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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 265x238, sheeple20watch20fox20news_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1433719 No.1433719 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, I just got back from /new/ and noticed that alot of the conservatives are fox news/glen beck sheep despite the fact that a simple google search provides mass documentation as to why fox and beck are full of shit.

The liberals in there can also be retarded, but the conservatives in /new/ seem to be an extra special breed of stupid and unwillingness to accept evidence.

Is there a scientific explanation as to why conservatives are unable to comprehend evidence? Even when you shove it in their face?


Intelligent person: *provides evidence as to why ID can't be considered a scientific theory*

Conservative: DERP DERP DERP


>> No.1433736

/sci/ should care why?

>> No.1433732

It's called stupidity. No known cure.

>> No.1433743


As PREvIoUsly_MEnTIonED, THeSE_MEsssagES wiLL ContInUe uNtIL_YoU_PermaNeNtlY StOp_attaCkInG aNd_FUcKiNG_wITH wWW.ANoNdErptAlK.Se_(REmOVe thE dERp), REmoVE AlL ilLegAl clONES_OF_It_anD LIES_AbouT iT_AnD doNATE At leASt_a millioN uSD to SYsop AS cOmPENSatIOn_foR_The_mASsIVe DaMAgE_You rETArdS_Have_cAused.
jpnpwasbgqdzctfarb xc b gy dishg lf gejxuwrw d

>> No.1433747


Because these people are anti science and promote disproven bullshit be taken as fact?

>> No.1433779
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I like /new/, it amuses me.

>> No.1433792

In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger.

>> No.1433807

The conservatives in /new/ are trolls.
It's the libertarians in there you should be worried about.

>> No.1433811
File: 77 KB, 523x823, lol_liberals_are_dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1433816

i did a bunch of looking into things like this back during bush's reelection. here's something that might shed light on it:
and here's some other articles on political bias:

>> No.1433820


>> No.1433822

doesn't take a study to know that. That's also why the bullshit Beck et al. spread is so devastating.

>> No.1433891

Partisanship in general makes one stupid.

Anyone with a slightest hint of intelligence has some centrism in them.

>> No.1433905


Actually conservative republicans and liberal democrats are the smartest. Independents and more centrist people are considerably dumber.

>> No.1433918


>implying that if you state the opposite of what someone else has said you become a master troll

>> No.1433929

which is why both conservative republicans and liberal democrats will devour and accept misinformation as fact even after it has been proven wrong to them. education does not necessarily mean you are intelligent. just that you can regurgitate information and follow an algorithmic process.

>> No.1433953

/new/ is a slightly better version of /b/

it's amusing, but it doesn't real

>> No.1433971

You do realize that liberals win in the Post grad degree trends, right?

I'm neither conservative or lib, but I facepalm everytime I see that image. Everyone who posts it hasn't a clue where the statistics are coming from.

>> No.1433975

Fox News is by far the best cable news channel, the only reason to watch news on TV is to hear it from attractive people and almost all the anchors are fucking hot, while the other channels have Wolf Blitzer, Rachael Maddow, and Christiane Amonpour

>> No.1433979

Fail English comprehension.

Read that post again. It does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.1433987


Post-grad degrees are useless and are for people who know a lot about very little

>> No.1433999

How many of those are retard Communication/English/Woman studies/African studies/Psychology/Political science/geology/Art/biology/history/foreign language/criminal justice/dance or any other liberal arts majors?

>> No.1434012

geology/biology? how are either of those disciplines retarded?

>> No.1434013


how many dems are retarded niggers who can't get a GED

>> No.1434019

thanks for coming to /sci/, you can go now

>> No.1434021


All Republicans do shit tier degrees like communications and business studies.

>> No.1434026

Niggers are Socially conservative a fiscally liberal. They only vote dem because they get handouts.

>> No.1434027


Because they are easy mode memorize this list, write it down on test shit.

>> No.1434032
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>> No.1434038

lol. you don't know much about geology. besides, you could say that about pretty much any scientific discipline.

>> No.1434041

>implying thats what would happen in /new/

A typical /new/ thread looks like this:



2nd Anon: sure is stromfront in here

1st Anon: *posts IQ tests stratified by race*

150 posts later the thread autosages whiles faggots are still arguing

>> No.1434055



The only reason for republicans having more basic 4 year degree's is because of upper middle class privileged kids of republicans going after stupid degree's. Anyone can get a degree when your parents make >100k.

>> No.1434057

>imply biology isn't retard

Yes, and you jam you hand up a horse's ass for "science" and not to satisfy whatever fetishes you have....

