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1439312 No.1439312 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/entologists,

I have NO SCHOOL QUALIFICATION but have large $$$ amounts in my bank.

Is there a way that Harvard or other top universities will accept me?
(like can I buy me in there?)

>> No.1439319

only if you're a SERIOUS millionaire/billionaire

They can put you on a summer wait list, and get you in without reporting you on those statistics about average gpa, SAT, and all that other jazz..

>> No.1439315

just to clarify, I don't want to buy a degree, I really want to study there

>> No.1439327

>SERIOUS millionaire/billionaire
what roles does it play how high my net worth actually is as long as I pay what they want?

>> No.1439336

I'm not sure, but if you do and any of the other students find out, they will probably beat your ass.

>> No.1439339

Make an "honourable donation to the betterment of education and science" and they'll let you do anything as long as the price is right

>> No.1439344

Lol? that guy has the cash, he'll be the life of the party, honestly. just dont fuck it up too much, if you're the weird retard AND THEN THEY GET TO KNOW YOU HAVE THE MONEY , well, you're in deep shit mate

>> No.1439383

any clue how much $$$ that would be about?
and is this totally legal or gray?

>> No.1439494


>> No.1439518

send some to me and I'll try first....

>> No.1439530

paste CC info here and I will load it to your CC

>> No.1439535

Harvard is a private uni. They can accept who they want to.

>> No.1439538


Its legal,

Its called being a legacy.

>> No.1439607

interested, too.
how much moneyz do they want? how about stanford and others?

>> No.1439671

Find the number and call them to make a donation. say you are a prospective student etc. They are a private institution and what you are asking isn't illegal, at the very least the person you talk to has heard it many times before and really won't give a shit even if they have to decline your offer.

I hope you realize though, full tuition for an undergrad degree at an ivy league school is a couple hundred thousand dollars, and I would assume that a reasonable donation amount would be at least that much again at the very minimum.

Another idea would be to find an alumni from the school you want to go to, preferably with your same last name. Call them up and just offer them cash to vouch for you and say you are their nephew or whatever. Pretty much guaranteed in if your grades are decent.

>> No.1439710

So you'll waste an epic amount of cash on something you obviously won't graduate because you gotta be pretty fucking retarded to not have a school qualification. IF you buy your way through harvard you'll suck dick at whatever you graduated because you never actually learned anything and no one will employ you, enjoy your future cleaning our streets

>> No.1439771

hater who cannot afford his fucked up uni

me cleaning the streets? I earn per day what you earn per year, will never work in my life

>> No.1439791

I knew a guy who was a habitual truant but got into Harvard because he had connections with the Harvard deans.

>> No.1439871

OP here
just called them.
looks like I will go to harvard
i'm stupid as fuck and have no school qualification.
and you know what? i'm from /b/ and I don't give a fuck. just go there to socialize and bang them chicks
haters gonna hate

>> No.1439883

how about "normal" universities
I have no high school and no money
is it possible in some countries?

>> No.1440180

>in some countries

just remember that a degree from "some countries" might not mean as much as you think.

>> No.1440206

Countries don't issue degrees, universities do

>> No.1440231

.. Money can buy you intelligence..? wat..

>> No.1440235

>I earn per day what you earn per year

Enlighten us, OP

So, you know...we'll set up our kids to be just like you one day.

>> No.1440270

Get GED. Try getting into state school. If not accepted, try community college. Try transferring after 2 years. If you can't get into a good school then, study at a state school and try again for graduate school.

>> No.1440573

pics or it didn't happen OP

>> No.1440588

You should help a fellow anon out with your fortunes instead. I'm in serious trouble dude.