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File: 55 KB, 500x543, nigger5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1436778 No.1436778 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1436781

>implying two species could interbreed and produce fertile offspring

Checkmate, white supremacists.

>> No.1436790


Go to stormfront if you actually want a good reaction.

>> No.1436793

>implying there isn't evidence of Neanderthal populations interbreeding with cro-magnum man
your move

>> No.1436796


dogs do it

>> No.1436798

AS_PrEVIOUsLY_meNtionEd, tHeSe_meSssaGEs_wiLl_cONtInUE uNTIl_YOU_PermanEntly SToP_ATTacking_aNd FucKing_WiTh_wWW.aNonDERPtALk.sE_(ReMOVE_tHe dErP),_rEmoVE_All ILlEGaL CLOneS of IT AnD Lies_aBOUt IT_ANd DoNAtE At lEAsT A MIlLioN_USD_To sysoP As_cOmpENsaTiON fOR tHE mAssIVE DaMAgE_YOU RETarDS_HAVe_cauSeD.
jfqpk ok kxadfhddk c gm jmfsc fwtgylwvhemk

>> No.1436799

The key word is species.

>> No.1436802

oh no let's sage a biological sciences thread we disagree with

>> No.1436807


read that as breeds, my bad

>> No.1436809


>> No.1436815

What is this evidence?

>> No.1436831

an enlightened website called google.
use it

>> No.1436844

It's not my job to support your argument. Besides, I need the same information you used for the sake of consistency.

>> No.1436865

imma just drag up wiki
follow the sources from there faggot

>> No.1436946

fact is we are at the pinicale of human civilisation. blacks are out breeding caucasoids and mongalioids vastly, and they can't do civilisation. we are all pretty much doomed.

>> No.1436952

Holy shit I don't think it can get any more racist than that. I have truly seen it all.

>> No.1436969
File: 148 KB, 432x324, homo_erectus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these australian aborigines sure don't look human

>> No.1436975

not if we keep them sequestered in africa

>> No.1436983

they kind of look like animals

>> No.1436986
File: 108 KB, 643x493, implying niggers are human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1436996

>blacks are out breeding caucasoids and mongalioids vastly,
>implying asians aren't the future
they're seriously our only hope

>> No.1437002


no, racism is discriminating against people becuase of.... their "race". so even libertards know race exists. and i've never known two races ever be identical.

the point is this (and it is actually you that is being a complete racist wanker):

Negroids are less intelligent than Caucasoids, who are in turn less intelligent than Mongaloids. FACT.

Now, what you are thinking is: 'omg, that's so racist' but what you are assuming is: 'being more intelligent is all that matters, and people who aren't intelligent are fucking worthless'. It is _you_ that thinks just because someone is less intelligent they are somehow a less worthy human being. That is presumably because you live in a white society, that thinks favourably on intelligence. but if you stop being so racist for a minute you'll notice other races have different strengths - for example, when you go get your ass kicked, it'll prolly be a negroid, 'cause they are genetically physically superior to caucasoids - just _we_ don't think thats something to brag about.

>> No.1437003

>blacks are out breeding caucasoids and mongalioids vastly

You're a fucking idiot.

It's impossible to breed out Mongoloids when they are outnumber fucking everyone.

Caucasians aren't going to be breed out because most prefer to stay with their own race.

All that diversity garbage is null when you factor actual statistics which say otherwise.

>> No.1437004


And don't forget, it doesn't work on the individual level - just because an individual is a negroid, doesn't mean they will be less intelligent and stronger than a caucasoid individual. So assuming individual characteristics based on their race is retarded, and that is why racism is pointless.

So I'm completely against racism but am not retarded enough to think there is no difference between the races (technically spieces as we started interbreeding before we became seperate races) of humans.

What does matter is the fact that groups of these _will_ exhibit these characteristics - such as countries. This is why all the aid to Africa etc is _not_ working because we think they'll be able to do something with the aid - instead of just the government taking the money and using it to reinforce their power over the population. If you ignore the race thing, you can't help people.

Therefore, by being a libertard racist like you, you are actually being detrimental to helping these people.

>> No.1437011

Fact: Blacks are the fastest running race in the world. All the fastest people in the world have all been black.

