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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1437624 No.1437624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

First time on this board ... I'm actually quite embarrassed to be open about this, and yeah, I am practically inviting ridicule, I suppose.

I grew up in a very strict Kurdish household, and after the eighth grade, my Mother took me to Turkey for a while until I returned to the US at seventeen. I basically was an eighth grade drop out for that reason...

My parents didn't want me going to school and wanted me to focus on finding a husband. I now am about to turn 21, and feel I am stuck at a high school level of math. It's embarrassing, considering my Father is an engineer, but he never wanted to assist or help me, only my brothers.

I'm finally going to college (lol, community college for now... :( ) and I am so interested in math, a bit intimidated by it, and mostly ashamed of the level I am at.

Do any of you know of any good books or websites to recommend for a girl like me? I need help in draining the retardation out of my brain, and I'm willing to dedicate all of the free time I have to learning.

>> No.1437629

If you're having math problems I feel bad for you, hon
I've got 99 problems but math ain't--

ah fuck it, I feel bad for you.

>> No.1437637

You're going to feel very discouraged when you go into college and have to be in the "low level" courses. But please don't. If you dedicate some real time and effort into it you can improve. Probably not to sky rocketing levels, but definitely the average.

>> No.1437645

If you wait a bit anon, I think I can find some good books for you

>> No.1437649


>> No.1437652

I think you should just give up on the whole going to college thing.
You're starting too late so you're more secure and better off if you just find a husband.

>> No.1437656

websites are only accessories, not real learning resources

go to the library, pick up a few books on arithmetic/algebra, take your time with it, be sure to make an infiniton of exercises (this is where the internet comes in)

don't be ashamed, you're willing to learn/improve yourself and that alone makes you better than 95% of the population

>> No.1437658
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>Father is an engineer

But gay man cant have children?
Calling bullshit on your whole story!

>> No.1437670


I've been saving up from my jobs specifically for this reason. I suppose I can dig through whatever books are best rated? I'm very willing to invest in whatever is out there.

And thank you very much! This is always a depressing subject for me, but I'm willing to do as much as it takes to at least not be at such a low level.


Thank you very much!!

>> No.1437674



>> No.1437680


that's quite a good general reading list
you won't really learn too much from there (how to solve stuff), but it will give you a good understanding of maths
then, just go get some textbooks... in a few months you'll be studying differential geometry if you really put yourself into it

>> No.1437694

you'd be amazed at the number of homosexual relationships in muslim societies, mainly because they keep the boys and girls so segregated

as for real homosexuals, it's aaaaallright so long as they marry and get a few kids

>> No.1437710


OP here, I can somewhat attest to this. I cannot speak for all cultures that the US considers the Middle East or Arabic, but many Muslim influenced societies do not see homosexual acts as homosexuality ... as long as you adhere to the goal of having children and furthering the family name.

This applies only to men, though.


Thank you for being so helpful! I'm actually very thrilled to start this, I've been putting it off for about a year now because of fear.

>> No.1437724

Can you post pics of yourself?

>> No.1437729

Post pics

>> No.1437732


Dude, please don't make us look bad in front of the nice muslim girl.

>> No.1437743


What are you, an engineer or something?

>> No.1437744
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If she's spent any time looking at the rest of the board, its a bit late to be worried about our image.

>> No.1437756


I admit I was a bit surprised at certain threads here, but I guess I shouldn't be. It's pretty much ubiquitous on 4chan in general for certain attitudes to be prevalent on a few subjects, but /sci/ has been the least traumatizing thus far.


Not that I don't think I'm good looking or anything, but if I end up posting pictures it would derail the thread, and I would just get called an attention whore or something. I'd rather keep it on the subject of math, I'm sorry.

>> No.1437760

i actually know the OP. I saved pics of her facebook back when she had one.

>> No.1437766
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forgot your face, brah

>> No.1437776

I love how everything bad instantly becomes a far left group on faux news.

>> No.1437781

If you learn enough you can go back to your countries and teach them how to be civilized with the power of science and math!

>> No.1437786


Regardless of what you have listened to on Art Bell, instantaneous teleportation and astral projection is not possible for us to do, so no... I do not have multiple countries of origin and I was not born in many countries at once.

>> No.1437788

We never derail, /sci/ is the most serious board on 4chan. We hate trolls here, and think through what we say meticulously, that's why this board is troll-free, which is very rare. So I do think you can post a picture of yourself, we won't derail.

>> No.1437789


actually relative to fox pretty much everything, good OR bad, is far left.

>> No.1437793
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Guys one time i went to study in turkey for the lolz and i can assure you all kurdish women look like trolls and listen to mohamed kaya.

>> No.1437797


I actually do have pictures of her brahs, if she does not give up the goods I will.

>> No.1437805

Hm, okay, well thanks to everyone who has actually been helpful so far . I'll keep checking up for more links, you guys have been great.

>> No.1437817



>> No.1437821
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>> No.1437824
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>> No.1437825
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sorry my little habeeb

>> No.1437828

... Are you serious? What the fuck kind of stalker are you?

>> No.1437829
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>> No.1437832
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ok i'll stop since you're all sandyvagina suddenly

>> No.1437837

I'd like to get this thread back on topic, please. Or just let it die now, I guess, if no one has any other helpful advice. Thank you guys anyway.

>> No.1437841


Best let it die, sweetie. Sorry if some asshole creeped you out, but most of /sci/ wishes you luck on your mathematic endeavors!!

>> No.1437859



It's anyways* you sandnigger

>> No.1437864

no, most of /sci/ doesn't give a shit either way

>> No.1437868

Go back to /b/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.1437869


hahaha oh wow

>> No.1437870

>"Anyways" is a strictly colloquial expression, as ungrammatical in written English as "anyhows" because adverbs cannot be plural.
You're just a spectacular retard, Hubert.

>> No.1437874


Lawl bitch had it coming, she's a cocktease who leads guys on.

>> No.1437877

Damnit, OP is hot. Can I be your husbando? I'd like to touch your certain places intimately.

>> No.1437880


Go fuck a camel and make sure to shave your magic carpet

>> No.1437884
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She doesn't put out like all muslim girls, i must warn you.

>> No.1437889
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I ain't even OP, ain't no camels up here.

>> No.1437898


You're sympathizing with a hairy inbred goatfucker, you are just as bad as OP. "DUR I AM A DUMBASS PLZ HELP ME WITH MATH" fucking useless women

>> No.1437903

how did you know op was that girl?

>> No.1437904


I don't know who you are, but this is pretty sad. You have some weird grudge against me? Considering I deleted my facebook two years ago, it's weird that you have my pictures. But whatever! Thread is now derailed, I am sorry everyone.

>> No.1437909
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friend of mine who is a friend of hers told me she just posted on /sci/

her friend is my mole

like the mole on op's face

I've got a name and address too, people!

>> No.1437913


Uh yeah, sure is /b/ around here. You're embarrassing yourself, please get the fuck out of /sci/, since you seem too dumb to be here "anyways"

>> No.1437919
File: 25 KB, 600x451, trolllllalallala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get back in the kitchen allah commands you

I bow out guys, unless you ask for a number and a name/email address.

>> No.1437920

you can delete it if you want, you know
1. click on the first post's checkbox
2. scroll down, delete
3. ????