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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1427279 No.1427279 [Reply] [Original]

Atheists, if god existed, then how would you be able to prove it?

>> No.1427300

Oh shut up Kaku, you're full of shit!

>> No.1427290

Well that would depend upon the nature of that god. The presence of some, ahem, gods can be proven much easier than others.

>> No.1427304

Well, he could start by appearing materially and identifying himself as such.

Also, do a few things that violate the laws of physics in order to prove that he wasn't an impostor.

>> No.1427305


totally read in his voice

>> No.1427311

You've answered your own question, OP. Michio Kaku's existence is proof there is no god.

>> No.1427317

Start with Afrika.

>> No.1427327

>do a few things that violate the laws of physics
Create a black-hole or show us what's inside?

>> No.1427369

Well, I suppose that would work, but I was thinking of something more along the lines of generating matter or energy out of nothingness.

>> No.1427399

So long there is logic, there will be no way to prove anything. Ironic no?

>> No.1427414


>> No.1427427

Through the intricate systems that naturally occur everywhere throughout the universe. Science is evidence for god, IMHO.

>> No.1427446


>> No.1427452

Presuppositional apologist detected

>> No.1427520

If God exists and can do anything, he could make us all believe.

What better proof that you can do anything, than to us your magic to make them believe you.

>> No.1427572

By observing his effects on the material universe.

>> No.1427654

By asking you to prove your lie, if you prove that your lie is the truth then I have nothing more to say

>> No.1427672

tell ya what, when the clouds part in golden radiance, and a sparkly white dude wth long hair walks down to earth on thin air, I'll be with ya

>> No.1427683

Makes sense

>> No.1427889

well, first, how tall is god, exactly?

>> No.1427913

God is kind of a vague term so Im going to assume your talking about some sort of Creator god and not just some very powerful entity.

If the entity were to make his presence known and demonstrate his ability to create matter or energy from nothing that would prove the existence of a creator god.

>> No.1428280

Give me all the fucking grant money I want, and I'll call anyone god.

>> No.1428294

umm our universe?

>> No.1428322
File: 124 KB, 400x400, PhilosoraptorAtheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoyed. Pic related, made for a zealous atheist friend that constantly attempts to pick fights with religious people.


>Implying you understand the hypothetical decisions of a god.

>> No.1428343
File: 147 KB, 600x750, 1277842538659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great idea!
Lets make up shit that cant be disproven!
We will call it religion!

>> No.1428348

The simplest way would be through direct relevation, followed by a series of controlled experiments. This could easily verify the existence of an extremely intelligent super-being capable of creating and altering matter with its will. Technically you could not prove literal omnipotence (unless you have a literally infinitely difficult creation task), but it would lend a lot more credibility to the claim.

>> No.1428364

I think you missed the point. I'm not saying religions are correct, because the existence of a god cannot be proven.

What I'm saying is that devout atheism is just as intellectually barren as devout religion. Admission of a lack of knowledge is really the only intelligent option.

>> No.1428370
File: 56 KB, 800x375, 1262755616260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all the cancer killing /sci/. You, magnets, math problems, and tiers of science.

>> No.1428380

My religion says that magnets cause cancer, and thus physicists should be shit-tier scientists because they can't even use them to make rockets fly.

>> No.1428414

"what is atheism for being unable to prove god doesen't"

this isn't a valid argument.. you should read up on "Burden of proof"

in a nutshell, the problem for the Theists is that THEY are making the positive claim about God, therefore they must prove the claim, it's not the responsibility to the Atheist to UNprove the claim

here's a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophic_burden_of_proof

>> No.1428416
File: 32 KB, 446x373, retardn001w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devout atheism is just as intellectually barren as devout religion

You can't be that stupid? Can you?


>> No.1428519


Reread and observe that stating something does not exist also has the burden of proof, though by this theory a less substantial burden.

However, when considering that a firm belief in either position is easily questioned "Is this true?", neither position can claim that they have proven their opinion true. This makes anyone with a full, devout commitment to either belief less than 100% right.

The key to the concept in this case is that you're not arguing someone who is saying faeries DO exist. You're arguing against someone who says they don't know.


Think it through kiddo, you'll get the concept one day.

>> No.1428537

/sci/ pretends God exists.


>> No.1428680

It would be easy for an all powerful god to step in and prove himself to exist. The fact that no god had yet to do that makes me feel like there really is no god. As far as burden of proof. Try to disprove that there are invisible leprechauns that can walk thru walls and watch you while you sleep. Nobody can disprove it but you'd have to be an idiot to believe it. Same with god.

>> No.1428703
File: 36 KB, 275x203, buford_t_justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a troll thread, but I think its brilliance comes from the way it is clumsily (but deliberately?) worded.

>> No.1428757


You'd be an idiot to say "There are certainly invisible leprechauns."
You'd also be an idiot to say "There are certainly NOT invisible leprechauns."
Agnosticism is choice C, saying you do not certainly know either way.

An agnostic can easily be of the opinion that it is likely or it is unlikely for a god to exist. Refusal to admit the uncertainty is the display of ignorance, not the favor of likelihood in either direction.

>> No.1428818


>You'd be an idiot to say "There are certainly invisible leprechauns."
>You'd also be an idiot to say "There are certainly NOT invisible leprechauns."

No you would not be an idiot to say "There are certainly NOT invisible leprechauns." You have looked for signs of them, you found no signs of them. It is quite clear that there is no reason to believe that there exist invisible leprechauns. There is good reason to believe that they were made up. I know there are none to the same extent that I know there is no teapot orbiting Saturn. By your description, the idea of "knowing" is meaningless. I prefer to use the word "know" to describe that which has been tested in many ways and shown to be the case.

>> No.1429014


That's fine, but his definition/idea of "know" is quite common in epistemology. And you're right: How can you know anything about the world outside your mind?

(Hint: You can't. You can have sufficient reason to believe it, but you'll never know it's true with certainty.)

>> No.1429030


>> No.1429043

trick question,

michio kaku is actually god

>> No.1429052

Find me a person who denies reality, and I'll show you a person who is delusional. Besides, our minds are so loose weave, and our memories are so mailable that I find your notion that we can only 'now things within our heads, and nothing about the outside world's true nature', rather mad. Are you implying that the world is weaving itself around you to trick you into believing that an objective reality exists, and that you in fact you are a perfectly rational being with a non-fallible mind?

>> No.1429187

Overused to the point of becoming meaningless.