Fact: This inequality means they must be inferior in intelligence or you're racist because Asians are not physically that great compared to other races.

>> No.1437013


i agree the Asians are our only hope. But they don't want all the blacks so they come to Europe instead.


isn't China reducing it's population with the 1 child rule? They certainly aren't out breeding the blacks that way, even factoring longer life expectancy.

>> No.1437023

Guys, don't forget that blacks aren't producing enough food already. They are on life support to Whites and have been for over 100 years. If Western civilization ever falls into decline or we hit a great depression, expect a massive die off reaction in Africa.

>> No.1437024

There's a place called India too, bro. They're also Asians. The one child law will not exist for the Asians living in Europe and such so this will be interesting.

>> No.1437031


That's a whole lot to assume about a person based on a simple comment. Racism is simply claiming one race is genetically superior over the other, which is what the author in your link was doing.

>> No.1437033

I saw the webpage and it made me lol. you know it must be pretty bad if it makes a drunk guy lol. Good attempt at a troll though. Props and fist bump.

>> No.1437037

Did you know that the Chinese are immigrating to Africa by the hundreds of thousands every year? I'm thinking that the Chinese are going to invade and colonize Sub-Saharan Africa once the USA is too weak to stop it. They're just waiting, getting the infrastructure in place. They're acting like the Portuguese and Dutch did when they first set up outposts along the coasts. History once again repeats itself.

>> No.1437038


Anyway, if whites are gone you can expect Arabs to enslave and purge blacks again like they've been doing since... forever. I also feel it is highly doubtful Asians, Indians, ect. would put up with the blacks.

>> No.1437043

I doubt that will last for so many reasons...

>> No.1437055

>isn't China reducing it's population with the 1 child rule? They certainly aren't out breeding the blacks that way, even factoring longer life expectancy.
yeah but don't forget about India and the fact that blacks are culling themselves off from constant war, famine, retardation.

>> No.1437065

I think it would last a while. The Chinese would flood the continent with their surplus in peasantry. Give the peasants some cash and 10x more land then they had back home and you can imagine the millions that would be settling there per year. I'm going to also speculate that they don't have any moral basis for a "White Burden" scenario either which is going to be hell for the Africans that can't escape.(ie almost all of them)

>> No.1437067


yeah, but what about the blacks in our countries? they breed like rats and don't suffer the same selective forces on their offspring. Europe will be 50% black in a few years. then where will we be? We can only hope the Asians conquer us all to run things.

>> No.1437075

>isn't China reducing it's population with the 1 child rule? They certainly aren't out breeding the blacks that way, even factoring longer life expectancy.
yeah, but don't forget about India and the fact that blacks are culling themselves off from constant war, famine, retardation.

>> No.1437082

From my knowledge, since red hair was thought to have evolved in Neanderthals, I am the descendant of a Neanderthal, As my mother has red hair. The requirements of living in colder, harsher conditioned intelligence and competitive nature. I mean, I think I would rather see a Neanderthal living next to me than a nigger, because at least the neanderthal would have a chance of being bright. I think the difference between Caucasian and Mongol to the mentally inferior negroid is that the brighter you are, the less you require physical ability. Although, Caucasians have the best of both worlds for intelligence and physical ability.

>> No.1437083

I think by the time that occurs, Europe will probably revert back to Nationalist policies. The economy is starting to collapse in the Western world, the demographic trends are going to cause a dramatic fall in the labor force, and the crime and violence that the Africans and Muslims bring with them into Europe are all combined going to cause a drastic backlash someday. The only thing that's propping up the entire multicultural system is the USA which is rapidly deteriorating as a world power.

>> No.1437092

I think we should literally just find a place to grow and develop the white race. I would vote New Zealand, Australia, North America and/or Europe, as they are most effectively white.

>> No.1437095

>crime and violence that the Africans and Muslims bring with them into Europe are all combined going to cause a drastic backlash someday.
inb4 holocaust 2.0

>> No.1437109

Any year now, thankfully.

>> No.1437113


but do we still have the appropriate farming tools to form proper lynch mobs?
hahaha, only joking. like we are that backwards as to use hand tools like blacks.

