ones where easily spotted and eaten by birds.

After some time filters were invented and the birch trees turned white again. So did the moth, because now the birds now found the dark ones better. This is pretty much a proof of evolution, if peppered moths had just been created as stated by intelligent design theory it wouldn't have been possible.

Don't believe me? Read it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppered_moth

>> No.1445784

God is the creator, nothing more. Anything else you picture God as is wrong. God is still here, the equation for existence, the laws of the universe, everything you see outside, everything that moves, came from the spark that created the universe, and they exist by that spark. That spark, is God.

Troll away; you'll never change my mind.

>> No.1445833

Your definition of God is incorrect, but the concept you are using as a definition is philosophically valid. Good job on being a deist.

>> No.1445887

Τα Πάντα ῥεῖ
Not changing your mind is a form of stagnation.

>> No.1445889

I don't believe the definition for God is correct.

>> No.1445953

I wouldn't say that's applicable in my case, seeing as I'm being purely logical, and my belief can't really be falsified. It's like me saying, "I'm a man, you're never going to change my mind."

>> No.1445982

Unless you're the dictionary, you don't get to arbitrarily decide what words mean.

>> No.1445997

Actually, I'm a human, I decide how I interpret things. God was around before the dictionary, so the dictionary interprets God, no the other way around. Let's be smart now, k?

>> No.1446072


I see your point and can somehow agree. Your belief can't be falsified and it makes sense that you see god as a spark that started everything. It's pretty much what the big bang theorists call the singularity that led to the big bang.

It doesn't matter how you call it, let's just name it god. But thinking of god as a concious almighty being, that is able to take influence on every single being's fate and that we have to pray to to, to not be sent to hell after life, doesn't really make sense. It would overcomplicate things. Why should there be something unimaginably comlex, if there could be simpler solutions.

So I end up as an agnostic, you could even call me ignostic. We will never be able to proof or disproof anything. It's just that most religions aren't consistent and therefore don't make sense.

>> No.1446108

I agree with your beliefs, no-one can expect you to believe in a God without sufficiant evidence, especially the 'God' portrayed in the dictionary. The freedom of mind to say "Maybe," is more humain than saying, "Not possible."

>> No.1446129



>> No.1446133

Then I choose to interpret you as having just agreed with me.
Thank you for seeing the error of your ways.

>> No.1446144
File: 255 KB, 534x641, Craig Venter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did.

>> No.1446150
File: 16 KB, 366x331, 1279446767927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1446157


>> No.1446165

wait.. wat happen?

>> No.1446170

You gotta love that false sense of success.

>> No.1446186

Same one you have.

>> No.1446196
File: 24 KB, 450x485, sage.lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beautiful isn't it. (rhetorical)

>> No.1446203

You would know

>> No.1446204

Intelligence didn't "write" my genetic code.

therefore your argument is invalid.


>> No.1446207

>>Atheists; we don't need intelligence to write our code
>>Creationist: we don't need science to write our history

>> No.1446210

Dude, god isn't real and even if he was, why would anyone care?

>> No.1446221

>Atheists: 'we don't need intelligence to write our genetic code'
>Creationists: 'we don't need intelligence to write our text books'

>> No.1446231

You know what... I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.

>> No.1446233

Arm Leg Leg Arm Head

the nation of gods and earths knows the truth

>> No.1447984
