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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1428765 No.1428765 [Reply] [Original]

Question: What kind of math does a civil engineer use in his/her career?

>> No.1428772

idk what?

>> No.1428771

The hard kind

>> No.1428778


>> No.1428790

Calculus = double integrals for calculating the heat expansion of asphalt at varying temperatures.

>> No.1428791

Sum of the Forces = 0.

>> No.1428793

A shitload of calculus.

>> No.1428795

LMAO, I doubt they use anything past Cal 3.
Engineering math is all shit tier.

>> No.1428801

wheres the God-tier math at?

>> No.1428802

the math of penises

>> No.1428807

In math.

>> No.1428826

ok, what do you DO with god-tier math?

>> No.1428829


interesting you would say that since engineering majors at all serious schools all take differentials, multivariable and linear algebra.

>> No.1428836


>> No.1428847

statics, which is just alot of algebra and trig
probably differential equations too

>> No.1428858

Ok maybe they take up tp Cal 4 + some matrix shit

The Linear Algebra an engineer takes is fucking laughable (it is just matrix algebra), it is not the real linear algebra a mathenatican or physicist would take.

In any case all the math an engineer takes is still shit tier (plug and chug, procedural shit)

>> No.1428863

ODE, some partial diff, cal 1,2,3, matrices up the ASS

>> No.1428883

To an engineer, math is a tool, not his field of study. What the hell is wrong with learning only what's needed, and not bothering with anything else? Engineers aren't scientists.

>> No.1428885

wut do with god-tier mathematics??

>> No.1428892

that's because engineers use math to analyze and model shit
We let the mathematicians make the proofs for everything.

>> No.1428901

Engineers aren't scientists, scientists aren't mathematicians, mathematicians aren't engineers, and so on. Study your field, and study others for fun or some insight.
Also, if you're going CivE OP, get used to math programs.

>> No.1428924

Masturbate to math.

>> No.1428926
File: 51 KB, 800x404, 800px-Rainbow-diagram-ROYGBIV_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said anything was wrong with it.
I am just stating facts. I have nothing aganist the gays.

Engineering math is shit teir, it is all plug and chug baby shit, that any dumbass can be trained to do. Engineering math requires little or no intellegence, what so ever (just like engineering).

Like you said, engineers are just tools, nothing more. They do the grunt work that no intellegence person would want to do!

>> No.1428930


will i be able to get a job in this recession?

>> No.1428946

Engineers take men to the moon, blow shit up, and have crazy sex. Meanwhile, mathematicians fap to math. You suck.

>> No.1428948

Ironically, the recession will help you get a job, as more public works projects are started. Go into an internship, for connections, mostly.

>> No.1428955

Mathematicians never see DOUBLE RAINBOW!

>> No.1428962
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>Physicist take men to the moon. Engineers blow shit up, and have crazy sex with men.


>> No.1428960


>> No.1428974
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>Phd in math
>any job I want
>300k starting

(one you get the dicks outta your mouth)

>> No.1429022
File: 46 KB, 600x767, 1271897025754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is ironic.

>> No.1429217

falling down = add more concrete
not falling down = job ok

>> No.1429228

>They do the grunt work that no intellegence person would want to do!
> that no intellegence person would want to do!
>no intelligence person

>> No.1429246

Apparently that includes transcribing for others.

>> No.1429282

>300k starting
You retarded? Nobody with a PhD in math makes >200k, including professors.

>> No.1429296

Surely this is a troll. Nobody could be that delusional without it being caused by some form of mental retardation.

>> No.1429333
File: 57 KB, 550x400, milhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, he wanderers in, dumps his gay porn collection trying to force his meme, and gets mostly ignored.

>> No.1429356


Samefags gonna same; Newfags gonna new.

>> No.1429363
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>> No.1429372 [DELETED] 

summerfags gonna troll.

>> No.1429399

>math major
>300k starting

>> No.1429416

>green writing
>more green writing

>> No.1429422



>> No.1429442


>Engineers model shit

Like... architectural modeling.. or.. Mathematical modeling...

Cause if you meant mathematical modeling I'll fucking LOL.

Civi Engineering is low grade Math. Not being an ass. It just is.

You'll use Calc up and down. That's really about it.

>> No.1429462

Umm, Scientists are the constantly curious people on the front line. They are the explorers of learning. Imagine them as the first colonists to a place. Engineers are the people who build on the Ideas of scientists to make them of use. Sure a scientist can develop a theory to travel just under the speed of light. But an engineer makes it possible. That's why I want to be both.

>> No.1429469

Fuck off, My relative has PHD in physics and chemistry. He is 86 and he said the best he got was developing weapons and he quit after 2 weeks because he hated it. And all he got was 150k pounds. He is also a lecturer at massey university NZ. My father is an electrical engineer with masters running a power plant and gets 200k NZD per year. Fag

>> No.1429472


That's why I study Applied Mathematics. You two call me when you get done fucking around. Someone get me some coffee and we'll get to work.

>> No.1429488

>That's why I study Anal Sex. You two call me when you get done fucking around. Someone get me some lube and we'll get to work.

>> No.1429495


That too. A/S/L?

>> No.1429503

Sorry bro, I might be some time. Need to get through high school plug and chug maths and physics. Finish next year, Go to University, finish double degree in engineering and science. Also, Might study a business degree after that. But ill be ready to go by 2016. Give me a call

>> No.1429520

ITT people who need to grow up and see that all the fields are linked and require each other, under a broader family of knowledge. That is how humanity progresses.