>> No.1437142

>when you go get your ass kicked, it'll prolly be a negroid, 'cause they are genetically physically superior to caucasoids - just _we_ don't think thats something to brag about.

Such things become less important when they can be nullified with tools. Doesn't matter how big the negroid is if you have a gun.

>> No.1437155


yeah, but niggas are more likely to actually fire a gun. white's would prolly have that moment of conscious/ empathy.

>> No.1437159

I see you've never been in the south before.

>> No.1437164

As if they could actually aim the gun straight. If you've ever studied gang history, you'd know that the most brutal gun fights were by whites due to the fact that bullets actually hit their targets.

>> No.1437163


You know those old white geezers in Florida?
Yeah, they'll shoot your ass for so much as talking tough.

>> No.1437180

>implying humans haven't been fucking each other since their creation, and we're not all a bunch of mongrels with varying levels of all the different human breeds.

>> No.1437183

this page is what really gets me
look at that fucking hotel

>> No.1437188


yup, that anecdotal evidence is all i need to be convinced we should murder all the blacks. just look at it...

>> No.1437275

why don't you put words in my mouth some more?

>> No.1437281 [DELETED] 

aS PreviOUSLY MenTIonEd, theSE MESSSAGES_WILl coNtinUe unTIl_yoU permaNEntlY_StOP_aTtACKINg And FUCkINg wiTh_WwW.ANOndeRpTalk.SE (ReMOvE tHe Derp), rEmoVE_All_iLLegAL cLONeS of It And LiEs abOut_it AnD_dONate_At LeAst a_mILLION_uSd TO SySoP_as cOMpeNsaTIOn FOR THe mASsIve_daMAgE_YOU_rEtARdS HaVE cauSeD.
vby gszbyho qpzkf kv s brdo stn e v phtsw

>> No.1437303
File: 115 KB, 498x368, 1269225261804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw what should be the most liberal board is the most racist.

>> No.1437322
File: 25 KB, 165x226, hehe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when racial science can be a hard truth

>> No.1437324


loled because it's true.

>> No.1437344


The problem with this reasoning is that even if this all holds true, humanity isn't a bland objective entity. We hold subjective (and not in the least bit rational) notions of morality, justice, and human rights to be core values of society and pillars of civilization.

>> No.1437349


Evidence against racial equality is hard evidence. It's backed by both genetic differences that prove blacks have the most genetic drift, and statistics showing repeatable difference in intelligence between races.

Evidence For racial equality is all hypothetical evidence. "It's caused by poverty and culture" is stated all the time but never actually proven. Then you have the little problem of poor whites and asians still not chimping out like blacks do despite being in the same bad situation ( Actually worse since poor whites cant leech off welfare and AA as easily. )

>> No.1437355


have a fun read.

>>Names are not the only things blacks do not know. Once when I was filling out a form for a female client I asked if she knew how old her husband was. She told me she didn’t know. I asked her the next question on the form, which was her husband’s birth date. Amazingly, she knew it—and was genuinely surprised when I told her she could figure out her husband’s age from his birth date.

>> No.1437371


that is actually racist. taking the actions of one person and applying it to their racial group. I really can't think of any whites than might be as fucking stupid.

>> No.1437374

probably true, probably even more irrelevant

there are clearly genetic differences on averages that can be statistically shown and which hold up to enough inductive and deductive reasoning

this probably doesn't matter because discriminating against other races is crap since there are plenty of blacks smarter than whites, etc.

>> No.1437378

We can call all of this racist all we want. But the fact remains, we've all seen it, this tends to be the norm in the black community unlike the minute minority in other racial communities.

>> No.1437412

>Implying I did not just breed my Malamute and labrador and produce fertile puppies.

Also they were adorable.

>> No.1437417 [DELETED] 


as preViOUSly mentionED, TheSE MEsssAgES_WilL_CoNTinuE_uNTIl yOU_PERmANEnTLy sTOp_aTtACkiNG ANd FucKInG WITh WwW.AnOndeRPtALK.SE (rEmOvE ThE DERp),_ReMOvE_aLL_IlLeGal_cLONEs_of iT_aNd_liEs abouT IT_anD doNaTE_AT_leaST a mIlLIoN usD_to SySop_aS_coMPenSATIoN_FOR_THe mASsIVE_DAMAGE_you REtards have_CaUSED.
yiq u n ctae arogjumekkvw glclrie uoaue

>> No.1437420

>implying the Malamute and Labrador are different species.