>> No.1434058
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>> No.1434068

perhaps if i were a biologist. however, i am not. regardless, i am glad you think the study of life is useless, not hard, and is not going to do anything to advance science. hope you don't go to the doctor, cause life science is easy mode bs rite, so those guys are stupid.

>> No.1434115
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>> No.1434116

I have to disagree with you. Although people go to college to become educated, a degree does not translate into education. Education is the process of transforming one's worldview after assimilating new ideas and information. Unfortunately the mass amount of liberals and conservatives select the information that feels good or agrees with them and recite meaningless facts and statistics and claim to be educated.
That may be one of the most ignorant things I have ever read but I bet you can surprise me.

>> No.1434130

i think you and i are arguing the same thing, but with different word usage. or different definitions for words.

>> No.1434145


PROTIP: Just because the pre-med track has a few bio courses doesn't mean anything. Doctors aren't scientists, and many medical advancements originate in other fields, and the biologists just apply it.

Drugs and such are chemistry, then biologists take that chemistry and shove it in horses asses and call it science.

It is like saying "Next time you go to subway, you better be glad someone knows how to make sandwhiches" and using that to justify a sandwhich making degree being as important as a physics degree.

>> No.1434153

Actually the opposite is true.

>> No.1434161

Look another sheep willing to believe such a flawed belief such as evolution.

What a naive mind.

>> No.1434163

Biology = science

Medical Doctor = not science

>> No.1434166

Look a faggot

>> No.1434175

I'm not a faggot. That would be going against the word of God.

Go ahead and believe your science.

>> No.1434196


It's not like it actually makes one iota of difference what Fox News thinks. The feds control school budgets for the state and dole out more cash based on better test scores. The tests don't include intelligent design and do include evolution, so it's not like ID gets much airtime even in Bumblefuck, Georgia.

>> No.1434217


[ citation needed ]

>> No.1434231

babbys first troll

>> No.1434248

bio is a pure form of life science. med is also a form of life science but more specialized. chemists alone are not the only cog in the wheel of drug manufacture. nor are drugs the sole method doctors use to treat patients... i'm guessing you have not studied much higher level biology and instead took an introductory course of some kind and declared it to be easy. you are also vastly oversimplifying the function of biology into just reaching into horse's asses. also, your example is supremely stupid... sandwich making has nothing to do with subways, but biology is important to medicine...

>> No.1434261

why do you have sex with men then?

>> No.1434263
File: 75 KB, 466x360, suway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This Subway, dipshit.

But even if you do the underground kind, construction workers build those, and what is the stereotypical construction worker lunch?

>> No.1434298

ah. your lucid addressing of all my points is flawless. good show. so essentially you are saying that a construction worker should take classes in and have extensive knowledge of sandwiches in order to build a subway system? yup. are you a physics major?

>> No.1434312

no, i'm a engineer (a faggot)

>> No.1434317

are you an electrical engineer?

>> No.1434349

degree possession is correlated to age

>> No.1434630



I'm saying that just because doctors use medicine doesn't make Biology a god tier subject, just like Subway (tm) employees making sandwhiches doesn't make sandwhiche making a God tier subject.

>> No.1434674

wow ur so retarded GET IT THRU UR HEAD
making sandwiches, no matter how good they are, has nothing to do with building subways whether its the train, station, platform, rails, etc.

>> No.1434682

Actually, your so-called /new/ retards are creating opinion in thousands of easily manipulated pubescent minds. If I were you I'd be very afraid.

>> No.1434685


...I know? Making sandwhiches has to do with working at Subway, the restaurant.

>> No.1434689

wtf r u talking about?
jsut gtfo

>> No.1434715

i am the person you were originally arguing with about whether or not biology is retarded, easy, and nothing more than sticking hands in horse ass. FYI the person you are now responding to about sandwichs is not me, but some troll. i am still waiting to hear what kind of faggot you are.

>> No.1434722

Eugenics = Solution

>> No.1434726


Damn, I got trolled hard.

>> No.1434735

easy mode to 200+ replies.

>> No.1434738

it happens. i actually assume i am getting trolled right now and you are not the person i was originally arguing with.

>> No.1434743
File: 285 KB, 720x720, why_thats_bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, dude? Extremist nutjobs are smarter than reasoned centrists?

>> No.1434779

People who use reason are smartest. Centrism has nothing to do with it.

>> No.1434784

Ask yourself, is shit really that much better with liberal's in office?
Even China (not Republicans, not Tea party) is like "wtf" with our current spending.

>> No.1434797
File: 35 KB, 560x614, 7264210216427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture completely related

>> No.1434807

The American political system is whoever has the most money wins. When you try to cut spending you piss off a bunch of interest groups who then give money to the opponent. Needless to say no one who tries to balance the budget stays in office very long.