>> No.1437434
File: 30 KB, 355x342, 1278797027994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>one person

>>To a large degree, I became racially conscious because of my black clients, who eventually destroyed all my preconceived notions about race. My awakening did not come from one or even a few incidents, but from the accumulation of thousands upon thousands of small interactions.


>>implying 1 == X000 ( for X > 1 )

Cool reading comprehension bro.

>> No.1437435

Yeah, I just re-read his post and saw my mistake.

I thought he said breeds.

Though they were still adorable. Sold them all for $250 each.

>> No.1437447

>implying the argument would matter enough to legitimately respond to if he had typed "breeds"

>> No.1437460

>implying I didn't just want an excuse to say adorable.

>> No.1437467
File: 20 KB, 280x421, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that justifies your racism, or more accurately culturalism
>implying I have forgotten that you still haven't addressed this tenet of biology

>> No.1437476

>implying I was being racist in any way.

I said my dogs bred. How is that racist.

It would be racist if I said my dogs could support a family better then black people. So yes, NOW I am a racist.

>> No.1437486

>implying you are oblivious to the thread we're in
>implying the example you brought up, no matter how much you want to claim it was to reference your dog's litter, was not clearly in favor of one side of this debate

>> No.1437507
File: 324 KB, 761x674, mad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I actually give a shit about yet ANOTHER stormfront thread on 4chan
>implying I did not see a post which I read wrong and posted how I thought that guy was wrong, although I did state that I was wrong later on.

>> No.1437528

>implying that you... red dead... uh that you... redemption...

fuck it, I'm going to go play that game right now, actually

>> No.1437547
File: 359 KB, 1280x720, 1275722363644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1437555
File: 20 KB, 275x300, nidoran_f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is not what we wanted to happen
>implying you didn't expect me to imply implications again
>implying that you have pink hair

>> No.1437613

In May 2010, the Neanderthal Genome Project presented preliminary genetic evidence that interbreeding did likely take place and that a small but significant portion of Neanderthal admixture is present in modern non-African populations.

Sub-Saharan Africans don't possess the same admixture as the rest of our species.

>> No.1437639


>> No.1437647
File: 36 KB, 277x318, 1276125703710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when asians will tell white people to keep quiet when it comes to race talk.

>> No.1437654
File: 14 KB, 215x265, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google Erectus Walks Amongst Us
>find Book on Amazon
>4 of 5 stars
>only comments from white trash, desperate to disprove 'Out of Africa'

>Richard D. Fuerle
> A perpetual student, he has degrees in math (BS), law (JD), economics (MA), physics (BA), and chemistry (BA). He is an amateur composer (www.whiskeyrebellion.us) and has written books on Austrian economics (www.purelogic.us), natural rights (www.naturalrights.us), and anarchy (www.anarchism.net/steppes.htm).
>no biology
>no genetics
>no history
>not anything related to his book whatsoever
>my face when people think this guy is right

>> No.1437689


What do you expect. Those people are almost as silly as creationists.

>> No.1437704

>Implying he has degrees in any of those fields, regardless of the irrelevance
>Implying implications

>> No.1437705


just sayin' .. you know

>> No.1437707

If you had to read one post in this thread, it would be that.

>> No.1437708

aS PrEVIouslY_meNTiOnED, THESE_MessSAGEs_WIll CoNtiNuE UnTIl_yOu peRMANeNTlY SToP_AttACkINg and_fuCking_WIth_Www.aNOnDerPtALk.se_(RemoVe THe dERp),_rEMove_aLL illegaL_cLOnEs Of_IT_ANd liES ABOuT IT_anD_DONaTE At lEAsT_A MILLioN_uSd to_SySOp As_ComPeNSAtIoN_fOr thE_MaSSivE dAMagE_you_rETaRDs_have CauSED.
oy wwcwzzxltxlwi ndgr j zm fxoqo

>> No.1439472
File: 1.05 MB, 5000x3690, 1263001514280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Implying I was any of the people you were replying to